FinkenHeinle escreveu:E afinal de contas, o que houve com a Fokker?!
Um histórico da empresa FOKKER Aviation:
1890 The birth of the legendary aviation pioneer; Anthony H.G. Fokker in Blitar Java/ Indonesia on April 6
1910 In Holland, Fokker built his first aircraft named 'The Spider' In 1912 Fokker established his Fokker Aeroplanbau at Johanneshal, Berlin, Germany. Here he developed a triplane, the Dr.I. in which the Red Baron won his victories during W.W.I
1919 Fokker founded Hollands' first aircraft factory on the 21st of July: The Netherlands Aircraft Factory. In the period between the two World Wars, the company owned one plant in Amsterdam and three in the U.S.A. Fokker's best selling aircraft in this period is the three-engined F.VIII-3m, of which 230 were built. Other famous aircraft from that period are:
1920 The F.II, one of the first planes especially developed for passenger transport
1924 The F.VII, which KLM used for its first flight overseas to the Dutch Indies
1939 With the threat of war, Fokker built many successful military aeroplanes, like the twin-boom Fokker G-1
1951 A new factory was opened at Schiphol Amsterdam after the plant was completely destroyed during W.W.II
1955 The first Fokker F27 Friendship made its maiden flight. It was to become the most successful turboprop in its class, worldwide. Fokker sold 786 F27s of which some 600 are still in service
1964 The Fokker F28 Fellowship started its operations. It was the world's first short-haul jet of which 241 were sold
1983 Fokker launched two new aircraft: the Fokker 50 and the Fokker 100 which superseded the F27 and F28
1985 Maiden flight of the Fokker 50
1986 Maiden flight of the Fokker 100
1994 Maiden flight of the Fokker 70
1995 Maiden flight of the Fokker 60 Utility
1996 Bankruptcies declared of:
N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandse Vliegtuigenfabriek Fokker,
Fokker Administration B.V.
Fokker Aircraft B.V.
1996 Fokker Aviation is founded by the Trustees Operating companies:
Fokker Elmo
Fokker Aerostructures
Fokker Services
Fokker Special Products
Fokker Defence Marketing
1996 Stork acquires Fokker Aviation
1999 'Fokker Aviation' to continue as 'Stork Aerospace Group'
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