Enviado: Qua Mai 13, 2015 2:36 pm
EXATO! Está em nossa volta, em tudo o que acontece, e vamos querer tapar o sol com a peneira? No Brasil quem pode se vender e não se vende é HERÓI!
Paisano escreveu:Chegou ao limite.juarez castro escreveu:O exemplo vem de cima.
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P44 escreveu:Naval Industry News - Netherlands, Trinidad & Tobago
Quem sabe Trinidad não desiste desses também, como os Amazonas e sobra para a MB?
Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard contracts Damen for fleet of 12x coastal patrol craft
Following a 4-year acquisition programme, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago has agreed to purchase twelve vessels for the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force from Damen Shipyards. The Signing Ceremony, which took place at the Ministry of National Security, Temple Court 1 Building, was attended by Permanent Secretary Carl A. Francison behalf of the Ministry of National Security andDamen Sales Director AmericasSander van Oord.
The order includes 4x Stan Patrol 5009 Coastal Patrol Vessels (middle); 2x Fast Crew Supply 5009 Utility Vessels (top) ; 6x Interceptor DI 1102 Interceptors (bottom). Picture: DAMEN
Trinidad and Tobago has ordered a complete package of vessels with the aim of enhancing the country’s maritime security and of establishing the foundations of a Maritime Security Wall; thereby creating and sustaining an effective presence in all tiers of Trinidad and Tobago’s maritime domain.
The order includes:
Four Damen Stan Patrol 5009 Coastal Patrol Vessels:
• 51 metres long, 9 metres wide
• Speeds in excess of 28 knots
• Range exceeds 2500 nautical miles
• Equipped with an advanced surveillance system
• Deploys an on-board 11metres interceptor plus a short-range 7.5metres Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB)
• Uses a unique Sea-Axe design to dramatically enhance seakeeping in rough waters
• These vessels will patrol coastal waters andarealso capable of operating in Trinidad and Tobago’s Exclusive Economic Zone
Two Damen Fast Crew Supply 5009 Utility Vessels:
• 54 metres long, 10 metres wide
• Speeds in excess of 20 knots
• Range exceeds 3000 nautical miles
• These vessels can be used for a variety of roles: support of interceptor operations, disaster relief, search and rescue, as well as limited coastal patrol
Six Damen Interceptor DI 1102 Interceptors:
• 11 metres long, 2 metres wide
• Speeds in excess of 53 knots
• Interceptors are capable of being embarked on and deployed from the SPas and FCS acting as a force multiplier
Since 1927, Damen has built a significant number of high quality vessels for civil and military purposes. Such vessels are in service with the Coast Guards of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados and the Netherlands among others.
Mr Van Oord, said: “Damen is a company that prides itself on the quality and performance of the ships we build. We are delighted to welcome the Government of Trinidad & Tobago to our family and will strive to deliver this package on time and within budget. These are the hallmarks of Damen that have helped us become market leader in the Caribbean.” ... ew&id=2714
Lord Nauta escreveu:Após o desenvolvimento do Sistema de Detecção, Acompanhamento e Classificação de Contatos (SDAC), que realiza o processamento dos sinais digitalizados provenientes dos sonares passivos CSU-83, já em operação a bordo de todos os submarinos da Marinha do Brasil, o Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha (IPqM) está avançando sobre o desenvolvimento da "parte molhada" do sistema, que engloba a aquisição dos sinais analógicos provenientes dos staves (coluna vertical de 3 hidrofones), (...)
Lord Nauta escreveu:(...) condicionamento do sinal, digitalização, pré-processamento, formação de feixes direcionais (...)
Lord Nauta escreveu:(...) e formatação para compatibilização com o SDAC.(...)
Alcantara escreveu:Galeria "Full screen" da F45 União na Itália. ... 61bd42e7f9
Isis com missil anti-navio!!! era só o que faltava.....sdswagnerm25 escreveu:Foto publicada hoje. Se é verdade, isso eu não sei.