Marinha da Federação Russa

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#811 Mensagem por Skyway » Ter Mar 02, 2010 9:15 pm

alexmabastos escreveu:É off e é para os russófilos: ... tml#tvideo

Sem dúvida o hino mais bonito e a mulher mais linda que já ví ( russa ).

Não sou russófilo e adoro esse hino, tenho na minha playlist. :D

Carlos Mathias

Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#812 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Mar 02, 2010 9:16 pm

Agora que esculhambou tudo de vez! :lol:
Mais armada que muita fragata por aí. 8-]

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#813 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mar 03, 2010 1:07 pm

Bilateral Press Conference (selected excerpt)
(Source: French Presidency; issued March 2, 2010)

The following is our unofficial translation of remarks by French President Nicolas Sarkozy during a joint March 2 press conference with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in Paris:

“Regarding the Mistral [amphibious warfare ship], we decided that France and Russia would, as of today, enter into exclusive negotiations on the sale of four BPC (Batiment de Projection et Commandement, or force projection and command ships) Mistral ships, the first of which would be built in Saint-Nazaire, (western France), which does not mean that the others would not be, but as I said we are talking.


“This leads me to say a word about the Mistral. This is a command ship, a helicopter carrier, that we will build for the Russians without any military equipment. (Emphasis added—Ed.)


“As I mentioned the first ship would be produced at Saint-Nazaire. We are in exclusive negotiations for four, so we should find a rough balance between those that are manufactured here and those that are manufactured there. Two and two would be a rather reasonable compromise. ... ships.html


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#814 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mar 04, 2010 7:36 am

P44 escreveu:
Second Project 20380 corvette to be launched by end of March


Severnaya Verf shipyard is completing preparations for launching the Soobrazitelny corvette of Project 20380, the shipyard told Interfax-AVN on Saturday.

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
Carlos Mathias

Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#815 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Mar 04, 2010 11:03 am

Mais um barquinho patrulha de águas abrigadas. 8-]

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#816 Mensagem por talharim » Qui Mar 04, 2010 1:34 pm

Essa corveta deve ter umas 40.000 Ton FULL e carregar misseis balisticos nucleares mas para os padroes russos não é nada demias tanto que vai operar como navio escolta de frota ribeirinha.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#817 Mensagem por Oziris » Qui Mar 04, 2010 1:50 pm

talharim escreveu:Essa corveta deve ter umas 40.000 Ton FULL e carregar misseis balisticos nucleares mas para os padroes russos não é nada demias tanto que vai operar como navio escolta de frota ribeirinha.
Cristo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Esse Talha :mrgreen:



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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#818 Mensagem por gaitero » Qui Mar 04, 2010 2:07 pm


O projeto foi desenvolvido em Almaz Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering (São Petersburgo). O projeto é concebido para a guerra zona litoral, a luta contra os navios do adversário de superfície e submarinos, e também prestar apoio disparos das operações de desembarque.

O deslocamento do navio é de 2.000 toneladas, o comprimento de 100 metros; tripulação (incluindo helicópteros grupo de manutenção) é de 100 homens. Corvette pode ser armado com 100 mm de múltiplos sistemas de armas feita pela fábrica de máquinas St. Petersburg Arsenal; mísseis antiaéreos / sistema injetor Kashtan; mísseis supersónicos capazes de atingir alvos de baixa altitude na faixa de até 10 km e duas automáticas AK-630 arma monta.

Tecnologia Stealth também é aplicada.

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#819 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mar 04, 2010 2:15 pm

Database / Navy / corvettes / 20380 stereguschyy

20380 Stereguschyy
total active:1
Not available


# State of the Russian Navy
# Active corvettes
# In reserve/decommissioned corvettes

* where available

Table 1. Active ships [NAVY]

530 STEREGUSCHYY #190 Severnaya 19.11.2007 BAL

Stereguschyy I. Keel laid down on Dec 21, 2001. Planned 19+. Launched on May 16, 2006. Undergoing sea trials. 27.02.2008 entered Navy. 2008 commander: cap 3 r Mikhail Burkin. 10.2008 made transfer from Baltyysk to Kronshtadt wit BAL CINC aboard. 2009 planned for overhaul. 06.2009 sistership durin visit of Indian frigate to Kronshtadt, naval salon.

Length overall 93.9 m
Length at WL 84.6 m
Beam at deck 13.0 m
Depth at the fore 9.4 m
Depth amidships 7.8 m
Depth at transom 7.8 m
Full displacement ab.1900 t
Maximum speed 26-27 kn
Range at 14 kn cruise speed with full fuel stores 4000 nm
Endurance with maximum fresh water and provision stores 15 days
Crew, including helo team 90

Twin shaft CODOG system, comprising:
......2x10,000 kW gasturbines
......2x3650 kW diesel engines

Basic power supply AC 380/220V, 50 Hz.
4x630 kw diesel gensets.

8xYAKHONT anti ship missiles in 2 vertical launchers
6xMEDVEDKA-VE anisubmarine missiles in one vertical launcher
A190 gun mount 100mm caliber
2xKASHTAN-M close-in AA missile-artillery system
2xMTPU pedstal mashine gun 14.5 mm caliber

Observation and target designation Radar system
Attack missile target designation Radar system
Artillery fire control Radar system
Two optronic fire control systems for AA close-in weapons
ECM Radar system
Chaff and decoy launcher system with four launchers
CO's electronic commamd console
Sonar system with hull mounted and towed arrays
Anti diver sonar system

Integrated navigated system, compring gyro, magnetic compass, echosounder, log, radio direction finder, satellite system. The details of navaids complement could be specified on Customer choice.

The complement of communication system is provided under Customer specifications.

Active roll motions damper
Helicopter, hangar, flight deck
Launching/retrieving device for a towed sonar

+ info aqui

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#820 Mensagem por talharim » Qui Mar 04, 2010 5:14 pm

A MB deveria ter uns poucos "navios-patrulha" desses para operar em zonas quentes visto que a tendencia é a participação cada vez mais ativa em missões internacionais,

Um NAPA 500 na região da Somália seria trucidado pelos piratas somalis,,,,,,,

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
Carlos Mathias

Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#821 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Mar 04, 2010 11:59 pm

8xYAKHONT anti ship missiles in 2 vertical launchers
6xMEDVEDKA-VE anisubmarine missiles in one vertical launcher
A190 gun mount 100mm caliber
2xKASHTAN-M close-in AA missile-artillery system
2xMTPU pedstal mashine gun 14.5 mm caliber
Coisinha mais guti-guti. :lol:

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#822 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Mar 16, 2010 9:37 am

Russia to float out new nuclear sub on May 7

MOSCOW, March 15 (RIA Novosti)
A new Russian nuclear-powered multipurpose attack submarine will be floated out on May 7, a shipyard spokesman said on Monday.
Construction of the Severodvinsk, a Project 885 Yasen (Graney) class submarine, began in 1993 at the Sevmash shipyard in the northern Russian city of Severodvinsk but has since been dogged by financial setbacks.
"A floating out ceremony for Russia's new Severodvinsk nuclear submarine at the Sevmash shipyard has been scheduled for May 7," the official said.
Graney-class nuclear submarines combine the ability to launch a variety of long-range cruise missiles (up to 3,100 miles or 5,000 km) with nuclear warheads, and effectively engage submarines, surface warships and land-based targets.
The submarine's armament includes 24 cruise missiles, including the 3M51 Alfa SLCM, the SS-NX-26 Oniks SLCM or the SS-N-21 Granat/Sampson SLCM. It will also have eight torpedo launchers, as well as mines and anti-ship missiles such as SS-N-16 Stallion.
Severodvisk is expected to enter service with the Russian Navy by late 2010.
Last year, work started on the second sub in the series, the Kazan, which will feature more advanced equipment and weaponry.
Russia's Navy commander, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, has said that the construction of new-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile and attack submarines was a top priority for the Russian Navy. ... 01700.html


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#823 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Ter Mar 16, 2010 11:03 am

P44 escreveu:Russia to float out new nuclear sub on May 7

MOSCOW, March 15 (RIA Novosti)
A new Russian nuclear-powered multipurpose attack submarine will be floated out on May 7, a shipyard spokesman said on Monday.
Construction of the Severodvinsk, a Project 885 Yasen (Graney) class submarine, began in 1993 at the Sevmash shipyard in the northern Russian city of Severodvinsk but has since been dogged by financial setbacks.
"A floating out ceremony for Russia's new Severodvinsk nuclear submarine at the Sevmash shipyard has been scheduled for May 7," the official said.
Graney-class nuclear submarines combine the ability to launch a variety of long-range cruise missiles (up to 3,100 miles or 5,000 km) with nuclear warheads, and effectively engage submarines, surface warships and land-based targets.
The submarine's armament includes 24 cruise missiles, including the 3M51 Alfa SLCM, the SS-NX-26 Oniks SLCM or the SS-N-21 Granat/Sampson SLCM. It will also have eight torpedo launchers, as well as mines and anti-ship missiles such as SS-N-16 Stallion.
Severodvisk is expected to enter service with the Russian Navy by late 2010.
Last year, work started on the second sub in the series, the Kazan, which will feature more advanced equipment and weaponry.
Russia's Navy commander, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, has said that the construction of new-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile and attack submarines was a top priority for the Russian Navy. ... 01700.html

Esse aí é o O submarino. Desenhado para complementar inicialmente os SSNs da classe Akula-Schuckha-B/ e os SSGNs da classe OSCAR II, são/serão as bestas russas do inicio do século XXI.

Ao olhar a suíte de armamento desses subs, dá uma vontade de rir dos submarinos franceses da classe Barracuda

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
Carlos Mathias

Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#824 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Mar 16, 2010 2:13 pm


Os caras são modestos quando se fala em armamento. É solução para qualquer alvo. 8-]

Será que a MB não poderia ter conversado mais com eles não?

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Ilya Ehrenburg
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#825 Mensagem por Ilya Ehrenburg » Ter Mar 16, 2010 10:12 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Cavaaaaaaalo!!!!!!!!

Os caras são modestos quando se fala em armamento. É solução para qualquer alvo. 8-]

Será que a MB não poderia ter conversado mais com eles não?

E a alergia deixa?
:? :evil:

Não se tem razão quando se diz que o tempo cura tudo: de repente, as velhas dores tornam-se lancinantes e só morrem com o homem.
Ilya Ehrenburg

Uma pena incansável e combatente, contra as hordas imperialistas, sanguinárias e assassinas!