B-2 para a China????

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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B-2 para a China????

#1 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Jun 03, 2009 10:05 am

esta tinha piada.... :mrgreen:
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama to Sell B-2 Bomber Blueprints to China to Pay Off Debt

B-2 Plans for Sale?
Richard Hogarty
Boston Reviewer
June 1, 2009

Record deficits and a crashing economy appear to be taking a toll on the young Barack Obama Administration. The Administration has been talking about hiking income taxes and perhaps instituting a VAT tax.

China is also concerned with the mounting deficits in the United States budget. China is the single biggest holder of US Treasury Bonds and is one of Washington's biggest trading partners. The People's Republic has had a burgeoning economy, but is increasingly wary of the falling US dollar.

While the exact amount of Chinese ownership of US treasuries is unknown, it is estimated to add up to over a trillion dollars. If China were to call in US guarantees on these bonds, economists fear it could lead to an economic collapse larger than the Great Depression.

China has recently expanded its defense budget, ostensibly to keep up with its economic growth. China is reportedly working on its own version of a stealth bomber (the US has the only functioning model) but is lagged by technological defects.

On April 1st, President Obama spoke to Chinese Premier Hu Jintao during the G20 Summit. During this meeting, Mr. Hu expressed interest in writing off some of the US debt in exchange for military technology. The President has since referred the matter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The Defense Department is reportedly furious with the President's proposal to sell blueprints of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber to the People's Republic. Gates has flatly rejected the President's plan, but has since been asked to step down if he will not facilitate the process.

According to the deal, the United States would sell the plans for the B-2, along with radar-absorbing paints and metals in exchange for $50 billion in debt relief. The B-2 cost the US government $23 billion to develop the bomber in the 1980s.

According to the Administration, this proposal will help the United States resolve its debt issues. They point out their belief that the B-2 bomber is "strategically obsolete", according to a source in the White House Press Office. In addition, the source claims that the Chinese would be unable to create their own functioning stealth bomber fleet for "at least eight years."

American allies Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea are very wary of the proposal. Koo Syi, a geopolitical analyst from South Korea, points out that this technology could be passed to China's allies. This was the case when Chinese nuclear technology was transferred to Pakistan and North Korea. According to Koo, Obama has rendered US allies' opinions as "irrelevant."

While this proposal is controversial, it is not being presented to Congress, where it could meet with stern opposition. Instead, the State Department has been informed to assist the Defense Department with the transfer of materials.
http://jumpinginpools.blogspot.com/2009 ... ts-to.html

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: B-2 para a China????

#2 Mensagem por felipexion » Qua Jun 03, 2009 10:52 am


Se o B-2 for para a China o F-22 vai para a Rússia.

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Re: B-2 para a China????

#3 Mensagem por gaitero » Qua Jun 03, 2009 10:56 am

P44 escreveu:esta tinha piada.... :mrgreen:
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama to Sell B-2 Bomber Blueprints to China to Pay Off Debt

B-2 Plans for Sale?
Richard Hogarty
Boston Reviewer
June 1, 2009

Record deficits and a crashing economy appear to be taking a toll on the young Barack Obama Administration. The Administration has been talking about hiking income taxes and perhaps instituting a VAT tax.

China is also concerned with the mounting deficits in the United States budget. China is the single biggest holder of US Treasury Bonds and is one of Washington's biggest trading partners. The People's Republic has had a burgeoning economy, but is increasingly wary of the falling US dollar.

While the exact amount of Chinese ownership of US treasuries is unknown, it is estimated to add up to over a trillion dollars. If China were to call in US guarantees on these bonds, economists fear it could lead to an economic collapse larger than the Great Depression.

China has recently expanded its defense budget, ostensibly to keep up with its economic growth. China is reportedly working on its own version of a stealth bomber (the US has the only functioning model) but is lagged by technological defects.

On April 1st, President Obama spoke to Chinese Premier Hu Jintao during the G20 Summit. During this meeting, Mr. Hu expressed interest in writing off some of the US debt in exchange for military technology. The President has since referred the matter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The Defense Department is reportedly furious with the President's proposal to sell blueprints of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber to the People's Republic. Gates has flatly rejected the President's plan, but has since been asked to step down if he will not facilitate the process.

According to the deal, the United States would sell the plans for the B-2, along with radar-absorbing paints and metals in exchange for $50 billion in debt relief. The B-2 cost the US government $23 billion to develop the bomber in the 1980s.

According to the Administration, this proposal will help the United States resolve its debt issues. They point out their belief that the B-2 bomber is "strategically obsolete", according to a source in the White House Press Office. In addition, the source claims that the Chinese would be unable to create their own functioning stealth bomber fleet for "at least eight years."

American allies Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea are very wary of the proposal. Koo Syi, a geopolitical analyst from South Korea, points out that this technology could be passed to China's allies. This was the case when Chinese nuclear technology was transferred to Pakistan and North Korea. According to Koo, Obama has rendered US allies' opinions as "irrelevant."

While this proposal is controversial, it is not being presented to Congress, where it could meet with stern opposition. Instead, the State Department has been informed to assist the Defense Department with the transfer of materials.
http://jumpinginpools.blogspot.com/2009 ... ts-to.html

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: B-2 para a China????

#4 Mensagem por Bourne » Qua Jun 03, 2009 11:07 am

hahahahaha..... Pegadinha do Malandro...hahahahaha :mrgreen:

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Re: B-2 para a China????

#5 Mensagem por Pablo Maica » Qua Jun 03, 2009 12:30 pm

Bahhhh esse jornalista ai se supero!!! :lol:

Um abraço e t+ :D

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Re: B-2 para a China????

#6 Mensagem por soultrain » Qua Jun 03, 2009 1:00 pm

A divida Americana à China é de quase 3 trilhões, o que representam 50 bilhões?

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: B-2 para a China????

#7 Mensagem por FOXTROT » Qua Jun 03, 2009 2:40 pm

Extra, Extra, Extra o programa do F-35 será cancelado, a USAF adquirirá o J-10 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

"Só os mortos conhecem o fim da guerra" Platão.
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Re: B-2 para a China????

#8 Mensagem por soultrain » Qua Jun 03, 2009 3:14 pm

Não se iludam, vejam quem é que manda:

Washington garante
China não perdeu a fé na economia dos EUA
No último dia de visita oficial à China, Timothy Geithner, secretário de Estado do Tesouro dos EUA, diz que sai de Pequim convencido que as autoridades locais mantêm uma confiança considerável na economia norte-americana e que ficaram lançadas as sementes de uma cooperação mais estreita entre os dois países.
Elisabete Miranda

No último dia de visita oficial à China, Timothy Geithner, secretário de Estado do Tesouro dos EUA, diz que sai de Pequim convencido que as autoridades locais mantêm uma “confiança considerável” na economia norte-americana e que ficaram lançadas as sementes de uma cooperação mais estreita entre os dois países.

Depois de ter reunido com Hu Jintao e Wen Jiabao, presidente e primeiro-ministro, respectivamente, Geithner, citado pela imprensa norte-americana, garante que a China não perdeu a fé na economia dos EUA.

Parecem assim ter sido afastados os receios de que a visita oficial se deixasse contaminar pelas declarações musculadas dos dois blocos económicos nos últimos meses. Nos EUA, Geithner tinha ameaçado abrir as hostilidades caso a China insistisse em seguir uma política de moeda fraca (o que fortalece a capacidade de exportação do país asiático, em prejuízo dos EUA).

Em resposta, as autoridades chinesas questionaram publicamente a solidez da economia norte-americana, tendo inclusivamente subscrito a ideia de criação de uma nova divisa internacional que servisse de referência às transacções, juntamente com a Rússia. Mas ter-se-ão deixado convencer pelas garantias dadas por Geithner de que é intenção do governo retomar uma política de contenção de gastos assim que a crise se começar a dissipar, tendo fixado os 3% do PIB como referencial para o défice orçamental.

A China é o maior financiador da economia norte-americana, detendo a maior carteira de bilhetes de tesouro do país, seguido pelo Japão. Se do lado chinês se receia que uma deterioração dos fundamentos da economia norte-americana possa levar a uma desvalorização do dólar e consequente perda de valor das aplicações asiáticas, por parte dos EUA, teme-se que a China abrande o seu apetite pela dívida pública americana, numa altura em que os EUA precisam de financiar os seus programas de relançamento económico.

Durante os três dias de visita, Geithner falou da necessidade de apreciação do yuan como a contrapartida chinesa para o esforço de reequilíbrio orçamental que os EUA se comprometem a fazer. A China foi também incentivada a dar o seu contributo para um sistema económico mais equilibrado, como seja o alargamento da sua rede de protecção social, um aumento dos gastos em educação e a abertura do sector industrial às regras de mercado. Os EUA, por sua vez, apoiarão a tentativa de reforço do peso da China no Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI).

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: B-2 para a China????

#9 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jun 04, 2009 10:44 am

o CVN-77 George H.W. Bush se passará a chamar MAO TSE-TUNG

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*