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Oitenta por cento das armas apreendidas no país são de baixo calibre, como revólveres, pistolas e espingardas de caça. Fuzis, metralhadoras e outros armamentos pesados fazem parte, em sua maioria, da realidade de apreensões durante operações contra o narcotráfico nas comunidades do Rio de Janeiro feitas pela Polícia Federal e pela polícia do Estado.
Os dados fazem parte do Mapa do Tráfico Ilícito de Armas no Brasil e do Ranking dos Estados no Controle de Armas apresentados hoje (20) pelo ministro da Justiça, Luiz Paulo Barreto. Os estudos foram realizados em parceria com a organização não governamental Viva Rio.
Segundo o coordenador do projeto, Antônio Rangel Bandeira, foram identificados 140 pontos de entrada de armas no Brasil, por fronteiras secas.
“Mas o número de armas que entra pelas fronteiras secas é irrisório se comparado com o número de armas fabricadas no país, compradas legalmente, que vão para a ilegalidade. As armas curtas respondem por mais de 80% das armas apreendidas. O número de armas militares como fuzis, submetralhadoras e metralhadoras é muito reduzido”, afirmou.
Pelos dados levantados no Sistema Nacional de Armas (Sinarm), até setembro deste ano, circulavam no Brasil cerca de 16 milhões de armas de fogo. Desse total, 14 milhões (87%) estão com a sociedade civil. Sob a responsabilidade do Estado, figuram 2 milhões de armamentos, ou seja, 13% do total apurado.
Nas mãos dos brasileiros, de acordo com o levantamento, estão 7,6 milhões de armas ilegais --pouco menos das 8,4 milhões legalizadas. O coordenador do projeto destacou que, para melhorar esse controle, é necessário que o Estado implemente políticas mais rigorosas de fiscalização do armamento fabricado no Brasil e, também, entre os comerciantes desses produtos.
Das 288 mil armas apreendidas nos últimos dez anos, constatou-se que 30% foram adquiridas legalmente. “Sem controle do mercado legal, o canal está aberto para que as armas mergulhem na clandestinidade e no crime”, destaca o estudo.
As armas de fabricação estrangeiras apreendidas não chegam a 20% do total. Segundo Bandeira, de cada dez armas ilegais tomadas pela polícia, oito são fabricadas por indústrias nacionais.
O coordenador do projeto criticou, ainda, a autorização concedida pelo Estado a policiais, bombeiros e militares que podem adquirir, por ano, três armas a preço de fábrica. “Muitos desses policiais e militares, por ganharem mal ou por outro motivo qualquer, revendem esses armamentos de forma ilegal fazendo disso um comércio”, denunciou. O ministro da Justiça disse que a questão será levada para análise no Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Segurança Pública.
Barreto disse ainda que a saída para minimizar o problema é ampliar a Campanha do Desarmamento e incentivar a população a devolver armas que portem ilegalmente, sem o perigo de serem presas ou responderem a processos criminais por conta disso. Luiz Paulo Barreto disse que analisa a possibilidade de estender a campanha, também, para a devolução de munições.
O ministro acrescentou que o governo irá intensificar a vigilância nas fronteiras para combater tanto a entrada de armas como a de drogas.
Guerra as drogas e lavagem de dinheiro
Moderador: Conselho de Moderação
- marcelo l.
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 6097
- Registrado em: Qui Out 15, 2009 12:22 am
- Agradeceu: 138 vezes
- Agradeceram: 66 vezes
Re: Guerra as drogas e lavagem de dinheiro
"If the people who marched actually voted, we wouldn’t have to march in the first place".
"(Poor) countries are poor because those who have power make choices that create poverty".
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant
"(Poor) countries are poor because those who have power make choices that create poverty".
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant
- marcelo l.
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 6097
- Registrado em: Qui Out 15, 2009 12:22 am
- Agradeceu: 138 vezes
- Agradeceram: 66 vezes
Re: Guerra as drogas e lavagem de dinheiro ... sky-russia
Russia's government came out fighting today in response to international criticism over the jailing of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, warning the US and European countries to "mind their own business".
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, issued a statement on Monday saying the oligarch's conviction raised "serious questions about selective prosecution - and about the rule of law being overshadowed by political considerations."
But a foreign ministry spokesman in Moscow said: "Judgements about some kind of selective application of justice in Russia are without foundation." He added: "We are counting on everyone minding his own business – both at home, and in the international arena."
Khodorkovsky, 47, and his business partner, Platon Lebedev, 54, were found guilty by a Moscow court yesterday of theft and money laundering, in a trial that critics say is revenge for the tycoon questioning a state monopoly on oil pipelines and propping up political parties that oppose the Kremlin.
Clinton's censure was echoed by politicians in Britain and Germany. Catherine Ashton, the European Union's foreign policy chief, urged Moscow to "respect its international commitments in the field of human rights and the rule of law."
Viktor Danilkin, the trial judge, said the two men had been found guilty when he began reading his 250-page verdict yesterday. But their fate remains unclear because sentencing will not take place until he finishes the text, which could take several days.
The Russian foreign ministry spokesman hit back at criticism from abroad, saying that "in connection with statements from Washington and a series of European capitals, we would like to underline once more that this question is a matter for the judicial system of the Russian Federation. Attempts to place pressure on the court are unacceptable."
The trial related to "serious accusations of tax avoidance and laundering of criminally received income. In any country such deeds require criminal punishment. In the United States, by the way, life sentences are given for these acts."
Similar prosecutions were common, the spokesman claimed. "Thousands of cases regarding the responsibilities of entrepreneurs before the law are considered in Russian courts," he said.
The spokesman referred to comments by Dmitry Medvedev on Friday, saying Russia's president had "stressed that nobody has the right to interfere in the prerogatives of the judicial authorities."
Khodorkovsky and Lebedev have been in jail on earlier fraud and tax evasion charges since 2003. They are due for release next year but prosecutors in the current trial want them to stay in jail until 2017.
Several hundred protesters gathered around the trial court in Moscow's Khamovniki district yesterday shouting, "Shame!" and "Russia without Putin!" as proceedings got under way inside.
Danilkin resumed reading his verdict today as police closed streets around the court to traffic.
Asked about Khodorkvosky's second trial earlier this month, Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, replied: "A thief should be in jail."
Khodorkovsky's backers condemned that as open pressure on the court, but Putin later claimed he was referring only to the businessman's first conviction.
In her comments yesterday, Clinton said the case had a "negative impact on Russia's reputation for fulfilling its international human rights obligations and improving its investment climate."
Russia's government came out fighting today in response to international criticism over the jailing of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, warning the US and European countries to "mind their own business".
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, issued a statement on Monday saying the oligarch's conviction raised "serious questions about selective prosecution - and about the rule of law being overshadowed by political considerations."
But a foreign ministry spokesman in Moscow said: "Judgements about some kind of selective application of justice in Russia are without foundation." He added: "We are counting on everyone minding his own business – both at home, and in the international arena."
Khodorkovsky, 47, and his business partner, Platon Lebedev, 54, were found guilty by a Moscow court yesterday of theft and money laundering, in a trial that critics say is revenge for the tycoon questioning a state monopoly on oil pipelines and propping up political parties that oppose the Kremlin.
Clinton's censure was echoed by politicians in Britain and Germany. Catherine Ashton, the European Union's foreign policy chief, urged Moscow to "respect its international commitments in the field of human rights and the rule of law."
Viktor Danilkin, the trial judge, said the two men had been found guilty when he began reading his 250-page verdict yesterday. But their fate remains unclear because sentencing will not take place until he finishes the text, which could take several days.
The Russian foreign ministry spokesman hit back at criticism from abroad, saying that "in connection with statements from Washington and a series of European capitals, we would like to underline once more that this question is a matter for the judicial system of the Russian Federation. Attempts to place pressure on the court are unacceptable."
The trial related to "serious accusations of tax avoidance and laundering of criminally received income. In any country such deeds require criminal punishment. In the United States, by the way, life sentences are given for these acts."
Similar prosecutions were common, the spokesman claimed. "Thousands of cases regarding the responsibilities of entrepreneurs before the law are considered in Russian courts," he said.
The spokesman referred to comments by Dmitry Medvedev on Friday, saying Russia's president had "stressed that nobody has the right to interfere in the prerogatives of the judicial authorities."
Khodorkovsky and Lebedev have been in jail on earlier fraud and tax evasion charges since 2003. They are due for release next year but prosecutors in the current trial want them to stay in jail until 2017.
Several hundred protesters gathered around the trial court in Moscow's Khamovniki district yesterday shouting, "Shame!" and "Russia without Putin!" as proceedings got under way inside.
Danilkin resumed reading his verdict today as police closed streets around the court to traffic.
Asked about Khodorkvosky's second trial earlier this month, Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, replied: "A thief should be in jail."
Khodorkovsky's backers condemned that as open pressure on the court, but Putin later claimed he was referring only to the businessman's first conviction.
In her comments yesterday, Clinton said the case had a "negative impact on Russia's reputation for fulfilling its international human rights obligations and improving its investment climate."
"If the people who marched actually voted, we wouldn’t have to march in the first place".
"(Poor) countries are poor because those who have power make choices that create poverty".
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant
"(Poor) countries are poor because those who have power make choices that create poverty".
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant