JAS-39 Gripen

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12646 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sáb Mai 07, 2016 5:17 pm

Olha, para alguém ficar divulgando esse tipo de informação, só pode ser por interesses outros. O Gripen E/F já é uma realidade para a FAB, e quem não gostar, ou quiser atravancar o processo, vai comprar uma briga das grandes com o Comaer. Nem este general e nem o próprio comando do EB iria querer ou tem cacife para isso.
Já não bastasse a brigalhada política que infesta esse país e ainda tem quem queira arrumar briga entre os militares.
É o fim da picada.


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12647 Mensagem por Bolovo » Sáb Mai 07, 2016 6:28 pm

bcorreia escreveu:A linha de produção do SH já não está fechada?
A Boeing tem intenção de deixar a linha de caças aberta até 2020.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12648 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Sáb Mai 07, 2016 8:54 pm

FCarvalho escreveu:Olha, para alguém ficar divulgando esse tipo de informação, só pode ser por interesses outros. O Gripen E/F já é uma realidade para a FAB, e quem não gostar, ou quiser atravancar o processo, vai comprar uma briga das grandes com o Comaer. Nem este general e nem o próprio comando do EB iria querer ou tem cacife para isso.
Já não bastasse a brigalhada política que infesta esse país e ainda tem quem queira arrumar briga entre os militares.
É o fim da picada.

Ou é alguém procurando aparecer e vender linha de comentário não interessante... Nada muito diferente do que sempre vimos durante todo o processo do F-X...

Nada demais para ser honesto.


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12649 Mensagem por Túlio » Qui Mai 26, 2016 3:29 pm

Quem mostrar essa baboseira ao OG em apreço só vai conseguir fazê-lo cair na risada. Ele é meio linha-dura mesmo mas não se meteria a Richelieu do Planalto e muito menos a dar palpite nos negócios da FAB. O lance dele - como não poderia deixar de ser - é EB!

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12650 Mensagem por zao » Qui Mai 26, 2016 11:42 pm

Pra minha opinião a Fab fez a escolha certa.....gripen NG

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12651 Mensagem por EduClau » Sex Mai 27, 2016 12:36 pm


Uma escolha ajustada ao tamanho do país.


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12652 Mensagem por mmatuso » Sex Mai 27, 2016 1:07 pm

EduClau escreveu:É.

Uma escolha ajustada ao tamanho do país.

Eu diria do tamanho das ambição militar e geopolitica do país. [003] [003]

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12653 Mensagem por kirk » Sex Mai 27, 2016 6:21 pm

mmatuso escreveu:
EduClau escreveu:É.

Uma escolha ajustada ao tamanho do país.

Eu diria do tamanho das ambição militar e geopolitica do país. [003] [003]
Olha só Matuso, Gripen foi pensado pra combater a maior ameaça à Suécia atual e futura, ou seja, foi desenvolvido para se contrapor a SU-35S e PAK-FA e os suécos estão confiantes que o Gripen E estará capacitado para tal ...
My interview with Saab on the new Gripen


It's May 18 and Saab is well into writing a new chapter as fighter manufacturer with the roll-out of the first new aircraft in the Gripen next generation programme.

The new test aircraft 39-8 revealed today will soon be followed by two more aircraft. First by "39-9" for development and verification of the tactical systems and then "39-10" for final verification of the airframe and systems. One earlier proof-of-concept airframe (39-7) has flown since 2008. Saab also employs a static test rig (39-083).

Saab has adopted the term "evolution" to describe generational leaps taken by the Gripen system.

In short the new E-version can take on more loads, fly longer, and act smarter. In terms of load and range Gripen E now comes closer to more heavier competitors but still retains a relatively low price. For example a capacity to carry up to seven Beyond Visual Range missiles while Gripen C supports four of them.

Though visually quite similar to current Gripen aircraft the E-version is designed for operations in a 2025- environment. As summed up by the Swedish Air Chief "the stated purpose of Gripen E is for us to have a functioning and strong air defence after 2025 - and until at least 2045".

The following is my interview with Saab. Answers were a team effort of the Gripen organisation. Note: I'm not a journalist and my English is not the best. I'm just a guy who enjoy airplanes.

Intro: Congratulations on the Gripen evolution event. Six years ago one of your competitors briefed journalists on how they predicted the fighter market 2020+. They assumed Gripen would be gone.

Since then Saab has secured contracts for 96 newly developed Gripen aircraft from two countries taking Saabs production backlog to one of the highest among western fighters and a span only second to that of the F-35. With some of the competition fading away and other western alternatives being both heavier and more costly, opportunities for Gripen seem better than ever.

Q: Is Saab observing a whole new perception of Gripen with this change in market position?

A: The Gripen E order from Sweden, together with Brazil’s order of Gripen NG, solidifies and expands Saabs opportunities on the world market. In fact, these recent events has fundamentally changed the dynamics of the global fighter market in favour of Gripen. This means that Saab are no longer a margin player and we see an increasing interest in all regions from the Americas to Asia.

Here its crucial to add that Gripen C/D and Gripen E will live in parallel for many years to come. Gripen C/D is the backbone of several air forces today and will continue to be so coming years with new upgrades. Therefor we foresee several new C/D customers as well. Our target is to sell more than 400-450 Gripen’s over the coming 20 years, and with the new system, the only one of its kind, we firmly believe we will reach that. One of our strategic goals is to present Gripen as the preferred “smart” choice when replacing aging fighter fleets.

Q: Saab is talking about Gripen as being the "smart fighter" - which we can hear more about in one of your videos. How is this 'smart' concept being received in a market so dominated by U.S rhetoric centered around '5th gen' and 'stealth'?

A: Gripen is a highly versatile multirole platform and one of its missions is interdiction in a highly contested airspace. However, Gripen is more focused on using a smart approach in packs, advanced EW systems and the deployment of standoff weapons instead of being reliant on stealth, as some as its competitors, when it comes to taking out advanced enemy air defences.

It is also smart in being able to add on new technologies when arising quickly and very cost efficient, keeping the system continuously up to date meeting arising threat and capability demand.

Q: What kind of technology and tactics will actually enable Gripen fighters to handle new threats such as the latest Russian fighters with large nose radars and reduced radar signatures?

A: What kind of tactics that can be used against a potential threat Saab will never discuss of obvious reasons, it’s our customers most precious secret. What Saab does, however, is to offer and deliver products and solutions that meet the needs and demands from these customers. When it comes to Gripen its an aircraft built to fly, fight and survive in the most hostile threat environments. It’s a genuine multi-role swing-role fighter equipped with sophisticated datalinks, radar and other sensors, plus an electronic warfare suite that are the best in the world.

Q: Recently Finland issued a RFI (Request For Information) and with that Saab released a new promotional video. Although still early in that process could you talk a little bit about how Saab will approach and support this tender?

A: We believe we have a very attractive offer meeting the needs of a Nordic air force like the Finnish. Gripen is easily deployed with a small logistic footprint, optimized for short turn-around time and dispersed air bases concept. It is a mature and proven product, in operational service with several air forces. It is designed for continuous upgrades in order to keep the system up to date and equipped with latest technology throughout the life-cycle.

With that, Saab see a very interesting opportunity for Gripen when Finland will replace its F/A-18 Hornets. We look forward to the upcoming process and will do our utmost to show how Gripen can meet Finland's operational needs. We feel confident that we have a strong offer that we will present for the RFI (Request for Information) that was received recently.

Q: In theory, money saved on a less expensive fighter could increase overall military capability by investing savings into other units such as on new radars better able to detect stealthy objects. But we have also seen examples of governments for strategic, technical or offset reasons to simply reduce fighter numbers in order to fit more costly machines within a budget. With more militaries feeling the squeeze of tighter budgets will governments give more attention to the whole picture or how is Saab otherwise trying to utilize this "economy role" of Gripen?

A: At a time when the acquisition and operating costs for competing aircraft are rising relentlessly, Gripen makes modern air forces viable - because tails matter, an air force is worthless if it cannot generate and sustain sufficient assets to be effective. Gripen’s cost-effectiveness allows an air force to acquire and operate a significant number of aircraft; meaning that the air force stays relevant and effective, and the nation has a defence that is credible.

With Gripen, costs are clear at the outset, and predictable throughout the lifecycle. Gripen typically comes as a full package of aircraft, equipment, training and support. This smooths the entry-into-service process but also avoids the surprise costs that frequently trip up other aircraft acquisitions. Gripen is unique in offering a range of flexible procurement options – and it adapts to work with your existing military technology and communications systems, saving yet more money to spend on other priorities. Gripen is versatile, reliable and cost-effective: protecting citizens, the defence budget and the wider finances of the entire nation.

Q: Now that a two-seater Gripen NG is under development with Brazil has more countries expressed interest in this type? Do you see the two-seater as also offering new tactical benefits other than just being a training vehicle?

A: A two seater version of Gripen NG is in development for delivery to the Brazilian customer and in the future also for other customers. The development is performed together with the Brazilian partner industries, Embraer, AEL, Akaer and Atech and is progressing according to plan.

The future air operations have requirements of enhanced capabilities to meet the future threats, one area is electronic warfare. In addition, the two-seater has the following mission capabilities: The aircraft’s enhanced avionics, wide area display, sensor systems and communication suite data-link together enable a wide range of tactical roles to be performed from the rear-seat. These may include weapons system officer, dedicated electronic warfare operator and mission commander. Upon customer request this could be further developed.
Gripen E/F "nasce" superior aos principais concorrentes ocidentais de 4,5G, por ser a última palavra em tecnologia, conceito muito mais moderno, sua capacidade de guerra eletrônica já está sendo reconhecida com a melhor, ou uma das melhores do mundo, utilizando inclusive a última palavra (Nitreto de Gálio) ... sua capacidade de interoperabilidade e datalink (TIDLS) o coloca substancialmente à frente em consciência situacional, nem F-35 tem o mesmo nível de sensores ... voa em supercruise, boa capacidade de armas e boa autonomia de voo ... segundo o Crepaldi a melhor autonomia entre os concorrentes do FX-2 ...

Assim, estamos devendo pra quem, em termos de capacidade de defesa ??? não entendo tua birra ... talvez não saiba o o nível das avançadas capacidades de interação e consciência situacional, vai um link caso se interesse :

http://aviationweek.com/awin/saab-takes ... evelopment

[] kirk

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“Quando encontrar um espadachim, saque da espada: não recite poemas para quem não é poeta”
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12654 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qui Jun 09, 2016 12:06 am

Gripen na Af do Sul...

http://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/ ... ally-activ
13 Gripen fighter aircraft are operationally active - Mapisa-Nqakula

Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula | 06 June 2016

Minister says other 13 fighter aircraft are in the Rotational Preventative Maintenance program due to lack of funding




1020. Mr S J F Marais (DA) to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

(1) Whether, with reference to her comments reported in 2013 that 12 out of the SA Air Force’s 26 Gripen fighter jets were in long-term storage due to lack of funding to fly them, the specified aircraft are still in storage; if not, (a) why not and (b)(i) how and (ii) where are they being utilised; if so, (aa) what are the relevant details and (bb) why are these aircraft not being utilised to train our pilots at active SA Air Force pilot training facilities, such as Langebaan, instead of sending them for training to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Cuba;

(2) (a) what are the full reasons for training our SA Air Force pilots in (i) Russia and in (ii) Cuba instead of at active pilot training bases in the country and (b) what are the cost-benefits of training the specified pilots in (i) Russia and (ii) Cuba instead of in South Africa? NW1152E


1. 13 fighter aircraft are in the Rotational Preventative Maintenance program due to lack of funding.

1a. 13 Gripen fighter jets are in a Rotational Preventative Maintenance program from a fleet of 26 aircraft which are maintained throughout the aircraft life cycle as prescribed by the Designing Authority.

1b i. The Gripen fleet are under continuous maintenance while in Rotational Preventative Maintenance program.

1b ii. 13 Gripen fighter aircraft are operationally active at their home bases.

1bb. The Gripen aircraft are operationally utilised and used for force preparation of Gripen specific pilots and also for force employment.

2. Technically, we do not have any pilots training in Russia or Cuba. What we have in these countries are members identified to become student pilots.

Issued by Parliament, 6 June 2016

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12655 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qui Out 27, 2016 1:53 pm

Essa foto ficou bem legal! :D



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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12656 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Dez 22, 2016 5:21 pm

Bulgaria issues RFP for new fighter

14 December, 2016 SOURCE: Flightglobal.com Sofia

The Bulgarian ministry of defence has issued a request for proposals to the potential suppliers of a new fighter for the air force.

The RFP was presented to four countries on 9 December, namely Italy, Portugal, the USA and Sweden, which have until March 2017 to submit their bids.

Bulgaria will purchase its fighter through a government-to-government agreement with one of the countries, and the proposals will be prepared by the governments together with the respective manufacturers.

A selection is expected in mid-2017, at which point the selection will have to be put before parliament for approval. This process could be undertaken within 2017, but it is more likely that it will not happen before 2018.

Portugal and the USA are expected to submit a combined proposal for used Lockheed Martin F-16A/B fighters upgraded to the mid-life upgrade (MLU) Block 15 standard. This will use F-16s held in storage, which could be supplied from the USA, with upgrade and refurbishment to be undertaken at Portugal’s OGMA.

The logistics and weapons package would be supplied from the USA through its foreign military sales channels, in the same way it was done when the type was sold to Romania.

Italy’s proposal will comprise used Tranche 1 Eurofighter Typhoons taken from the existing Italian air force inventory.

The only new-build aircraft being pitched is from Sweden, in the form of the Saab Gripen C/D.

Israel Aerospace Industries was offering surplus F-16C/D Block 30s to Sofia, but this was overlooked ahead of the release of the RFP, because Bulgaria wanted a NATO or EU system.

Bulgaria has allocated a budget of €767 million ($815 million) for the procurement of a minimum of eight multi-role fighters, together with logistics and weapons.

The Bulgarian ministry of defence’s eventual plans call for the purchase of 16 fighters, but due to budget shortages, the programme has been divided into two phases, the first of which is underway.

The second phase, set to be undertaken between 2022 and 2023, will include the purchase of eight more fighters, for which the budget is yet to be approved.

Meanwhile, a long-delayed investment in the maintenance of the air force’s MiG-29 fleet has resulted in the award of two support contracts.

Sofia-based company Aviostart, acting as a representative of the aircraft’s OEM, RSK MiG, was awarded a contract to deliver four new and six second-hand Klimov RD-33 series 2 engines at a total price of €21 million. The first two overhauled engines are set for delivery in April 2017.

The same company was also selected to deliver seven brand-new KSA-2 accessory gearboxes under a €11 million deal, with a contract expected to be inked by year-end.

by Alexander Mladenov and Krassimir Grozev
https://www.flightglobal.com/news/artic ... er-432385/

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12657 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qua Jan 04, 2017 1:34 pm

Carpe Diem
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12658 Mensagem por joao fernando » Qua Jan 04, 2017 2:14 pm

kirk escreveu:
mmatuso escreveu: Eu diria do tamanho das ambição militar e geopolitica do país. [003] [003]
Olha só Matuso, Gripen foi pensado pra combater a maior ameaça à Suécia atual e futura, ou seja, foi desenvolvido para se contrapor a SU-35S e PAK-FA e os suécos estão confiantes que o Gripen E estará capacitado para tal ...
My interview with Saab on the new Gripen


It's May 18 and Saab is well into writing a new chapter as fighter manufacturer with the roll-out of the first new aircraft in the Gripen next generation programme.

The new test aircraft 39-8 revealed today will soon be followed by two more aircraft. First by "39-9" for development and verification of the tactical systems and then "39-10" for final verification of the airframe and systems. One earlier proof-of-concept airframe (39-7) has flown since 2008. Saab also employs a static test rig (39-083).

Saab has adopted the term "evolution" to describe generational leaps taken by the Gripen system.

In short the new E-version can take on more loads, fly longer, and act smarter. In terms of load and range Gripen E now comes closer to more heavier competitors but still retains a relatively low price. For example a capacity to carry up to seven Beyond Visual Range missiles while Gripen C supports four of them.

Though visually quite similar to current Gripen aircraft the E-version is designed for operations in a 2025- environment. As summed up by the Swedish Air Chief "the stated purpose of Gripen E is for us to have a functioning and strong air defence after 2025 - and until at least 2045".

The following is my interview with Saab. Answers were a team effort of the Gripen organisation. Note: I'm not a journalist and my English is not the best. I'm just a guy who enjoy airplanes.

Intro: Congratulations on the Gripen evolution event. Six years ago one of your competitors briefed journalists on how they predicted the fighter market 2020+. They assumed Gripen would be gone.

Since then Saab has secured contracts for 96 newly developed Gripen aircraft from two countries taking Saabs production backlog to one of the highest among western fighters and a span only second to that of the F-35. With some of the competition fading away and other western alternatives being both heavier and more costly, opportunities for Gripen seem better than ever.

Q: Is Saab observing a whole new perception of Gripen with this change in market position?

A: The Gripen E order from Sweden, together with Brazil’s order of Gripen NG, solidifies and expands Saabs opportunities on the world market. In fact, these recent events has fundamentally changed the dynamics of the global fighter market in favour of Gripen. This means that Saab are no longer a margin player and we see an increasing interest in all regions from the Americas to Asia.

Here its crucial to add that Gripen C/D and Gripen E will live in parallel for many years to come. Gripen C/D is the backbone of several air forces today and will continue to be so coming years with new upgrades. Therefor we foresee several new C/D customers as well. Our target is to sell more than 400-450 Gripen’s over the coming 20 years, and with the new system, the only one of its kind, we firmly believe we will reach that. One of our strategic goals is to present Gripen as the preferred “smart” choice when replacing aging fighter fleets.

Q: Saab is talking about Gripen as being the "smart fighter" - which we can hear more about in one of your videos. How is this 'smart' concept being received in a market so dominated by U.S rhetoric centered around '5th gen' and 'stealth'?

A: Gripen is a highly versatile multirole platform and one of its missions is interdiction in a highly contested airspace. However, Gripen is more focused on using a smart approach in packs, advanced EW systems and the deployment of standoff weapons instead of being reliant on stealth, as some as its competitors, when it comes to taking out advanced enemy air defences.

It is also smart in being able to add on new technologies when arising quickly and very cost efficient, keeping the system continuously up to date meeting arising threat and capability demand.

Q: What kind of technology and tactics will actually enable Gripen fighters to handle new threats such as the latest Russian fighters with large nose radars and reduced radar signatures?

A: What kind of tactics that can be used against a potential threat Saab will never discuss of obvious reasons, it’s our customers most precious secret. What Saab does, however, is to offer and deliver products and solutions that meet the needs and demands from these customers. When it comes to Gripen its an aircraft built to fly, fight and survive in the most hostile threat environments. It’s a genuine multi-role swing-role fighter equipped with sophisticated datalinks, radar and other sensors, plus an electronic warfare suite that are the best in the world.

Q: Recently Finland issued a RFI (Request For Information) and with that Saab released a new promotional video. Although still early in that process could you talk a little bit about how Saab will approach and support this tender?

A: We believe we have a very attractive offer meeting the needs of a Nordic air force like the Finnish. Gripen is easily deployed with a small logistic footprint, optimized for short turn-around time and dispersed air bases concept. It is a mature and proven product, in operational service with several air forces. It is designed for continuous upgrades in order to keep the system up to date and equipped with latest technology throughout the life-cycle.

With that, Saab see a very interesting opportunity for Gripen when Finland will replace its F/A-18 Hornets. We look forward to the upcoming process and will do our utmost to show how Gripen can meet Finland's operational needs. We feel confident that we have a strong offer that we will present for the RFI (Request for Information) that was received recently.

Q: In theory, money saved on a less expensive fighter could increase overall military capability by investing savings into other units such as on new radars better able to detect stealthy objects. But we have also seen examples of governments for strategic, technical or offset reasons to simply reduce fighter numbers in order to fit more costly machines within a budget. With more militaries feeling the squeeze of tighter budgets will governments give more attention to the whole picture or how is Saab otherwise trying to utilize this "economy role" of Gripen?

A: At a time when the acquisition and operating costs for competing aircraft are rising relentlessly, Gripen makes modern air forces viable - because tails matter, an air force is worthless if it cannot generate and sustain sufficient assets to be effective. Gripen’s cost-effectiveness allows an air force to acquire and operate a significant number of aircraft; meaning that the air force stays relevant and effective, and the nation has a defence that is credible.

With Gripen, costs are clear at the outset, and predictable throughout the lifecycle. Gripen typically comes as a full package of aircraft, equipment, training and support. This smooths the entry-into-service process but also avoids the surprise costs that frequently trip up other aircraft acquisitions. Gripen is unique in offering a range of flexible procurement options – and it adapts to work with your existing military technology and communications systems, saving yet more money to spend on other priorities. Gripen is versatile, reliable and cost-effective: protecting citizens, the defence budget and the wider finances of the entire nation.

Q: Now that a two-seater Gripen NG is under development with Brazil has more countries expressed interest in this type? Do you see the two-seater as also offering new tactical benefits other than just being a training vehicle?

A: A two seater version of Gripen NG is in development for delivery to the Brazilian customer and in the future also for other customers. The development is performed together with the Brazilian partner industries, Embraer, AEL, Akaer and Atech and is progressing according to plan.

The future air operations have requirements of enhanced capabilities to meet the future threats, one area is electronic warfare. In addition, the two-seater has the following mission capabilities: The aircraft’s enhanced avionics, wide area display, sensor systems and communication suite data-link together enable a wide range of tactical roles to be performed from the rear-seat. These may include weapons system officer, dedicated electronic warfare operator and mission commander. Upon customer request this could be further developed.
Gripen E/F "nasce" superior aos principais concorrentes ocidentais de 4,5G, por ser a última palavra em tecnologia, conceito muito mais moderno, sua capacidade de guerra eletrônica já está sendo reconhecida com a melhor, ou uma das melhores do mundo, utilizando inclusive a última palavra (Nitreto de Gálio) ... sua capacidade de interoperabilidade e datalink (TIDLS) o coloca substancialmente à frente em consciência situacional, nem F-35 tem o mesmo nível de sensores ... voa em supercruise, boa capacidade de armas e boa autonomia de voo ... segundo o Crepaldi a melhor autonomia entre os concorrentes do FX-2 ...

Assim, estamos devendo pra quem, em termos de capacidade de defesa ??? não entendo tua birra ... talvez não saiba o o nível das avançadas capacidades de interação e consciência situacional, vai um link caso se interesse :

http://aviationweek.com/awin/saab-takes ... evelopment
Onde vão colocar a manivela pro piloto girar a fim de obter energia elétrica pra ser o mais mais frente a bimotores?

Obrigado Lulinha por melar o Gripen-NG
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12659 Mensagem por kirk » Qua Jan 04, 2017 11:21 pm

joao fernando escreveu:
kirk escreveu: Olha só Matuso, Gripen foi pensado pra combater a maior ameaça à Suécia atual e futura, ou seja, foi desenvolvido para se contrapor a SU-35S e PAK-FA e os suécos estão confiantes que o Gripen E estará capacitado para tal ...
Gripen E/F "nasce" superior aos principais concorrentes ocidentais de 4,5G, por ser a última palavra em tecnologia, conceito muito mais moderno, sua capacidade de guerra eletrônica já está sendo reconhecida com a melhor, ou uma das melhores do mundo, utilizando inclusive a última palavra (Nitreto de Gálio) ... sua capacidade de interoperabilidade e datalink (TIDLS) o coloca substancialmente à frente em consciência situacional, nem F-35 tem o mesmo nível de sensores ... voa em supercruise, boa capacidade de armas e boa autonomia de voo ... segundo o Crepaldi a melhor autonomia entre os concorrentes do FX-2 ...

Assim, estamos devendo pra quem, em termos de capacidade de defesa ??? não entendo tua birra ... talvez não saiba o o nível das avançadas capacidades de interação e consciência situacional, vai um link caso se interesse :

http://aviationweek.com/awin/saab-takes ... evelopment
Onde vão colocar a manivela pro piloto girar a fim de obter energia elétrica pra ser o mais mais frente a bimotores?
Se fosse uma competição de "Monster trucks destruction" eu entenderia esse raciocínio ... se o combate aéreo fosse de duas aeronaves se chocando no ar pra ver quem sobrevive ... vá lá que valha tal pensamento ... mas "pelamor" o que tem haver a potência de dois motores para a primazia em combate aéreo moderno ???

O SU-35S e PAK-FA não voam em supercruise ... o Gripen E sim ... mais ágil, melhor retomada ... já percebeu que as acrobacias aéreas da família SU-35 são INVARIAVELMENTE a baixa velocidade ??? ... como se estivessem em câmara lenta ??? ... mesmo com toda a potência dos AL-31F o "monstrão" custa a recuperar energia e nessas condições é ALVO FÁCIL ...

A emissão eletromagnética dessa dupla motoração é ENORME e deixa o caça "exposto" aos modernos sensores ... assim é detectado a grandes distâncias ... Saito falou sobre isso ... sim o SU-35 e o PAK-FA são ENORMES ... e extremamente POTENTES ... e são exatamente esses seus PONTOS FRACOS ... seu "calcanhar de aquiles" ... pois quem "vê" primeiro, evita os sensores inimigos e atira primeiro ... e principalmente quem atira com mísseis Meteor, vai vencer, pela sua enorme gama de NSZ ...

Entenda meu amigo ... a inteligência sobrepôs a Força ... a época dos "potentes" SU-35, MIG-31, F-15, F-14 ... acabou ... foram superados ... se isto ainda estivesse valendo os americanos estariam desenvolvendo os caças mais enormes e potentes do mundo ... mas na realidade seu principal vetor de combate sendo desenvolvido é um monomotor ...

[] kirk

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#12660 Mensagem por knigh7 » Qua Jan 04, 2017 11:46 pm

joao fernando escreveu:
Onde vão colocar a manivela pro piloto girar a fim de obter energia dos bimotores?
Essa regra valeria se fosse 1 gerador por motor....
Vc está se referindo a energia elétrica. Ela depende de geradores que sao acoplados aos motores. Isso depende do geradores (tipos e/ou quantidade).

Para aumentar a eficácia do radar AESA em 30% sem aumentar o diâmetro da antena a solução teria de passar também pelo aumento da energia elétrica. E fizeram.

Editado pela última vez por knigh7 em Qua Jan 04, 2017 11:50 pm, em um total de 1 vez.