KriegsMarine Ships

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Rui Elias Maltez
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#16 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Nov 15, 2006 1:17 pm

Não tenho nenhum prontuário nem dicionário à mão, mas acho que em Português se diz "adornado"

luis F. Silva
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#17 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Qua Nov 15, 2006 2:57 pm

Não tenho nenhum prontuário nem dicionário à mão, mas acho que em Português se diz "adornado"

Errado, Sr. professor. Eu meti água, adornado é engalanado, enfeitado(até na cabeça) com adornos.

Fontes: Dicionário Português-Africano,das edições Cova da Moura.

Editado pela última vez por luis F. Silva em Qua Nov 15, 2006 3:00 pm, em um total de 1 vez.

Luis Filipe Silva

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Rui Elias Maltez
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#18 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Nov 15, 2006 2:58 pm


Este forum também é cultura :wink:

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#19 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Nov 15, 2006 9:44 pm



Leichter Kreuzer 1925 - 1945
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven, 08.12.1921
Launched: 07.01.1925
Commissioned: 15.10.1925
Fate: Destroyed by explosions 03.04.1945 (Heikendorf Bay)

Leichter Kreuzer 1929 - 1940 K Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven, 12.04.1926
Launched: 26.03.1927
Commissioned: 17.04.1929
Fate: sunk by FAA bombers 10.04.1940 (Bergen)

Leichter Kreuzer 1929 - 1940 K Class
Laid down: Deutsche Werke Kiel, 27.07.1926
Launched: 20.08.1927
Commissioned: 06.11.1929
Fate: sunk by Submarine 09.04.1940 (Kristiansand)

Leichter Kreuzer 1930 - 1945 K Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven, 07.08.1926
Launched: 25.05.1928
Commissioned: 15.01.1930
Fate: sunk by bombs 31.03.1945 (Wilhelmshaven)

Leichter Kreuzer 1931 - 1946 Leipzig Class
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhelmshaven, 18.04.1928
Launched: 18.10.1929
Commissioned: 08.10.1931
Fate: scuttled with gas ammo 16.12.1946 (North Sea)

Leichter Kreuzer 1934 - 1961 Nürnberg Class
Laid down: Deutsche Werke Kiel, 04.11.1933
Launched: 08.12.1934
Commissioned: 02.11.1935
Fate: scrapped 1961


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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Localização: Eu sou do Sul, é so olhar pra ver que eu sou do Sul, A minha terra tem um cel azul, é so olhar e ver

#20 Mensagem por Einsamkeit » Qua Nov 15, 2006 9:53 pm

Kamerad! Kamerad! Alle Maedels muessen warten!
Kamerad! Kamerad! Der Befehl ist da, wir starten!
Kamerad! Kamerad! Die Losung ist bekannt:
Ran an den Feind! Ran an den Feind!
Bomben auf Engelland!

Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness

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#21 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Nov 15, 2006 10:11 pm



Zerstörer 1934
The destroyers of the "Zerstörer 1934" class were the first four destroyers build in Germany after World War I.

Z1 Leberecht Maas
Zerstörer 1937 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934 Class
Laid down: Deutsche Werke Kiel, 15.10.1934
Launched: 18.08.1935
Commissioned: 14.01.1937
Fate: sunk after bomb hits on 22.02.1940

Z2 Georg Thiele
Zerstörer 1937 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934 Class
Laid down: Deutsche Werke Kiel, 25.10.1934
Launched: 18.08.1935
Commissioned: 27.02.1937
Fate: sunk on 13.04.1940

Z3 Max Schulz
Zerstörer 1937 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934 Class
Laid down: Deutsche Werke Kiel, 02.01.1935
Launched: 30.11.1935
Commissioned: 08.04.1937
Fate: sunk after bomb and mine hits on 22.02.1940

Z4 Richard Beitzen
Zerstörer 1937 - 1947 Zerstörer 1934 Class
Laid down: Deutsche Werke Kiel, 07.01.1935
Launched: 30.11.1935
Commissioned: 13.05.1937
Fate: scrapped 1947

Zerstörer 1934A
Successors of the "Zerstörer 1934" class with only slight modifications. 12 ships build.

Z5 Paul Jakobi
Zerstörer 1937 - 1958 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 15.07.1935
Launched: 24.03.1936
Commissioned: 29.06.1937
Fate: scrapped 1958

Z6 Theodor Riedel
Zerstörer 1937 - 1958 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 18.07.1935
Launched: 22.04.1936
Commissioned: 02.07.1937
Fate: scrapped 1958

Z7 Hermann Schoemann
Zerstörer 1937 - 1942 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 07.09.1935
Launched: 16.07.1936
Commissioned: 09.09.1937
Fate: sunk 02.05.1942

Z8 Bruno Heinemann
Zerstörer 1938 - 1942 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 14.01.1936
Launched: 15.09.1936
Commissioned: 08.01.1938
Fate: sunk 25.01.1942

Z9 Wolfgang Zenker
Zerstörer 1938 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 23.03.1935
Launched: 27.03.1936
Commissioned: 02.07.1938
Fate: scuttled on 13.04.1940

Z10 Hans Lody
Zerstörer 1938 - 1949 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 01.04.1935
Launched: 14.05.1936
Commissioned: 13.09.1938
Fate: scrapped 1946 - 1949

Z11 Bernd von Arnim
Zerstörer 1938 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 26.04.1935
Launched: 08.07.1936
Commissioned: 06.12.1938
Fate: scuttled on 13.04.1940

Z12 Erich Giese
Zerstörer 1939 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 03.05.1935
Launched: 12.03.1937
Commissioned: 04.03.1939
Fate: sunk 13.04.1940

Z13 Erich Koellner
Zerstörer 1939 - 1940 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 12.10.1935
Launched: 18.03.1937
Commissioned: 28.03.1939
Fate: sunk 13.04.1940

Z14 Friedirch Ihn
Zerstörer 1938 - 1952 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Blohm & Voß Hamburg, 30.03.1935
Launched: 05.11.1935
Commissioned: 06.04.1938
Fate: scrapped 1952

Z15 Erich Steinbrinck
Zerstörer 1938 - 1958 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Blohm & Voß Hamburg, 30.03.1935
Launched: 24.09.1936
Commissioned: 31.05.1938
Fate: scrapped 1958

Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt
Zerstörer 1938 - 1942 Zerstörer 1934A Class
Laid down: Blohm & Voß Hamburg, 14.11.1935
Launched: 21.03.1937
Commissioned: 28.07.1938
Fate: sunk 31.12.1942


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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#22 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Nov 15, 2006 10:16 pm

Agradeço os cumprimentos recebidos e serão muito benvindas as contribuições que certamente têem e que enriquecerão este interessante assunto.


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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#23 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Nov 15, 2006 10:32 pm



Zerstörer 1936
The Zerstörer 1936 class were slightly bigger and improved to their predecessors, the Zerstörer 1934 and Zerstörer 1934A.
While these ships were under construction, none of the earlier ships was commissioned and therefore none of their design flaws got obvious.
It's interesting that most of the problems - especially those of the engines - were solved in this class of ships. The engines were much more reliable, the structural integrity was improved and they were much better seagoing ships. This was caused by the reduction of the top weight, the funnels were shortened and the height of the superstructure was reduced and the improved bow shape of the three last build ships.
Although 26 of this ships were ordered, only 6 were completed, while the other orders were modified to other designs. All but one ships were sunk at Narvik and formed the destroyer graveyard in the Norwegian fjord.

Z17 Diether von Roeder
Zerstörer 1938 - 1940 Zerstörer 1936 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 09.09.1936
Launched: 19.08.1937
Commissioned: 29.08.1938
Fate: sunk 13.04.1941 (Narvik)

Z18 Hans Lüdemann
Zerstörer 1938 - 1940 Zerstörer 1936 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 09.09.1936
Launched: 01.12.1937
Commissioned: 08.10.1938
Fate: scuttled on 13.04.1940

Z19 Hermann Künne
Zerstörer 1939 - 1940 Zerstörer 1936 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 05.10.1936
Launched: 22.12.1937
Commissioned: 12.01.1939
Fate: beached on 13.04.1940

Z20 Karl Galster
Zerstörer 1939 - 1956 Zerstörer 1936 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 14.09.1937
Launched: 15.06.1938
Commissioned: 21.03.1939
Fate: scrapped 1956

Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp
Zerstörer 1939 - 1940 Zerstörer 1936 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 15.12.1937
Launched: 20.08.1938
Commissioned: 10.06.1939
Fate: sunk on 11.04.1940

Z22 Anton Schmitt
Zerstörer 1939 - 1940 Zerstörer 1936 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 03.01.1938
Launched: 20.09.1938
Commissioned: 24.09.1939
Fate: sunk on 10.04.1940

Zerstörer 1936A
After the construction of the new 15 cm gun in 1936, this gun was selected for the new class of destroyers, called the "Narvik" destroyers. With the biggest caliber used on board of the destroyer at this time, it was thought that those ships would have a tactical advantage over those with 12,7 cm guns.
For the first time on a German destroyer, the new ships should get a double turret mounted on the bow of the ship. Since the new turrets were not completed in time, the ships were commissioned with a single 15 cm gun instead and should have been refitted later.
The general design was similar to the predecessors, but several effords were made to increase the seagoing capabilities. The single rudder was replaced by a twin rudder and the bow section was modified. But when sailing through heavy seas, it soon got obvious that the new bow section was ill designed, and the ships took over too much water. This problem even got worse after the new twin turrets were installed and it took a very long time until it got clear that the new stern design had caused all the problems.
During the war, the surviving ships were refitted with additional Flak guns (Project name "Barbara") since the original armament proved to be not adequate.

Zerstörer 1940 - 1951 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 15.11.1938
Launched: 15.12.1939
Commissioned: 15.09.1940
Fate: scrapped after 1951

Zerstörer 1940 - 1944 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 02.01.1939
Launched: 07.03.1940
Commissioned: 26.10.1940
Fate: sunk 25.08.1944

Zerstörer 1940 - 1958 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 15.02.1939
Launched: 16.03.1940
Commissioned: 30.11.1940
Fate: scrapped 1958

Zerstörer 1940 - 1942 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 01.04.1939
Launched: 02.04.1940
Commissioned: 11.01.1940
Fate: sunk 29.03.1942

Zerstörer 1941 - 1943 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 27.12.1939
Launched: 01.08.1940
Commissioned: 26.02.1941
Fate: sunk 28.12.1943

Zerstörer 1941 - 1945 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 30.11.1939
Launched: 20.08.1940
Commissioned: 09.08.1941
Fate: sunk 06.03.1945

Zerstörer 1941 - 1946 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 21.03.1940
Launched: 15.10.1940
Commissioned: 25.06.1941
Fate: scuttled 16.12.1946

Zerstörer 1941 - 1949 Zerstörer 1936A Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 15.04.1940
Launched: 08.12.1940
Commissioned: 15.11.1941
Fate: scrapped 1949


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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#24 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Nov 15, 2006 10:49 pm



Zerstörer 1936A (Mob)
After the start of World War II the construction of all new destroyers were canceled. Instead 12 additional ships of the Zerstörer 1936A class were ordered.
To save material and increase the constructions time, some slight internal simplifications and engine modifications were done. The 15 cm gun turrets were taken from the already ordered O-Class battlecruisers.
The engines caused less trouble than those of the previous destroyers but at the end of the war the remaining ships showed some heavy corrosion in the boilers and tubes.

Zerstörer 1942 - 1958 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 01.09.1940
Launched: 15.04.1941
Commissioned: 11.04.1942
Fate: scrapped 1958

Zerstörer 1942 - 1944 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 01.11.1940
Launched: 15.08.1941
Commissioned: 15.09.1942
Fate: sunk 09.06.1944

Zerstörer 1943 - 1961 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 22.12.1940
Launched: 15.09.1941
Commissioned: 06.02.1943
Fate: scraped 1961

Zerstörer 1943 - 1946 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 14.01.1941
Launched: 05.05.1942
Commissioned: 05.06.1943
Fate: scuttled 26.03.1946

Zerstörer 1942 - 1944 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 1940
Launched: 24.02.1941
Commissioned: 16.07.1942
Fate: scrapped 1949

Zerstörer 1943 - 1949 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 1940
Launched: 05.08.1941
Commissioned: 20.03.1943
Fate: scrapped 1949

Zerstörer 1943 - 1964 Zerstörer 1936A (Mob) Class
Laid down: Germaniawerft Kiel, 1940
Launched: 05.08.1941
Commissioned: 21.08.1943
Fate: scrapped February 1964

Zerstörer 1936B
The development of the last German destroyer class of World War II was very confusing. Being first ordered as additional ships of the Zerstörer 1936 class, this later was changed to the Zerstörer 1938B design. Since development of these ships was stopped after the beginning of World War II, the ships should have been build as additional ships of the Zerstörer 1936A class.
As it got obvious that the 15 cm twin turret made the ships very unstable in heavy seas a modified version, the Zerstörer 1936 B was designed. Instead of the twin turret, the five projected ships got two single mounted guns and the Flak armament was increased. Besides this, the ships were very similar to those of the Zerstörer 1936A class.
Since they were only used in coastal waters and the Baltic Sea, the ships could not proof that they were more seaworthy than their predecessors.
ter the start of World War II the construction of all new destroyers were canceled. Instead 12 additional ships of theZerstörer 1936A class were ordered.
To save material and increase the constructions time, some slight internal simplifications and engine modifications were done. The 15 cm gun turrets were taken from the already ordered O-Class battlecruisers.
The engines caused less trouble than those of the previous destroyers but at the end of the war the remaining ships showed some heavy corrosion in the boilers and tubes.

Zerstörer 1943 - 1944 Zerstörer 1936B Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 06.06.1941
Launched: 02.10.1942
Commissioned: 22.09.1943
Fate: sunk 12.12 1944

Zerstörer 1943 - 1944 Zerstörer 1936B Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 15.09.1941
Launched: 15.05.1943
Commissioned: 19.02.1944
Fate: sunk 12.12 1944

Zerstörer 1944 - 1945 Zerstörer 1936B Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 01.05.1942
Launched: 22.09.1943
Commissioned: 24.03.1944
Fate: scuttled 03.05.1945

Zerstörer Zerstörer 1936B Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 1942
Launched: 20.01.1944
Fate: scrapped 1948-1949

Zerstörer Zerstörer 1936B Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 1942
Launched: 15.04.1944
Fate: scrapped in shipyard in 1946

Zerstörer 1936C
Planed destroyers with 12,8 cm AA guns. Zerstörer 1936C Class
Soon after the start of World War II it got obvious that all existing German destroyers were not adequately protected against air attacks. Since the number of light Flak guns could not increased much more, a new main armament for destroyers, capable to be used against air and sea targets was needed.
In 1941 it was considered to use the new Luftwaffe 12,8 cm Flak 40 in twin mountings for a new class of destroyers.
The two ordered ships were modified Zerstörer 1936B designs adapted to the new armament. They were laid down in 1942 but not completed. Four additional were ordered in 1943, none of them was started to build.


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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#25 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Nov 15, 2006 11:03 pm



Zerstörer 1938A/Ac
A planed class of big ocean going destroyers. Zerstörer 1938A/Ac Class
In 1937/38 the development of a big destroyer for Atlantic operation started. Being about 50% bigger than all previous destroyers those ships should be equipped with a mixed propulsion system like the one uses in the Light Cruisers of the Köln or Leipzig Class: Diesel engines for long cruises and turbines for fast combat operations. To protect the ships, even a light armor protection was projected.
Although the design was not very satisfying, 24 of this ships were projected for the Z-Plan , 10 should be build until 1943, the other 14 should be completed until 1945. Three ships were actually ordered in 1939 but canceled in 1940 without being laid down.
The development of the big destroyers continued and lead later to the design of the Spähkreuzer.

Zerstörer 1938B
A planed class of small costal destroyers. Zerstörer 1938B Class
At the same time as the development of the big destroyers of the Zerstörer 1938A/Ac class started, a class of small destroyers for operations in coastal waters, especially the Baltic Sea, started.
The ships could be compared to the British A- H-class destroyers build between the wars, but the very light anti aircraft armament was not adequate even at the time of construction.
In summer of 1939 12 of those ships were ordered that had to be delivered until 1945. But three weeks after the start of World War II, all ships were canceled and additional ships of the Zerstörer 1936A class were ordered.

Zerstörer 1942
The prototype of a diesel powered destroyer. Zerstörer 1942 Class
After the design of a new MAN diesel engine, plans ware made to build a single destroyer Prototype called Zerstörer 1942.
Its basic concept in armament and size was very similar to the Zerstörer 1938B, but the propulsion system was unique. The ships should have been powered by six diesel engines and equipped with three shafts (the other German destroyers only had two shafts). To increase the production time it was planed to install only four of the engines initially and refit the other two later.
The ship (Z 51) was ordered in 1942 laid down in 1943 at the Deschimag Shipyard in Bremen and launched on 02.10.1944. The uncompleted vessel was badly damaged by bomb hits on 21.03.1945 and broken down between December 1947 and February 1949.
One of the four engines build is now on display in the "Auto und Technik" Museum in Sinzheim, Germany.

Zerstörer 1944
Projected diesel powered destroyer for Atlantic operations. Zerstörer 1944 Class
Although the first prototype of a diesel powered destroyer (Zerstörer 1942) was not completed, the development of those kind of ships continued.
It was thought to be a bigger ship for Atlantic operations to support major Kriegsmarine ships. Several proposals were made which finally lead to the Zerstörer 1944 project. In addition to a heavy main armament, those ships had a increased Flak armament compared to its predecessors, including the new 5,5 cm AA gun which should have been introduced in 1945.
In spring of 1944 five ships were ordered, but none of them was started to build.

Zerstörer 1945
The last German destroyer designs of World War II. Zerstörer 1945 Class
Despite the war situation in Germany, even in 1945 the development of new destroyers was continued although there was never a chance to build additional ships.
The destroyer design "Zerstörer 1945" was build around an improved high pressure steam engine, in contradiction to the use of diesel engines in the previous design studies.
Armament and general layout was very similar to last diesel destroyer designs, the bigger air threads caused a massive increase of anti aircraft artillery compared to the pre-war designs.

Huge destroyers to be used as reconnaisance cruisers. Spähkreuzer Class
Although called Spähkreuzer - Reconnaissance Cruiser - those ships were basically large destroyers capable for Atlantic Operations. Based on traditional destroyer design, several project studies started in 1938 to develop a large destroyer of the size of a CL. Like most German CLs, those ships were planed to get a mixed propulsion system, geared turbines for high speed and diesel engines for long cruises.
It was planed to use this ships in combinations of the new battleships of the Z-Plan in the North Atlantic where the Spähkreuzer should be the eyes of a larger battle fleet.
With the lessons learned by the first naval actions in World War II, the plans for the Spähkreuzer were modified several times, after the "Spähkreuzer 38" later designs were called "Spähkreuzer 39" and "Spähkreuzer 40" which had improved range, armor protection and a float plane on board.
The first three ships (SP1, SP2, and SP3, formerly named Z40, Z41, Z42) were ordered in February 1941 at the Germania Shipyard in Kiel. In December of 1941, the engines for the next three ships (SP4, SP5, SP6) were ordered too, but not the ships themselves.

Spähkreuzer SP1 - SP3
Only SP1 was laid down, but its construction planes were destroyed during a air raid. In April 1942, construction of all Spähkreuzer was stopped and the focus switched to the construction of normal destroyers.


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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Registrado em: Qui Dez 09, 2004 11:33 am
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#26 Mensagem por JLRC » Qua Nov 15, 2006 11:16 pm

Rui Elias Maltez escreveu:Não tenho nenhum prontuário nem dicionário à mão, mas acho que em Português se diz "adornado"

Amigo Rui, adornado deriva de adorno, já entornado não tem nada a ver com deitar fora mas deitar para dentro em excesso :lol: embora depois possa deitar fora ou melhor, chamar pelo Gregório :oops:

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Rui Elias Maltez
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Registrado em: Ter Nov 16, 2004 1:38 pm
Localização: Sintra, Portugal
Agradeceram: 1 vez

#27 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qui Nov 16, 2006 7:36 am

A esse acto de expulsão, eu costumo chamar de "cantro gregoriano".

É quando as bombas começam a bombear para o vaso, o excesso de líquido no porão. 8-]

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#28 Mensagem por faterra » Qui Nov 16, 2006 7:53 pm



Torpedoboot 1923
The torpedoboats of the Raubvogel class were the first six torpedo boats build in Germany after World War I. Although still based on World War I designs, those torpedo boats were much bigger than their wartime predecessors and proved to be very unproblematic ships. For the first time, electrical welding was used for the hull to decrease weight. Since the World War I designs did not use geared turbines of a very high efficiency, the use of them in the Raubvogel boats was still experimental and turbines of different manufacturers were chosen.
Although those ships were almost ten years old at the beginning of World War II, they were successfully used at the Channel. During the war it got obvious that the ships were not very good protected against air attacks, but only a few 2 cm guns were added in the later years of the war. The surviving ships were equipped with Funkmeßbeobachtungsgeräten (FuMB = passive radar) in 1943 and Funkmeßortungsgeräten (FuMO = active radar) in 1944.

Torpedoboot 1926 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 02.05.1925
Launched: 24.03.1926
Commissioned: 01.10.1926
Fate: sunk 15.06.1944

Torpedoboot 1927 - 1942 Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 05.10.1925
Launched: 15.07.1926
Commissioned: 01.05.1927
Fate: sunk 13.05.1942

Torpedoboot 1927 - 1940 Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 05.10.1925
Launched: 15.07.1926
Commissioned: 05.05.1927
Fate: beached on 04.05.1940

Torpedoboot 1927 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 05.10.1925
Launched: 15.07.1926
Commissioned: 15.03.1927
Fate: sunk on 23.05.1944

Torpedoboot 1927 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 17.11.1925
Launched: 22.09.1926
Commissioned: 15.07.1927
Fate: destroyed 31.07.1944

Torpedoboot 1927 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1923 (Raubvogel) Class
Laid down: Reichsmarinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 17.11.1925
Launched: 22.09.1926
Commissioned: 15.08.1927
Fate: sunk on 15.06.1944


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
Avatar do usuário
Mensagens: 5096
Registrado em: Qui Dez 15, 2005 10:25 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte - MG
Agradeceu: 89 vezes
Agradeceram: 79 vezes

#29 Mensagem por faterra » Qui Nov 16, 2006 8:14 pm



Torpedoboot 1924
The Raubtier - class was a slightly improved Raubvogel class and build immediately after them. Although it was first intended to use 12,7 cm guns on those ships, they were finally equipped with a modernized 10,5 cm gun.
They showed the same pros and cons than their predecessors and were used in the same operational area. The ships got the same updates and improvements than their predecessors, the Raubvogel class.

Torpedoboot 1928 - 1941 Torpedoboot 1924 "Raubtier" Class
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 08.03.1927
Launched: 12.10.1927
Commissioned: 15.11.1928
Fate: sunk on 08.01.1941

Torpedoboot 1928 - 1942
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 08.03.1927
Launched: 12.10.1927
Commissioned: 01.10.1928
Fate: sunk on 13.05.1942

Torpedoboot 1929 - 1940 Torpedoboot 1924 "Raubtier" Class
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 02.04.1927
Launched: 15.03.1928
Commissioned: 15.04.1929
Fate: sunk on 26.07.1940

Torpedoboot 1929 - 1939 Torpedoboot 1924 "Raubtier" Class
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 02.04.1927
Launched: 15.03.1928
Commissioned: 15.01.1929
Fate: sunk on 25.08.1939

Torpedoboot 1929 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1924 "Raubtier" Class
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 04.05.1927
Launched: 15.03.1928
Commissioned: 01.06.1929
Fate: sunk on 15.06.1944

Torpedoboot 1928 - 1940 Torpedoboot 1924 "Raubtier" Class
Laid down: Marinewerft Wilhlemshaven, 04.05.1927
Launched: 15.03.1928
Commissioned: 01.06.1928
Fate: sunk on 30.04.1940

Torpedoboot 1935
The Torpedo boats of the "Torpedoboot 1935" class were the first ships of this kind after 10 years. First designs for this ships were made at the end of 1933. Although officially called 600t ships, the ships were over 50% bigger.
Unlike their predecessors, those ships were a unsuccessful design. Because of a required high top speed, high pressure turbines had to be installed and proved to be as troublesome as those of the destroyers and heavy cruisers. Even worse, the small dimensions of those ships made it even harder to maintain or repair the troublesome engine system.
Their primary weapon system was the torpedo, therefore the concentration of a high number of torpedo tubes, only one 10,5 cm gun and the light Flak protection made the ships very vulnerable and not very useful in other tasks than torpedo attacks.
Caused by the need to keep the boats size blow the allowed 600 ts, first trials show that the light construction first made them very bad seagoing vessels, and it took up to the end of 1940 to solve this problem but even then their second offensive potential - the mines - could only be used during light seas. Some ships replaced one torpedo launcher with additional Flak guns later in the war, Funkmeßortungsgeräte (Radar) was only added in 1945 although passive radar detectors were refitted earlier.
Most of the ships were used for training submarine commanders in the Baltic Sea, some even were put into reserve status since there was no use for them during wartime.

Torpedoboot 1939 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: F. Schichau Elbing, 14.11.1936
Launched: 19.02.1938
Commissioned: 02.12.1939
Fate: sunk 09.04.1945

Torpedoboot 1939 - 1946 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: F. Schichau Elbing, 14.11.1936
Launched: 07.04.1938
Commissioned: 09.12.1939
Fate: scrapped 1946

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: F. Schichau Elbing, 14.11.1936
Launched: 23.06.1938
Commissioned: 03.04.1940
Fate: sunk 14.03.1945

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1952 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: F. Schichau Elbing, 29.12.1936
Launched: 15.04.1938
Commissioned: 27.05.1940
Fate: scrapped February 1952

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 30.12.1936
Launched: 22.11.1937
Commissioned: 23.01.1940
Fate: sunk after mine hit 14.03.1945

Torpedoboot 1940 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 09.01.1937
Launched: 16.12.1937
Commissioned: 30.04.1940
Fate: sunk after mine hit 07.11.1940

Torpedoboot 1939 - 1947 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 20.08.1937
Launched: 18.06.1938
Commissioned: 20.12.1939
Fate: scrapped between 1947-1949

Torpedoboot 1939 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 28.08.1937
Launched: 10.08.1938
Commissioned: 08.10.1939
Fate: scuttled on 03.05.1945

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 24.11.1936
Launched: 03.11.1938
Commissioned: 04.07.1940
Fate: scuttled on 03.05.1945

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 24.11.1936
Launched: 06.08.1940
Commissioned: 06.08.1940
Fate: destroyed 18.12.1944

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1951 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 01.07.1938
Launched: 01.03.1939
Commissioned: 07.05.1940
Fate: scrapped October 1951

Torpedoboot 1940 - 1991 Torpedoboot 1935 Class
Laid down: Deschimag Bremen, 20.08.1938
Launched: 12.04.1939
Commissioned: 03.07.1940
Fate: sunk in deep water 1991


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
Avatar do usuário
Mensagens: 5096
Registrado em: Qui Dez 15, 2005 10:25 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte - MG
Agradeceu: 89 vezes
Agradeceram: 79 vezes

#30 Mensagem por faterra » Qui Nov 16, 2006 8:26 pm



Torpedoboot 1937
The Torpedo boats of the "Torpedoboot 1937" class were a slightly improved Torpedoboot 1935 ships.
Although the pressure of its engines was reduced, the ships still were not very reliable at all. Like their predecessors, the unbalanced armament made those ships not very useful during wartime, therefore many of them were used for U-boat training.
Since the end of 1944, several ships were attached to the cruisers and Panzerschiffe operating in the Baltic Sea and were involved in shore bombardments.

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 15.06.1939
Commissioned: 31.05.1941
Fate: sunk 10.04.1945

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1951 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 20.07.1939
Commissioned: 14.06.1941
Fate: scrapped 1951

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1943 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 16.09.1939
Commissioned: 26.06.1941
Fate: sunk 13.12.1943

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1945 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 23.11.1938
Commissioned: 24.07.1941
Fate: decommissioned 13.04.1945

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1960 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 13.03.1940
Commissioned: 28.08.1941
Fate: scrapped after 1960

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1944 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 01.06.1940
Commissioned: 22.11.1941
Fate: sunk 17.09.1944

Torpedoboot 1941 - 1952 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 20.07.1940
Commissioned: 18.12.1941
Fate: scrapped February 1952

Torpedoboot 1942 - 1951 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 12.09.1940
Commissioned: 05.06.1942
Fate: scrapped 1951

Torpedoboot 1942 - 1946 Torpedoboot 1937 Class
Laid down: Schichau Elbing, 1939
Launched: 21.11.1940
Commissioned: 11.07.1942
Fate: scuttled 10.06.1946


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra