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Essa é para o Walter!

Enviado: Ter Mai 15, 2007 10:51 pm
por Bolovo
Como diria os ingleses, Gotcha! :D :D :D

The former HMCS Huron was used as a target by Canadian and American warships during Exercise TRIDENT FURY 2007 due to the increase in operational tempo of the Navy and it was determined that HuronÕs hulk would provide realistic and invaluable operational training for our sailors.

Re: Essa é para o Walter!

Enviado: Ter Mai 15, 2007 11:20 pm
por WalterGaudério
Bolovo escreveu:Como diria os ingleses, Gotcha! :D :D :D

The former HMCS Huron was used as a target by Canadian and American warships during Exercise TRIDENT FURY 2007 due to the increase in operational tempo of the Navy and it was determined that HuronÕs hulk would provide realistic and invaluable operational training for our sailors.

Eu adorava os navios da classe Iroquois, achava-os extremamente elegantes com suas chaminés(originais) em "V" e sua amurada alta.

Valeu homem do vale do Paraíba(teve um acidentezinho meio safado aí hoje eim? Um turboélice caiu na via Dutra. Infelizmente dois ocupantes morreram)

