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Eurofighter Typhoon

Enviado: Qui Mai 26, 2011 2:57 pm
por Penguin
26 May 2011
RAF Typhoon takes off for Tiji with four Enhanced Paveway II 1000lb bombs
http://www.raf.mod.uk/news/archive/1000 ... s-26052011

Royal Air Force mission struck a military complex in Tiji, Libya on Wednesday (25 May). One Tornado GR4 and one Typhoon FGR4 struck the facility with nine bombs. In a demonstration of the flexibility of the RAF's combination of Tornado and Typhoon, the mission was originally tasked to strike eight points.


A ninth was added based on information received during the mission. The Typhoon dropped four Enhanced Paveway II bombs, the first time it has done that operationally, while the Tornado used five Paveway IV bombs, again a first for that aircraft.

Both weapon types have both laser and GPS guidance for accuracy. All nine struck their intended target points on a Qadhafi regime storage facility. The strikes mean that RAF aircraft have struck 17 targets in deliberate operations in the past 36 hours, all of them direct hits.


At the same time, the RAF has maintained its commitment to dynamic targeting missions. In that role they have destroyed Qadhafi regime artillery threatening Misurata. The complementary capabilities of the 1000lb Enhanced Paveway II and 500lb Paveway IV ensured that the storage facility was completely destroyed.


RAF Typhoon takes off for Tripoli with four Enhanced Paveway II 1000lb bombs.

An image prepared by the RAF Tactical Imagery Intelligence Wing shows the damage to a storage facility in Tiji.

Re: Eurofighter Typhoon

Enviado: Qui Mai 26, 2011 3:10 pm
por Penguin
Eurofighter Typhoon Successfully Adds More Air-to-Ground Capabilities

(Source: Eurofighter GmbH; issued April 11, 2011)

The Eurofighter’s air-to-ground capabilities were further improved last week when partner company Cassidian Spain achieved the first EGBU-16 precision-guided munition avionic release.

This success comes immediately after the first successful Paveway IV release carried out during February in the UK. These trials saw both bomb types being successfully released from Eurofighter aircraft and focused on the functional integration into the weapon system.

The EGBU-16 is the selected dual mode precision guided munition for Germany, Spain and Italy whereas the Paveway IV precision-guided bomb is the choice for the UK.

Included in the broad-ranging Phase 1 Enhancement (P1E) programme, both weapons improve the all weather precision attack capability on the Typhoon.

The Typhoon aircraft has been autonomously air-to-ground capable since 2008 when the RAF successfully integrated the Paveway laser guided bombs with the Litening III laser designation pod on to its Typhoon fleet.

Demonstrating an unrivalled precision, the combination of weapons has been tested during several exercises both in the UK and abroad, confirming the built-in multi-role capability of the Typhoon.

Re: Eurofighter Typhoon

Enviado: Qui Mai 26, 2011 5:55 pm
por AlbertoRJ

Re: Eurofighter Typhoon

Enviado: Qui Mai 26, 2011 6:04 pm
por Carlos Lima
Tópico trancado...


