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Enviado: Ter Jan 31, 2023 12:08 pm
por cabeça de martelo
Mossad carried out Iran defense facility strike for Israel’s own interests — report

US officials tell NYT drone attack not aimed at stopping weapons exports to Russia; ex-PM Bennett says he intensified Iran strikes after plot to kill Israelis in Turkey, Cyprus

Screen grab from an unverified video circulating on social media said to show explosion at a defense facility in Iran's Isfahan after an alleged drone strike, January 28, 2023. (Used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

The drone attack on a defense facility in the Iranian city of Isfahan was carried out by Israel to protect its own security interests, and not to prevent weapons exports to Russia, according to a New York Times report on Sunday.

The Saturday strike was carried out by the Mossad intelligence agency, according to the newspaper, which cited senior United States intelligence officials.

The report noted that Isfahan is a hub for Tehran’s missile industry, and is where the Shahab medium-range missile — which has a range capable of hitting Israel — is assembled.

Iran has yet to deliver missiles to Russia despite reports since October that it plans to do so, but Tehran has been supplying Shahed-136 suicide drones for the Kremlin’s use in the nearly year-long invasion of Ukraine.

The “kamikaze” drones have been deployed to attack Ukrainian civilian sites and critical infrastructure facilities since September. Some reports have said that the alleged Israeli strike targeted Iran’s drone program.

An Iranian Defense Ministry statement described three drones being launched at the facility on Saturday, with two of them successfully shot down. A third apparently made it through to strike the building, causing “minor damage” to its roof and wounding no one, the ministry said.

A drone is seen in the sky seconds before it fired on buildings in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17, 2022. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

London-based opposition Iranian news outlet Iran International cited eyewitnesses as saying that they saw three or four explosions.

The state-run IRNA news agency later described the drones as “quadcopters equipped with bomblets.” Quadcopters, which get their name from having four rotors, typically operate from short ranges by remote control. Iranian state television later aired footage of debris from the drones, which resembled commercially available quadcopters.

The drones have been used in past attacks inside Iran, such as a June 2021 attack on a centrifuge manufacturing center in Karaj, and a February 2022 attack on a military drone storage and manufacturing facility in Kermanshah — attacks which were also attributed to Israel by several media outlets.

US officials said on Sunday that Washington was not behind the strike.

It was the first alleged Israeli strike inside Iran since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned to office, and may mark his continuation of the previous government’s policy, which intensified Jerusalem’s attacks inside the Islamic Republic.

Former prime minister Naftali Bennett said in an upcoming YouTube video shared with The New York Times that he decided to “create a price tag” and increase activities inside Iran following Tehran’s attempts “to murder Israelis in Cyprus, in Turkey” in 2022.

Bennett said that in the wake of the plot, the Revolutionary Guard Corps commander behind the attempted attacks was “eliminated” — a reference to the killing of Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei last May.

Bennett said he refused US President Joe Biden’s request for Jerusalem to notify Washington before such strikes took place.

“There are things you do not want to know about in advance,” Bennett recalled telling Biden.

A Wall Street Journal report which also pointed the finger at Israel for the Isfahan strike noted the timing of the attack came at the same time that talks between Jerusalem and Washington are aimed at finding new ways to counter Tehran’s nuclear program. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to arrive in Israel on Monday.

Iran condemned the attack, calling it “cowardly,” and accused Iran’s enemies of trying to sow insecurity in the Islamic Republic.

“This cowardly act was carried out today as part of the efforts made by enemies of the Iranian nation in recent months to make the Islamic Republic insecure,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said Sunday at a press conference.

The US recently indicated that it would be taking a more aggressive approach toward Tehran, including on its drone supply program to Russia.

The Biden administration has also signaled that it had abandoned the possibility of reviving a deal with Iran over its nuclear program, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which then-US president Donald Trump withdrew from in 2018. Trump then instituted a “maximum pressure” sanctions regime, targeting various Iranian sectors, leading Tehran to respond by expanding its nuclear program in violation of the JCPOA.

Iran’s cooperation with Russia in the latter’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as the violent crackdown on anti-regime protests that have swept Iran since mid-September, have also played a role in Washington’s more assertive approach.

Last week, Israel and the US kicked off a large-scale joint exercise in Israel and over the eastern Mediterranean Sea, reportedly aimed at showing adversaries, such as Iran, that Washington is not too distracted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and threats from China to mobilize a large military force.

Netanyahu, who during his last term as premier ordered numerous strikes on Iranian targets in Syria and operations on Iranian soil, has been open about his intention to oppose Tehran’s nuclear aspirations at any cost.

In November, a longtime ally of Netanyahu said in an interview that he believed the prime minister would order a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities if the US does not secure a new nuclear deal with Tehran and fails to take action itself in the near future.

https://www.timesofisrael.com/mossad-ca ... ts-report/


Enviado: Qua Fev 01, 2023 5:10 pm
por Viktor Reznov
Isso não explica o fato do ataque ter sido extremamente coincidente com um terremoto.


Enviado: Sex Fev 17, 2023 8:35 pm
por Suetham


Enviado: Seg Fev 20, 2023 2:59 pm
por gabriel219
Segundo fontes, os Iranianos conseguiram enriquecer Urânio em 86%. Isso já é mais que o suficiente para realizar testes nucleares e coincidentemente houveram alguns terremotos no Irã esse ano e um deles me chama a atenção, na cidade de Khoi.

Essa cidade fica na fronteira com o Azerbaijão e lá os Iranianos possuem uma instalação de pesquisa nuclear em Bonab. Outros terremotos ocorreram num raio de 200 km de instalações nucleares, com terremotos de magnitude 3.9 e 5.4.
According to the Iranian Seismological Center, a 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit Firoragh village in Khoy city in West Azarbayejan province of North-Western Iran on 18 January 2023 at 13:19 p.m. local time at a depth of 12 km. At 13:19 p.m., a 3.6 magnitude earthquake struck the same location. So far, twenty-one aftershocks have been recorded, with the largest being 4.2 at 18:25 p.m. The nearest village, Vaar, is 10 kilometers away from the epicenter. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 that struck the same region on 5 October 2022, left 1,308 people injured.The most severely affected village during the last earthquake was Morteza Gholi Kendi, which is located in Khoy City. One province and one city (55 villages) make up the affected area, which has a total of about 10,284 households (41,426 people). In Khoy city, the Firoragh district has been hardest affected. The tremor has been felt by residents of the cities of Salmas, Chaldoran, Chaypareh, Poldasht, and Uroumia. Due to active faults in numerous locations of the country, Iran is prone to several disasters, including earthquakes. The activated fault in this location that generated the earthquake is known as Siyah Cheshme-Khoy.
Essa escala de terremoto é compatível com testes realizados na Coréia do Norte e pela Marinha do Estados Unidos. Então, é provável que o Irã já esteja fazendo testes nucleares e pode conseguir a capacidade de produzir ogivas ainda este ano.

Se o Irã tiver acesso a armas nucleares - e pelo visto terá - veremos uma corrida nuclear no Oriente Médio e será a chance de ter a nossa ogiva também.


Enviado: Qui Mar 02, 2023 10:28 am
por P44

Senador americano faz forte declaração sobre os navios de guerra iranianos que atracaram no Brasil

Leia na íntegra a declaração do senador republicano Ted Cruz:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senador dos EUA Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Membro do Senado Comitê de Comércio, Ciência e Transporte e membro do Senado Comitê de Relações Exteriores, emitiu a seguinte declaração hoje depois que dois navios de guerra iranianos foram autorizados pelo Brasil a atracar em um porto no Rio de Janeiro:

A atracação de navios de guerra iranianos no Brasil é um desenvolvimento perigoso e uma ameaça direta à segurança dos americanos. Os Estados Unidos têm sanções e leis antiterrorismo destinadas exatamente a deter e responder a essas ameaças. Esses navios de guerra iranianos já estão sancionados e, portanto, o porto do Rio de Janeiro onde eles atracaram agora corre o risco de sanções incapacitantes, assim como qualquer empresa brasileira que prestou-lhes serviços ou aceitou pagamentos - e também todas as empresas estrangeiras que se envolverem com o porto ou essas empresas brasileiras no futuro.

O presidente Biden ligou para o presidente brasileiro [Lula] da Silva seu amigo e disse que estava honrado em recebê-lo na Casa Branca, e o próprio [Lula] da Silva é um chavista alinhado contra os Estados Unidos e nossos interesses, então ou esses riscos não foram convencionados ou os brasileiros não se importaram.

No entanto, nossas leis antiterrorismo são projetadas para proteger os americanos e não são opcionais. A administração Biden é obrigada a impor sanções relevantes, reavaliar a cooperação do Brasil com os esforços antiterroristas dos EUA e reexaminar se o Brasil está mantendo medidas antiterroristas eficazes em seus portos. Se a administração não o fizer, o Congresso deveria forçá-los a fazê-lo."

Fonte: Site oficial de Ted Cruz


Enviado: Qui Mar 02, 2023 10:39 am
por Guilherme
Votei em nulo nas eleições, mas devo dizer que admiro esta decisão do Lula em permitir a visita dos navios iranianos. E também em afirmar a neutralidade do Brasil no conflito com a Ucrânia, propondo a busca por uma solução pacífica.


Enviado: Qui Mar 02, 2023 10:41 am
por Guilherme
"A atracação de navios de guerra iranianos no Brasil é um desenvolvimento perigoso e uma ameaça direta à segurança dos americanos."

Que grande cretino. Como se dois navios iranianos fossem ameaçar a segurança dos EUA.


Enviado: Sáb Mar 04, 2023 8:40 am
por Suetham
Guilherme escreveu: Qui Mar 02, 2023 10:41 am "A atracação de navios de guerra iranianos no Brasil é um desenvolvimento perigoso e uma ameaça direta à segurança dos americanos."

Que grande cretino. Como se dois navios iranianos fossem ameaçar a segurança dos EUA.
Eu confesso que ri mt dessa declaração do Ted Cruz.


Enviado: Qui Mar 23, 2023 8:53 pm
por Suetham
https://financialtribune.com/articles/d ... rs-in-iran
Russians Overtake Chinese to Top List of Foreign Investors in Iran


Enviado: Dom Mar 26, 2023 9:38 am
por gabriel219
O Irã está transportando armas e equipamentos para a fronteira com o Azerbaijão, após este tentar romper os limites fronteiriços do acordo de paz de 2020, sendo impedidos pelos Russos.


Enviado: Dom Mar 26, 2023 11:28 am
por Suetham
gabriel219 escreveu: Dom Mar 26, 2023 9:38 am O Irã está transportando armas e equipamentos para a fronteira com o Azerbaijão, após este tentar romper os limites fronteiriços do acordo de paz de 2020, sendo impedidos pelos Russos.
Lembrando que os iranianos já estavam transportando MEM anteriormente para a fronteira com o Azerbaijão, parece que agora o envio são de materiais militares mais modernos.


Enviado: Dom Mar 26, 2023 4:45 pm
por gabriel219


Enviado: Ter Mar 28, 2023 8:26 am
por Suetham
https://archive.ph/mwhhV O Irã e a balança de poder no Oriente Médio


Enviado: Ter Abr 11, 2023 2:13 pm
por gabriel219

Provavelmente veremos esses drones pequenos e talvez até Mohaej nas fileiras Russas na Ucrânia.


Enviado: Sáb Mai 06, 2023 5:54 pm
por Suetham
https://parstoday.ir/en/news/iran-i2026 ... oexpanders
Iran breaks West's monopoly on production of turboexpanders