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#4156 Mensagem por Túlio » Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:19 pm

CURIOSIDADE - Como mencionei ao longo do dia, estava aguardando abrir o Mercado para ver o que as tales de sanções iam fazer: começou meio que no rush mesmo, o Ouro disparando quase que de imediato para perto dos USD 1,95k e portanto rumo aos 2k (garantia de que a coisa tava preta): Petróleo curiosamente parado (mercado continuava fechado, e este tipo de atraso é sempre suspeito) e alguns minutos depois disparou de uns USD 91 em direção aos USD 100; e o NATGAS, além de também atrasar, ficou andando de lado.

A seguir o Ouro voltou para burocráticos pouco mais de USD 1,9k e Óleo estacionado ali pelos USD 95 e descendo, enquanto o NATGAS continua como começou. Parece que vai dar xabú essas tales de sanções.

Claro, resta ver amanhã, quando o RUB e as ações das empresas Russas começarem a rodar nas Bolsas, aí sim, vai saber.

Mas é aquilo, a hora buena de comprar mesmo é quando há sangue nas ruas... 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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#4157 Mensagem por Strike » Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:22 pm

Será que veremos os sistemas de Mísseis antivavio e defesa de costas "Neptune" em ação?! Os russos apesar das perdas estão avançando como o esperado...
Provavelmente daqui algum tempo teremos armas nucleares na Bielorrúsia... Será que Venezuela e Cuba estaria no radar russo tbm para hospedar tais armas??

Brava Gente Brasileira ..!
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#4158 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:23 pm

Russia to evacuate citizens from Europe
Moscow is working to bring back Russian nationals that are stuck in Europe due to flight restrictions

The Russian government has announced it is working on a plan to evacuate its citizens from Europe, after an array of European countries closed their airspace to all Russian airlines amid Moscow’s military conflict with Kiev.

Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency and Federal Tourism Agency revealed on Sunday that they were working with the Russian Foreign Ministry to evacuate Russians from European nations as they continue to impose sanctions on Russia, cutting off Russian aircraft from their airspaces.

“The work to organize the evacuation of Russian citizens from European countries is being carried out by the Federal Air Transport Agency together with the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Federal Tourism Agency. After clarifying the required carrying capacities, a schedule will be formed,” the statement said.

“Russian airlines are ready to fulfill their obligations to passengers and deliver them home, subject to flexible approaches and constructive decisions of the aviation authorities of European countries on this issue,” it continued.

The agencies advised Russians in Europe to register in the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Assistant smartphone app.

Over a dozen European countries have already shut down their airspace for Russian carriers as well as private jets from Russia. Speaking on Sunday, European Commission’s president Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU’s goal would be to deny all Russian planes access to the block, “meaning they would not be able to fly over the bloc or land at any airports within it.”

On Sunday, Russia’s flagship Aeroflot carrier announced it was canceling all flights to Europe.
https://www.rt.com/russia/550802-russia ... ns-europe/

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#4159 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:26 pm

Strike escreveu: Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:22 pm
Provavelmente daqui algum tempo teremos armas nucleares na Bielorrúsia... Será que Venezuela e Cuba estaria no radar russo tbm para hospedar tais armas??
Se os EUA instalarem armas nucleares no Japão, certamente sim. Pois isso afeta a China E a Rússia e eles, em conjunto, têm muita influência em alguns países na AL.

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#4160 Mensagem por prp » Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:46 pm


Bola dentro do biroliro.

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#4161 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:48 pm

Turkey restricts Russian Navy access
Situation in Ukraine has escalated into a full-blown war, Turkey’s top diplomat has said

Turkey is set to restrict the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, its Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Sunday.

“It is not a couple of air strikes now, the situation in Ukraine is officially a war... We will implement the Montreux Convention,” the official told CNN Turk in a live interview. “Turkey will implement all provisions of Montreux Convention in a transparent manner,” he added.

Under the 1936 Montreux Convention, which regulates the Black Sea straits, Turkey is able to close the straits for military vessels of any nations at a formal state of war, as well as when it feels itself threatened with an imminent war. The country cannot shut down the straits completely, however, unless it is itself in a state of war.

Ankara will still allow military vessels, returning to their home ports to pass through the straits, Cavusoglu noted. “There should not be any abuse of this exemption. Ships that declare returning to their bases and passing through the straits should not be involved in the war,” the diplomat said.

Kiev has repeatedly urged Ankara to shut the straits down for Russia, despite neither side of the ongoing conflict formally declaring war. Russia launched the large-scale military operation in Ukraine on Thursday, citing the need to protect the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics from an allegedly looming all-out assault by the Ukrainian troops. Ukraine slammed the attack as “unprovoked.”

Kiev has denied seeking to attack the republics that broke away from Ukraine following the 2014 Maidan coup and ousting of the democratically-elected government of the country. Moscow formally recognized the republics as independent states on Monday, signing bilateral friendship treaties with them and pledging military assistance.
https://www.rt.com/russia/550781-turkey ... s-ukraine/

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#4162 Mensagem por Túlio » Dom Fev 27, 2022 11:07 pm

prp escreveu: Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:46 pm

Bola dentro do biroliro.
Sei não, o último brazuca que foi falar contra uma guerra que os caras (Bush jr e a corja de sempre) queriam porque queriam os caras derrubaram um prédio em cima dele.

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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#4163 Mensagem por prp » Dom Fev 27, 2022 11:43 pm

Túlio escreveu: Dom Fev 27, 2022 11:07 pm
prp escreveu: Dom Fev 27, 2022 10:46 pm

Bola dentro do biroliro.
Sei não, o último brazuca que foi falar contra uma guerra que os caras (Bush jr e a corja de sempre) queriam porque queriam os caras derrubaram um prédio em cima dele.
Mas ele seria o novo secretário geral da ONU, por isso teve que ser suicidado.

Esse aí nem fede, nem cheira. Ainda mais depois do nosso chanceler terraplanista ter transformado o itamaraty num hospício.

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#4164 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Seg Fev 28, 2022 12:24 am

Duka escreveu: Dom Fev 27, 2022 8:52 pm Previsão de doação de caças de países da UE (obviamente pilotados por Ucranianos).
https://valor.globo.com/mundo/noticia/2 ... ania.ghtml
https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia ... eSkxfiaIpr
Aparentemente a União Europeia está começando a se enxergar como um bloco militarmente coeso. Que façanha do Putin!
*não sei o quão efetivo é isso, aprender a operar um caça, mesmo que de modelo similar aos já usados, não é mesma coisa que aprender a usar um fuzil.
**mesmo que não se efetive é um baita peitaço no Putin! Parabéns a UE por finalmente criarem coragem.
A única forma prática e de curto prazo que a UE teria de ceder caças à Ucrânia seria pegando parte dos MIG-29 polacos, entre originais fornecidos pela URSS e ex-RDA (Alemanha Oriental) que a força aérea tem em reserva e mandar para lá. Não saberia dizer quantos ainda estão em condições de serem revisados e colocados para voar.
Ainda há Mig-29 retirados de serviço na Hungria e Rep Checa, salvo engano, substituídos que foram pelos Gripen C/D há mais de 10 anos.
Os Romenos ainda tem Mig-29, assim como os búlgaros, mas apenas este último país possui estes caças em operacionais, Mas não por muito tempo desde há 4 dias.
Enfim, os ucranianos só operam caças soviéticos de primeira geração e mais nada.
Não lembro se ainda há Su-25 operacionais na Europa fora da Ucrânia. Acho que a Bulgária ainda os opera.
De qualquer forma vai levar alguns meses para colocar qualquer Mig-29 em operação na Ucrânia. Ainda mais que o seu principal fornecedor de peças está do outro lado da trincheira.
Nada muito efetivo para mudar o resultado do jogo no longo prazo.

Carpe Diem
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#4165 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Fev 28, 2022 12:50 am


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#4166 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Fev 28, 2022 1:02 am

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#4167 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Fev 28, 2022 1:15 am


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#4168 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Fev 28, 2022 1:34 am

February 27, 2022
11:03 PM GMT-3
Last Updated 2 hours ago
Russian forces appear to shift to siege warfare in Ukraine- U.S. official
By Idrees Ali and Phil Stewart

WASHINGTON, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Russia, frustrated by early battlefield setbacks in Ukraine, could be shifting its strategy to siege warfare just as President Vladimir Putin raises the risk of a catastrophic miscalculation by putting nuclear forces on heightened alert, a senior U.S. defense official said on Sunday.

Putin gave the order to his nuclear forces as Washington assesses that Russian troops have made limited progress in their four-day-old invasion due to stiff Ukrainian resistance and planning failures that have left some units without fuel or other supplies, U.S. officials said.

As missiles rained down on Ukrainian cities, hundreds of thousands of civilians, mainly women and children, were fleeing the Russian assault into neighboring countries.

The United States assesses that Russia has fired more than 350 missiles at Ukrainian targets so far, some hitting civilian infrastructure, the senior U.S. defense official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Still, it had so far mainly focused on military targets.

Citing a Russian offensive on the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, north of Kyiv, the official cited early indications that Russia might be adopting siege tactics.

"It appears that they are adopting a siege mentality, which any student of military tactics and strategy will tell you, when you adopt siege tactics, it increases the likelihood of collateral damage," the official said.

So far, the Russian offensive cannot claim any major victories. Russian has not taken any Ukrainian city, does not control Ukraine's airspace, and its troops remained roughly 30 km (19 miles) from Kyiv's city center for a second day, the official said.

Siege tactics typically involve encircling enemy positions, cutting off supply and escape routes, then attacking with a combined force of armor, ground troops and engineers.

The senior U.S. defense official said it remained to be seen what Russian forces would do next, but the early signs were worrying.

"The indications are enough in terms of how they're positioning their forces around the city (of Chernihiv), how they're beginning this barrage using rockets, that gives us concern," the official said.

"In order for a siege ... to be successful, you basically, by design, are going to be targeting civilian infrastructure and causing civilian harm."

Images on social media showed some Russian military vehicles in Ukraine, including battle tanks, that had apparently been abandoned after running out of fuel, raising questions about logistical failures.

"They simply don't have a lot of experience moving on another nation state at this level of complexity and size," the official said.

The official said it was unclear whether it was a failure in planning or execution, but added that Russian forces were likely to adapt and overcome the challenges.

Russia has still not moved into Ukraine about a third of the troops that Putin had arrayed around its borders, the official said. But it has rapidly increased the number of forces Moscow has sent into Ukraine in recent days.


The Pentagon learned of the heightened Russian alert for its nuclear forces from Putin's televised announcement, the senior U.S. defense official said, instead of from American intelligence sources.

Just after Putin spoke, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the top U.S. commander for Europe, General Tod Wolters, held a pre-scheduled meeting at 8:30 a.m. (1330 GMT) at which they discussed the Russian president's decision.

Although Washington was still gathering information, Putin's move was troubling, the official said.

"It's clearly, essentially, putting in play forces that, if there's a miscalculation, could make things much, much more dangerous," the official said.

Asked whether the United States would continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine following Putin's announcement, the official said: "That support is going to go forward."

Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official and retired CIA paramilitary officer, said he believed Putin's decision to elevate the alert of his nuclear forces was a reaction to battlefield losses.

"Russia placing its nuclear forces on alert is incredibly reckless and a clear indication that Putin realizes his military is not performing as expected in Ukraine," Murloy said.

Reporting by Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali; Editing by Daniel Wallis
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pu ... ce=twitter

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#4169 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Fev 28, 2022 2:08 am

Correção: as votações sobre as sanções à Rússia serão exercidas pela Assembleia Geral hoje, segunda-feira (e não pelo Conselho de Segurança, como eu havia escrito no post abaixo). E para haver condenação é necessária a aprovação de 2/3 dos membros da Assembleia, ou seja, 128 votos (e não metade), sendo proibido que os 5 países exerçam poder de veto.

Fazia 40 anos que não havia uma Assembleia Geral Especial (que possui essas regras). É pra pegar a Rússia.
knigh7 escreveu: Sáb Fev 26, 2022 11:40 pm Amanhã o Conselho de Segurança da ONU vai se reunir: o motivo será a discussão do agendamento de uma sessão especial de emergência aonde nenhuma nação terá poder de veto. Neste caso, as resoluções serão aprovadas por uma maioria simples, ou seja 8 países. Em toda a história da ONU, só houve 10 sessões especiais nesse formato.

Vai colocar o Brasil, que é membro, numa saia justa...

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#4170 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Fev 28, 2022 2:18 am
