Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Enviado: Ter Fev 23, 2010 11:57 am
 continues talks with Paris on warship deal
19:16 26/02/2010
Moscow and Paris have yet to clinch a deal on the purchase of a French warship and it will not be signed during the Russian president's visit to France on March 1-3, a source in the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday.
The official said Russia would like to buy one Mistral-class ship and that "subsequently, we would like to use their know-how, jointly with France, to build another three."
"We would like to buy such a helicopter carrier and continue cooperation... and continue building [such ships] here [in Russia]," he said.
The Russian military earlier announced that it was considering buying one of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ships, worth 400-500 million euros (around $540-$675 million), and potentially building three or four vessels of the same class in partnership with the French naval shipbuilder DCNS. The French government has approved the sale but Russia has not yet made a final decision.
The Defense Ministry source said earlier in the day that if Moscow buys a Mistral-class carrier from France, it will be used principally as an amphibious command ship. He said the Mistral was basically a "force projection" command ship for various task groups or combined-arms forces operating at sea.
He stressed that from the Russian Navy's perspective, the ship's capability for amphibious assault operations is an important but not the principal function.
There are concerns that Russia could use the warship for amphibious assault operations against Georgia, and the Russian military has said such a vessel would have allowed the Russian Navy to conduct a more efficient operation in the Black Sea during the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war
Speaking in London on February 18, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili criticized the French authorities for approving the possible sale to Russia.
A Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 armored vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450 personnel.
Many Russian military and industry experts have questioned the financial and military sense of the purchase, and some believe that Russia simply wants to gain access to advanced naval technology that could be used in the future in potential conflicts with NATO and its allies.
Russia to use Mistral-class carrier as command ship - source
13:24 26/02/2010
If Moscow buys a Mistral-class helicopter carrier from France, it will be used principally as an amphibious command ship, a Russian Defense Ministry source said on Friday.
The official said the Mistral was basically a "force projection" command ship for various task groups or combined-arms forces operating at sea.
He stressed that from the Russian Navy's perspective, the ship's capability for amphibious assault operations is an important but not principal function.
The Russian military earlier announced that it was considering buying one of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ships, worth 400-500 million euros (around $540-$675 million), and potentially building three or four vessels of the same class in partnership with the French naval shipbuilder DCNS. The French government has approved the sale but Russia has not yet made a final decision.
There are concerns that Russia could use the warship for amphibious assault operations against Georgia, and the Russian military has said such a vessel would have allowed the Russian Navy to conduct a more efficient operation in the Black Sea during the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war
Speaking in London on February 18, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili criticized the French authorities for approving the possible sale to Russia.
A Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 armored vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450 personnel.
Many Russian military and industry experts have questioned the financial and military sense of the purchase, and some believe that Russia simply wants to gain access to advanced naval technology that could be used in the future in potential conflicts with NATO and its allies.
MOSCOW, February 26 (RIA Novosti)
Russia at work on a new Aircraft Carrier
this was kind of a surprise.
Technical design of Russia's aircraft carrier will be developed by the end of 2010. This RIA Novosti reported with reference to the statement made by Chief of the Navy Vladimir Vysotsky. According to him, after the will identify key tactical and technical characteristics of the spacecraft, will begin development of working documents.
Vladimir Vysotsky said that development work on the creation of Russia's aircraft carrier already started. "In favorable circumstances, I think that by 2020, the ship could be launched," - declared Commander of the Navy. He also stressed that to build an aircraft carrier in the financing of the state defense order will be very difficult. According to Vysotsky, to achieve this task requires federal target program.
In February 2009 the Head of the state defense order the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), Anatoly helmets said that Russia's new-generation aircraft carrier will be atomic. He also clarified that the ship will have a displacement of up to 60 thousand tons. According Shlemova, with plans to build three to six aircraft carriers.
In June, Vladimir Vysotsky said that the establishment of standard ships of this type has become bleak. That is why Russia will not build conventional aircraft carriers and naval aviation systems. According to the Commander in Chief of the Navy, they would include "space component, air, sea and advanced technologies in other areas.", France open 'exclusive talks' on sale of 4 Mistral warships
Russia and France have started "exclusive talks" on the purchase of four French Mistral-class amphibious-assault ships, President Nicolas Sarkozy said after talks with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev.
A source in the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday that Moscow and Paris have yet to clinch a deal on the purchase of the French warship, adding that nothing would be signed during the Russian president's three-day visit to France, which began on Monday.
"Starting from today, exclusive talks on the issue of four Mistral helicopter carriers will be held," Sarkozy told a press conference. "The Mistral is a helicopter carrier we will create for Russia without military equipment."
Sarkozy linked the Mistral sale to Russia to mutual trust between the two states, and Medvedev said: "I hope the talks will end in success."
The French president said two of the four Mistral-class ships under discussion could be built in Russia. "Two plus two seems a rather equal, balanced decision to me," he said.
The Russian military earlier announced that it was considering buying one of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ships, worth 400-500 million euros (around $540-$675 million), and potentially building three or four vessels of the same class in partnership with the French naval shipbuilder DCNS.
A Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 armored vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450 personnel.
Many Russian military and industry experts have questioned the financial and military sense of the purchase, and some believe that Russia simply wants to gain access to advanced naval technology that could be used in the future in potential conflicts with NATO and its allies.
PARIS, March 1 (RIA Novosti)
Rui Elias Maltez escreveu:entre 400 e 500 milhões... o custo de um submarino. ... es?print=1Madrid y París compiten para vender su primer buque de guerra a Rusia
MIGUEL GONZÁLEZ - Madrid - 01/03/2010
España y Francia mantienen una dura competición por convertirse en el primer país occidental que suministra un barco de guerra a Rusia. La Marina rusa quiere adquirir un buque portahelicópteros con capacidad para el transporte de tropas y ha puesto sus ojos en el Mistral francés y en el Buque de Proyección Estratégica (BPE) español. El proyecto, cuyo montante total no se ha precisado, incluiría la compra de un primer buque y la transferencia de la tecnología necesaria para construir otros tres en astilleros rusos. Sólo el coste del primero ascendería al menos a 600 millones de euros.
Una delegación de alto nivel de la Armada rusa visitó recientemente los astilleros de Ferrol (A Coruña) para conocer el buque Juan Carlos I, que la empresa pública Navantia entregará a la Armada española antes del verano; mientras que el Mistral, construido por los astilleros franceses DCNS, estuvo en noviembre pasado en el puerto ruso de San Petersburgo.
En teoría, el BPE español tendría ventaja, ya que ganó al Mistral en el único concurso internacional en el que ambos han competido: el celebrado en 2007 por la Marina australiana. Australia decidió comprar dos buques LHD, similares al Juan Carlos I, por un montante total de unos 1.500 millones de euros.
El español es más grande
Entre otras ventajas, el BPE español es mayor que el Mistral (más de 27.000 toneladas frente a 22.000) lo que permite que el primero tenga más capacidad y pueda transportar mayor número de helicópteros (hasta 30) y de tropas (un batallón de 900 efectivos con todo su equipo).
Sin embargo, Francia ha puesto su peso político en juego para llevarse el contrato. Está previsto que el presidente francés, Nicolas Sarkozy aborde el asunto con su homólogo ruso, Dmitri Medvédev, en la visita que este inicia hoy a París. El ministro de Defensa ruso, Anatoli Serdiukov, aseguró que las posibilidades de que se compre el portahelicópteros francés son "muy grandes". Pese a ello, la Armada rusa, tras la visita a Ferrol, ha pedido a Navantia que presente una oferta y también se ha dirigido a los astilleros holandeses Damen, aunque estos tienen menos posibilidades porque nunca han construido un buque de este tipo.
La operación ha levantado suspicacias en algunos socios de la OTAN, y las autoridades de París han tenido que dar garantías a los países bálticos de que, si Francia firma el contrato, entregará el buque sin armamento, lo que a efectos operativos carece de relevancia.
Según los expertos, el hecho de que la Armada rusa acuda a suministradores europeos para adquirir un buque revela hasta qué punto ha quedado desfasada militarmente, al menos en algunos segmentos de la tecnología naval. Project 20380 corvette to be launched by end of March
Severnaya Verf shipyard is completing preparations for launching the Soobrazitelny corvette of Project 20380, the shipyard told Interfax-AVN on Saturday.
“Severnaya Verf will launch the first serially made corvette of Project 20380, Soobrazitelny, at the end of March,” a spokesman said.
He said this is one of the four corvettes that the shipyard is building on orders from the Russian Navy. Soobrazitelny is the second vessel of the project to be ordered after Steregushchy, the lead ship of the project. It was laid down in May 2003. The third corvette, Boiky, was laid down in July 2005 and the fourth, Stoiky, in November 2006.
“The Soobrazitelny is most likely to join the Baltic Fleet,” the spokesman said.
There are several orders from the Russian Navy in the Severnaya Verf portfolio, among them corvettes of Project 20380, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate of Project 22350, liaison vessel Yury Ivanov of Project 18280 and the service boat of Project 21270.
E ainda faltou relacionar os torpedos UGST-1...Carlos Mathias escreveu:Coisinha mal armada hein!?![]()