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Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Sex Mar 02, 2012 6:24 pm
por saullo
tflash escreveu:Irra!!!

Qual será o factor para triplicar o preço?

Mais vale comprar os alvos em vez de os atacar!!!!
O fator é o mesmo usado nas obras dos estádios para a próxima copa aqui no Brasil.


Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Ter Mar 13, 2012 6:14 pm
por P44
Cost of Refitting Royal Navy Aircraft Carrier Trebles (excerpt)

(Source: Daily Telegraph; issued March 12, 2012)

The costs of refitting a Royal Navy aircraft carrier so it can be used by a new generation of fighter jets have more than trebled, defence sources have told The Daily Telegraph.

Estimates for adapting HMS Prince of Wales so that it can be used by the [F-35C version of the] Joint Strike Fighter are understood have risen from £500?million to £1.8?billion.

Millions have already been spent on studies to look at how to convert the ship after ministers decided to scrap the jump-jet variant of the plane in favour of a conventional take-off and landing model. But so great is the rise in total costs, ministers are considering abandoning the plan and reverting to the Ministry of Defence’s original proposals.

Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, believes there is not enough money in the budget to afford the £300?million a year to carry out the work over six years.

“We are certainly looking at what’s affordable and what can be done in terms of risk and cost,” said an MoD official. “If you have an unaffordable programme you cannot ignore it.”

The move is likely to be embarrassing for the Government as the changes were at the heart of the Strategic Defence and Security Review in 2010. It will also heighten criticism of the Government for disbanding the fleet of Harrier jets and selling them to US Marine Corps for “peanuts”.

Under the new plans, the Government is expected to choose the |F-35B] jump-jet version of the JSF, even though the [F-35C conventional] take-off and landing model can fly further and carry more bombs. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Daily Telegraph website.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... .8-bn.html

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Dom Abr 01, 2012 12:40 pm
por P44
O Invencible a caminho do sucateiro na Turquia, o ano passado


Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Dom Jun 10, 2012 5:54 pm
por binfa









HMS Queen Elizabeth May 25, 2012

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Dom Jun 10, 2012 9:21 pm
por henriquejr
P44 escreveu:O Invencible a caminho do sucateiro na Turquia, o ano passado

Esse eu achei que os chilenos ia arrematar!

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Seg Jun 11, 2012 12:04 am
por Glauber Prestes
Eu queria que eles tivessem arrematado. É triste ver essas belonaves indo pra sucata...

Re: Fotos & Vídeos

Enviado: Sex Mar 22, 2013 4:45 pm
por NettoBR
HMS Defender - Type 45 Destroyer


Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Qua Mar 27, 2013 10:13 am
por Alcantara
Huummm... acho que já vi essa estrutura antes! :lol:


Sandcrawler Jawa
http://www.gambler.pl/content_files/images/Sandcrawler_approach.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7211/6878440958_df04137cd4_z.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oqMM3sWpqt4/T1ol7OILBAI/AAAAAAAARbE/7Bingxj8M3U/s1600/Sandcrawler.jpg

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Ter Abr 16, 2013 1:40 pm
por P44
HMS Ambush 'Issue' Halts Sea Trials

(Source: British Forces News; published April 15, 2013)

The Royal Navy’s newest nuclear submarine has been forced to abandon her sea trials after a fault was discovered.

The billion pound HMS Ambush has been towed back to port on the Clyde just weeks after being handed over to the Navy by BAE.

The vessel came to an unexpected halt in Gare Loch in ­Dunbartonshire - and so far the MOD has only confirmed that "an issue has arisen," meaning the sub has to return to base.


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... rials.html

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Ter Abr 16, 2013 4:42 pm
por Túlio
P44 escreveu:O Invencible a caminho do sucateiro na Turquia, o ano passado


Tinham que postar essa foto em algum fórum Argie, eles iam ADORAR ver o seu carrasco indo pra sucata! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Sáb Abr 20, 2013 10:50 am
por NettoBR

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Sáb Jun 01, 2013 9:16 pm
por NettoBR

Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Seg Jun 03, 2013 6:48 pm
por Wingate
P44 escreveu:HMS Ambush 'Issue' Halts Sea Trials

(Source: British Forces News; published April 15, 2013)

The Royal Navy’s newest nuclear submarine has been forced to abandon her sea trials after a fault was discovered.

The billion pound HMS Ambush has been towed back to port on the Clyde just weeks after being handed over to the Navy by BAE.

The vessel came to an unexpected halt in Gare Loch in ­Dunbartonshire - and so far the MOD has only confirmed that "an issue has arisen," meaning the sub has to return to base.


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... rials.html
O HMS Ambush virou "HMS Retreat" :mrgreen:


Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Qua Jul 10, 2013 10:17 am
por P44
esta noticia é de Maio mas parece que passou despercebida

o HMS ARK ROYAL a caminho do sucateiro

Hundreds wave goodbye to HMS Ark Royal

Hundreds of people have turned out to wave goodbye to the Royal Navy's former flagship HMS Ark Royal as it was towed away to be scrapped.


By Agencies

3:05PM BST 20 May 2013

The aircraft carrier, which was formally decommissioned in 2011, is being taken to Turkey where it will be dismantled by ship recycling firm Leyal.

People lined the harbour walls at Portsmouth, Hampshire, to catch a final glimpse of the warship as it left its home base.

A flotilla of small boats sailed with the Ark Royal as it was pulled by tug boats from the harbour. The tugs sounded their horns which echoed off the harbour walls as the crowds, some waving flags, stood in silence as the huge ship sailed past.

Among those who turned out was former crew member John Mayer. The 47-year-old former stores assistant from Fareham said: "It's a very emotional day, it's great to see so many people.

"People in Portsmouth always turn up to these things, it shows how much pride people have in her."

He added: "I was one of the first people to serve on board the Ark Royal after she was built. I was 17/18 at the time and it was quite emotional then. She was a fantastic, iconic ship."

On the decision to scrap it, he added: "I thought it was awful, I think she should have been turned into a museum, it would have been fantastic."

Local resident Barrie Anderson, 70, said: "It's a very sad day."

The 22,000 tonne carrier was sold as part of a £2.9 million deal following the 2010 strategic defence review which led to the ship facing the axe five years early and the Harrier jets being sold for spares to the USA.

The decision to scrap the Ark Royal has left the UK without a fully-functioning aircraft carrier for a total of nearly 10 years until the next generation of carriers come into service.

A Royal Navy spokesman said: "Ark Royal, like her sister ships, served this country with great distinction.

"Retiring her five years earlier than planned was a difficult decision but it was the right one that, combined with her sale, has saved over a hundred million pounds.

"A decommissioning ceremony was held in March 2011 to pay tribute to her 31 years' service with the Royal Navy."

Alternative plans for the Ark Royal, including turning it into a diving wreck, a floating casino off Hong Kong, a heliport for London and a nightclub and school in China were rejected by the Ministry of Defence as "not feasible or appropriate".

The Ark Royal was named by the Queen Mother and entered service in 1981.

It served in the Bosnian war and also sailed to the Persian Gulf for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and was given a hero's welcome when it returned to Portsmouth.

Edited at Telegraph.co.uk by Richard Holt
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... Royal.html


Re: Destroyer TYPE 45: Notícias e fotos (+ Royal Navy geral)

Enviado: Qui Set 12, 2013 11:42 pm
por gabriel219
Pessoal, seria possível colocar mais VLS no Type-45? Será que o mesmo poderia disparar um 3M-54, com os VLS devido?
Se poder, seria uma boa substituir todos os VLS frontais por outros que possam lançar o 3M-54 e diminuir o tamanho do hangar para colocar mais Sylver A70 para mísseis de cruzeiro para ataque á solo e mísseis Ar-Ar?
Seria possível? Pelo menos 8 3M-54 e mais 32 VLS para mísseis Aster 15/30?
Isso numa hipotética configuração BR para a classe, onde, no meu mundo imaginário (infelizmente), teríamos 6 Fragatas "Horizon" e 12 "Bergamini-BR" para missão antiaérea, deixando os Contratorpedeiros para missão anti-navio e ataque terrestre.
Um abraço a todos.