È interessante entender de onde vem a origem do terremoto já que até onde se sabe não tem mais placa tectônicas no planeta vermelho com o nucleo muito frio pra forma-las.
Qualquer construção em marte precisará também se adaptar a esses tremores e sua eventual potencia.
Re: NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars
Enviado: Qui Abr 25, 2019 8:31 pm
por Rurst
Re: NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars
Enviado: Sáb Mai 11, 2019 10:27 am
por cabeça de martelo
NASA Declares AI SpaceFactory Winner Of 3D-Printed Mars Habitat Challenge
Moderator:Humphrey "Hoppy" Price (NASA JPL, Mars Program Chief Engineer)
Paul Wooster (SpaceX, Principal Mars Development Engineer)
Re: NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars
Enviado: Sex Jul 05, 2019 10:43 am
por cabeça de martelo
WCSJ2019: The Moon and Beyond - Where Will We Be in 50 Years?
Here's a quick and dirty video of a panel discussion titled "The Moon and Beyond: Where Will We Be in 50 Years of Space Exploration?" The session was presented at the World Conference of Science Journalists on July 2, 2019, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Author/journalist Sarah Cruddas was the moderator, and the panelists included David Parker, head of human and robotic spaceflight at the European Space Agency; Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters; Wu Ji, former director of China's National Space Science Center; Anatoli Petrukovich, director of Russia's Space Science Research Institute; and Lori Garver, former NASA deputy administrator and CEO of the Earthrise Alliance.
WCSJ is preparing a more professional video documenting this session, and we'll link to it from this page when it's available.
Re: NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars
Enviado: Sex Ago 16, 2019 7:10 am
por cabeça de martelo
NASA testa novo protótipo para Marte nos campos de lava da Islândia
Re: NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars
Enviado: Qui Set 05, 2019 12:10 pm
por Sterrius
A energia necessaria pra descongelar o polo marciano seria igual a usar a maior bomba atomica que temos.
A cada 20 minutos.... Por 50 anos.
Isso é igual a todo nosso estoque nuclear x 6 MILHÔES.