Enviado: Dom Fev 01, 2009 2:25 pm
X2bruno mt escreveu:pra mim isso tá com cara de dardo pregado com cola quente.
Cadê o FOXTROT para falar mal de Israel???
X2bruno mt escreveu:pra mim isso tá com cara de dardo pregado com cola quente.
Vixi! Que mais faltam fazer? Nukes?Israel ameaça ataque desproporcional
Olmert ameaça responder ataques de forma 'desproporcional'
Publicada em 01/02/2009 às 13h52m
O GloboAgências internacionais
JERUSALÉM - O primeiro-ministro israelense, Ehud Olmert, ameaçou neste domingo responder de maneira "desproporcional" aos ataques procedentes de Gaza, depois que quatro foguetes e cinco bombas foram lançados por milicianos palestinos da região contra Israel no sábado. O foguete teria caído em uma área descampada, sem provocar vítimas.
- A posição do gabinete desde o primeiro momento é que se os residentes do sul (de Israel) forem atacados, nossa resposta naturalmente será desproporcional - declarou Olmert na reunião semanal do Conselho de Ministros realizada nesta manhã em Jerusalém.
Na reunião, discursaram os ministros que fazem parte do Gabinete de Segurança Nacional, que foram informados da situação nas imediações da Faixa de Gaza por altos comandantes da inteligência militar e outros membros do Ministério de Defesa.
Nenhum dos projéteis lançados hoje de Gaza causou danos e a autoria dos ataques foram assumidas pelas "Brigadas dos Mártires de Al-Aqsa", vinculadas ao grupo Fatah.
No entanto, segundo aponta a edição eletrônica do jornal "Yedioth Ahronoth", pelas informações apresentadas aos membros do gabinete israelense, o braço armado do Hamas também participou dos disparos embora se mantenha cauteloso em não reivindicar a ação.
Olmert reconheceu que "sabia que havia uma possibilidade significativa que (o grupo islamita) Hamas continuasse disparando" contra Israel apesar do cessar-fogo que ambas as partes declararam em 18 de janeiro.
No mesmo dia, milícias palestinas começaram a lançar foguetes contra Israel, que respondeu com ataques aéreos.
O chefe do Executivo israelense disse aos membros de seu gabinete que "não devemos retornar às regras do jogo que as organizações terroristas estiveram tratando de ditar. Não seremos forçados a afundar em uma guerra interminável de disparos".
Israel foi acusado pela ONU da "reação desproporcional", ao responder com uma ofensiva militar que matou 1.400 pessoas em três semanas na Faixa de Gaza a ataques com foguetes do grupo da Hamas a seu território, desde 16 de dezembro, três antes do fim de um cessar-fogo.
Fonte: ... 223461.asp
felipexion escreveu:X2bruno mt escreveu:pra mim isso tá com cara de dardo pregado com cola quente.
Cadê o FOXTROT para falar mal de Israel???
Não, nukes seriam péssimos já que o território palestino é colado a Israel, eles estão economizando para o Irã.Edu Lopes escreveu: Vixi! Que mais faltam fazer? Nukes?
Ogun K-9 escreveu: estranhando a demora....
Pelo menos eu não sou o único a perceber isso. Ele deve estar organizando infos sobre as atrocidadades de Israel.Vocês são malvados tambem tô esperando... ... s-20090127
Israeli army used flechettes against Gaza civilians
© Amnesty International
27 January 2009
Apart from white phosphorus, the Israeli army used a variety of other weapons in densely populated civilian areas of Gaza in the three-week conflict that began on 27 December.
Flechettes are 4cm long metal darts that are sharply pointed at the front, with four fins at the rear. Between 5,000 and 8,000 are packed into 120mm shells which are generally fired from tanks. The shells explode in the air and scatter the flechettes in a conical pattern over an area about 300m wide and 100m long.
An anti-personnel weapon designed to penetrate dense vegetation, flechettes should never be used in built-up civilian areas. The Israeli army has used them in Gaza periodically for several years. In most cases their use has resulted in civilians being killed or injured.
Amnesty International's fact-finding team in Gaza first heard about the use of flechettes in the most recent conflict some ten days ago. The father of one of the victims showed the team a flechette which had been taken out of his son's body.
In its latest post on Amnesty International's Livewire blog, the team described how on Monday it visited towns and villages around Gaza and found more hard evidence of the use of flechettes.
In 'Izbat Beit Hanoun, to the south-west of the town of Beit Hanoun, several flechette shells were fired into the main road, killing two people and injuring several others on the morning of 5 January.
Wafa' Nabil Abu Jarad, a 21-year-old pregnant mother of two, was one of those killed. Her husband and her mother-in-law told the team that the family had just had breakfast and were outside the house drinking tea in the sun.
Wafa' and her husband were standing by the corner of the house when they heard a noise, followed by screams. They turned to go back into their house but at that moment Wafa' and several other members of the family were hit by flechettes. Wafa’ was killed outright.
That same day, at the other end of the street, 16-year-old Islam Jaber Abd-al-Dayem was struck in the neck by a flechette. He was taken to the hospital's intensive care unit but died three days later. Mizar, his brother, was injured in the same attack and still has a flechette lodged in his back.
In the village of al-Mughraqa on the morning of 7 January, a shell struck the room where Atta Hassan Aref Azzam was sitting with two of his children, Mohammed, aged 13 and Hassan, aged two and a half. All three were killed. The six other members of the family who were in the house fled to the nearest school for shelter. The team examined the bloodstained wall by which the three were killed. It was full of flechettes. ... /FRONTPAGEIsraeli weaponry under scrutiny
Jonathan Cook, Foreign Correspondent
* Last Updated: January 12. 2009 3:11PM UAE / GMT
NAZARETH, ISRAEL // Concerns about Israel’s use of non-conventional and experimental weapons in the Gaza Strip are growing, with evasive comments from spokesmen and reluctance to allow independent journalists inside the tiny enclave only fuelling speculation.
The most prominent controversy is over the use of shells containing white phosphorus, which causes horrific burns when it comes into contact with skin. Under international law, phosphorus is allowed as a smokescreen to protect soldiers but treated as a chemical weapon when used against civilians.
The Israeli army maintains that it is using only weapons authorised in international law, though human rights groups have severely criticised Israel for firing phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza.
But there might be other unconventional weapons Israel is using out of sight of the watching world.
One such munition may be Dime, or dense inert metal explosives, a weapon recently developed by the US army to create a powerful and lethal blast over a small area.
The munition is supposed to still be in the development stage and is not yet regulated. There are fears, however, that Israel may have received a green light from the US military to treat Gaza as a testing ground.
“We have seen Gaza used as a laboratory for testing what I call weapons from hell,” said David Halpin, a retired British surgeon and trauma specialist who has visited Gaza on several occasions to investigate unusual injuries suffered by Gazans.
“I fear the thinking in Israel is that it is in its interests to create as much mutilation as possible to terrorise the civilian population in the hope they will turn against Hamas.”
Gaza’s doctors, including one of the few foreigners there, Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian specialist in emergency medicine working at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, report that many of the injuries they see are consistent with the use of Dime.
Wounds from the weapon are said to be distinctive. Those exposed to the blast have severed or melted limbs, or internal ruptures, especially to soft tissue such as the abdomen, that often lead to death.
There is said to be no shrapnel apart from a fine “dusting” of minute metal particles on damaged organs visible when autopsies are carried out. Survivors of a Dime blast are at increased risk of developing cancer, according to research carried out in the United States.
Traditional munitions, by contrast, cause large wounds wherever shrapnel penetrates the body.
“The power of the explosion dissipates very quickly and the strength does not travel long, maybe 10 metres, but those humans who are hit by this explosion, this pressure wave, are cut in pieces,” Dr Gilbert said in a recent interview.
This is not the first time concerns about Israel’s use of Dime have surfaced in Gaza. Doctors there reported strange injuries they could not treat, and from which patients died unexpectedly days later, during a prolonged wave of Israeli air strikes in 2006.
A subsequent Italian investigation found Israel was using a prototype weapon similar to Dime. Samples from victims in Gaza showed concentrations of unusual metals in their bodies.
Yitzhak Ben-Israel, the former head of the Israeli military’s weapons development programme, appeared familiar with the weapon, telling Italian TV that the short radius of the explosion helped avoid injuries to bystanders, allowing “the striking of very small targets”.
Israeli denials about using weapons banned by international law would not cover Dime because it is not yet officially licensed.
It will be difficult to investigate claims that non-conventional weapons have been used in Gaza until a ceasefire is agreed, but previous inquiries have shown that Israel resorts to such munitions.
The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has recorded numerous occasions when the Israeli army has fired flechette shells, both in Lebanon and Gaza. The shell releases thousands of tiny metal darts that cause horrible injuries to anyone out in the open.
A Reuters cameraman, Fadel Shana, filmed the firing of such a shell from an Israeli tank in Gaza in April, moments before its flechettes killed him.
Miri Weingarten, a spokeswoman for Physicians for Human Rights, said they were watching out for use of a new flechette-type weapon the Israeli army has developed called kalanit (anemone). An anti-personnel munition, the shell sends out hundreds of small discs.
Israel appears to have used a range of controversial weapons during its attack on Lebanon in 2006. After initial denials, an Israeli government minister admitted that the army had fired phosphorus shells, and the Israeli media widely reported millions of cluster bombs being dropped over south Lebanon.
There are also suspicions that Israel may have used uranium-based warheads. A subsequent inquiry by a British newspaper found elevated levels of radiation at two Israeli missile craters.
Sarit Michaeli, a spokeswoman for B’Tselem, said her organisation had not yet been able to confirm which weapons were being used in Gaza in the current attacks. She added, however, that Israel’s denials about using non-conventional munitions should not be relied on.
“It is true, as the army spokespeople say, that weapons such as phosphorus and flechette shells are not expressly prohibited. But our view is that such weapons, which do not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, cannot be used legally in a densely populated area like Gaza.”
Reports this month revealed that the United States has been organising massive shipments of arms to Israel, though a Pentagon spokesman denied they were for use in Gaza. ... ional/homeGroups review Gaza conflict for war crimes
January 31, 2009 at 2:27 AM EST
Now that Israeli forces have left the Gaza Strip and fighting has largely ended, human-rights organizations are combing the detritus of war, surveying the extensive destruction, interviewing shell-shocked victims and building cases of war crimes against both combatant parties.
While Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute and, therefore, is not subject to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, nearly all European courts have claimed authority to investigate and prosecute war crimes of other countries. It was a Spanish magistrate who prosecuted the case of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and, just Friday, another Spanish court announced it was investigating several Israeli officials for their alleged role in a 2002 military assault on Gaza.
The main danger to Israelis is expected to come from lawsuits brought by individuals and organizations, rather than governmental attempts to undertake official investigations. “We are preparing for a wave of international lawsuits,” Israeli Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz said.
Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International's principal researcher in Israel and the Palestinian territories, warned: “Those [Israelis] giving the orders, and even those pulling the trigger, should not plan on taking any overseas holidays.”
The allegations against Israeli forces operating in Gaza between Dec. 27 and Jan. 18 fall into five categories:
Unlawful killings
This is the broadest category, in which it is alleged that Israeli air, sea and ground forces carried out indiscriminate bombing and shelling of military targets without proper regard for the safety of innocent civilians in the area.
It is further alleged that the scale of Israeli attacks was often out of proportion to the value of some military targets, or to the threat the targets posed to Israel, leading to unwarranted collateral casualties.
The massive aerial bombing carried out without warning on the first day, the targeting of a police graduation ceremony, the shelling of an area near a UN school, the bombing of two other UN schools and shelling of the UN headquarters, all are cases being investigated.
“Those who embark on this course of action must be held responsible,” Ms. Rovera said. She said there were numerous cases of Israeli artillery being used against targets in built-up residential areas.
“It doesn't matter if their indiscriminate attacks result in one unlawful death or a large number,” she said. “It's the scale here [in Gaza] that's new.”
The use of anti-personnel weapons such as flechettes when shelling a physical or a narrow target is another example of unlawful killing, Ms. Rovera argued. Thousands of these five-centimetre-long metal arrows can be packed into tank shells, and evidence of their use has been found in at least two areas of Gaza, she said.
“X-rays showed flechettes embedded in people's brains,” Ms. Rovera said.
Use of such weapons is not banned, but their use in civilian-populated areas runs afoul of humanitarian law, experts say.
White phosphorous shells is another example of a legal munition that may have been used illegally in Gaza. Intended to illuminate an area or to provide a smoke screen, the phosphorous ignites when exposed to air and cannot be doused with water. It ignites most material with which it comes into contact and burns human flesh to the bone.
Its use in heavily populated areas is a violation of humanitarian law, most agree.
Israel acknowledges using white phosphorous, but insists it did so only in open areas and in complete compliance with international law.
Wanton destruction of property
The neighbourhood of east Jabalya in the northern part of the Gaza Strip was an expansive industrial area containing factories and warehouses. Cement making, stone cutting, agricultural processing and small manufacturing all were carried out here, but an inspection of the district this week showed almost every single factory, warehouse and barn destroyed. Cement trucks all were overturned; buildings that weren't shelled were bulldozed; a complete field of cattle lay dead on the ground.
Such destruction, experts say, may constitute an international crime. “They have destroyed the livelihood of thousands of people,” said Martha Myers, country director for Care International.
Israel has justified the destruction as an effort to remove possible rocket-launching sites – the area is not far from the Israeli border – and to destroy stockpiles of rockets and rocket-making factories.
On a smaller scale, an inspection of several sites this week found examples of how Israeli troops, occupying houses during their ground invasion, left homes unnecessarily trashed, desecrated and with hateful graffiti on the walls.
And in what appears to be a disregard for religious symbols in favour of sport, Israeli tanks shot the top off a great number of minarets in areas that Israeli forces occupied.
“Israelis say they only destroyed things that had potential military use,” Ms. Rovera said, “but the destruction was indiscriminate.”
Hindering medical relief
Numerous examples are cited of Israeli military action preventing neutral medical personnel from reaching civilian victims. The most infamous case is that of the Samouni family, whose house in the Gaza suburb of Zeitoun was destroyed by Israeli shelling. Ambulances were reportedly unable to reach the site for three days. When they did, they apparently found three crying toddlers lying by their dead mothers.
Israel denies it blocked any relief efforts and says the logistics of battle may have made the way unsafe in some situations.
Use of human shields
“We've heard a lot about Hamas using human shields,” Amnesty's Ms. Rovera said. “But Israel used them, too.”
Israeli troops would go into a house, she explained, put the family on the bottom floor and take over the upper floor to use for sniping at the enemy.
“This constitutes using the family as a human shield,” Ms. Rovera pointed out.
Mistreatment of prisoners
Seven Israeli human-rights groups complained to Israel's judge advocate-general Wednesday that prisoners taken in the Gaza operation were held in conditions so poor that their lives were often endangered.
They presented testimony that many were held in hastily dug pits exposed to cold for days; that many were held “near tanks and in clear combat areas,” and that several were victims of “serious and degrading violence.”
Such “disregard of ethical and legal obligations” makes Israel guilty of violations of international law, the groups argue.
pois é tudo muito engraçado e todo mundo vai rindo, enquanto os nazis do médio-oriente vão levando a sua avante...Túlio escreveu:ATENÇÃO: reforços cruzaram o Atlântico!!!
E a Jihad continua...
FOXTROT escreveu:Bom dia a todos, FOXTROT retornando do interior, percebi que sentiram a minha falta; pois bem não vou desapontá-los, lá vai:
Ow rapaz, ficou muito tempo fora! Começa outra guerra e tu num vai estar aqui no DB para ver!
Quanto a falar mal de Israel, bom eu não posso concordar com os genocídios praticados por este país;
Genocídio? Eu conheço um que os judeus participaram, na IIGM.
"Pelo menos eu não sou o único a perceber isso", perceber o que? Que eu não compactuo com tais atrocidades!
Perceber que tu tava fora!!!
Eu não fico inventando teorias para safar Israel de seus crimes de guerra, do tipo "esta foto foi adulterado” afinal parto do princípio de veracidade, princípio que somente será quebrado com a prova de sua falsidade, fato que não ocorreu e acredito que não ocorrerá.
Convenhamos, aquela foto ta com cara de foto adulterada.
Virou moda falar que Israel é nazi??? Daqui a pouco vão dizer que ali é o anti-Cristo.P44 escreveu:
pois é tudo muito engraçado e todo mundo vai rindo, enquanto os nazis do médio-oriente vão levando a sua avante...
Nem precisa perguntar, se Israel atacar Gaza foi foguete!FOXTROT escreveu:Felipe,
Me fala ai, o que houve desta vez, por que Israel atacou Gaza esse final de semana? Ainda não me interei do assunto!