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Marinheiro Satanista na Royal Navy

Enviado: Seg Out 25, 2004 1:20 pm
Satanist on HMS Cumberland

Horror at Navy's Acceptance of Satanist Sailor

By Rachel Williams, PA News

The Royal Navy’s decision to officially recognise a non-commissioned officer as a Satanist – allowing him to practise rituals on board ship – was condemned today as “utterly shocking”.

Tory former minister Ann Widdecombe said there should be “no question whatsoever” of allowing naval technician Chris Cranmer to engage in Satanic worship practices at sea.

Ldg Hand Cranmer has become the first registered Satanist in the British Armed Forces after the captain of HMS Cumberland agreed to recognise his beliefs.

“I am utterly shocked by this,” Miss Widdecombe said.

“Satanism is wrong. Obviously the private beliefs of individuals anywhere including the Armed Forces are their own affair but I hope it doesn’t spread.

“There should be no question whatsoever of allowing Satanist rituals on board any ship in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy.

“What they believe and do in their own home is one thing, what they do at work is the business of their employer.

“The Navy should not permit Satanist practices on board its ships.

“God himself gives free will, but I would like to think that if somebody applied to the Navy and said they were a Satanist today it would raise its eyebrows somewhat.”

Ldg Hand Cranmer, 24, is from Edinburgh and has been in the Navy for four years, according to the Sunday Telegraph.

He was promoted to leading hand – the naval equivalent of corporal – in July last year.

He is now reportedly lobbying the Ministry of Defence to make Satanism a registered religion in the Armed Forces, although an MoD spokesman said it was not aware of any approach about the issue.

Ldg Hand Cranmer told the paper he realised he was a Satanist nine years ago when he “stumbled across” a copy of the Satanic Bible – written by Church of Satan founder Anton Szandor LaVey.

“I then read more and more and came to realise I’d always been a Satanist, just simply never knew,” he said.

A spokesman for the Royal Navy said: “We are an equal opportunities employer and we don’t stop anybody from having their own religious values.”

He added: “Our policy is that, wherever practical, reasonable requests for time and facilities that do not impact on operational effectiveness or the welfare of other personnel, are met.”

The Church of Satan was established in San Francisco in 1966 and LaVey was its high priest until his death in 1997.

Followers live by the Nine Satanic Statements, which include “Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence; Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek, and Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.”


Enviado: Ter Out 26, 2004 6:01 pm
por Brasileiro
Xô capeta!

Enviado: Qua Out 27, 2004 10:33 am
por rodrigo
Se os sistemas do navio falharem, ele manda uma maldição no inimigo. :twisted: