Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 10187
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
- Agradeceu: 335 vezes
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Re: USAF News ... -air-force
Strategic Deterrence and the U.S. Air Force Bomber Force ... nt-by-2030
New Hypersonic Strike-Recon Aircraft Effort Eyeing Prototype Development By 2030
The launch of the Next Generation Responsive Strike effort follows uncertainty around a previous hypersonic aircraft program called Mayhem. ... e-confirms
This Is What The Classified AIM-260 Missile Actually Looks Like, Air Force Confirms
The Pentagon has been very tight-lipped about the AIM-260, a missile with far greater range than the AIM-120 while maintaining the same size. ... deliveries
Cracks In KC-46 Tankers Halt All Deliveries
The USAF is inspecting its fleet of 89 KC-46s to see if the problem is systemic and Boeing is working to figure out a fix.
Strategic Deterrence and the U.S. Air Force Bomber Force ... nt-by-2030
New Hypersonic Strike-Recon Aircraft Effort Eyeing Prototype Development By 2030
The launch of the Next Generation Responsive Strike effort follows uncertainty around a previous hypersonic aircraft program called Mayhem. ... e-confirms
This Is What The Classified AIM-260 Missile Actually Looks Like, Air Force Confirms
The Pentagon has been very tight-lipped about the AIM-260, a missile with far greater range than the AIM-120 while maintaining the same size. ... deliveries
Cracks In KC-46 Tankers Halt All Deliveries
The USAF is inspecting its fleet of 89 KC-46s to see if the problem is systemic and Boeing is working to figure out a fix.
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 10187
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
- Agradeceu: 335 vezes
- Agradeceram: 722 vezes
Re: USAF News ... 42-yfq-44/
America’s First Unmanned Fighters Are Here: YFQ-42 and YFQ-44 ... ning-fumes
U.S. Air Force Next-Gen Tanker Prospects Are Running On Fumes ... ng-gas-can
B-21 Aerial Refueling Demands Further Point To It Being A Stealthy Flying Gas Can
How the Air Force plans to use the B-21's extremely long endurance capabilities has created new requirements for its tanker fleets. ... 025-03-03/
Eyeing the Pacific, Lockheed unveils low-cost $150,000 cruise missile ... ed-display
F-22 Raptor Pilots Finally Getting Helmet Mounted Displays
Beyond equipping Hawaii-based F-22s, Thale's Scorpion will now be standard on all F-16s in the USAF's fleet.
America’s First Unmanned Fighters Are Here: YFQ-42 and YFQ-44 ... ning-fumes
U.S. Air Force Next-Gen Tanker Prospects Are Running On Fumes ... ng-gas-can
B-21 Aerial Refueling Demands Further Point To It Being A Stealthy Flying Gas Can
How the Air Force plans to use the B-21's extremely long endurance capabilities has created new requirements for its tanker fleets. ... 025-03-03/
Eyeing the Pacific, Lockheed unveils low-cost $150,000 cruise missile ... ed-display
F-22 Raptor Pilots Finally Getting Helmet Mounted Displays
Beyond equipping Hawaii-based F-22s, Thale's Scorpion will now be standard on all F-16s in the USAF's fleet.
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 41112
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1227 vezes
- Agradeceram: 3120 vezes
Re: USAF News
A Boeing rendering of a next-gen fighter. (Boeing photo)
Editado pela última vez por cabeça de martelo em Sex Mar 21, 2025 2:56 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 41112
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1227 vezes
- Agradeceram: 3120 vezes
Re: USAF News
Statement by Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David Allvin on the USAF NGAD Contract Award
Published March 21, 2025
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs
The Next Generation Air Dominance Platform (the F-47) contract is a monumental leap forward in securing America’s air superiority for decades to come. This contract reaffirms our commitment to maintaining the United States’ position as the world’s most dominant Air Force, under the direction and leadership of our Commander in Chief, President Trump, and Secretary of Defense Hegseth.
With the F-47, we are not just building another fighter – we are shaping the future of warfare and putting our enemies on notice. This platform will be the most advanced, lethal, and adaptable fighter ever developed – designed to outpace, outmaneuver, and outmatch any adversary that dares to challenge our brave Airmen.
Despite what our adversaries claim, the F-47 is truly the world’s first crewed sixth-generation fighter, built to dominate the most capable peer adversary and operate in the most perilous threat environments imaginable. For the past five years, the X-planes for this aircraft have been quietly laying the foundation for the F-47 — flying hundreds of hours, testing cutting-edge concepts, and proving that we can push the envelope of technology with confidence. These experimental aircraft have demonstrated the innovations necessary to mature the F-47’s capabilities, ensuring that when we committed to building this fighter, we knew we were making the right investment for America.
While our X-planes were flying in the shadows, we were cementing our air dominance – accelerating the technology, refining our operational concepts, and proving that we can field this capability faster than ever before. Because of this, the F-47 will fly during President Trump’s administration.
In addition, the F-47 has unprecedented maturity. While the F-22 is currently the finest air superiority fighter in the world, and its modernization will make it even better, the F-47 is a generational leap forward. The maturity of the aircraft at this phase in the program confirms its readiness to dominate the future fight.
Compared to the F-22, the F-47 will cost less and be more adaptable to future threats – and we will have more of the F-47s in our inventory. The F-47 will have significantly longer range, more advanced stealth, be more sustainable, supportable, and have higher availability than our fifth-generation fighters. This platform is designed with a “built to adapt” mindset and will take significantly less manpower and infrastructure to deploy.
Our mission is clear. We will ensure America’s skies remain secure and our deterrence remains unshakable. With the F-47, we will strengthen our global position, keeping our enemies off-balance and at bay. And when they look up, they will see nothing but the certain defeat that awaits those who dare to challenge us – ‘Airpower Anytime, Anywhere’ is not just an aspiration, it’s a promise. ... usaf-ngad/
Published March 21, 2025
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs
The Next Generation Air Dominance Platform (the F-47) contract is a monumental leap forward in securing America’s air superiority for decades to come. This contract reaffirms our commitment to maintaining the United States’ position as the world’s most dominant Air Force, under the direction and leadership of our Commander in Chief, President Trump, and Secretary of Defense Hegseth.
With the F-47, we are not just building another fighter – we are shaping the future of warfare and putting our enemies on notice. This platform will be the most advanced, lethal, and adaptable fighter ever developed – designed to outpace, outmaneuver, and outmatch any adversary that dares to challenge our brave Airmen.
Despite what our adversaries claim, the F-47 is truly the world’s first crewed sixth-generation fighter, built to dominate the most capable peer adversary and operate in the most perilous threat environments imaginable. For the past five years, the X-planes for this aircraft have been quietly laying the foundation for the F-47 — flying hundreds of hours, testing cutting-edge concepts, and proving that we can push the envelope of technology with confidence. These experimental aircraft have demonstrated the innovations necessary to mature the F-47’s capabilities, ensuring that when we committed to building this fighter, we knew we were making the right investment for America.
While our X-planes were flying in the shadows, we were cementing our air dominance – accelerating the technology, refining our operational concepts, and proving that we can field this capability faster than ever before. Because of this, the F-47 will fly during President Trump’s administration.
In addition, the F-47 has unprecedented maturity. While the F-22 is currently the finest air superiority fighter in the world, and its modernization will make it even better, the F-47 is a generational leap forward. The maturity of the aircraft at this phase in the program confirms its readiness to dominate the future fight.
Compared to the F-22, the F-47 will cost less and be more adaptable to future threats – and we will have more of the F-47s in our inventory. The F-47 will have significantly longer range, more advanced stealth, be more sustainable, supportable, and have higher availability than our fifth-generation fighters. This platform is designed with a “built to adapt” mindset and will take significantly less manpower and infrastructure to deploy.
Our mission is clear. We will ensure America’s skies remain secure and our deterrence remains unshakable. With the F-47, we will strengthen our global position, keeping our enemies off-balance and at bay. And when they look up, they will see nothing but the certain defeat that awaits those who dare to challenge us – ‘Airpower Anytime, Anywhere’ is not just an aspiration, it’s a promise. ... usaf-ngad/
- J.Ricardo
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- Mensagens: 7965
- Registrado em: Qui Jan 13, 2005 1:44 pm
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Re: USAF News
Caramba, a Boeing, estão corajosos lá no Pentágono, a Boeing onde colocou as mãos nos últimos anos fez cag..., o tal do avião presidencial que nunca fica pronto e só estoura os orçamentos, o 737 MAX, o Starliner, algo me diz que esse avião de 6G ainda vai dar muito o que falar por aqui...
Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 10187
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
- Agradeceu: 335 vezes
- Agradeceram: 722 vezes
Re: USAF News ... c-systems/
STRATCOM Chief: Air Force Needs 145 B-21s and More New Strategic Systems
- Aumentar a compra do B-21 para 145
- Aumentar a compra do LRSO acima de 1087
- Aumentar a compra do Columbia acima de 12
- Preocupação com a atualização do B-52J
- Sentinel um megaprojeto
- O crescimento de custos não deve resultar em atrasos/cancelamentos de programas ... ve-orders/
Air Force Sending Teams to Make Sure Bases Are Following Executive Orders
Não vai faltar muito para Trump criar seu próprio braço de comissário político nas forças armadas americanas. ... -the-works
Kratos Has A Hypersonic Drone In The Works
Kratos says low cost is a central focus of its newly disclosed high-speed drone program.
STRATCOM Chief: Air Force Needs 145 B-21s and More New Strategic Systems
- Aumentar a compra do B-21 para 145
- Aumentar a compra do LRSO acima de 1087
- Aumentar a compra do Columbia acima de 12
- Preocupação com a atualização do B-52J
- Sentinel um megaprojeto
- O crescimento de custos não deve resultar em atrasos/cancelamentos de programas ... ve-orders/
Air Force Sending Teams to Make Sure Bases Are Following Executive Orders
Não vai faltar muito para Trump criar seu próprio braço de comissário político nas forças armadas americanas. ... -the-works
Kratos Has A Hypersonic Drone In The Works
Kratos says low cost is a central focus of its newly disclosed high-speed drone program.
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 41112
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1227 vezes
- Agradeceram: 3120 vezes
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 7131
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 126 vezes
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Re: USAF News
Trump oferece vender aos aliados caças F-47 "Mais simples"
23.03.2025, 04:18
O presidente Donald Trump disse que pretende vender aos aliados versões "simplificadas" do caça de próxima geração dos EUA, o F-47.
Na sexta-feira, Trump anunciou que a Boeing havia ganhado um contrato de US$ 20 bilhões para o caça de próxima geração da Força Aérea, que ele apregoou como "o primeiro caça de sexta geração do mundo".
Trump, o 47º presidente dos Estados Unidos, anunciou que a designação do novo jato será F-47.
"Nossos aliados estão ligando constantemente, eles querem comprar todos eles", disse ele em uma coletiva de imprensa, antes de afirmar que os aliados da América receberiam "versões simplificadas".
"Gostamos de reduzir o desempenho cerca de 10 por cento, o que provavelmente faz sentido porque um dia talvez eles não sejam nossos aliados, certo?", disse o presidente.
O projeto de desenvolvimento do F-47, conhecido como programa Next Generation Air Dominance, substituirá o F-22 Raptor da Lockheed Martin por uma aeronave tripulada construída para entrar em combate ao lado de drones.
O design do avião continua sendo um segredo bem guardado, mas provavelmente incluiria furtividade, sensores avançados e motores de última geração. O presidente disse que será "a aeronave mais letal já construída".
O Politico disse que o jato de combate desafiará diretamente os avanços militares da China no Pacífico.
A mudança de política da Casa Branca em relação aos seus aliados da OTAN causou temores de que os EUA podem não ser mais um garantidor confiável da segurança de seus aliados. Uma breve pausa no fornecimento de armas e inteligência e os comentários repetidos de Trump sobre a anexação do Canadá e da Groenlândia já prejudicaram as relações entre Washington e outras capitais ocidentais.
No início deste mês, Portugal optou por não comprar F-35s devido à recente mudança de política de Washington e o Canadá disse que revisaria seus planos depois que o presidente dos EUA impôs sanções ao seu vizinho do norte. ... ghter-jets
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 10187
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
- Agradeceu: 335 vezes
- Agradeceram: 722 vezes
Re: USAF News ... r-alcance/
F-47: O caça que vai substituir o F-22 com tecnologia furtiva mais avançada e maior alcance
US announcement of sixth-gen F-47 fighter draws analyses from Chinese experts
Uma renderização provável do F-47 de alta manobrabilidade e baixa observabilidade do tipo C: ... 7-fighter/
Bolt from the blue: what we know (and don’t know) about the US’s powerful F-47 fighter
F-47: O caça que vai substituir o F-22 com tecnologia furtiva mais avançada e maior alcance
US announcement of sixth-gen F-47 fighter draws analyses from Chinese experts
Uma renderização provável do F-47 de alta manobrabilidade e baixa observabilidade do tipo C: ... 7-fighter/
Bolt from the blue: what we know (and don’t know) about the US’s powerful F-47 fighter