U.S. Moves to Sell Missiles to Spain
By Reuters
The U.S. Defense Department notified Congress on Tuesday of a proposed $41 million sale to Spain of 94 SM-1 Block VI standard missiles built by Raytheon Co. and Aerojet General, a unit of GenCorp.
The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Spain requested the missiles and various spare parts to allow the European country, a key U.S. ally in the war in Iraq, to better defend its sea-lines of communication.
"It is vital for the United States to assist Spain's development and maintenance of a strong self-defense capability that is consistent with U.S. regional objectives," said the agency, which oversees major U.S. arms sales.
It said the sale would help strengthen the ability of the Spanish and U.S. navies to operate jointly.
The proposed sale would help Spain's FFG7-class frigates to defend against anti-ship cruise missile, attack helicopter and surface ship threats, it said.
Congress has 30 days to block the sale, although such action is rare.
O meu comentário:
A simbiose perfeita:
À vontade da Espanha em se tornar numa potência regional de peso no contexto europeu, que nem quer disfarçar mais, aparece agora a referência de que são também os EUA a terem interesse nessa capacidade militar acrescida de Espanha, que considera vital para a segurança das rotas americanas no flanco sul europeu.
Entretanto, para Portugal, dão-nos um rebuçado:
2 OHP's com 25 anos de idade
Portugal a perder importância para os EUA e UE.
Culpa de quem?
De Portugal e do desinvestimento e desinteresse com que a classe política tem para com as FA's e para a importância de preservar as potencialidades estratégicas portuguesas únicas, dada a sua posição geográfica.