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Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Sex Jan 14, 2005 2:32 pm
por P44

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Dom Out 19, 2008 11:37 pm
por celso antonio soares
Bem que a Marinha do Brasil ,poderia comprar umas 8 belonaves
para convertelos em defea AAe

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Seg Out 20, 2008 8:27 am
por Rui Elias Maltez

Um pouco antiquados para esta fase.

Numa altura emqn eu a MB tem as 6 Niteroi modernizadas e tem planos mais ou menos concretos de compra de novas fragatas modernas, julgo que seria desperdício apostar temporariamente em um nº indeterminado desses navios.

Para isso mais valia ter tentado ficar com as Kidd que acabaram em Taiwan, a seu tempo.

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Seg Out 20, 2008 8:43 am
por Sintra
celso antonio soares escreveu:Bem que a Marinha do Brasil ,poderia comprar umas 8 belonaves
para convertelos em defea AAe


Por acaso não és parente do Talharim?! :mrgreen:

Celso Soares

Estes navios são ferro velho. :wink:


Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Seg Out 20, 2008 9:13 am
por P44
Jasus quem foi o cu-beiro :shock:

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Seg Out 20, 2008 11:33 am
Pow marca não...

Só estamos querendo nos livrar do CT Pará...

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Seg Out 20, 2008 1:15 pm
por celso antonio soares
O que eu quero dizer ,que para uma marinha sem dinheiro para
fazer novos investimentos e totalmente dependente da falta de vontade politica de nossos governante, nao seria tao
ruin asim ,vendo que a compra das oitos. ferros velhos nao sairiam por mais de R$ 300,000,00 ,reforma dos cascos no Brasil R$ 500,000,00 cada navio ,sistemas de defesa, que temos das niteroi ,intalaçao e outros ,reforma das caldeira e motores , nao sairia tam caro nao ,e ainda teriamos um reforço . de oito navios com um custo de um que nao chegariam a 1/3 do valor de uma nova belonave ,e tiriamos bom navios como sao as Imperiais Marinheiro ate hoje ,prestando bom Serviços.

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Seg Out 20, 2008 1:18 pm
por P44
nem sei se não teram sido já todos scrapeados :?

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Qua Out 29, 2008 7:11 pm
por celso antonio soares
Colegas do forum,li no forum da Base Militar,que existe uma
Fragata desta classe,estacionada em Manaus o USS Hoel,
parese que tornouce, uma central de energia. voces saberiam
me dizer algo sobre esse asunto.

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Qua Out 29, 2008 7:48 pm
por soultrain
O ex-USS Hoel. Pensava que já tinha ido para o ferro velho, depois da experiência falhada da "Power Barge". Julgo que o projecto era fornecer energia a Manaus com as suas turbinas a vapor, mas não resultou como esperado.
Power Barge

The city of Manaus, Brazil had rapidly expanded since it was declared a tax-free zone by the Brazilian government in 1967. Eletronorte, the local power utility service, had been unable to keep up with the increasing demand and Manaus experienced frequent blackouts. In 1997, CSI negotiated a thirty million dollar contract to supply power to Manaus.

The ex-Hoel was chosen as the ship to be used. However, the plans of both companies were too optimistic. Eletronorte announced that Hoel would be delivering power within only a few days of its arrival in Manaus. CSI had failed to test the ship's equipment fully before departing for Brazil and failed to appreciate how many repairs the ship's 38-year-old power plant might require. The ship ended up needing weeks of work after its arrival in Brazil before it could begin generating power and numerous repairs after that. Repairs were much more difficult to accomplish in Brazil because the parts and technicians now had to be brought in from CSI's headquarters back in the United States. Meanwhile, many people in Manaus had become angry over the failed power delivery and there were violent protests. Hoel was never able to generate more than a quarter of the electricity that had been promised and that only periodically. After a year of failed attempts, Eletronorte cancelled its contract with CSI.

This brings us to Ramsey and Schofield. On June 20 1994 they were bought at auction by a private firm, Consolidated Power and Minerals Corporation, for conversion into a mobile power generating plant, intended for remote third world locations. CP&M also bought and performed similar conversions on Adams class destroyers Lynde McCormick (DDG-8) Hoel (DDG-13), Towers (DDG-9), Henry B. Wilson (DDG-7), and Robinson (DDG-12).

At the time of purchase, CP&M had probably the most powerful privately owned ASW/AAW task force in existence. The first of these ships put into operation was Hoel. She was towed from Charleston SC, to Manaus Brazil. Her power conversion was expected to generate 50MW of power for this city, but due to her poor material condition, coupled with other factors she never reliably delivered more than 5MW. Eletronorte canceled the $30-million contract, CP&M defaulted on payment and the remaining ships were returned to the Navy. One can only wonder that if Hoel, with her standard boilers was so troublesome, just how well would a third world power company deal with the trouble prone P-Fired boilers on Ramsey and Schofield?

Re: Charles F. Adams Class DDG(link)

Enviado: Qui Out 30, 2008 12:08 pm
por Rui Elias Maltez
Quer dizer que esse cruzador serviria como um gerador para fornecer energia à cidade?