Re: Bolívia
Enviado: Dom Dez 02, 2012 7:34 pm
Vamos retribuir, ué. Tem uns 200 mil bolivianos em São Paulo...
Nós estamos retribuindo. Nós doamos helicópteros militares para eles.Boss escreveu:Vamos retribuir, ué. Tem uns 200 mil bolivianos em São Paulo...
Boss escreveu:Aqueles helicópteros foram para comprar a entrada da Bolívia no Mercosul...![]()
A Bolívia já nos deu casus-belli para subir até La Paz e descer o cacete umas trinta vezes já.![]()
O Itamaraty vai esperar o Evo Morales chegar a cavalo no Planalto e atirar uma flecha envenenada com coca na Dilma para tirar a bunda do sofá e acionar as FAs.
A Bolívia de 6 em 6 meses arruma uma, o Itamaraty e o Governo Brasileiro nada, logo vai sobrar para um que não tem nada haver, mora em São Paulo e pode até não gostar para Evo.Boss escreveu:Vamos retribuir, ué. Tem uns 200 mil bolivianos em São Paulo...
Só fazendo um pequena colocação, na verdade iríamos voltar a situação anterior a 1990 que o Brasil era um estranho na América do Sul sem comércio e crises econômicas por que nossa relação é parecida com a que temos com a Rússia agora, se um produto agrícola vai bem deles ou interessa geo-politicamente comprar de outro país, corta-se e pronto.BrasilPotência escreveu:Simples, acaba aqui então a política de boa vizinhança, de trouxa, fechamos as fronteiras e se tocar nos Brasileiros que vivem aí, quem vai interceder por eles é o EB.
Alguns trechos interessantes dos feitos do Império.Alcantara escreveu:É por isso que, na época do Império, o Brasil vivia voltado para o Atlântico, para os EUA e para a Europa.
As repúblicas sulamericanas TEMIAM o Império Brasileiro. Muitas dessas repúblicas só existem porque o Império não quis intervir nas, então, revoluções "bolivarianas".
O interesse do Império era a UNIDADE NACIONAL. Brasil primeiro. As necessidades dos outros países era interesse deles e só deles.
O Império do Brasil era muito mais ATIVO na defesa dos interesses nacionais do que a República Federativa do Brasil...
"This period of calm came to an end when the British consul in Rio de Janeiro nearly sparked a war between Great Britain and Brazil. He sent an ultimatum containing abusive demands arising out of two minor incidents at the end of 1861 and beginning of 1862.The Brazilian government refused to yield, and the consul issued orders for British warships to capture Brazilian merchant vessels as indemnity.Brazil prepared itself for the imminent conflict,and coastal defenses were given permission to fire upon any British warship that tried to capture Brazilian merchant ships. The Brazilian government then severed diplomatic ties with Britain in June 1863. (...) However, the possibility of a two-front conflict (with Britain and Paraguay) faded when, in September 1865, the British government sent an envoy who publicly apologized for the crisis between the empires."
"Aware of the anarchy in Rio Grande do Sul and the incapacity and incompetence of its military chiefs to resist the Paraguayan army, Pedro II decided to go to the front in person. Both the Cabinet and the General Assembly refused to accede to the Emperor's wish.After he also received objections from the Council of State, Pedro II made the memorable pronouncement: "If they can prevent me from going as an Emperor, they cannot prevent me from abdicating and going as a Fatherland Volunteer"—an allusion to those Brazilians who volunteered to go to war and became known throughout the nation as the "Fatherland Volunteers".The monarch himself was popularly called the "Number-one volunteer." Pedro II left for the south in July 1865.He disembarked in Rio Grande do Sul a few days later and proceeded from there by land.The overland journey was made by horse and wagon, and at night the emperor slept in a campaign tent.Pedro II arrived in Uruguaiana, a Brazilian town occupied by the Paraguayan army, on 11 September. By the time of the Emperor's arrival, the Paraguayan force was besieged. The Emperor rode within rifle-shot of Uruguaiana to demonstrate his courage, but the Paraguayans did not attack him. To avoid further bloodshed, he offered terms of surrender to the Paraguayan commander, which was accepted.Pedro II's coordination of the military operations and his personal example played a decisive role in successfully repulsing the Paraguayan invasion of Brazilian territory. There was a general belief that the war was near its end and that the surrender of López was imminent. Before leaving Uruguaiana, he received the British ambassador Edward Thornton, who publicly apologized on behalf of Queen Victoria and the British Government for the crisis between the empires. The emperor considered that this diplomatic victory over the most powerful nation of the world was sufficient and renewed friendly relations between the nations. He returned to Rio de Janeiro and was received with huge celebrations.".
"A stalemate began, and the Brazilian army, which was in complete control of Paraguayan territory, remained in the country for six years after the final defeat of Paraguay in 1870, only leaving in 1876 in order to ensure the continued existence of Paraguay. During this time, the possibility of an armed conflict with Argentina for control over Paraguay became increasingly real, as Argentina wanted to seize the Chaco region, but was barred by the Brazilian Army."
Túlio escreveu:Triste isso de ser o garoto parrudo da vizinhança e apanhar de todos...![]()
"Sequestro" das refinarias? Deveríamos ter ficados quietos que nem todo mundo, aquele choro da Petrobras foi ridículo.wagnerm25 escreveu:Me pergunto se o governo Lula e posteriores não poderiam ser responsabilizados de alguma forma por não terem tomado nenhuma atitude, fora fazer beicinho, quando o Evo sequestrou as refinarias da Petrobrás. Não teria sido o caso do MP ter aberto alguma ação por negligência?