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Re: CONFIRMADO MAIS 2 SEAHAWK PARA MB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enviado: Ter Mai 17, 2011 7:01 pm
por soultrain
tflash escreveu:Tudo bem que por aqui é Otan mas nunca ouvi nem li nada de restrições como as que os Indianos tem. Será que é para impedir a cópia?
É igual.
Re: CONFIRMADO MAIS 2 SEAHAWK PARA MB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enviado: Ter Mai 17, 2011 8:12 pm
por Andre Correa
Bem que poderiam vir 2 HF + 2 AB... 1 NAe sem nem ao menos 1 cruzador/contratorpedeiro com misseis teleguiados... parece meio sozinho... nem que fosse 2 Horizon, não interessa...
Re: CONFIRMADO MAIS 2 SEAHAWK PARA MB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enviado: Ter Mai 17, 2011 10:25 pm
por Alcantara
cb_lima escreveu:Achei que o plano era manter as Harper Ferry's até 2020+ na US Navy.
Enfim... vamos ver no que vai dar.
knigh7 escreveu:O Harpers Ferry é relativamente novo na USN. Já comecarão a dar baixa??
A MB está procurando comprar apenas 1 NDD/LSD usado?
Parodiando Chico Anísio... "Wiki sabe, Wiki diz..."
Harpers Ferry class dock landing ship
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Harpers Ferry class of the United States Navy is a class of dock landing ships completed in the early 1990s. Modified from the Whidbey Island class, it loses landing craft capacity for more cargo space, making it closer to an amphibious transport dock type, but was not designated as such. Externally, the two classes can be told apart by the order of weapons. The Harper's Ferry type has the Phalanx CIWS mounted forward, and the RAM launcher on top of the bridge, while the Whidbey Island has the other arrangement.
All ships of the class are scheduled to undergo a midlife upgrade to ensure they remain in service through 2038. The ships will be upgraded each year through 2013, and the last ship will be modernized in 2014. Ships homeported on the East Coast will undergo upgrades at Metro Machine Corp., and ships based on the West Coast will receive upgrades at General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Company in San Diego.[2]
Major elements of the upgrade package include diesel engine improvements, fuel and maintenance savings systems, engineering control systems, increased air conditioning/chill water capacity, and replacement of air compressors. The ships also replaced steam systems with all-electric functionality that will decrease maintenance.