Super Tucano News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1831 Mensagem por FABIO » Sáb Dez 31, 2011 8:13 pm

Pessoal os EUA compraram o A-29 e pra FAB nada??? sempre torci pelo F-18E, mas agora
confesso que se der rafale vou vibrar muito, e até o tampax F-16 tá bom,queremos que
essa agonia do FX2 termine :lol:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1832 Mensagem por Bourne » Sáb Dez 31, 2011 8:27 pm

Provavelmente o fim do mundo previsto para 2012 chega antes. O Tucano nos EUA é um sinal. :shock:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1833 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Sáb Dez 31, 2011 8:50 pm

Bourne escreveu:Provavelmente o fim do mundo previsto para 2012 chega antes. O Tucano nos EUA é um sinal. :shock:
O sinal definitivo do final dos dias seria se os EUA embargarem a venda.


amor fati
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1834 Mensagem por FABIO » Sáb Dez 31, 2011 8:56 pm

A FAB já recebeu os seus 99 A-29??

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1835 Mensagem por Bolovo » Sáb Dez 31, 2011 9:15 pm



"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1836 Mensagem por soultrain » Dom Jan 01, 2012 12:28 am

Quem vai comprar a minha passagem?

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1837 Mensagem por Justin Case » Dom Jan 01, 2012 7:07 am

Amigos, bom dia.

Pequenos erros burocráticos, com resultados catastróficos.
Dá para acreditar? ... rt-366386/
Mail mix-up makes Hawker Beechcraft miss protest deadline for USAF contract; appeal filed in federal court
By: Stephen Trimble Washington DC
08:19 27 Dec 2011
A perceived mix-up in the mail apparently forced Hawker Beechcraft to miss a chance to protest a US Air Force decision to throw out the AT-6 Texan II from a competition for the light air support (LAS) contract, according to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO).
The GAO on 23 December dismissed Beechcraft's protest because the company missed a deadline by one day to file a response to the USAF's decision.
Beechcraft claims its executives were unaware of the agency's decision for more than 10 days because the USAF unexpectedly mailed the exclusion notice to an inappropriate address. It then took 11 days for the notice to be routed to the right office within the company.
"We're not disputing that that happened," Bill Boisture, Beechcraft chairman and chief executive officer, said in an interview.
Beechcraft still plans to appeal the GAO ruling in the Court of Federal Claims in hopes of keeping the AT-6 competitive for a contract with a potential long-term value of $1 billion. The appeal will be based on what Beechcraft considers the "core" issues in the dispute: whether the AT-6 is technically compliant and whether the USAF acquisition process was legitimate, Boisture said.
"We believe we have been excluded on some minor technicality," he said.
If the Beechcraft appeal fails, the only remaining bidder for the LAS contract is the Embraer/Sierra Nevada team offering the Super Tucano.
The contract award buys up to 20 light attack fighters on behalf of the Afghanistan air force. Follow-on purchases under the contract could acquired dozens of more aircraft for other countries, as well as 15 training aircraft to equip a USAF cadre of instructors under the light attack armed reconnaissance programme.
The USAF determined at some time after 23 September that the Hawker Beechcraft/Lockheed Martin team offering the AT-6 never corrected "multiple deficiencies and significant weaknesses" during the year-long competitive phase, the GAO said.
Boisture disputes that the AT-6 still had major deficiencies, citing a congressionally funded programme that the demonstrated the aircraft could release US and NATO-based precision weapons.
On 1 November, however, the USAF sent a notice by certified mail to Beechcraft's designated point of contact that the AT-6 bid was deemed "technically unacceptable" and out of the competitition.
Three days later, the Beechcraft's designated contact signed a certified mail receipt confirming that the USAF noticed was received, according to the GAO, which reviewed a copy of the receipt.
Boisture said the certified letter was signed by a member of the company's mail room. All other correspondence with the USAF during the LAS competition came during email, he added.
However, on 15 November, Beechcraft contacted the USAF's contracting officer to ask for a debriefing and notifiy the USAF that it had just received the notice dated 1 November, the GAO said.
From the date that an acqusition notice is received, companies have three days to request a debriefing and 10 days to file a protest.
Asked if Beechcraft is reviewing internal processes and taking disciplinary actions, Boisture replied: "What do you think?"
"We made a mistake but that has nothing to do with the airplane," he added. "That's not the issue. The airplane is the issue. The decision is the issue."
Abraços e feliz 2012,


Carlos Mathias

Re: Super Tucano News

#1838 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Dom Jan 01, 2012 12:58 pm

Enfim, só acaba quando termina. :?

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1839 Mensagem por Skyway » Dom Jan 01, 2012 1:32 pm

Justin Case escreveu:Amigos, bom dia.

Pequenos erros burocráticos, com resultados catastróficos.
Dá para acreditar? ... rt-366386/
Mail mix-up makes Hawker Beechcraft miss protest deadline for USAF contract; appeal filed in federal court
By: Stephen Trimble Washington DC
08:19 27 Dec 2011
A perceived mix-up in the mail apparently forced Hawker Beechcraft to miss a chance to protest a US Air Force decision to throw out the AT-6 Texan II from a competition for the light air support (LAS) contract, according to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO).
The GAO on 23 December dismissed Beechcraft's protest because the company missed a deadline by one day to file a response to the USAF's decision.
Beechcraft claims its executives were unaware of the agency's decision for more than 10 days because the USAF unexpectedly mailed the exclusion notice to an inappropriate address. It then took 11 days for the notice to be routed to the right office within the company.
"We're not disputing that that happened," Bill Boisture, Beechcraft chairman and chief executive officer, said in an interview.
Beechcraft still plans to appeal the GAO ruling in the Court of Federal Claims in hopes of keeping the AT-6 competitive for a contract with a potential long-term value of $1 billion. The appeal will be based on what Beechcraft considers the "core" issues in the dispute: whether the AT-6 is technically compliant and whether the USAF acquisition process was legitimate, Boisture said.
"We believe we have been excluded on some minor technicality," he said.
If the Beechcraft appeal fails, the only remaining bidder for the LAS contract is the Embraer/Sierra Nevada team offering the Super Tucano.
The contract award buys up to 20 light attack fighters on behalf of the Afghanistan air force. Follow-on purchases under the contract could acquired dozens of more aircraft for other countries, as well as 15 training aircraft to equip a USAF cadre of instructors under the light attack armed reconnaissance programme.
The USAF determined at some time after 23 September that the Hawker Beechcraft/Lockheed Martin team offering the AT-6 never corrected "multiple deficiencies and significant weaknesses" during the year-long competitive phase, the GAO said.
Boisture disputes that the AT-6 still had major deficiencies, citing a congressionally funded programme that the demonstrated the aircraft could release US and NATO-based precision weapons.
On 1 November, however, the USAF sent a notice by certified mail to Beechcraft's designated point of contact that the AT-6 bid was deemed "technically unacceptable" and out of the competitition.
Three days later, the Beechcraft's designated contact signed a certified mail receipt confirming that the USAF noticed was received, according to the GAO, which reviewed a copy of the receipt.
Boisture said the certified letter was signed by a member of the company's mail room. All other correspondence with the USAF during the LAS competition came during email, he added.
However, on 15 November, Beechcraft contacted the USAF's contracting officer to ask for a debriefing and notifiy the USAF that it had just received the notice dated 1 November, the GAO said.
From the date that an acqusition notice is received, companies have three days to request a debriefing and 10 days to file a protest.
Asked if Beechcraft is reviewing internal processes and taking disciplinary actions, Boisture replied: "What do you think?"
"We made a mistake but that has nothing to do with the airplane," he added. "That's not the issue. The airplane is the issue. The decision is the issue."
Abraços e feliz 2012,

Ai que burros, da zero pra eles. :lol:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1840 Mensagem por NovaTO » Dom Jan 01, 2012 1:36 pm

Se não são capazes nem de gerenciar o mail deles, vão reclamar do que? :mrgreen:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1841 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Dom Jan 01, 2012 2:20 pm

Justin Case escreveu:Amigos, bom dia.

Pequenos erros burocráticos, com resultados catastróficos.
Dá para acreditar? ... rt-366386/
Mail mix-up makes Hawker Beechcraft miss protest deadline for USAF contract; appeal filed in federal court

Abraços e feliz 2012,

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Enfim, só acaba quando termina. :?
Neste caso, já aprendemos que não se pode contar com o ovo no c* da galinha... :?


"Apenas o mais sábio e o menos sábio nunca mudam de opinião."
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1842 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Dom Jan 01, 2012 2:42 pm

Esperamos todos que a Embraer venca, porque ganhou mesmo :D ...

Mas ate a Airbus tomou as suas e mesmo a Embraer (ACS), por conta das peripecias dos congressistas e lobistas americanos...

Mas em todo o caso... parabens!!!!! (mais uma vez) e 'e aguardar [029]


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1843 Mensagem por binfa » Dom Jan 01, 2012 4:07 pm


credito: Maxine dos Santos

att, binfa
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1844 Mensagem por binfa » Dom Jan 01, 2012 4:10 pm

Emprego de Armamento

Vista de alvo atingido por disparos de metralhadora .50 de aeronaves A-29 Super Tucano em missão noturna, em treinamento no sul do Pará (Cachimbo).

att, binfa
REgistro Nacional de DOadores de MEdula nº 1.256.762
Depoimento ABRALE :arrow: ... php?id=771
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1845 Mensagem por alexmabastos » Dom Jan 01, 2012 7:02 pm

binfa escreveu:Imagem
Emprego de Armamento

Vista de alvo atingido por disparos de metralhadora .50 de aeronaves A-29 Super Tucano em missão noturna, em treinamento no sul do Pará (Cachimbo).
Podia ter um vídeo com o ST disparando estas traçantes à noite...seria mto legal!

