A extinta VASP operava os VISCOUNT em vôos domésticos no Brasil. Naquela época (fim da década de 50, começo e meio dos anos 60) ela pertencia ao Governo do Estado de S. Paulo.Enlil escreveu:Vickers 802 Viscount (British Airways, London - Heathrow_England, September 1979)
G-AOJE (cn 154) Allocated G-AOHE but ntu; built at Weybridge, first flew 1.57 and delivered to BEA same month. Flew in BEA Scottish livery from 1971 and wfu by British Airways 3.80 at Cardiff, having performed their last Viscount service into there. Purchased by BAF for spares and b/u 2.81 with 43,110 hrs and 41,011 landings recorded
* Richard Vandervord