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Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sáb Jul 08, 2017 3:39 pm
por P44
Viktor Reznov escreveu:
P44 escreveu:O Kohl nao era parvo, percebeu logo a bosta que ali vinha
Justamente, essa mulher é a pior coisa que aconteceu na Alemanha desde o Nazismo.
Fosse só a alemanha...o pior é que toda a europa tem de sofrer ao mando dessa criatura.

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Qui Jul 20, 2017 9:28 am
por P44
Military Capabilities
Resignation of French armed forces chief highlights decline in defence spending

Nicholas Fiorenza - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
20 July 2017

France's chief of defence staff, Army General Pierre de Villiers, resigned on 19 July because of defence budget savings reported to be EUR850 million (USD978.4 million). In a press release announcing his resignation, he said, "I do not consider myself any longer to be in a position to ensure the army model I believe can guarantee the future protection of France and the French and to support the ambitions of our country."

It is the first resignation of a French chief of defence staff in the history of the Fifth Republic, ie since 1958, according to the newspaper Le Monde .

http://www.janes.com/article/72470/resi ... e-spending

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Qui Jul 20, 2017 1:53 pm
por cabeça de martelo
Entretanto o Macron anunciou que para o próximo ano vai haver um aumento do orçamento para os 2% do PIB.

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Qui Jul 20, 2017 3:34 pm
por Túlio
cabeça de martelo escreveu:Entretanto o Macron anunciou que para o próximo ano vai haver um aumento do orçamento para os 2% do PIB.
Esse "gaijo" se parece cada vez mais com o Trump: puro gogó! Escrevam, a França (e, por tabela, a Europa Ocidental) vai sofrer e muito na mão do seu "Wonderboy"...

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Qui Jul 20, 2017 3:45 pm
por P44
Não digas mal do ídolo do Cabeça :lol:

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sex Jul 28, 2017 1:24 pm
por Bolovo
Mas esses franceses são mesmo todos uns comunistas do caralh@%@$!!!! [003]

France nationalises shipyard to thwart Italian majority, angering Rome

JULY 27, 2017 / 5:57 AM / 21 HOURS AGO

PARIS/ROME (Reuters) - France will nationalize the STX France shipyard to prevent an Italian firm taking majority control, the economy minister said on Thursday, triggering an angry response from Rome to President Emmanuel Macron's first big industrial policy decision. As France's most avowedly pro-business leader in decades, few would have predicted the former investment banker's first big move in the corporate sector would be a nationalization, even if the government says it will only be temporary. However, his action, which added further strain to France's relationship with Italy, fits with the interventionist style of other postwar French leaders. It also crosses into the defense sector, where many national governments prefer to wield influence over ownership.

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-stx-m ... AC16H?il=0

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sex Ago 04, 2017 1:11 pm
por P44

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sáb Ago 12, 2017 5:56 pm
por P44

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sáb Ago 12, 2017 8:53 pm
por Bolovo
Oloco, a Eslováquia não gosta de ninguém... :lol:

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Dom Ago 13, 2017 5:44 am
por P44
Já a França parece adorar todo o mundo :mrgreen:

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Qui Ago 17, 2017 11:46 pm
por prp
E pros tugas todo mundo é gringo. Kkkk

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sex Ago 25, 2017 2:08 pm
por P44
Macron gastou 26 mil euros em maquilhagem em três meses

Desde que chegou à Presidência francesa, em maio, Emmanuel Macron pagou 26 mil euros à sua maquilhadora. Reagindo às críticas, fonte do Palácio Eliseu já veio justificar a despesa.

Macron, 39 anos, pagou - com o dinheiro dos contribuintes - duas contas à maquilhadora apenas conhecida como Natacha M: uma de 10 mil euros e ou de 16 mil euros, avançou o jornal francês "Le Point".

"Foi uma questão de emergência", explicou a assessoria do presidente. "O valor total cobre vários serviços, incluindo conferências de imprensa e viagens ao estrangeiro em que a pessoa em causa teve que o acompanhar". A Presidência reconhece que "o valor é alto, mas menor do que o dos seus antecessores". E promete que a conta baixe no futuro.

De facto, ainda ninguém bateu a conta de cabeleireiro e barbearia de François Hollande: 9825 euros por mês. Para a maquilhagem, Hollande reservava 6 mil euros mensais. Na época, a Presidência explicou que "o barbeiro tinha que levantar-se muito cedo todas as manhãs e estar disponível sempre que necessário durante o dia". Já Nicolás Sarkozy foi o que menos gastou em maquilhagem: 8 mil euros mensais.

http://www.jn.pt/mundo/interior/macron- ... 27752.html

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sex Ago 25, 2017 8:16 pm
por Sterrius
è, fiz o curso errado :P.

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Sáb Ago 26, 2017 5:38 am
por P44
Natacha M. , "maquilhadora"

Pergunto-me se não terá direito a "massagem" no fim do corte de cabelo :lol:

Re: França “em choque” com extrema-direita “às portas do poder”

Enviado: Seg Ago 28, 2017 5:09 am
por P44
AUGUST 26, 2017 / 11:06 PM / 14 HOURS AGO
Majority of people in France now dissatisfied with Macron: poll

PARIS (Reuters) - Most French voters are now dissatisfied with Emmanuel Macron’s performance, a poll showed on Sunday, a dramatic decline for a president who basked in a landslide election victory less than four months ago.

The poll, conducted by Ifop for newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche (JDD), showed Macron’s “dissatisfaction rating” rising to 57 percent, from 43 percent in July.

Forty percent expressed satisfaction with the centrist leader - down 14 points from July.

French government spokesman Christophe Castaner said the ruling party was going through a tricky time, but added that displeasing some people was a price worth paying if the government wanted to push through reforms.

“Yes, we are encountering difficulties, but you cannot just spend your time only looking at polls when you’re in government. We are there to transform the country. Our country needs us to take risks, and we are taking risks,” Castaner told BFM TV.

Macron, for his part, spent Sunday holding a telephone dialogue with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan, in which the two discussed the Syria and Middle East crisis and the fate of a French journalist detained in Turkey.

Macron has pushed himself onto the international stage since winning power in May. He hosted high-profile visits from Russian leader Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump and he is midway through a series of visits to various European capitals.

However, he has suffered some setbacks at home, including tough debates in parliament over labor reforms, a standoff with the military and cuts to housing assistance.

Social media commentators and political opponents criticized the president after it emerged he spent 26,000 euros ($31,000) on makeup during his first 100 days in office and his office also backed down on plans to give his wife a formal, paid role after a public backlash.

Bernard Sananes, head of French polling company Elabe, said the latest survey could encourage Macron’s political opponents, after his party won a commanding majority in parliament.

“It could mean, for the government, that the opposition mobilizes itself again,” Sananes told BFM TV.

The Ifop poll showed the cumulative drop in Macron’s popularity ratings since May was bigger than that of previous Socialist president Francois Hollande over the same period.

The poll also showed a drop in popularity for Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, with 47 percent expressing satisfaction with him - down 9 points from last month.

Macron, France's youngest leader since Napoleon, faces a big test next month when the far-left CGT trade union leads a rally to protest against plans to deregulate the jobs market.

"Now is the key time, with the labor executive orders to be presented," said Francois Savary, chief investment officer at Geneva-based investment firm Prime Partners. ($1 = 0.8386 euros)

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-franc ... ce=twitter