Fire on 2nd Canadian sub
Last Updated Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:52:29 EST
CBC News
The Canadian navy has confirmed that the troubled fleet of submarines purchased from Britain has suffered another fire, slightly more than a year after a blaze crippled HMCS Chicoutimi and led to the death of one sailor.
A navy spokesperson in Halifax said HMCS Windsor was submerged off the Nova Scotia coast on Sunday when a transformer meltdown was reported.
A small fire created smoke in the submarine and the crew went to immediate emergency stations.
The submarine rose to what the navy calls "a safe depth" and extinguished the fire.
No sailors were injured and the Windsor remains at sea.
The vessel is the navy's only operational submarine.
Three other Victoria-class submarines purchased by the Canadian navy from the Royal Navy in 1998 are in repair or retrofit.
In October 2004, a fire broke out on Chicoutimi as it was crossing the Atlantic, leading to the death of Lieut. Chris Saunders and injuring eight others.
In May 5, 2005, a Canadian naval board of inquiry released a 700-page report on the accident.
Embora a decisão de não comprar os Upholder/Victoria para a Marinha Portuguesa tenha sido muito criticada por alguns, em retrospectiva, só podemos dar graças por não termos ficado com este barrete!!...
De quatro submarinos, só um está operacional, e após este incidente, mesmo esse terá provavelmente de ser reparado e submetido a inspecções...
Os U-209PN podem ser mais caros, mas em princípio não devem sofrer dos mesmos males dos Upholder [bate na madeira...]