India aquire NAe russo
Enviado: Dom Jan 18, 2004 4:50 pm
India to buy Russian aircraft carriers
India will possibly sign the largest military and technical cooperation contract with Russia in the nearest future: this country will obtain the so-called pocket aircraft-carrier Admiral Gorshkov. This was said by the Russian Ship-building Agency. If everything is all right with the contract, then the cruiser will be repaired and modernized, the runway decks will be adjusted for MiG aircraft. The cruiser was originally meant for Yak-38 planes of the vertical take-off.
The vessel has been docked for three years already, when it arrived in the city of Severodvinsk there was a hope that it would be sold right away, but India did not hurry to buy it.
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Governo indiano aceita definitivamente de receber o ex-porta-aviões soviético "Admiral Gorshkov"
No próximo dia 20, alías em ocasião da visita que o Ministro da Defesa russo, Serguey Ivanov, efetuará na Índia, o governo indiano assinará o contrato definitivo de aceitação do porta-aviões "Admiral Gorshkov, que o governo russo herdou da marinha da extinta União Soviética.
Para o porta-aviões, além das peças de reposição e de algumas modificas estruturais pedidas pelo governo indiano, serão gastos US$ 652 milhões.
Este valor também inclui a aquisição de 28 aviões de combate RSK MiG/MAPO Mig-29K "Fulcrum-D" e de 6 helicópteros de combate Kamov Ka-31 "Helix-B", as aeronaves que serão embarcadas neste porta-aviões.
India will possibly sign the largest military and technical cooperation contract with Russia in the nearest future: this country will obtain the so-called pocket aircraft-carrier Admiral Gorshkov. This was said by the Russian Ship-building Agency. If everything is all right with the contract, then the cruiser will be repaired and modernized, the runway decks will be adjusted for MiG aircraft. The cruiser was originally meant for Yak-38 planes of the vertical take-off.
The vessel has been docked for three years already, when it arrived in the city of Severodvinsk there was a hope that it would be sold right away, but India did not hurry to buy it.
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Governo indiano aceita definitivamente de receber o ex-porta-aviões soviético "Admiral Gorshkov"
No próximo dia 20, alías em ocasião da visita que o Ministro da Defesa russo, Serguey Ivanov, efetuará na Índia, o governo indiano assinará o contrato definitivo de aceitação do porta-aviões "Admiral Gorshkov, que o governo russo herdou da marinha da extinta União Soviética.
Para o porta-aviões, além das peças de reposição e de algumas modificas estruturais pedidas pelo governo indiano, serão gastos US$ 652 milhões.
Este valor também inclui a aquisição de 28 aviões de combate RSK MiG/MAPO Mig-29K "Fulcrum-D" e de 6 helicópteros de combate Kamov Ka-31 "Helix-B", as aeronaves que serão embarcadas neste porta-aviões.