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DDG Kongo class, isto que é destroyer!!! Que sonho!!!!

Enviado: Dom Ago 08, 2004 8:56 pm
por Alitson

The Kongo Type is the 4th generation guided missile destroyer (DDG) and has a different appearance and contents from previous Japanse DDG designs. The largest size among DDG and SPY-1D AEGIS radars equipped on the four faces of the bridge prove a capacity of this type. This class of four ships is complete, and assigned to 4 escort flotillas as the core ship.

The JMSDF maintains four Escort Flotilla, with each composed of 2-3 air-defense ships, including Kongo class AEGIS ship, and 5-6 anti-submarine destroyers, and 8 ASW helicopters, or as it is more commonly known, the 88 Formation. Japan has four of them, named 1st through 4th Escort Flottilla. Although the information processing ability and flagship ability of the Aegis warship is superior, the flagship of the Escort Flotilla is the DDH.

Japan was the first state (outside the United States) to acquire the superlative Aegis fleet defence system, fitted in the Kongo-class destroyers. The Aegis system's maximum detection distance, the number of simultaneously tracked targets, reaction time and missile range is superior in all points by comparison with the former Tartar system. The ASROC anti-submarine rocket, which is the anti-submarine weapon, along with the Standard anti-aircraft missile, are launched from the VLS (the vertical launch system) which is imbedded in the front and back section decks. The third unit of the class [Myoko] was the first with SM2MR Block III (the Block II was used on the first two ships). They are to receive New ASROC (presumedly ASROC with Japanese lightweight torpedo), and to be fitted with P/S(1)2 12.7mm or 20mm with night vision equipment.

The Kongo is an improved version of the U.S. Navy’s Arleigh Burke class, displacing 9,485 tons (full load). It is a substantial departure for Japan in terms of size and capability in its surface fleet. There also are qualitative differences between Japan’s modern ships with their well-trained crews and the older, less capable ships of other East and Southeast Asian navies.

Although derived from American Arleigh Burke class, numerous changes include a far longer helicopter deck aft, less horsepower and a slightly different weapon suite. Some of the differences between the JMSDF Kongo's and the USN Burkes are that the Kongo's employ a separate fire-control system for the 127-mm gun, which has a faster firing rate than the USN standard Mk 45 127-mm gun, a back-up surface/air search radar, a more elaborate EW system and while they have the capability to act as a helicopter platform they do not have a haul down system. Full displacement on the Kongo's is larger, 9,485 tons to 8,500 tons and is some 78 feet longer and 2 feet wider.

Construction was done to mercantile rather than military standards. The Italian Oto-Breda 127mm/54 calibre Compact gun, firing 45 rounds per minute [to 8.7nm anti-surface, 3.8nm anti-aircraft] is the main gun armament aboard Japanese Kongo class Aegis destroyers. This turret was designed for reduced manning, and the distribution of personnel to inside the turret became unnecessary, as it is controlled with remote control. It is possible to land helicopters on the rear deck, but because the VLS launchers in the rear deck, there is no equipment to support the helicopter.

The superstructure is dominated by the phased array radar, which forms the core of the Aegis system. Along with these radars, consideration has been given to stealth characteristics, resulting in a warship design which gives an impression different from previous classes. Although it is often said that the lattice mast has compromised the stealth efficiency of the design, apparently the influence of the mast on reflection of radar waves is almost nil.

The Aegis foreign military sales (FMS) efforts began in 1984, resulting in the first Japanese FMS case in 1988. Three additional FMS ships were then authorized in 1990, 1991, and 1993. The USN furnished the Aegis AAW system and selected combat system elements, but the ship and the other remaining systems were built in Japan. Not all portions of the US Aegis system are installed on the Japanese ship. The Tomahawk system is not exported, and there is no equivalent Japanese-supplied function. Several other functions are also deleted in the Japanese ship.

The USN had earlier furnished TARTAR systems (the predecessor of Aegis) via FMS to Japan. The acquisition of Aegis required the Japanese to learn a new and much more complex system than TARTAR. When the Aegis EMS program went through congressional review of the release to Japan in early 1988, there were two major issues raised. The first, supported by the US shipbuilding industry, was why a total Aegis ship was not supplied to Japan instead of just the Aegis weapon system. This would give the depressed US shipbuilding industry some badly needed work in return for the release of this advanced system to Japan. The second issue raised in Congress was whether Aegis should be released to Japan at all. Many members believed that the latest American technology should not be released to Japan. There was a concern that the Japanese might "reverse engineer" the system and build it themselves.

The US Congress approved the Aegis sale to Japan in 1988 despite reservations about the transfer of technology. Special congressional concerns were related to the SPY-lD radar technology and the associated complex real-time computer programs. The USN responded to these concerns with additional constraints on the transfer of technology.

A critical area of technical cooperation was with the Japanese manufacturers of the ASW, EW, and gunfire control systems. Aegis interfaces have been defined for the U.S. systems but needed to be defined for the Japanese counterparts. The most complex interface was the integrated ASW control system that was being developed based on an existing Japanese system. The gunfire control system (GFCS) was the next most complex interface. Since the design was different from the USN system, modifications were required in the interface. The EW system integration had some problems in the shipyard, but they were not a serious issue.

The first ship, JDS Kongo, meeting all Japanese construction and test requirements, was commissioned on March 25, 1993, with all of the USN-supplied systems operational. Both IMSDF and the shipyard were very pleased. The most obvious benefit to Japan was the upgrade of the JMSDF with the most capable warships in the world. With its emphasis on defense, it closely matches the stated fixture goals of the JMSDF. JMSDF, its shipbuilders, and its manufacturers have learned a considerable amount about the integration and testing of a large modern complex weapons system by working on the Aegis program.

IHI delivered the destroyer Chokai with the Aegis system at IHI Tokyo Shipyard in March 1998. The Chokai is the fourth member of the latest fleet series of Kongo class Aegis Destroyers. As of 1992 Japan reportedly had plans to construct as many as 8 (rather than 4) Kongo class Aegis DDGs. As of 1999 Japan was considering an option to buy two more, but by 2000 plans to build four more of the ships were no longer being discussed in public.

On December 16, 2002, the destroyer Kirishima left the port of Yokosuka for the Indian Ocean where it would be tasked with supporting the U-S led war on terrorism. The deployment would increase Japan's military presence in the region and raised fears among some that Japan might be drawn into fighting, particularly if the United States were to attack Iraq, thereby contraveing with Japan's constitution.





Displacement: 7,250t (standard) 9,485t (full load)
Boat shape: Flat deck type
Total length: 161m
Width: 21.0m
Draft: 6.2m
Main engine: COGAG - 4 - Ishikawajima Harima LM2500 gas turbine
basic 2 shaft propulsion
Output: 100,000hp
Speed: 30 knot
Range: 4500 nm at 20 knots
Crew-member: 300 person
Air search radar: SPY - 1D
Anti- surface radar: OPS - 28c
Combat System: AEGIS Weapon System MK-7
FCS: 2 types 23 of pursuit induction radar
Communications: SATCOM, Link 11 & Link 14
Anti-Aircraft: SPG-62 81 type fire direction devices
Missile launcher: MK41 VLS (90 cell )
Anti-aircraft armament: 74 - Standard SM-2MR SAM
Anti-submarine armament: 16 - ASROC SUM
Anti- warship armament: 2 X 4 Harpoon SSM launchers
Torpedo armament: 2 - 68 type three connected equipment
CIWS: 2 X 20 millimeter CIWS Mk15
Gun: 1 X OTO 127 millimeter 54 caliber single rapid fire gun



Enviado: Dom Ago 08, 2004 8:58 pm
por Guilherme
O Japão tem uma Marinha muito poderosa. Eles têm muito dinheiro para gastar com sua defesa, são a segunda economia do mundo.

Enviado: Dom Ago 08, 2004 9:09 pm
por Fox
Realmente, um belo navio!



Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 9:17 am
É um barco fantástico, com seus sistemas Aegis. Os japoneses têm até mesmo planos para colocá-los entre Japão e Coréia para interceptar mísseis balísticos, caso chegue o dia em que Kim Jong-Il queira visitar seus colegas no andar de baixo.

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 11:34 am
por Spetznaz
Interceptar os mísseis da Coreia do Norte deve ser uma tarefa fácil para o Aegis nao é nao?
A tecnologia de lançamento Coreano deve ser aquela maravilha nao é?

Pra os especialistas...

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 1:55 pm
Mais ou menos: mísseis balísticos são sempre difíceis de lidar, porque são muito muito rápidos e com capacidade de saturação.

Vamos supor que os NKs têm algo semelhante ao Astros II, só que com maior alcance e carga bélica. Existe algum sistema que proteja contra uma salva desse tipo? Difícil. Os Kongos ajudariam a diminuir a efetividade, mas não acabariam totalmente com a ameaça.

O único sistema anti-balístico (ABM) especializado atualmente é o ARROW dos israelenses. O primeiro teste contra um Scud foi semana passada, um sucesso. Mas diga-se: o Scud é pavorosamente obsoleto, com trajetória dentro da atmosfera, velocidade relativamente mais baixa etc. Outros ABMs, como Patriot e Aegis, são sistemas anti-aéreos com alguma capacidade anti-balística, mas não é fácil.

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 2:37 pm
por Spetznaz
Os mísseis norte coreanos devem ser +- parecidos com os Scuds. Estou enganado?
Será que eles tem tecnologia assim para fazer coisa melhor que Scud?
E outra. Os Patriots, diz a lenda, só nao derrubava os Scuds por uma falha no computador principal que tinha um time errado de 0,0000001 segundos(?) que fazia com que o ABM nunca conseguisse interceptar o SCUD.
UM S400 nao faz um serviço desse nao?

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 4:36 pm
por FinkenHeinle
VICTOR escreveu:Mais ou menos: mísseis balísticos são sempre difíceis de lidar, porque são muito muito rápidos e com capacidade de saturação.

Vamos supor que os NKs têm algo semelhante ao Astros II, só que com maior alcance e carga bélica. Existe algum sistema que proteja contra uma salva desse tipo? Difícil. Os Kongos ajudariam a diminuir a efetividade, mas não acabariam totalmente com a ameaça.

O único sistema anti-balístico (ABM) especializado atualmente é o ARROW dos israelenses. O primeiro teste contra um Scud foi semana passada, um sucesso. Mas diga-se: o Scud é pavorosamente obsoleto, com trajetória dentro da atmosfera, velocidade relativamente mais baixa etc. Outros ABMs, como Patriot e Aegis, são sistemas anti-aéreos com alguma capacidade anti-balística, mas não é fácil.

Com certeza, VICTOR,

Outro problema ainda são as MIRV... Felizmente os coreanos não dominam, aparentemente, essa tecnologia, pois ela é eficaz contra ABM's, levando em conta que apenas uma ogiva seria necessária para causar um estrago tremendo (levando em consideração que a Coréia possui ogivas nucleares)...

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 4:44 pm
por Spetznaz
Olha só.
Eu tenho pouco conhecimento sofre equipamentos militares; e o pouco que eu sei está +- na ára de ICBMs e coisa e tal.
Bem. Eu nao pesquisei sobre o missil norte coreano, mas creio eu que deve ter 2 estágios; nao deve nem possuir "ogiva" naquele sentido de MIRV, pq se ele nao chega a entrar em órbita( como eu creio que nao entra) nao tem nem como se falar de "ogiva nuclear" no sentido estrito da coisa, muito menos em MIRVs. A nao ser que exista novas tecnologias, ou alguma que eu nao conheço, pq pelo que eu sei o básico de MIRV é entrar em óbita.......

Concertem as besteiras que eu falei aí.....ehhehee

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 5:04 pm
Spetznaz escreveu:Concertem as besteiras que eu falei aí.....ehhehee

"Consertem" então :P huehuehue :P Desculpe não resisti huehuehue

Concordo com vc em que os BMs dos NKs não devem nada muito avançado (apesar de poderem se garantir na base da saturação / quantidade).

O meu ponto era de que os sistemas Aegis e Patriot são anti-aéreos adaptados, trazendo alguns defeitos com isso, resolvidos em parte no caso do PAC-3.

Boa a lembrança do S-400: esse tem características fortes de ABM, apesar de não ser considerado propriamente um. :wink:

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 5:24 pm
por Spetznaz
Ah há!
Dicionário Aurélio....
Concertar- Pôr em boa ordem; compor, ajustar.......
Consertar- Põr em boa ordem ou condiçao ( o q estava danificado)....

Portanto, apesar da tentativa, minha frase ainda resta certa!! :lol:

O q eu pedi está relacionado a ajustar, a por em boa ordem... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nem vem q nao tem!

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 5:33 pm
por FinkenHeinle
Spetznaz escreveu:Ah há!
Dicionário Aurélio....
Concertar- Pôr em boa ordem; compor, ajustar.......
Consertar- Põr em boa ordem ou condiçao ( o q estava danificado)....

Portanto, apesar da tentativa, minha frase ainda resta certa!! :lol:

O q eu pedi está relacionado a ajustar, a por em boa ordem... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nem vem q nao tem!

HUheuahehaue, é isso aí, Seu Madr..., digo, Spetz, huhuaehuahuehae

Enviado: Seg Ago 09, 2004 6:17 pm
por Spetznaz
Olhe a minha cara de felicidade misturada com a de espanto....