Re: Noticias de Portugal
Enviado: Ter Dez 22, 2020 10:55 am
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Fica aí sentadinho à espera, não te mexas
HAMMERHEAD em "À Espera de um Milagre"...
Antonio Esteves MARTINS - Spokesperson of the Permanent Representation of PortugalTo ensure a secure cyberspace, it is key to develop a technologically skilled workforce, a cyber-savvy ecosystem, and an effective pipeline of future employees. The project of EU CAIH can add value by enhancing the creation of an innovative web of knowledge for cyber defence and cyber security education and training, providing a vital contribution to strengthening national, NATO and EU’s capability to defend against the threats of the digital world. It would also act as a coordination point for future cyber education, training and exercises, explore synergies with industry and academia, and establish an international cooperative approach, at the EU and NATO levels.
Harbour & Maritime Surveillance and Protection (HARMSPRO) - Italy, Greece, Poland, Portugal (Adopted on 6 March 2018)The Maritime (semi-) Autonomous Systems for Mine Countermeasures (MAS MCM) will deliver a world-class mix of (semi-) autonomous underwater, surface and aerial technologies and capabilities for maritime mine countermeasures. The project will enable member states to protect maritime vessels, harbours and off shore installations, and to safeguard freedom of navigation on maritime trading routes.
The development of autonomous vehicles, using cutting-edge technology and an open architecture, adopting a common standard and modular set up, will contribute significantly to the EU's maritime security by helping to counter the threat of sea mines.
Maritime Unmanned AntiSubmarine System (MUSAS) - Portugal, France, Spain, Sweden (Adopted on 12 November 2019)The Harbour & Maritime Surveillance and Protection (HARMSPRO) will deliver a new maritime capability which will provide member states with the ability to conduct surveillance and protection of specified maritime areas, from harbours up to littoral waters, including sea line of communications and choke points and offshore critical infrastructure It will deliver an integrated system of maritime sensors, software and platforms (surface, underwater and aerial vehicles), which fuse and process data, to aid the detection and identification of a range of potential maritime threats and will be properly prevent and counter asymmetric (drones included) threats in a threedimensional environment. The project will also deliver a command and
control function for the deployable system, which could operate in harbours, coastal areas and the littoral environment.
Antonio Esteves MARTINS Spokesperson of the Permanent Representation of PortugalThe Maritime Unmanned Anti-Submarine System (MUSAS) aims to develop and deliver an advanced command, control and communications (C3) service architecture, for anti-submarine warfare, taking advantage of cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence, in order to counter area denial methods of adversaries. Moreover, it will enhance the protection of underwater high-value infrastructures as well as sea-based energy systems, providing quick response with appropriate levels of force to intrusion or threat to sea lines of communication.
Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform - Greece, Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain (Adopted on 6 March 2018)The European Secure Software Defined Radio aims to develop common technologies for European military radios. The adoption of these technologies as a standard will guarantee the interoperability of EU forces in the framework of joint operations, regardless which radio platforms are used, thereby reinforcing the European strategic autonomy.
The European Secure Software Defined Radio project will provide a secure military communications system, improving voice and data communication between EU forces on a variety of platforms.
Strategic Command and Control (C2) System for CSDP Missions and Operations - Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal (Adopted on 6 March 2018)Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform will develop more active defence measures, potentially moving from firewalls to more active measures.
This project aims to help mitigate these risks by focusing on the sharing of cyber threat intelligence through a networked Member State platform, with the aim of strengthening nations' cyber defence capabilities.
The project aims to improve the command and control systems of EU missions and operations through the provision of an ambitious strategic level suite of capabilities, in a modular and escalable approach for future developments.
The Strategic Command and Control (C2) System for CSDP missions and operations includes the capability to conduct several simultaneous operations, with all kinds of forces, anywhere in the world, either independently or in cooperation with NATO. The Strategic C2 will integrate all kinds of Communication and Information Systems (CIS), Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Logistic (LOG) means and will be interoperable with Member States (MS), EU forces, NATO and civil agencies.
Once implemented, the project will enhance the military decision-making process, improve the planning and conduction of operations and missions, and the coordination of EU forces.
Military Mobility - Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden (Adopted on 6 March 2018)The EMC will support the EU with an enduring medical capability to enable joint and combined operations. The EMC is a coordinating entity to increase the readiness of military medical support as a whole, not only by multinational cooperation but also by civil-military interaction. The MMCC/EMC will host the projects of MMCC and EMC under one administrative and infrastructural framework as an extension of the already inaugurated MMCC
Geospacial, Meteorological and Oceanographic (GeoMETOC) Support Coordination Element (GMSCE) - Germany, Austria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania (Adopted on 19 November 2018)This project supports member states' commitment to simplify and standardize cross-border military transport procedures. It aims to enable the unhindered movement of military personnel and assets within the borders of the EU. This entails avoiding long bureaucratic procedures to move through or over EU member states, be it via rail, road, air or sea.
Improving military mobility takes place in a number of expert level working groups within and beyond the EU, as well as from the EU institutions themselves. This project serves as the political-strategic platform where progress and issues stemming from these efforts are discussed. In addition, the project is focussed on the sharing of best practises and implementing the deliverables of Council conclusions of 25th June 2018.
The objective of this project is to enhance geospatial, meteorological and oceanographic (GeoMETOC) support for missions and operations by means of an architecture that connects and improves significantly the European GeoMETOC capabilities through (1) the coordination and enhancement of the GeoMETOC data acquisition including installation of a Geo-Data Infrastructure EU (GDI-EU) (i.e. common procurement of hard- and software, licensing, where appropriate initiating co-production) (2) the harmonisation, coordination and management of
joint training content and training, (3) a common policy for GeoMETOC training support, (4) the establishment of virtual training platforms, (5) the development of GeoMETOC Services based on Advanced Analytics and Big Data and (6) the coordination and guidance of GeoMETOC research for military purposes.
Como podem ver só um único projecto em que estamos como observadores aparece neste documento. Segundo o Ministro estamos em 14 projectos como observadores, por isso é fazer as contas.The objective is to develop the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) in the area of materials and components technologies, specifically those for which the security of supply and the freedom of use may be restricted. The project will also enhance the competitiveness, the innovation and the efficiency of the EDTIB by supporting collaborative actions and cross border cooperation.
cabeça de martelo escreveu: Ter Dez 22, 2020 11:36 am
Maritime Unmanned AntiSubmarine System (MUSAS) - Portugal, France, Spain, Sweden (Adopted on 12 November 2019)
Antonio Esteves MARTINS Spokesperson of the Permanent Representation of PortugalThe Maritime Unmanned Anti-Submarine System (MUSAS) aims to develop and deliver an advanced command, control and communications (C3) service architecture, for anti-submarine warfare, taking advantage of cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence, in order to counter area denial methods of adversaries. Moreover, it will enhance the protection of underwater high-value infrastructures as well as sea-based energy systems, providing quick response with appropriate levels of force to intrusion or threat to sea lines of communication.
Esses SUECOS andam impossíveis...
Para vender obviamentecabeça de martelo escreveu: Sáb Dez 26, 2020 9:20 amUma questão muito importante nisto tudo, porque é que levaram um bebé...
Que se F$%% o Ventura, eles levaram o bébe para usá-lo como escudo humano. Já esqueces-te do Hogo Ernano?!P44 escreveu: Sáb Dez 26, 2020 11:28 amPara vender obviamentecabeça de martelo escreveu: Sáb Dez 26, 2020 9:20 am
Uma questão muito importante nisto tudo, porque é que levaram um bebé...
Mas a culpa é do ventura