Enviado: Ter Fev 01, 2005 12:41 pm
VLS? Não conte com isso...se/quando vierem, há-de ser com o lançador Mk-13 SM-1 (e virão com misseis??? )
They finished painting 12 and moved it to the other side of the
aircraft carrier so it is hard to see now but everything is shrink wrapped
for transit. There is another FFG next to it but I cannot see any
numbers or name on it to confirm which one it is. If it is the Sides I
would have no idea why they brought it back unless they are planning on
bringing them both over together, but that would not make any sense to
me. The guy I used to talk to there doesn't work there anymore so I
can't get any information from them.
I know that doesn't help much but I will keep my eyes and ears
open for you.