Página 9 de 57

Enviado: Qua Out 11, 2006 12:25 am
por Skyway
Duvido que a marinha iria decolar F/A-18 com carga bélica elevada.

No máximo mísseis sidewinders e tanques externos, raramente um F/A-18 vai decolar com grande carga em armamentos, talvez em exercícios conjuntos específicos, e mesmo assim quando estiver com um nível operacional muito bom, mas quando precisar fazer, ele ainda assim vai poder fazer sem problemas por um bom tempo.

O mesmo vale para o Rafale.

Enviado: Qua Out 11, 2006 1:41 am
por PRick

O melhor custo benefício atualmente entre caças navias usados, são sem dúvido os CF-18A do Canadá. Nunca operaram embarcados, possuem turbinas do modelo C, mais potentes, e foram limitados a 7,5 g´s em manobras.


Tem pelos menos 30 deles armazenados, já fazem alguns anos, foram oferecidos a um país da Europa Oriental.

Poderiam operar no SP sem problemas.

[ ]´s

Enviado: Qua Out 11, 2006 7:58 am
por Plinio Jr
PRick escreveu:Bem,

O melhor custo benefício atualmente entre caças navias usados, são sem dúvido os CF-18A do Canadá. Nunca operaram embarcados, possuem turbinas do modelo C, mais potentes, e foram limitados a 7,5 g´s em manobras.


Tem pelos menos 30 deles armazenados, já fazem alguns anos, foram oferecidos a um país da Europa Oriental.

Poderiam operar no SP sem problemas.

[ ]´s

Estes aviões foram oferecidos a Rep.Tcheca no processo que levou o país a escolher o Gripen naquela oportunidade.

Realmente pelas informações que vemos tanto pela net como revistas especializadas, são aeronaves em ótimas condições, inclusive na época de FXB havia citado estas aeronaves como opção.

E estas aeronaves seriam uma boa opção para MB tbm...

Enviado: Qui Out 12, 2006 1:50 pm
por juarez castro
Skyway escreveu:Duvido que a marinha iria decolar F/A-18 com carga bélica elevada.

No máximo mísseis sidewinders e tanques externos, raramente um F/A-18 vai decolar com grande carga em armamentos, talvez em exercícios conjuntos específicos, e mesmo assim quando estiver com um nível operacional muito bom, mas quando precisar fazer, ele ainda assim vai poder fazer sem problemas por um bom tempo.

O mesmo vale para o Rafale.

Tchê !´Para ter AIM 9 não precisa comprar F 18, os A4 KU levam igual, a aquisisção de aeronaves de desempenho para o A 12 só se justifica se pudrem ter um desempenho muito melhor que os atuais A 4, pois gastat uma baba pra fazer CAp com sidewinder é piada né.....

Grande abraço

Enviado: Qui Out 12, 2006 1:59 pm
por juarez castro
Plinio Jr escreveu:
juarez castro escreveu:
Muito boa tua simulação, so tem um porém, como u disse, fica muito proximo do limite da catapulta de vante que é a que pode lançar 20 tons, e se você submete ela a este stress constante ,diminui a vida útil e aumenta o nível de manutenção da mesma, ela teria que operar com um pouco mais de folga. ah tem o aparelho de parada que tem qeu ser redimensionado.

Grande abraço

A verdade é temos uma simulação de um F-18 com uma boa carga para ataques terrestres, incluindo combustível, o leque de armamento pode ser muito variado e pode-se ser até mesmo conseguir lago abaixo do que a foto mostra.

Sobre o desgaste nas catapultas, vc concordará comigo que isto não será algo constante, vc ter aeronaves decolando com esta configuração, sempre haverá uma variação na configuração de armamentos conforme a necessidade de cada missão, não tendo desgaste significativo nas catapultas..

O F-18 além de poder exercer missões de defesa aérea no Na-12, tbm pode realizar muitas missões de ataque a alvos terrestres e tbm a outros navios...O mesmo pode-se aplicar para o Rafale, que é ainda mais leve que o caça americano...

Plinio! Com relação a ataque naval, quero te lembrar que nenhum dos pilotos do AF 1 tem tendência nos dia de hoje, a ser kamikaze, ou seja ataque com bombas burras nos dias de hoje é suicidio.

A Variação de configuração eu concordo com você, porém como uma das catapultas só pode fazer o catrapo com massa total d 15 tons, a MB ficaria com a bunda na janela, pois se a catapulta de vante der um pitt (coisa corriqueira de acontencer) já era, o que eu quero dizer com isto, é que o nosso coeficiente de cagaço operacional (como a gente costuma chamar na FAB) é muito pequeno, se der quakquer merda já era....

Tchê respeito por demais teus argumentos, mas é muito apertada a a operação, e como eu aprendi ao longo da experiência, tem que operar full 100% pra ser operacional....

Grande abraço

Enviado: Sex Out 13, 2006 11:59 pm
por Plinio Jr
juarez castro escreveu:
Plinio! Com relação a ataque naval, quero te lembrar que nenhum dos pilotos do AF 1 tem tendência nos dia de hoje, a ser kamikaze, ou seja ataque com bombas burras nos dias de hoje é suicidio.

Coloquei uma simulação com bombas burras para demonstrar sua capacidade de carga dentro da tolerancia do Nae-12, claro que para ataques a alvos mais defendidos, a utilização de armamento inteligente e mísseis é o mais adequado.

A Variação de configuração eu concordo com você, porém como uma das catapultas só pode fazer o catrapo com massa total d 15 tons, a MB ficaria com a bunda na janela, pois se a catapulta de vante der um pitt (coisa corriqueira de acontencer) já era, o que eu quero dizer com isto, é que o nosso coeficiente de cagaço operacional (como a gente costuma chamar na FAB) é muito pequeno, se der quakquer merda já era....

Bom, as informações que tenho é que o Nae-12 pode fazer catrapos com pesagem total de 20 tons e não 15 como vc esta alegando, é uma diferença um tanto considerável para podermos chegar a uma conclusão.

Tchê respeito por demais teus argumentos, mas é muito apertada a a operação, e como eu aprendi ao longo da experiência, tem que operar full 100% pra ser operacional....

Um F-18 é uma bela aeronave, tanto para defesa aérea como para ataque, mesmo não operando 100% de sua capacidade para uma aeronave para Ataque, as opções que poderiam ser utilizadas no Nae-12 seriam superiores ao que os A-4s podem oferecer, acredito que sejam o suficiente em termos operacionais e estratégicos para MB.

E se a MB tem planos em manter em atividade sua aviação de combate de asa fixa no Nae-12, o F-18 é uma bela opção, podendo exercer defesa aérea e mesmo várias opções no que refere-se a operações de ataque marítimo e terrestre.

Enviado: Sáb Out 14, 2006 2:30 pm
por juarez castro
Apenas uma delas tem capacidade para 20 tons, se não me engano é a de vante a outra pe para 15 tons.

Grande abraço

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 6:07 pm
por PRick
Estou resuscitando este tópico, quero ver ele pegando fogo! :twisted: :twisted:

[ ]´s

Por sinal, em homenagem ao Monseiur Talha, segue uma arte dos AF-2, oops, SUE-SEM.


Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 6:20 pm
por Luiz Bastos
Já fecharam com os franceses a compra dos SEM?

Fantastico. Podem nao ser 100% mas ja sao bem melhores que os A4

Fui :wink:

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 7:02 pm
por PRick
Os programas de modernização dos SUE, em idioma croassante!

[ ]´s

Les quatre programmes de modernisation du Super Étendard

Entré au service actif en 1978, le Super Étendard est d’une génération assez ancienne mais ses nombreuses modernisations lui ont permis de rester au fil des années, le fer de lance de l’aéronautique navale française.

1991 : le standard 2
Le programme de modernisation qui a conduit au standard 2 portait pour l’essentiel sur l’amélioration :

des capacités de détection (nouveau radar),
des capacités de traitement du système de navigation et d’attaque,
de la conduite de mission (modernisation de la cabine de pilotage et introduction d’un combiné de visualisations tête haute et moyenne),
de la capacité d’emport par la création de deux points d’emport supplémentaires.

1997 : le standard 3
Intégration de la première conduite de tir à guidage laser autonome avec le pod ATLIS, le missile AS30 Laser et les bombes GBU 12 (corps Mk 82 et BLU 111) pour l’attaque de précision de jour.

2000 : le standard 4
Capacités complémentaires correspondant :

à l’extension du guidage laser à de bombes de 125 et 250 kg CBEMS (Corps de Bombe à Effets Multiples Sécurisée)
intégration du système d’auto protection (SAP),
à l’introduction d’une capacité de reconnaissance aérienne (pour remplacer les Etendard IV P),
à l’amélioration de la précision de navigation (par utilisation du GPS).

2006 : le standard 5
Une modernisation ultime pour apporter les améliorations suivantes :

optimisation du pod de désignation laser jour/nuit Damoclès (livré avant la sortie du standard 5 avec des fonctionnalités minimales),
évolutions du système de navigation et d’attaque (amélioration de la précision des bombes et intégration totale du pod Damoclès),
intégration du poste radio SATURN à évasion de fréquence (communication sécurisée et comptabilité avec les normes civiles et OTAN),
amélioration du pilotage automatique, (pour décharger le pilote durant les phases de combat)
ouverture de nouvelles configurations (notamment l’amélioration de l’autonomie avec le système d’emport bi-bombe)

Le Super Étendard Modernisé (SEM)


A l'origine, le Super Étendard ne devait être qu'une évolution de l'Étendard IVM. Mais la refonte de l'avion et de son système d'armes fut si complète que le Super Étendard ne partage plus guère aujourd'hui qu'une partie de son nom (et d'excellente qualité de vol) avec le glorieux ancêtre. Le Super Étendard est un appareil dont les qualités manoeuvrières en basse et moyenne altitude en font un remarquable avion d'assaut capable de traiter des objectifs maritimes ou terrestres avec des armements aussi diversifiés que l'armement nucléaire, les missiles anti-surface et air-sol, les bombes et le canon.


La première des missions du chasseur-bombardier embarqué est la dissuasion nucléaire. Mais l'avion est également bien connu pour former un couple redoutable avec le missile AM-39 "Exocet", conçu pour la lutte anti-navire. Il assure également des missions d'appui-feu au profit des troupes à terre.
Les missions de reconnaissance se font à l'aide d'un châssis amovible CRM 280, qui s'installe à la place des deux canons de 30 mm et qui contient deux caméras très différentes : la première panoramique, offre des clichés de très grandes précisions en couleur ou en noir et blanc pour les vols à basse altitude. La deuxième caméra, optimisée pour la reconnaissance à moyenne ou haute altitude, est numérique et filme en continu le sol.
Toutes ces évolutions ont été rendues possibles grâce à différents programmes de modernisation, qui ont successivement porté les Super Étendard au standard 1, 2 puis 3 et 4 et en ont fait des "SEM", alias "Super Étendard Modernisé". Et déjà se profile à l'Horizon un futur standard 5 qui devra permettre à l'avion de faire bonne figure jusqu'en 2015, date à laquelle il cédera complètement sa place au Rafale. Ce futur standard offrira une capacité nocturne totale au SEM et à ses pilotes, avec la mise en oeuvre d'un pod de désignation laser Damocles couplé à un FLIR pour la navigation nocturne. En attendant, les pilotes combattent la nuit à l'aide de JVN (jumelles de vision nocturne) dont l'emploi est rendu possible par une adaptation de l'instrumentation de bord.


Envergure : 9,60 mètres
Longueur : 14,31 mètres
Hauteur : 3,85 mètres
Largeur ailes repliées : 7,80 mètres
Masse à vide : 6 250 kg
Masse max au décollage : 11 900 kg
Masse à l'appontage : 8 100 kg
Vitesse max : Mach 1,3 (840 noeuds)
Autonomie : 1h45 ou 2h15 avec un réservoir supplémentaire
Distance franchissable : 750 nautiques
Moteur : 1 réacteur Snecma Atar 8K50 (5 t de poussée)


Radar multifonctions Anémone
Nacelle laser Atlis
Détecteur Sherloc (DRAX)
Brouilleurs Barracuda
Pod CRM 280 et caméra numérique SDS 250 pour la reconnaissance photo
FLIR + pod laser de DO Damoclès

2 canons DEFA de 30mm (122 coups par arme),
2 missiles Magic 2,
Missile AM-39 Exocet antinavire,
Missile nucléaire ASMP,
Bombes à guidage laser,
Missile AS-30L,
Bombes lisse.

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 7:26 pm
por Corsário01
Nossa aviação naval poderá ver de perto o desempenho e as capacidades reais dos SEM aqui no Brasil ainda este ano, quando o SP for entregue a Esquadra.
Com isso, a MB poderá decidir se vale a pena ou não ter esta aeronave.

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 7:27 pm
por PRick
Uma foto que poderá ser tornar familiar.


Mais informações sobre a modernização dos SUE.


* The Etendard IVM was beginning to appear behind the times in the late 1960s, and so the Aeronavale started to cast around for a replacement. There were a number of good candidates, a prominent one being the US Vought A-7 strike fighter; the Aeronavale was an enthusiastic operator of the A-7's cousin, the Vought F-8 Crusader, and the admirals had no strong reason to turn up their noses at the A-7 simply because it was made in the USA. They also had a partly French-built candidate, a navalized version of the Anglo-French SEPECAT Jaguar, the "Jaguar M".

However, although Vought and SEPECAT had excellent products, and some sources claim that the Aeronavale was leaning towards the A-7, it seems that Dassault had superb salesmen who gave a pitch that was unarguably hard to turn down on the face of it: why not just update the Etendard IVM? The improved version would be "90% compatible", making it a cheap solution, and it would be an all-French product as well. What wasn't to like? The "Super Etendard", as it was known, won the competition in January 1973.

* Three Etendard IVMs were used as developmental aircraft in the program, with the first true prototype performing its initial flight on 3 October 1975. The first production machine performed its initial flight on 24 November 1977, with the first deliveries of what would turn out to be a total of 71 Super Etendards to the Aeronavale the next year.

One of the major changes in the Super Etendard, or "SuE" as it was called, was fit of the improved SNECMA Atar 8K50 non-afterburning turbojet, with a maximum thrust of 49.0 kN (5,000 kgp / 11,025 lbf). It was also supposed to have better specific fuel consumption, but it seems it was little or no improvement in that regard. Internal fuel capacity was increased to 3,270 liters (845 US gallons) in some compensation. The Atar 8K50 was derived from the 9K50 turbojet used on the Dassault Mirage F1, with corrosion protection and the afterburner removed. It had a fixed exhaust nozzle, unlike the "eyelid" nozzle of the Atar 08B fitted to the Etendard IVM. Bigger engine intakes were fitted to the SuE to provide adequate airflow to the uprated engine.

Another major change was fit of an updated avionics suite, including:

A Thomson-CSF Agave I radar in the nose. The Agave was a multimode radar, with navigation and air combat capabilities, but optimized for maritime strike. It was fitted in a relatively prominent, slightly drooping nose radome that provided an instant recognition feature relative to the Etendard IVM.

A SAGEM-Kearfott ETNA navigation-attack system, which integrated an inertial reference system, a Thomson-CSF head-up display (HUD), a navigation display, an armament control system, a radio altimeter, and a TACAN beacon navigation system. (Antennas for the comparable civilian VOR beacon navigation system were also fitted to each side of the tailfin.) ETNA would be aligned before takeoff from a carrier and was accurate to within 2.2 kilometers (1.4 miles) per flight-hour -- enough to get the aircraft within range of TACAN at the end of a mission.

A Thomson-CSF BF RWR, with the antennas in the tailfin as with the Etendard IVPM.
The third major change was fit of a new wing to compensate for increased takeoff weight. The wing looked much like the old, but featured leading-edge wingroot extensions, with a slightly enhanced sweep; leading-edge flaps running all the way to the wingtip, instead of out to the wingtip fold as with the Etendard IV; and double slotted flaps with greater droop.


wingspan 9.6 meters
wing area 28.4 sq_meters
length 14.31 meters
height 3.9 meters

empty weight 6,500 kilograms
MTO weight 12,000 kilograms

max speed at altitude 1,380 Km/H
service ceiling 15,500 meters
combat radius 850 kilometers

* Outside of these changes, the Super Etendard was very much like the Etendard IVM, with four underwing pylons and a centerline pylon; twin DEFA cannon; a retractable inflight refueling probe on top of the nose; and so on. In fact, if it weren't for the different nose, it would be difficult to tell the Etendard IVM and Super Etendard apart. However, the notion that the Super Etendard was going to be "90% compatible" with the Etendard IVM was replaced by the reality that the two were more like "90% different", and the supposed cost benefits didn't materialize. The Aeronavale had wanted 100 Super Etendards but cost escalation reduced the quantity to the 71 mentioned above. For the same money, the Aeronavale could have obtained more aircraft with greater warload capability and radius of action.
That said, the Super Etendard was effectively state-of-the-art in terms of its technical sophistication, in particular providing a platform for carriage and launch of the Aerospatiale AM39 Exocet solid-fuel antiship missile, with the Agave radar providing targeting. The usual flight configuration for the antiship attack mission was an Exocet on the inner pylon of one wing and an external tank under the inner pylon of the other, with AAMs or defensive aids optionally carried on the outer pylons. The empty external tank was dropped before missile launch to maintain trim.

In the early 1980s, most of the Super Etendard fleet was updated to support the nuclear strike mission, with the flight configuration much like that used with the Exocet -- a nuclear store on one inner pylon, an external tank on the other, and optionally AAMs (usually the Matra Magic) or defensive aids on the outer pylons. Nuclear stores included the AN52 tactical nuclear free-fall bomb, with a yield of about 15 kilotonnes; or the ramjet-powered "Air-Sol Moyenne Portee (ASMP)" missile, with a yield of over 100 kilotonnes, a speed in the range of Mach 2 to Mach 3 depending on altitude, and a standoff range of about 100 kilometers (60 miles). Carriage of the Exocet or ASMP required removal of the 30 millimeter cannon to make room for "black boxes".

Of course, conventional stores like those carried by the Etendard IVM could also be employed, such as dumb bombs and unguided rocket pods, with a munition on each outer pylon and an external tank on each inner pylon.

A bigger external tank, with a capacity of 1,100 liters (290 US gallons), was introduced for the Super Etendard, taking advantage of the SuE's greater carriage capacity. However, a pair of the big tanks were too heavy if a full combat load was also being carried, and if so, the old 625 liter tanks were fitted instead. Since an Exocet strike configuration included only one tank, the 1,100 liter tank was usually carried in that case. The Super Etendard could also carry the old 600 liter centerline tank, though again it is unusual to find pictures with it fitted. Of course the old Douglas tanker pod could be carried as well.

Maximum external load with full internal fuel was 2,100 kilograms (4,360 pounds). Initially colors were the same as for the earlier Aeronavale Etendards -- dark gray-blue on top, white on bottom -- but were later changed to the overall two-tone gray-blue disruptive pattern also given to the Etendard IVP/PM.

* Although the Etendard IVM never got involved in serious fighting, the Super Etendard quickly found itself in combat. On 22 September 1983, Super Etendards operating in support of French peacekeeping forces in Lebanon performed airstrikes against gun emplacements of the Lebanese Druze militia.

More was to come. Argentina was the only foreign country to buy the Super Etendard, ordering 14 machines in 1981, with five delivered, along with five Exocet missiles, by the outbreak of the Falklands War in 1982; the French then suspended deliveries. On 4 May 1982, Argentine Super Etendards launched two Exocets, damaging the British destroyer HMS SHEFFIELD badly enough that it had to be scuttled, and then firing two more Exocets against the container ship ATLANTIC CONVEYOR on 25 May 1982, with the same result. These successes were among the few enjoyed by the Argentines during the conflict.

The last Exocet was expended without result on 30 May 1982. Deliveries of Super Etendards from France resumed after the end of the war. Argentine Super Etendards carried the locally-built Pescador missile, a radio-guided weapon somewhat along the lines of the old US Bullpup-A. At last notice, the surviving Argentine SuEs were still in service.

Iraq also operated Super Etendards during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, though the Iraqis never bought them. Saddam Hussein had purchased Exocets from France but didn't have an adequate launch platform for them, and so the French agreeably loaned him five Aeronavale Super Etendards in secret in 1983 as a stopgap until the Iraqis obtained Exocet-configured Dassault Mirage F1s in 1985. The Iraqi Super Etendards went into combat in 1984 and performed dozens of attacks on tankers in the Persian Gulf during their stint in the conflict. One SuE was lost in the fighting.

* In the late 1980s, a series of enhancements were implemented for the Super Etendard, resulting in the "Super Etendard Modernise (SEM)". The initial SEM configuration, known as "Standard 2" -- the original Super Etendard being "Standard 1" -- involved modification of the cockpit layout, the new scheme being built around a modern HUD, and fit of the Thomson-CSF (now Thales) Anemone radar in place of the old Agave radar. The Anemone provides about twice the range of the Agave and has an enhanced set of modes, including more air-to-air modes. First flight of a Standard 2 SEM was in October 1990, with initial service delivery in June 1993.

The Standard 2 was quickly followed by the "Standard 3" SEM, which introduced carriage of the ATLIS laser targeting pod on the centerline station. Once again, the cannon had to be removed to accommodate black boxes when ATLIS was carried. ATLIS is a daylight targeting pod with a TV camera featuring 2.5/5/10/20 magnification zoom boresighted to a laser, and the ability to track a target after being locked -- a useful feature when employed with a single-seat aircraft like the Super Etendard.

When carrying an ATLIS pod, a SEM could perform precision targeting for an AS-30L missile -- a laser-guided derivative of the old radio-guided AS-30 -- or laser-guided bombs (LGBs). For some unclear reason the Standard 3 SEM could not designate its own LGBs and could only be used for "buddy lasing" of such weapons, with a SEM targeting LGBs for another strike aircraft.

The "Standard 4" SEM was a big step forward, featuring:

An updated countermeasures suite, most significantly including a state-of-the-art Thales Sherloc RWR with rectangular antennas on the front and back of the tailfin, replacing the "spike" antennas of the old BF RWR.
Since pylon-mounted external defensive countermeasures pods are usually relatively lightweight, a new stores pylon was added to each wing inboard of the existing stores pylons, just forward of the extended main landing gear, solely for countermeasures pods. The latest countermeasures pods can be carried by the Standard 4 SEM, including the Barracuda NG (New Generation) RF jammer and the Alkan LL5081 chaff-flare dispenser. The Alkan LL5081 has a capacity of 90 40 millimeter cartridges or 40 60 millimeter cartridges.

Most significantly, the entire countermeasures system is integrated to permit automatic operation of a jammer or flare dispenser pod when the RWR identifies a threat.

Carriage of the CRM280 centerline reconnaissance module, where CRM stands for "Chassis de Reconnaissance Marine / Marine Reconnaissance Module)". This includes an AP40 panoramic camera and an SDS250 electro-optic imager, where "SDS" stands more or less for "Short Distance Sensor".
The AP40 is a wet-film camera, capable of using grayscale or color film, and is mounted vertically. The SDS250 can be adjusted to observe vertically or 22 degrees, 30 degrees, or 60 degrees to either side. The data obtained by the SDS250 is dumped to magnetic tape. SDS250 imagery also comes up on the pilot's HUD, allowing him to monitor the reconnaissance system. The pilot has a simple "viewfinder" for the reconnaissance system on each side of the cockpit.

The capability to self-designate LGBs.
All SEMs were up to Standard 4 by the end of 2002, with the "Standard 5" introduced the next year. Standard 5 was intended to provide a "night attack" capability, built around the new Damocles targeting pod. The Damocles not only uses an infrared imager, permitting night operations, but also has higher image resolution, permitting greater standoff range.

The Standard 5 SEM cockpit has also been modified with lighting compatible with night vision goggles (NVGs). Aeronavale pilots trained for NVG flight operations are called "Hiboux (Owls)" and wear owl patches. A pilot cannot eject with current NVGs in place, since the unbalanced weight might snap his neck, or they might tear off and slam into his vitals. A pilot has to remove the NVGs before punching out, but new NVGs have been developed that automatically blow off when the ejection seat is activated.

Another major innovation with the Standard 5 SEM was the PCN90 flight computer and the associated UNI40 inertial navigation system (INS) with a Global Position System (GPS) satellite receiver subsystem. The PCN90/UNI140 system allows up to 63 navigation waypoints to be preprogrammed before a mission.

* More improvements are under consideration:

A "kneeboard" display with navigation data, there being no space to put another display on the dashboard. The technology is in use by French military helicopter pilots, but an NVG-compatible display is required for the SEM.

A small optical telescope system to permit long-range target identification, since the greater standoff range of modern guided weapons makes "friendly fire" incidents more likely.

A solid-state recorder for the CRM280 pod.

New functionality for the Anemone radar, including the ability to cue Matra Magic AAMs to the radar, and an improved autopilot.
* The Aeronavale's SEMs saw combat action during the Balkan Wars in the late 1990s and in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2002. With all the updates, the Super Etendard will remain in service to 2011 at least. The airframe is very strong and airframe life is not a major concern.

Weapons loads include the latest versions of the Exocet, the ASMP, the AS-30L, LGBs, and the Matra Magic II AAM. The classic SNEB 68 millimeter unguided rocket pod is no longer in service since the pilot had to fly straight in towards the target and the rocket's short range brought the aircraft too close to adversary defenses. It should be noted that when operating from a carrier, weapons like the Exocet and AS-30L are too heavy for landings and have to be discarded if they weren't otherwise expended.

THE COMPLETE BOOK OF FIGHTERS by William Green & Gordon Swanborough, Salamander Books, 1994.

THE WEST'S MODERN FIGHTERS by Doug Richardson, Military Press, 1984.

"The Aeronavale Spearhead" by Pierre-Henri Grolleau, AIR INTERNATIONAL, January 2003, 38:45.
Useful materials on the somewhat obscure Etendard IVM/P were obtained from the "French Fleet Air Arm" website in France, which considerately provides English translations of the pages, as well as from a JANE'S from 1960.

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 7:52 pm
por Plinio Jr
É um vetor que nada acrescenta em termos de defesa aérea de frota, espero que esta aquisição não se concretize.... :idea:

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 8:29 pm
por Beronha
se se concretizar , será uma Brilhante compra , enfim ficaremos com as mesmas capacidades de disparo de mísseis antinavio ... da Argentina de 1982 :twisted:

Quarta Frota ... TREMEIIIIII

A comissão dos subs é diferente dos meios aéreos não?????????

Enviado: Ter Jan 22, 2008 8:33 pm
por Corsário01
Engano seu. O Exocet continua sendo utilizado.
Qual seria o missel moderno que deveriamos ter em uma aeronave?
O Harpoon?
Estamos falando de SEM e não se SUE.
A diferença é entre essa Brasilia e um Jetta. [000]