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Rússia e Itália apresentam projecto conjunto de Submarino

Enviado: Qui Out 26, 2006 7:15 am
por P44
Russia, Italy present new diesel submarine at Euronaval 2006
18:01 | 25/ 10/ 2006

PARIS, October 25 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and Italy presented Wednesday a mock-up model of a new-generation diesel submarine at an international arms show in France, a RIA Novosti correspondent said.

The S1000, a 1,000-ton diesel submarine, is a joint project of Russian submarine-builder Rubin and Italian Fincantieri launched in 2004.

The sub is designed for anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare, reconnaissance missions, and transportation of up to 12 troops. It is 56.2 meters long, has a top speed of 14 knots and is equipped with a new fuel cell-powered Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system developed by the Italian firm.

Designed primarily for exports to third countries, the new submarine will feature an impressive array of weaponry, including Italian heavyweight, wire-guided Black Shark torpedoes and the Russian Club-S cruise missile system capable of hitting underwater, surface and land targets.

The 20th International Naval Defense and Maritime Exhibition and Conference is being held at the Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition center on October 23-27.





La Russie et l’Italie présentent un nouveau sous-marin diesel au salon Euronaval 2006

La Russie et l’Italie ont présenté mercredi la maquette d’un nouveau sous-marin diesel au salon Euronaval 2006, rapporte un correspondant de l’agence russe RIA Novosti.

Le S1000, un sous-marin diesel de 1.000 tonnes, est un projet commun du bureau d’études Russe Rubin et de la compagnie Italienne Fincantieri, lancé en 2004.

Ce sous-marin est conçu pour la lutte anti-sous-marine et anti-navire, des missions de reconnaissance, et le transport d’un maximum de 12 commandos. Il mesure 56,2 mètres de long, sa vitesse maximale est de 14 noeuds et est équipé d’un nouveau système AIP [1] à base de piles à combustible, développé par la compagnie Italienne.

Conçu d’abord pour l’exportation vers des pays tiers, le nouveau sous-marin disposera d’un arsenal impressionnant, dont la torpille lourde Italienne filoguidée Black Shark et le missile de croisière Russe Club-S qui peut attaquer des cibles sous-marines, de surface et terrestres.

Le 20ème salon Euronaval se tient à Paris-Le-Bourget du 23 au 27 octobre.

© RIA Novosti

[1] Air Independent Propulsion : système de propulsion anaérobie.

Enviado: Qui Out 26, 2006 10:35 am
por luis F. Silva
Velocidade máxima de 14 nós???

Enviado: Qui Out 26, 2006 10:40 am
por P44
luis F. Silva escreveu:Velocidade máxima de 14 nós???

não sei...só fiz copy/paste das noticias

Enviado: Qui Out 26, 2006 11:14 am
por cabeça de martelo
Já há um desenho de como vai ser o novo Sub? Estou curioso por saber se vai ser ao estilo Russo com alguma tecnologia Italiana (ex:AIP), ou o contrário.
De qualquer maneira os sensores e armamento vai variar entre os dois países...

Enviado: Qui Out 26, 2006 5:17 pm
por FinkenHeinle
Ué, a Itália não tinha abandonado seu S70 (era este mesmo o nome) em prol do U-212?!

Enviado: Sex Out 27, 2006 6:10 am
por Rui Elias Maltez

Mas este trata-se de um projecto conjunto para um submarino para o futuro, e que ainda pode levar muitos anos a ver a luz do dia, e isto se se concretizar mesmo.

Independentemente desses projectos conjuntos de cooperação entre Itália e Rússia, a Itália, por si tem o seu programa para a arma submarina.

Enviado: Sex Out 27, 2006 6:40 am
por manuel.liste



Muggiano (SP)


S 1000 Submarine


Stealth operation
Long mission time
Reduced crew operation (high integration level of combat system and platform system)
Precise navigation and high steering accuracy
Fully integrated Combat System (CMS, UW sensors, above water sensors, Communications).
Full interoperability with cooperating Units/Head Quarters
Mission adequate Weapons (attack/self defence)


Length overall : 52.00 m
Outlet diameter of pressure hull 5.4 m
Conning tower for divers exit 2x
Surfaced displacement 900 tonnes
Submerged displacement 1000 tonnes
Max diving depth 250 m
One propulsion motor
(Synchronous with permanent magnet field) 1x1.000kW
Convenional Diesel - Generator 1x1.250kW
Fuel cells air independent propulsion system 2x120kW
Battery banks 64 high density double cells 2x
Blades propeller 5x or 7x
Max submerged speed 18 knots
Max A.I.P. speed 5 knots
Transit speed 6 knots
Patrol speed 4 knots
Range patrol (A.I.P.) at 4 knots 1,000 nm
Range transit (Snort + batteries) at 6 knots 2,200 nm
Range patrol (Snort + batteries) at 4 knots 3,200 nm


Commanding officer and operative crew 4+12
Commando’s chief and troups 6


5 multifuntion CMS consoles, integrating sensors and navigation
Passive sonar suite: cylindrical array, towed array (option), flank array, intercept array, mine avoidance, ONA
Integrated navigation system: echosounder & bathytermograph, 2 x INS, 2 x GPS, 2 x Log, 1 x navigation computer, large screen display
Underwater telephony
Optronic periscope (TV, IR, laser)
Navigation radar
Integrated internal/external communication system: HF, UHF, VHF, VLF, MF, IFF, SHF (option)
Data communication system
Configurable integrated sail

Integrated Sonar System

High number automatic and simultaneous traking channels for each processing capability (LOFAR, DEMON and BROADBAND)
Flank array sonar: detection of signals in the low frequency, frequency analisys of detected target
Towed array sonar: detection of signals in the very low frequency, frequency analisys of detected target.
Cylindrical array sonar: detection of signals in the medium frequency, DEMON analisys for manoeuvre detection and classification support.
Own noise analisys system: identification of own noise in the frequency time record, own noise suppression support for FAS LOFAR displays.
Intercept Passive Sonar: detection of active signals in the high frequency band, use of the cylindrical Array for high bearing accuracy in the medium frequency.
Mine avoidance sonar: detection of mines, detection of surface contacts.


6 FWD torpedo tubes (swim out). Water Ram to be studied.
Capability to menage a combination of up to 6+6: 21 inches (533 mm) wire guided A184 mod3 or blackshark torpedoes, antiship missiles (sub-harpoon), anti-helicopter/light armoured ground targets (understudy)
Bottorn mines
Torpedo countermeasures system (emulator/decoy)

Enviado: Sex Out 27, 2006 6:55 am
por manuel.liste
El fabricante también dispone de un diseño S-1600, bastante más potente que el anterior:


Diseños a gusto de cualquier cliente. Cosa distinta será que esos dibujos se hagan realidad :wink:

Enviado: Sex Out 27, 2006 8:51 am
por P44
obrigado pelos Infos, manuel :D

Enviado: Sex Out 27, 2006 10:08 am
por Carlos Mathias
Esse segundo tá com mais cara de sub russo.

Enviado: Qui Nov 02, 2006 4:29 pm
por FinkenHeinle
Rui Elias Maltez escreveu:Finken:

Mas este trata-se de um projecto conjunto para um submarino para o futuro, e que ainda pode levar muitos anos a ver a luz do dia, e isto se se concretizar mesmo.

Independentemente desses projectos conjuntos de cooperação entre Itália e Rússia, a Itália, por si tem o seu programa para a arma submarina.

Eu sei disso!

Mas acho estranho que um Sub tenha sido cancelado, e outro, aparentemente de Classe semelhante, iniciado... Algum motivo deve ter...

Enviado: Sex Nov 03, 2006 6:57 am
por Rui Elias Maltez
Cooperação tecnológica e industrial.

É a única explicação que encontro. :?

Enviado: Qui Out 04, 2007 8:34 pm
por cabeça de martelo
Submarinos da Marinha de Guerra Italiana:



