Apesar disso, há muitas fábricas na fronteira com os EUA que existem pura e simplesmente para abastecer o mercado interno do segundo país.J.Ricardo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 11:58 am Incrível como Brasil não consegue ultrapassar o México, mesmo eles estando em uma verdadeira narcoguerracivil.
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- cabeça de martelo
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- EduClau
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México é tipo chão de fábrica dos EUA, vai tudo pra lá, não tem aquele coisa das 'maquiladoras' ?
- EduClau
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- Registrado em: Sáb Abr 28, 2012 9:04 pm
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Ops, postamos juntos e o sentido da resposta é o mesmo.cabeça de martelo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 12:55 pmApesar disso, há muitas fábricas na fronteira com os EUA que existem pura e simplesmente para abastecer o mercado interno do segundo país.J.Ricardo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 11:58 am Incrível como Brasil não consegue ultrapassar o México, mesmo eles estando em uma verdadeira narcoguerracivil.
- Túlio
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cabeça de martelo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 12:55 pmApesar disso, há muitas fábricas na fronteira com os EUA que existem pura e simplesmente para abastecer o mercado interno do segundo país.J.Ricardo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 11:58 am Incrível como Brasil não consegue ultrapassar o México, mesmo eles estando em uma verdadeira narcoguerracivil.
A rigor, o próprio narcotráfico (que além disso pratica escravidão e venda de seres humanos/órgãos para transplante, etc) gera muitos bilhões, parte dos quais são investidos no próprio México, pois mesmo o pior cartel precisa ter uma face "legítima" para mostrar. Aparentemente, além de certas indústrias (têxtil e bebidas, p ex), estão envolvidos com cinema, música, turismo, etc.
“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”
P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
- knigh7
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- Registrado em: Ter Nov 06, 2007 12:54 am
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Vou colocar neste tópico pois a medida tem efeito geopolítico:
https://veja.abril.com.br/mundo/eua-eli ... -quimicas/
Eu destaque o item acima, sobre que determinadas armas, como as químicas, não são mais aceitas em campo de batalha. O sociedade sempre foi violenta, mas sempre procurou exercê-la entre cânones (que logicamente variam de acordo com a moral desses grupo e do tempo em que estavam).
Concordo com um dos professores da Escola Superior de Guerra entrevistado que estava num debate na CNN Brasil, que disse que o Brasil precisa de ter SSN NESTA DÉCADA.
E depois dos testes, onde se verificam as falhas, iniciar a construção de mais unidades.
Mas não vejo bombas nucleares como peremptório para nós.
Putin disse mês passado numa entrevista a jornalistas e blogueiros russos que poderia destruir Kiev, mas não o faz. Ele não repondeu o motivo, mas não é difícil saber o motivo: a maioria das nações são neutras guerra, por exemplo. Se decidisse utilizar armas nucleares (pois a destruição de uma cidade daquele porte só poderia ser por bombas nucleares), não é tolerável e levaria a Rússia a um isolamento muito maior. O efeito seria muito pior para o país dele do que para a Ucrânia.
https://veja.abril.com.br/mundo/eua-eli ... -quimicas/
Eu destaque o item acima, sobre que determinadas armas, como as químicas, não são mais aceitas em campo de batalha. O sociedade sempre foi violenta, mas sempre procurou exercê-la entre cânones (que logicamente variam de acordo com a moral desses grupo e do tempo em que estavam).
Concordo com um dos professores da Escola Superior de Guerra entrevistado que estava num debate na CNN Brasil, que disse que o Brasil precisa de ter SSN NESTA DÉCADA.
E depois dos testes, onde se verificam as falhas, iniciar a construção de mais unidades.
Mas não vejo bombas nucleares como peremptório para nós.
Putin disse mês passado numa entrevista a jornalistas e blogueiros russos que poderia destruir Kiev, mas não o faz. Ele não repondeu o motivo, mas não é difícil saber o motivo: a maioria das nações são neutras guerra, por exemplo. Se decidisse utilizar armas nucleares (pois a destruição de uma cidade daquele porte só poderia ser por bombas nucleares), não é tolerável e levaria a Rússia a um isolamento muito maior. O efeito seria muito pior para o país dele do que para a Ucrânia.
- knigh7
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- Mensagens: 19173
- Registrado em: Ter Nov 06, 2007 12:54 am
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- Suetham
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- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
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https://archive.ph/HFO45 America’s Bad Bet on India
https://archive.ph/at2pX You Have to Be There
https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2 ... nd-russia/
Venezuela Proposes New Regional LatAm / Caribbean Economic Bloc Tied To China And Russia
https://www.middleeastbriefing.com/news ... anisation/
Saudi Arabia Confirms It Has Joined The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation
https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2 ... ous-gifts/
China Woos Central Asia With Generous Gifts
https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2 ... nitiative/
Afghanistan Accepted Into China’s Belt & Road Initiative
https://thecradle.co/article-view/26122 ... -with-iran
Saudi Arabia welcomes naval security alliance with Iran
https://english.almayadeen.net/articles ... proaches-t
Hegemony vs Harmony - Contrasting US and China's approaches to the Middle East
https://harici.com.tr/en/the-rise-of-na ... ony/?amp=1
The rise of national currencies against dollar hegemony
India's warmongering in S.Caucasus is wake-up call for Azerbaijan, Turkiye and Pakistan
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/wa ... ine-206684
Washington Has No Interest in Pursuing Peace in Ukraine
https://podcast.silverado.org/episodes/ ... xaggerated
https://archive.ph/at2pX You Have to Be There
https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2 ... nd-russia/
Venezuela Proposes New Regional LatAm / Caribbean Economic Bloc Tied To China And Russia
https://www.middleeastbriefing.com/news ... anisation/
Saudi Arabia Confirms It Has Joined The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation
https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2 ... ous-gifts/
China Woos Central Asia With Generous Gifts
https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2 ... nitiative/
Afghanistan Accepted Into China’s Belt & Road Initiative
https://thecradle.co/article-view/26122 ... -with-iran
Saudi Arabia welcomes naval security alliance with Iran
https://english.almayadeen.net/articles ... proaches-t
Hegemony vs Harmony - Contrasting US and China's approaches to the Middle East
https://harici.com.tr/en/the-rise-of-na ... ony/?amp=1
The rise of national currencies against dollar hegemony
India's warmongering in S.Caucasus is wake-up call for Azerbaijan, Turkiye and Pakistan
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/wa ... ine-206684
Washington Has No Interest in Pursuing Peace in Ukraine
Charap replies in kind to the various responses offered to his original piece. The central premise upon which he bases his rebuttal is straightforward: “My critics seem to see diplomacy as a synonym for surrender rather than as an important tool of statecraft.” This is correct, but understanding the argument behind why his critics view a peace settlement as capitulation is even more important. Russia (with Putin as anthropomorphized regression) has broken the rules-based order in a manner that undermines the end of history thesis. The implication of not rectifying this violation would be to implicitly acknowledge that the world is returning to balance of power geopolitics. This is a sin that cannot be forgiven. For that reason, nothing less than a total Russian collapse is an acceptable outcome to the war.
https://podcast.silverado.org/episodes/ ... xaggerated
- Suetham
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- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
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https://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/noticia/ ... quim.ghtml
China critica declaração conjunta de EUA, Japão e Coreia do Sul: 'difamaram e atacaram' Pequim
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 9920
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
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https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedi ... e-security
Build a Coalition for Northern Sea Route Security
Build a Coalition for Northern Sea Route Security
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 9920
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
- Agradeceu: 308 vezes
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https://news.cgtn.com/news/2023-08-29/M ... index.html
Chinese Defense Minister: No political demands tied to assistance to Africa
- knigh7
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- Registrado em: Ter Nov 06, 2007 12:54 am
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- knigh7
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 19173
- Registrado em: Ter Nov 06, 2007 12:54 am
- Localização: S J do Rio Preto-SP
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- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 9920
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
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https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20 ... f-the-game
G77+China summit in Cuba calls on Global South to 'change the rules of the game'
https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/ ... 023-09-19/
Canada, US worked closely on possible India link to Hardeep Singh Nijjar killing
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sideline ... 00067.html
On sidelines of UN General Assembly, Sri Lankan president calls Aukus 'a mistake' and rejects fears over China
https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/09 ... aduro-oil/
China deepens ties with Venezuela, challenging US ‘hegemonic mindset’
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... s-finances?
UN Nuclear Watchdog Risks Running Out of Money on US, China Standoff
https://thespectator.com/topic/world-ev ... na-russia/
World events are not going America’s way
- prometheus
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- Registrado em: Sáb Jul 04, 2020 11:07 am
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Olá, você lê todas essas notícias mesmo? Vi que utiliza o wayback machine, você guarda os links por assuntos então para depois revê-los, é isso?Suetham escreveu: Sex Set 29, 2023 9:11 am
https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20 ... f-the-game
G77+China summit in Cuba calls on Global South to 'change the rules of the game'
https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/ ... 023-09-19/
Canada, US worked closely on possible India link to Hardeep Singh Nijjar killing
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sideline ... 00067.html
On sidelines of UN General Assembly, Sri Lankan president calls Aukus 'a mistake' and rejects fears over China
https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/09 ... aduro-oil/
China deepens ties with Venezuela, challenging US ‘hegemonic mindset’
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... s-finances?
UN Nuclear Watchdog Risks Running Out of Money on US, China Standoff
https://thespectator.com/topic/world-ev ... na-russia/
World events are not going America’s way
- prometheus
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- Mensagens: 588
- Registrado em: Sáb Jul 04, 2020 11:07 am
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https://www.foreignaffairs.com/north-am ... -way-tradecabeça de martelo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 12:55 pmApesar disso, há muitas fábricas na fronteira com os EUA que existem pura e simplesmente para abastecer o mercado interno do segundo país.J.Ricardo escreveu: Sex Jun 30, 2023 11:58 am Incrível como Brasil não consegue ultrapassar o México, mesmo eles estando em uma verdadeira narcoguerracivil.
the new trade philosophy that the USMCA helped usher in focuses on protecting American workers and expanding the U.S. manufacturing sector.
The USMCA also added a novel provision requiring that 40 percent of car content (and 45 percent of truck content) be produced in high-wage factories—which effectively means factories in the United States and Canada. This “labor value content” rule was the first of its kind, and it is already helping to bring manufacturing back to the United States. The USMCA also requires that 70 percent of the steel and aluminum used in cars come from North America, and it mandates that certain core auto parts—such as engines and chassis—meet regional content valuation requirements. These changes took into account the trend towards electric vehicles. In practice, the USMCA rules on regional and labor value content essentially compel companies to locate the vast majority of their electric battery production in the United States.
The USMCA also includes the strongest and most comprehensive set of environmental obligations of any trade agreement, including commitments to limit vessel-source pollution, combat illegal fishing, and stop wildlife trafficking. Unlike NAFTA, the USMCA incorporates such obligations into the core of the agreement and makes them fully enforceable through a dispute-resolution process.
NAFTA was decades old, so it contained no obligations for the modern digital economy. The USMCA, on the other hand, contains a groundbreaking chapter on digital trade. It prohibits the application of custom duties to digital trade, it ensures that data can cross borders, it encourages the adoption of electronic authorization, and it assures cybersecurity collaboration. This chapter is the model for future trade negotiations.
USMCA directly addresses the practices of nonmarket countries, such as China. The deal expands the definition of “state-owned enterprises,” increases cooperation between countries in North America to fight foreign corruption, and requires additional coordination on tax evasion. And most importantly, the USMCA stipulates that if any of the three North American countries enters a free trade agreement with China, the others can withdraw from the USMCA.
The USMCA entered into force on July 1, 2020, barely three years ago. Many of its key provisions, such as the auto rules of origin, are not yet completely phased in, so it is early to fairly judge it. But in the words of one Brookings Institute report, “USMCA is off to a strong start bolstering prosperity across North America.”
Last year the total value of North American trade was $1.5 trillion. Both Mexico and Canada are now the United States’ top trading partners, surpassing China. The three countries of North America now account for a third of global GDP, and trade among them accounts for 9.5 million jobs.
The results on the investment front are just as impressive. The United States is now the largest destination for investment from Mexico and Canada and, according to Brookings, capital investment in the region grew 134 percent since the implementation of the USMCA and now stands at $219 billion. U.S. exports to Mexico and Canada are up 45 percent since 2020.
Perhaps more important, the past three years has seen a dramatic increase in factories being built in the United States. This year manufacturing investment is on track to surpass $180 billion, more than triple the annual average in the 2010s.
The combination of the Trump China tariffs and the USMCA has also led American companies and consumers to import far more goods from Mexico instead of China, reducing the United States’ dependence on a global adversary and contributing to the prosperity of an important next-door neighbor.