Rússia - Terrorismo em Beslan

Assuntos em discussão: Exército Brasileiro e exércitos estrangeiros, armamentos, equipamentos de exércitos em geral.

Moderadores: J.Ricardo, Conselho de Moderação

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

Rússia - Terrorismo em Beslan

#1 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:22 pm

07/09/2004 - 13h25
Imprensa russa divulga novos elementos da tragédia em Beslan

Moscou, 7 set (EFE).- O quebra-cabeça da tragédia de Beslan ganha
novas peças, desde os preparativos até o sangrento desfecho da tomada
dos reféns que comoveu a Rússia e todo o mundo.

Diversos detalhes do ataque aparecem nesta terça-feira na imprensa
russa, tanto em declarações de representantes da investigação e de
segurança, como de testemunhas e ex-reféns.

Aparentemente, durante as obras de reforma do colégio os terroristas
tinham escondido no edifício todo um arsenal de armas e munição,
assim como remédios e alimentos.

Além disso, dois dias antes do trágico 1º de setembro, quando
aconteceu a invasão, moradores da cidade tinham visto o caminhão GAZ-
66 no qual o comando chegou às imediações da escola.

Também foram identificados vários dos 30 integrantes do comando
mortos no combate, em particular graças aos depoimentos de Nur-Pashi
Kulayev, terrorista que foi preso pelas forças de segurança.

Kulayev indicou que o comando era dirigido pelo osseta Vladimir
Jodov, conhecido como Abdulá e, segundo algumas fontes, ex-aluno da
escola que atacou, e por "Coronel", de nome desconhecido e, segundo
informações, de origem eslava. Também faziam parte do grupo
chechenos, inguches, cazaques, russos, árabes e um negro.

Segundo o vice-procurador geral da Rússia, Serguei Fridinski, o
comando terrorista chegou a Beslan por uma estrada abandonada que nem
sequer era patrulhada.

Vários integrantes do gabinete de crise confirmaram que as forças
russas não preparavam uma invasão, já que as posições dos terroristas
não davam nenhuma chance de minimizar o número de vítimas.

A opção, portanto, era negociar e, para isso, chegava a Beslan
Aslanbek Aslakhanov, enviado do presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin,
que cancelou uma visita que faria à Alemanha nos dias 10 e 11 de
setembro, sem marcar nova data.

O ex-presidente inguche Ruslan Aushev, general reformado e um dos
homens de maior prestígio no Cáucaso, inclusive entrou em contato com
o representante dos separatistas em Londres, Ahmed Zakayev.

Depois disso, apareceu uma declaração do presidente separatista
checheno, Aslan Maskhadov, na qual dizia que os chechenos não lutam
contra crianças e mulheres, que Aushev pretendia entregar aos

Mas os acontecimentos atrapalharam todos os planos. A queda de uma
granada por causa do rompimento da fita adesiva que a prendia ou a
negligência de um dos terroristas, segundo outros ex-reféns, provocou
a primeira explosão no ginásio onde estava a maioria dos reféns.

No meio do pânico e da confusão, uma das terroristas ativou a bomba
que tinha amarrada ao corpo, dezenas de reféns se jogaram contra as
janelas, começou o tiroteio dentro e fora do local, por parte dos
milicianos ossetas.

O gabinete de crise ainda tentava controlar o massacre e garantia por
telefone aos terroristas que não havia nenhuma invasão, mas já era

Durante um bom tempo os combatentes das tropas de assalto cobriram
com seus corpos a fuga dos reféns, o que explica o grande número de

A maior parte delas foi pela mão de um terrorista, conhecido como
Fantomas e de aparência eslava, que havia se debruçado no sótão do
edifício com uma metralhadora pesada, imune aos tiros e granadas dos
combatentes russos até que o projétil de um carro de combate
conseguiu matá-lo.

O grupo de elite Alfa perdeu em Beslan 11 de seus homens, incluindo o
comandante, e outros 23 ficaram feridos. "Se a missão fosse o ataque,
o Alfa não teria baixas, porém morreriam mais de 100 crianças", disse
um de seus combatentes ao jornal "Nezavisimaya Gazeta".

A artilharia dos carros de combate foi também a que acabou com a
resistência de um grupo de terroristas que fugiu da escola e se
escondeu em uma das casas próximas.

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#2 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:26 pm


Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#3 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:26 pm


A commando takes a postition at a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004. Commandos stormed a school Friday in southern Russia where hundreds of hostages had been held for three days, sending hostage-takers and their captives fleeing in a scene of chaos amid explosions and gunfire.

Commandos seen near a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004.

GRAPHIC CONTENT --- Emergency workers collect corpses of militants outside a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004. ITAR-Tass news agency quotes a prosecutor as saying 322 bodies have been pulled from the school in southern Russia by Saturday, including 155 children

GRAPHIC CONTENT**An expert prepares to unload a truck with dead bodies of soldiers and civilians killed during a school assault as people look outside morgue in Beslan Friday night, Sept. 3, 2004. Commandos stormed a school Friday in Beslan, a town in the North Ossetia region, and battled militants holding hundreds of hostages as crying children, some naked and covered in blood, fled the building through explosions and gunfire.

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#4 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:28 pm

Hi-res version: http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/ ... an/aai.jpg

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. Special forces soldiers take position at a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004

Hi-res version: http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/ ... an/aah.jpg

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. Special forces soldiers take position at a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. A woman carries an injured child who escaped from a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004.

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. Injured children who escaped from the school seized by terrorists in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya, September 3, 2004.

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. Injured children who escaped from the school seized by terrorists in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya, September 3, 2004.

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. Hostages who escaped from the school seized by terrorists in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya, September 3, 2004.

NORTH OSSETIA, RUSSIA. SEPTEMBER 3. Interrior forces soldiers render first aid to a wounded girl released from a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004.

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#5 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:30 pm

Russia's Interior ministry servicemen stand on guard near the school seized by unidentified gunmen in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. Between 120 and 150 people are being held a the school seized by rebels in the North Ossetian town of Beslan on Wednesday morning, North Ossetian Interior Ministry spokesman Ismel Shaov told reporters. Shaov did not specify how many children and adults are among the hostages. REUTERS/Vadim Tokhsyrov

Russia's Interior ministry servicemen stand by next to their APC near the school seized by unidentified gunmen as they wait for the development of the situation in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. A heavily armed gang seized up to 400 hostages at a Russian school on Wednesday and threatened to kill 50 children for every one of their group who was killed, a senior local official said. REUTERS/Eduard Kornienko

Local youth sit atop a Russia's Interior ministry APC near the school seized by unidentified gunmen as they wait for the development of the situation in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. A heavily armed gang seized up to 400 hostages at a Russian school on Wednesday and threatened to kill 50 children for every one of their group who was killed, a senior local official said. REUTERS/Vadim Tokhsyrov

A television grab shows a soldier helping a girl away from the scene at a school in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. Armed attackers, who seized a school in southern Russia, are holding up to 400 hostages including 200 schoolchildren, an official spokeswoman said. Photo by Reuters Television/Reuters

A television grab shows a soldier helping a girl away from the scene of hostage-taking at a school in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. REUTERS/Reuters Television
Russia's Interior ministry forces sit on an armored vehicle as they stand guard near the school seized by unidentified gunmen in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. Between 120 and 150 people are being held a the school seized by rebels in the North Ossetian town of Beslan on Wednesday morning, North Ossetian Interior Ministry spokesman Ismel Shaov told reporters. Shaov did not specify how many children and adults are among the hostages. REUTERS/Vadim Tokhsyrov

TV grab image taken from Russian NTV channel at Vnukovo airport in Moscow shows Russian President Vladimir Putin (news - web sites), who promptly returned in Moscow from his Bocharov Ruchei residence in Sochi. Gunmen with explosives strapped around their waists took more than 200 people hostage at a school in southern Russia, near war-torn Chechnya (news - web sites), and threatened to blow up the building if the security forces moved in.(AFP/NTV)

TV grab taken from Russian NTV channel shows anxious women standing outside the school. Gunmen with explosives strapped around their waists took more than 200 people hostage at a school in southern Russia, near war-torn Chechnya (news - web sites), and threatened to blow up the building if the security forces moved in.(AFP/NTV)

This TV grab image taken from Russian NTV channel of pupils, who escaped from the gunmen that took up 200 hostage people at a school in southern Russia, speaking to the press. Gunmen with explosives strapped around their waists took more than 200 people hostage at a school near war-torn Chechnya (news - web sites) and threatened to blow up the building if the security forces moved in.(AFP/NTV)

A television grab shows soldiers at the scene of hostage-taking at a school in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. REUTERS/Reuters TV

A television grab shows Russian women crying near the school where unidentified gunmen are holding up to 400 hostages in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya (news - web sites), September 1, 2004. Armed attackers seized a school in southern Russia near Chechnya on Wednesday, took up to 400 children and adults hostage and threatened to blow up the building if police tried to storm it, news agencies said. REUTERS

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#6 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:38 pm

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

As Tropas

#7 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 2:46 pm


Tropas OMON (os Boinas Negras)



Spetsnaz do MVD



Brigada Alfa (Os com a Camuflagem de Pontinhos)



Tropas Regulares do Exercito Russo



Milicia Armada da Ossetia do Norte



Policia da Ossetia do Norte

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#8 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 3:26 pm

BESLAN, RUSSIA - SEPTEMBER 3: A soldier takes cover as special forces storm a school seized by Chechen separatists on September 3, 2004 in the town of Beslan, Russia.

Commandos seen near a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004.

A commando takes a postition at a seized school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Friday, Sept. 3, 2004. Commandos stormed a school Friday in southern Russia where hundreds of hostages had been held for three days, sending hostage-takers and their captives fleeing in a scene of chaos amid explosions and gunfire.

A soldier takes cover as special forces storm a school seized by Chechen separatists on September 3, 2004 in the town of Beslan, Russia.

A Russian special police soldier (L) carries an injured colleague as two soldiers and two women take cover behind the APC during the rescue operation of Beslan's school, northern Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

[url=http://pro.corbis.com/images/DWF15-888463.jpg?size=67&uid={e1b2048b-7c33-416d-8444-0ba3d44522e3}]Graphic Image![/url]
Russian special forces troops drag the body of a civilian killed in a school seized by heavily armed masked men and women in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya , September 3, 2004.

A Russian special forces soldier shouts near a body of a killed civilian during the rescue operation at Beslan school, North Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

Ossetian volunteers carry a stretcher under cover of an APC while a soldier aims at at terrorist passing by a window during a rescue operation of Beslan's school, North Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

A Russian special forces soldier carries an injured woman during the rescue operation of Beslan's school, northern Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

An Ossetian man carries a girl during the rescue operation at Beslan's school, North Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

An injured woman is escorted by civilians and a soldier during the rescue operation at Beslan's school, North Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

An injured Russian soldier grimaces, bieng carried to a car during the rescue operation at Beslan's school, North Ossetia, 03 September 2004.

Servicemen with stretchers prepar to help the wounded in the yard of the school seized by terrorists.

VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY - A video grab image shows (graphic!) [url=http://pro.corbis.com/images/DWF15-890224.jpg?size=67&uid={a4711fb4-b49d-4326-8b61-a9965b22cfe0}]dead[/url] [url=http://pro.corbis.com/images/DWF15-890276.jpg?size=67&uid={de90b139-77af-4176-b884-c8c7571157fa}]assailants[/url] [url=http://pro.corbis.com/images/DWF15-890284.jpg?size=67&uid={2da30cb5-a5af-4dea-a24e-17cab624336b}]lying[/url] in the street of Beslan September 4, 2004, the day after a hostage seizure at the school by Chechen separatists ended in a bloodbath with 322 people killed, half of them children. The death toll after Friday's bloody climax to the two-day siege included 155 school children, many of them held inside a gym by their captors, and confirmed the episode as the grimmest hostage-taking of modern times.

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#9 Mensagem por rodrigo » Ter Set 07, 2004 7:51 pm

Pelas fotos, uma coisa ficou bem clara: foi uma confusão total. Tem uns sujeitos que eu acho que estavam jogando futebol perto dali e foram chamados pra ajudar, e ganharam armas. Em uma foto tem uma metralhadora pesada, acho que uma PKM, do lado de um tanque, em quem eles iam usar aquilo? Acho que falta uma organização policial para esse tipo de ação na Rússia, é notório que forças especiais militares não são treinadas para esse tipo de ação, e de cabeça só me lembro da ação da SAS na embaixada do Irã em Londres como exemplo de ação militar que deu 100% certo.

"O correr da vida embrulha tudo,
a vida é assim: esquenta e esfria,
aperta e daí afrouxa,
sossega e depois desinquieta.
O que ela quer da gente é coragem."

João Guimarães Rosa
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#10 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 8:34 pm

Imagens de Dentro do Ginasio....


A video grab image shows pupils and adults in the gym of the school in Beslan, Russia, which was shot by the militants during the siege and released on September 7, 2004. Russia's NTV television showed graphic footage shot by the militants who took more than a thousand hostages in a school in Beslan in the south of the country last week.

Explosives are strung from a basketball hoop in the gymnasium of a school raided by militants in Beslan, Russia, in this image taken Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2004, from a video made on an unknown date during the early part of the school siege. A Russian television network showed footage from inside the school raided by militants last week depicting hooded attackers in a gymnasium crowded with hostages and strung up with explosives attached to wires.

Hostages sit below explosives strung from basketball hoops in the gymnasium of a school in Beslan, Russia, in this image taken Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2004, from a video made on an unknown date during the early part of the school siege. A Russian television network showed footage from inside the school raided by militants last week depicting hooded attackers in a gymnasium crowded with hostages and strung up with explosives attached to wires.

Hostage-takers sit inside a school in Beslan, Russia, in this image taken Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2004, from a video made on an unknown date during the early part of the school siege, which began on Sept. 1, 2004.

BESLAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION: This TV grab image taken from Russian NTV channel 07 September 2004 shows a woman as she holds a pistol in the gymnasium of the Beslan school North Ossetia. Russia's NTV television aired a tape Tuesday it said was made by the hostage takers showing what seemed to be the first hours of the three day school crisis that ended in the deaths of more than 335 people and 31 hostage takers.

Hostages sit on the floor, surrounding a hostage-taker working on what appears to be an explosive device, at the school in Beslan, Russia, in this image taken from a video made on an unknown date during the early part of the school siege which began on Sept. 1, 2004

Hostages sit on a floor in a gym as a hostage-taker stands with his left foot on a book apparently with a device connected to a chain of explosives in the school in Beslan, Russia taken in this undated image from television during the early part of the siege which began on Sept. 1, 2004.



Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#11 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 8:35 pm



Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#12 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 8:36 pm





Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#13 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 8:38 pm

Pra quem viu o Filme que mostra cenas de dentro do Ginasio ... vai entender como NÃO tinha jeito de não ter vitimas .. lembrando que a maioria das vitimas vieram das explosoes das bombas do Ginasio .. as outras foram fuziladas a sangue frio sem mais nem menos...

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#14 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 8:45 pm

rodrigo escreveu:Pelas fotos, uma coisa ficou bem clara: foi uma confusão total. Tem uns sujeitos que eu acho que estavam jogando futebol perto dali e foram chamados pra ajudar, e ganharam armas. Em uma foto tem uma metralhadora pesada, acho que uma PKM, do lado de um tanque, em quem eles iam usar aquilo? Acho que falta uma organização policial para esse tipo de ação na Rússia, é notório que forças especiais militares não são treinadas para esse tipo de ação, e de cabeça só me lembro da ação da SAS na embaixada do Irã em Londres como exemplo de ação militar que deu 100% certo.

Quer saber porque uma PKM??


Teve um Terrorista que pegou uma PK provavelmente e se enfiou em um lugar no teto .. ele só foi tirado de lá com um tiro não sei se foi de um tanke ou do BTR-80 .. mas só assim.. entende o porque de armas pesadas?? os Alfas, Vympel, Spetsnaz, Omon ... entraram lá com RPGs por ex.... não vá entender melhor oque usar que eles cara haha

A Ação da SAS mesmo tendo sido extremamente boa e talz.. não tem NADA a ver com essa situação que os russos tiveram.. alias NUNCA ninguém tinha tido nenhuma experiencia assim.. só os russos mesmo com o teatro em Moscou que foi SEMELHANTE mas mesmo assim longe de ser igual e ter a possibilidade do uso das mesmas estratégias..

E outra .. para de falar merda e se não sabe não fala... vou dizer pela 10000111111 vez que eles tem um grupo anti-terrorista .. alias um não varios ... se você não sabe quais são é melhor nem discutir o tópico ... e vai achando que a SAS da vida ia fazer magica ai ...

Tem uns sujeitos que eu acho que estavam jogando futebol perto dali e foram chamados pra ajudar, e ganharam armas.
:roll: nem precisa comenta isso né?? ouviu aonde?? BBC ou Jornal Nacional?

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#15 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Ter Set 07, 2004 9:53 pm
