Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#841 Mensagem por Lord Nauta » Sex Ago 28, 2015 6:51 pm

P44 escreveu:Enjoy more than 90 photos from the Russia-China Joint Sea-2015 (II) naval exercises (Aug 20-28) at


Em minha opinião esta parceria deveria ser vigorosamente consolidada e preservada o que constituiria em um notável polo de poder equalizador na geopolítica internacional.


Lord Nauta

P.S. A oficial russa e uma ''gatinha'', caso fosse possível gostaria de ter um intercambio com a mesma. :mrgreen:

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#842 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Sáb Ago 29, 2015 11:34 am

talharim escreveu:A doutrina naval francesa permite apenas operar na retaguarda desse modo a traição e posterior fuga de seus navios fica mais rápida .
[082] [082] [082]

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#843 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Ago 30, 2015 6:33 am

Mais fotos das manobras com a Rússia


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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#844 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Set 25, 2015 2:50 pm

U.S. Says Chinese Sub That Can Hit U.S. on Patrol Soon
Anthony Capaccio David Tweed
September 24, 2015 — 3:46 AM BST
Updated on September 24, 2015 — 7:29 PM BST

First Jin-class sub to deploy by year's end, U.S. Says
JL-2 missile could hit all 50 U.S. states from east of Hawaii

A Chinese nuclear submarine designed to carry missiles that can hit the U.S. is likely to deploy before year’s end, the Pentagon said, adding to Obama administration concerns over China’s muscle-flexing in Asia.

China’s navy is expected this year to conduct the first patrol of its Jin-class nuclear-powered submarine armed with JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency said in a statement. It declined to give its level of confidence on when the new boat will be deployed, or the status of the missile.

“The capability to maintain continuous deterrent patrols is a big milestone for a nuclear power,” Larry Wortzel, a member of the congressionally created U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, said in an e-mail. “I think the Chinese would announce this capability as a show of strength and for prestige.”

The submarines are part of an effort to modernize China’s military under President Xi Jinping, who will be in Washington Thursday and Friday for a state visit with U.S. President Barack Obama. U.S.-China defense cooperation and competition will be among the topics discussed by the two leaders. The Pentagon and DIA had previously predicted the patrols would start in 2014.
‘Threat Inflation’

“Don’t discount the likelihood of threat inflation by the Pentagon because of the shift toward the Asia-Pacific in the revised maritime strategy,” said Collin Koh Swee Lean, an associate research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.

China set out its ambitions for a bigger naval presence far from its coasts in its 2015 defense white paper, released in May, saying it would add “open seas protection” to “offshore waters defense” to a list of core naval missions.

Wortzel said his commission’s 2015 report probably will include a comment from PLA Navy Commander Admiral Wu Shengli, who said the submarine-missile combination is “a trump card that makes our motherland proud and our adversaries terrified.”

China’s increased naval strength, coupled with its claims to territory in the contested South China Sea and East China Sea, has helped spur the region’s largest military buildup in decades and caused disquiet in the U.S. about its role as the region’s peace keeper.

China’s deployment “will further shift the Sino-American military balance and impose more demands on our own submarine force,” Representative Randy Forbes, a Virginia Republican and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s sea power panel, said in an e-mail. “This milestone in Chinese naval
development should remind U.S. policy makers of the need to strengthen American sea power, particularly in the Asia-Pacific,” Forbes said.
Missile Range

“The United States is a Pacific power,” U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a speech on Sept. 21. “We’ve been the guarantor of stability in the region for the past 70 years. President Obama has made it clear that we have vital interests in Asia and the Pacific, and a good part of our foreign policy has been focused on our rebalance to Asia.”

China currently has at least four Jin-class submarines. Fifty-one years after the country carried out its first nuclear test, patrols by the new submarines will give Xi greater agility to respond to a nuclear attack, according to analysts.

“Of all the PLA strategic deterrence capabilities, the sea-based link is the most closely guarded secret because it is meant to be the most secure of the deterrents for China,” said Koh, who studies China’s naval modernization.

Sending the submarines on patrol is a significant step because JL-2 missiles have a range of about 4,600 miles (7,403 kilometers). The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has said the missiles could reach Alaska if launched from waters near Japan, and all 50 U.S. states if launched from waters east of Hawaii.
Troop Cuts

“The chances of getting a submarine east of Hawaii at a time when tensions are high, would be relatively low,” said Felix Chang, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia. “But it’s not a possibility you can completely discount.”

Xi earlier this month announced plans to cut 300,000 troops and vowed never to seek “hegemony or expansion.” While the move represents, the largest cut to the People’s Liberation Army in almost two decades, it may only accelerate the arms buildup in the Asia-Pacific region.

The move will speed the PLA’s transition from a large, land-based army built over decades of invasions, civil war and border conflicts, to a modern, mechanized force able to defend China’s territorial integrity and growing interests abroad.

“The more modern their weapons, the fewer personnel needed,” said June Teufel Dreyer, a University of Miami political science professor, who served as a commissioner on the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission. “Less money spent on personnel means more money for airplanes, submarines, frigates, missiles.”
Still Testing

The JL-2 “has nearly three times the range” of China’s current sea-launched ballistic missile, “which was only able to range targets in the immediate vicinity of China,” the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence said in an April report on China’s Navy. The JL-2 “underwent successful testing in 2012 and is likely ready to enter the force,” it said. “Once deployed it will provide China with a capability to strike targets” in the continental U.S., it said.

Koh said reports indicate the PLA may still be conducting JL-2 tests. “If the missiles aren’t operational yet, there is no reason to send them out on patrol,” he said.

There is also speculation that China is developing a new 096 Tang class nuclear-powered submarine that may be able to carry as many as 24 ballistic missiles, twice as many as the Jin-class 094 submarines, Koh said.

“So the most likely scenario is that the JL-2 is likely to be in the final stages of testing, and has been deemed successful, otherwise they wouldn’t be going ahead with the development of the 096,” said Koh. ... 4e3f45f007

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#845 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Set 28, 2015 6:46 am

Chinese Navy Fourth Type 071 LPD Amphibious Vessel Started Sea Trials

Chinese media recently released pictures showing the fourth People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy) Type 071 amphibious transport dock LPD Yimeng Shan (hull number 978) on sea trials. Yimeng Shan was built Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding, a wholly owned subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC, the largest shipbuilding group in China) as was the case for the first three Type 071 vessels. It was launched in January this year.

Chinese media recently released pictures showing the fourth People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy) Type 071 amphibious transport dock LPD Yimeng Shan (hull number 978) on sea trials. Yimeng Shan was built Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding, a wholly owned subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC, the largest shipbuilding group in China) as was the case for the first three Type 071 vessels. It was launched in January this year.

PLAN's Fourth Type 071 amphibious transport dock LPD Yimeng Shan (hull number 978) on sea trials

Yimeng Shan is set to be delivered to the PLAN in December 2015. In addition to the three vessels already in service: Head of class Kunlun Shan (998) commissioned in 11/2007, Jinggang Shan (999) commissioned in 10/2011, Changbai Shan (989) commissioned in 09/2012 and the new Yimeng Shan, two more vessels of the class are reportedly under construction at Hudong shipyard.

Type 071 landing platform dock
Type 071 (Yuzhao-class) LPD are the main amphibious platforms of the PLAN. They displace approximatly 25,000 tons, measure 210 meters long and 28 meters wide. The ship complement is 156 sailors plus 23 officers.
Each Type 071 has the capacity to accomodate one marine battalion, including 500 to 800 troops. During a visit in the UK, it was announced that the ship can carry up to 65 amphibious armored vehicles. The well deck was designed to hold four Yuyi-class LCAC. In addition, Type 071 LPDs can also supposedly carry 6 Z-8 medium (10 tons class) helicopters.
The ship is armed with one 76 mm gun and four 30 mm close-in weapon systems.

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#846 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Set 30, 2015 8:23 am


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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#847 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qui Nov 05, 2015 12:11 am


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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#848 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qui Nov 05, 2015 2:09 pm

Os chineses pensando em frota no índico, e nós aqui pensando em economizar o rancho...

ê vida... :roll:


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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#849 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qui Nov 12, 2015 12:21 pm


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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#850 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Nov 13, 2015 5:17 pm


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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#851 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Dom Nov 15, 2015 9:34 am

Dia 7/11/2015 foi lançado ao mar a 30º unidade da corveta Type 056 em 2015 ate agora eles lançaram seis unidades ao mar.

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#852 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Nov 21, 2015 2:35 am


A segunda unidade do patrulheiro de 12.000t da guarda costeira chinesa iniciou os testes de prova de mar, o navio vai ter 2 canhões de 30mm e 1 canhão de 76mm, velocidade 25 nós.

O primeiro navio foi incorporado ao distrito de Zhejiang ou seja e para patrulhar a área em disputa com o Japão.

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#853 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Seg Nov 30, 2015 5:36 pm ... 5.html#p=1


Lançado ao mar o nono O52D, com os 052C agora eles tem 15 DDGs.

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#854 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Dez 08, 2015 9:50 am

First Details on Likely Future Type 75 LHD for PLAN Showed Up on China Government Website

The first details on a future landing helicopter dock (LHD) amphibious assault ship for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) may have emerged on a government website in China.


:arrow: ... ew&id=3302

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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)

#855 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Dez 08, 2015 1:51 pm

China to build navy base in Djibouti: Djiboutian minister
By Agence France-Presse -
December 7, 2015

China is to build its first naval base in Djibouti, the Djiboutian foreign minister said Friday, in the latest sign of China’s growing international security presence.

Djibouti is seen as a key strategic location in the Horn of Africa, with United States, France and Japan already having facilities in the country.

“The negotiations have come to an end and the naval base will be built in Djibouti,” Mahamoud Ali Youssouf told AFP on the sidelines of a summit of African leaders in Johannesburg.

“The goal of the base is to fight against pirates… and most of all to secure the Chinese ships using this very important strait that is important to all the countries in the world.”

“For Djibouti, it’s an additional strategic ally.”

A former French colony, Djibouti guards the entrance to the Red Sea and, ultimately, the Suez Canal, and has been used by international navies as a hub in the fight against piracy from neighbouring Somalia.

“For a few years with the instability in Somalia, this region has become a refuge for pirates and the terrorist movements,” Youssouf said.

In May, Djibouti’s President Ismail Omar Guelleh told AFP that talks over the military base were underway.

Guelleh met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the summit in Johannesburg, where China announced $60 billion of assistance and loans for Africa.

Read more: ... z3tkFs1FmS

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