Marinha holandesa

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#226 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Set 15, 2020 11:20 pm

brasileirices do nosso portugale tupiniquim. :lol:

Aliás, falando em Damen, a empresa nos ofereceu o projeto de um navio de apoio antártico. A ver se eles ainda nos oferecem cá mais algumas coisas interessantes constantes dos planos estratégicos da MB.


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Re: Marinha holandesa

#227 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Set 16, 2020 3:11 am

Dizem as más línguas que quando puseram o JSS à venda por 300M, era para ver se Portugal o comprava

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#228 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qua Set 16, 2020 12:16 pm

P44 escreveu: Qua Set 16, 2020 3:11 am Dizem as más línguas que quando puseram o JSS à venda por 300M, era para ver se Portugal o comprava
Era para ser o nosso presente de Natal daquele ano. Mas alguém roubou o saco do papai noel. E nem fizeram BO. :?


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Re: Marinha holandesa

#229 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Set 26, 2020 10:32 am

LM escreveu: [url=http://Belgian and Dutch Naval Replacement Programmes]Belgian and Dutch Naval Replacement Programmes[/url]

Belgium and the Netherlands will replace almost their entire fleets in the next 15 years. This will mean six new ships for the Belgian Navy, and 23 for the Royal Netherlands Navy.

Some of these new ships are being developed jointly by Belgium and the Netherlands, while for some others the Netherlands is seeking cooperation with Germany.

Many vessels in the Belgian and Dutch fleets date back to the eighties and nineties and the Netherlands in particular has long postponed the replacement of many ships. Although Belgium replaced their WIELINGEN class frigates 15 years ago, they did so with Dutch M-frigates from the nineties. Both countries also operate TRIPARTITE minehunters which are over thirty years old.

This is what the future Belgian-Dutch MCM Motherships will look like. (Photo: Belgium Naval and Robotics)

Because Belgium bought two Dutch M-frigates, both navies are equipped with the same frigates and also the same minehunters. Both navies have been working together since 1948 and have almost merged in recent years. The Belgian frigates are maintained in the Netherlands and the Dutch minehunters in Belgium. The navies share a headquarters in Den Helder (the Netherlands), their operational and logistics schools are binational, and from 2021 both fleets will receive the same uniforms. It is therefore logical that the two countries jointly replace their frigates and minehunters.

Mine Countermeasure Vessels

Already in 2013, Belgium and the Netherlands had plans to jointly replace their TRIPARTITE minehunters. Three years later, the Ministers of Defence of Belgium and the Netherlands signed a Letter of Intent for the joint replacement. It was agreed that the Netherlands would lead in the replacement of the M-frigates, while Belgium would take on the new minehunters. A European tender followed.

The project is now in full swing and the consortium Belgium & Naval Robotics, consisting of the French companies Naval Group and ECA Group, is working hard to deliver the first new mine countermeasures vessel (MCMV) in April 2024 to the Belgian Navy; the Royal Netherlands Navy will follow later. Both navies will receive six ships each.

An important part of the project is the new concept of stand-off mine warfare; the motherships remain outside the mine danger area and MCM tools operate from the mothership to detect, classify and destroy mines from a great distance, often over the horizon.
The future MCMVs are in fact built around the Launch & Recovery System (LARS) mainly intended for unmanned service vehicles (USVs). (Photo: Belgium Naval and Robotics)

While the old TRIPARTITES are made of composite, the future MCMVs will be made of steel.

They are in fact built around the Launch & Recovery System (LARS) that was specially developed for these ships. With a length of 81.4 m and a width of 17 m, the ships have an uncommon length to breadth ratio for warships.

The LARS is mainly intended for unmanned service vehicles (USVs). The 12 m-long INSPECTOR-125 USV can operate with up to six drones in the mine danger area. These drones were developed and built by the ECA Group in Belgium. The drones in question are the T-18M UMISAS towed sonar that is dragged behind the INSPECTOR and thanks to the interferometric synthetic aperture sonar, can transmit high-resolution images to the mothership in real time. The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) A-18M can independently search the seabed and when a contact is made, the crew in the operations room in the mothership can inspect the mine-like object with the camera of its remotely operated vehicle (ROV), the SEASCAN. Finally, the K-STER C will destroy the object.

To operate drones over the horizon, Saab SKELDAR V-200 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide communications between the USV and the mothership. The UAV can of course also be used for other tasks.

The latter also applies to the motherships that can accommodate 63 additional crew, in addition to the 29 permanent ship’s complement. The ships are equipped with various sensors and weapon systems and will also receive a 40 mm gun, which is somewhat unusual for modern-day MCMVs. At the time of writing, it is still not known which gun will be chosen, nor has a final choice been made for radars and electro-optical sensors.
Construction of the first ship will start on 23 February 2021 and the ships will be built in France by Kership and Piriou.

In anticipation of the arrival of these new ships and especially the new toolbox, the Dutch Navy has leased a civilian vessel, the GEOSEA. Dutch and Belgian naval personnel have been working with this ship and with drones from ECA since spring 2020 to become familiar with the new systems and to provide the manufacturer with feedback that can be used for the development of future tools. The project team is also planning to test the LARS with the GEOSEA. Whereas the ships are designed to last at least thirty years, the toolbox will be regularly updated or replaced.

The 12 m-long INSPECTOR-125 USV can operate with up to six drones in the mine danger area. (Photo: Belgium Naval and Robotics)


The replacement of the M-frigates started in the Netherlands in 2010 with the first studies carried out. It soon became clear that the Netherlands wanted to replace the frigates in cooperation with other countries. Considering Belgium also operated M-frigates, it was the logical partner, but the Netherlands also looked at the German MKS 180 frigates. However, cooperation in this area came to an end when the German ship became too big and expensive.

Belgium and the Netherlands proceeded with a Dutch design. The replacement project was officially started in the Netherlands in June 2016 and soon thereafter, it became known that Belgium had reserved €1Bn for two new frigates.

Unlike the MCMVs, no European tender was launched for these frigates, but Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) was contracted directly. That did not mean that DSNS designed the ships, because that is still largely done by the Afdeling Maritieme Systemen (Department of Maritime Systems) of the Defensie Materieel Organisatie (DMO).

Since 2013, several designs have been published, sometimes accidentally. Over the years, the size of the ship increased, but the design has eventually decreased. In 2019, design 22D was presented, and according to DMO, it represented the “ideal ship” that met the requirements, but it did not fit the budget. Research was then conducted into an off-the-shelf design of DSNS, but that ship failed to meet the requirements. DMO then removed systems from the design and some requirements were adjusted.

This resulted in DMO design 22D being modified to a 132-m long frigate, displacing 5,500 tonnes. The MK 41 VLS, with 16 cells, is primarily intended for the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile Block 2 (ESSM Bl. 2), but Belgium has previously indicated that it was considering the Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) as well. With such a weapon, Belgium wants to contribute to ballistic missile defence (BMD).

Although missiles like the SM-3 can be fitted in the MK 41 VLS, the frigate is not designed for BMD. The new frigates are in fact designed with anti-submarine warfare in mind. Since they are required to operate far from the task force in search of submarines, they must also be able to defend themselves against missile attack.

They will therefore have the new APAR Block 2 X-band radar, an S-band radar that has been further developed from SMILE and NS100 and a new fire control concept called Above Water Warfare Suite (AWWS), which has been developed by Thales in the Netherlands for several years. MKS 180 will also receive these sensors.

However, the most important sensor for the new frigates is located in the stern area of the ship, namely the low frequency active passive sonar (LFAPS). This is a DMO development in collaboration with the Dutch research institute TNO and the Canadian company, Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems. The frigate can lower the LFAPS into the sea and detect submarines far better than previously the case using a passive towed array or medium-frequency sonar. The current Dutch M-frigates recently sailed with this new sensor.

The Multi Use Accoustic Support Suite (MUASS) will also be introduced on the ships at the end of this year. This software was developed by DMO and the Dutch Navy together with TNO and is based on an existing TNO sonar model. Data and algorithms have been added to this, such as data from the ship, sensors, environmental information and oceanographic models. It resulted in a package that, as sea tests now show, brings major improvements to anti-submarine warfare by ship and submarine.

Although these important elements are already deployed at sea with the current frigates, it will take a while before the new ships can start looking for submarines. The contract for the ships is expected to be signed at the end of 2021 with the four ships for the Netherlands and Belgium are scheduled to be delivered in the period 2027-2030. DMO is investigating whether there is a sufficient budget to build the frigates at the Damen yard in the Netherlands and not, as has been usual practice since 2005, at Damen’s shipyard in Romania.

Combat Support Ship

The first new ship the Dutch Navy will receive is not an MCMV or a frigate, but a tanker. The combat support ship (CSS), the future HNLMS DEN HELDER, will be delivered in 2024.

The future HNLMS DEN HELDER (Photo: Damen)

In contrast to the other projects, the CSS project started only recently. After the decommissioning of HNLMS ZUIDERKRUIS in 2012 and the sale of HNLMS AMSTERDAM in 2014, the Dutch Navy lacked a tanker until the arrival of HNLMS KAREL DOORMAN.

However, because it was decided not to replace the AMSTERDAM, the KAREL DOORMAN became the only tanker in Dutch service, even though it is a joint support ship (JSS) and replenishing at sea is only one of the tasks of this multifunctional ship.

It was no surprise that when HNLMS KAREL DOORMAN was commissioned, the Chief of the Royal Netherlands Navy said that he needed another replenishment ship. When in late 2016, budget funds became available for ‘combat support’ for all defence services, the Navy managed to squeeze a ‘combat support ship’ into the plans. At the time, it was still intended to be a fairly simple tanker that would be based on a proposal that DSNS had already designed for a tender for a new Norwegian tanker. In addition, elements from the JSS would be used for commonality.

DMO and DSNS worked jointly the design and specifications. However, the requirements changed gradually, especially when it came to the environment, but the requirements for shock, blast and signature reduction were also higher than in the beginning. The design boasted a gun, the advanced Thales NS100 radar and a GOALKEEPER CIWS (which is being replaced). But a budget deficit arose because the estimates of the investment budget were not indexed and the Navy feared that the operating budget of the tanker would be too tight. At that time, DMO realised that the design did not fit the budget.

Ultimately, it was decided to increase the budget and simply adjust the design. The weapon systems and sensors were removed from the design, however, provisions for these systems have been spared.

On 19 February 2020, Damen and DMO signed the contract for the ship. In February 2021, construction of the vessel will begin at Damen Shipyards Galati, in Romania. The CSS will arrive in Den Helder in June 2024, after which the combat management system, sensors and weapon systems will be installed. The CSS is scheduled to be commissioned in 2025.

The new Dutch tanker will measure 178.3 m in length and will have a displacement of 22,585 tonnes. There is room for 160 people in total, including a complement of 75 crewmembers. Weapon systems will initially be limited to machine guns. The propulsion of the CSS is diesel-electric and the DEN HELDER will be the first naval vessel to sail with the new WÄRTSILÄ 31 diesel generator sets. Combined with the shape of the hull and the design of the propeller, the design yields a saving of 6% compared to a comparable ship with engines of a different brand and type.

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#230 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Nov 03, 2020 3:56 pm

Uma sem mastro oco

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#231 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Nov 22, 2020 10:20 am

Eh bicho

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#232 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Dom Nov 22, 2020 4:35 pm

Queria ter uma janela com uma visão dessas. :D


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Re: Marinha holandesa

#233 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Nov 23, 2020 4:09 am

FCarvalho escreveu: Dom Nov 22, 2020 4:35 pm Queria ter uma janela com uma visão dessas. :D

Era aí ou no canal de taranto em Itália

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#234 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Seg Nov 23, 2020 10:56 am

O sul da Itália me parece absolutamente encantador. 8-]
E fica perto da Grécia, e do litoral lindíssimo da Croácia e ex-repúblicas Iuguslavas. :wink:


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Re: Marinha holandesa

#235 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Dez 03, 2020 4:28 pm

Damen Cuts First Steel on Royal Netherlands Navy’s Combat Support Ship


On December 2nd at Damen Shipyards Galati, Romania, first steel was cut on the Royal Netherlands Navy’s (RNLN) Combat Support Ship (CSS) Den Helder. The cutting is the first of sixteen batches, totaling 7500 tonnes of steel in 180 sections.
This marks an important milestone in this project, the first tangible part of the construction.

The steel cutting was supposed to take place in February next year. DSNS has brought the date forward in order to safeguard the project’s progress during the continuing coronavirus pandemic and to effectively manage the enhanced security rules that alter the way of working for the shipyard.

With construction of the CSS, the maritime supply capacity of the RNLN will be restored. The vessel will operate alongside the Joint Support Ship (JSS) HNLMS Karel Doorman and is based on the same design. The vessel can operate worldwide and under high threat, protected by frigates. Additionally, she can be used in the fight against drug trafficking, controlling refugee flows and providing emergency aid.

Engineering of the vessel is taking place mostly in the Netherlands and the project will provide work for over 100, mainly Dutch, companies. To date, 47 contracts have been signed for the CSS, out of which 34 with Dutch maritime suppliers.
The next milestone will be in May next year, when the keel-laying ceremony will take place.

Imagem ... 121&page=4

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#236 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Dez 21, 2020 7:08 am


Germany And The Netherlands Joining Forces For F-124 / LCF Frigate Replacement
Germany and the Netherlands have signed an agreement yesterday to work jointly on a next generation frigate which will replace the German Navy Sachsen-class (F124) and the Royal Netherlands Navy De Zeven Provinciën-class (LCF) frigates.
Xavier Vavasseur 18 Dec 2020

Dutch State Secretary Barbara Visser and her German counterpart Benedikt Zimmer signed the agreement via visio conference.

“Both countries will collaborate in the field of research and development and acquisition, among other things. The countries are working on equal operational requirements”.

Dutch MoD
Barbara Visser added that “It is also the intention that the industries of our countries will benefit optimally from this.”

For the record, the ties between the Dutch and German naval defense industry are already strong, with Damen and Thales NL taking a key role for the F126/MKS180 frigate program. F126 is a future large (Length: approximately 155 meters at waterline, Displacement: maximum 9,000 tonnes) surface combatant of the German Navy (Deutsche Marine).

Meanwhile, Damen is also fully involved in the M-frigates (Karel Doorman-class) replacement program for both the Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine) and Belgian Navy (Marinecomponent/Composante marine). ... placement/

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#237 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Dez 21, 2020 7:09 am

Latest concept artist impression of Belgian, Dutch Navies future frigate (Credit: Dutch MoD)
Dutch MoD Clears Path For The M-Frigates Replacement, Expects Delays
The Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine) and Belgian Navy (Marinecomponent/Composante marine) will replace their current M-frigates (Karel Doorman-class), the Dutch MoD confirmed today in an official statement. The future frigates’ main task will be anti-submarine warfare (ASW) thanks to a new type of torpedo and their embarked NH90 NFH maritime helicopter.
Nathan Gain 24 Jun 2020

Story by Nathan Gain with additional reporting by Xavier Vavasseur

All those elements are developed in a letter on the investigation phase the Secretary of State Barbara Visser sent today to the Dutch House of Representatives.

« In addition to anti-submarine warfare, the new frigate must be able to protect itself and other units. It must be deployable worldwide for maritime combat and security or assistance operations »

Dutch MoD
« Carefully weighing requirements, budget and planning turned out to be complex and took more time than expected. And that included the preparation of the Combat Support Ship. The available design capacity had to be divided between both projects, for which the priority for Defense was the Combat Support Ship », the Dutch MoD added.

For the record, the contract for the construction of the Royal Netherlands Navy’s new Combat Support Ship, HNLMS Den Helder, was signed in February between local shipbuilder Damen and the Dutch Defense Materiel Organization (DMO).

The investigation phase has now been completed with a design that meets the requirements of both the Defense and NATO. The two partners, Belgium and the Netherlands, went through the design process with shipbuilder Damen and Thales. The latter is the supplier of the integrated radar and fire control system.

The two partners also looked if an “off the shelf” design could be a usable, affordable and quicker alternative. However, this design did not meet the requirements of Defense and would finally save little time. The research did help to formulate the requirements, for example in terms of mission modularity. The latter means that the frigate must be able to perform various tasks. However, not all of these tasks are performed during the same mission. By assuming this, the ship turned out to be smaller and cheaper. But the new frigate is still getting bigger than the current M-frigate (5,500 tons against 3,300 tons).

Slight delivery delay
It was previously reported that the 1st new frigate would be operational from about 2025. It is now clear that after the contract is concluded, a detailed design phase of approximately 2 years is required before construction can start. « This is longer than initially anticipated », comments de MoD. The expectation is therefore that the first ship will be delivered in 2027 for extensive sea trials. The Dutch Navy is expected to have its first frigate operational in 2028 and the second one a year later. The Belgian frigates will be delivered starting 2030.

About M-Frigate replacement ... ts-delays/

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#238 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Seg Dez 21, 2020 11:51 am

Tanto a união entre holandeses e alemães como belgas e holandeses podem nos render boas alternativas no futuro para a complementação das fragatas Tamandaré.
Ou no mínimo nos proporcionar boas compras de oportunidade de escoltas usadas.
4 DeZeven + 4 F-124 fariam a festa por aqui.

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#239 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Dez 21, 2020 4:35 pm

As DZP são para nós, não vem que não tem :mrgreen:

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Re: Marinha holandesa

#240 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Dez 22, 2020 12:41 am

Quem chegar primeiro ganha. :lol:

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