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Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qui Mar 28, 2013 11:44 pm
por faterra
Grumman F-14A Tomcat - USNavy - USA, Rhode Island. North Kingstown/Quonset State Airport - June 26, 2010
162591, 513 - Rhode Island Air Show 2010. Peeking inside the exhaust of this Tomcat.
Photo taken by Tony Printezis
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Mar 29, 2013 5:15 pm
por Andre Correa
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qua Abr 03, 2013 11:19 am
por kekosam
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qua Abr 03, 2013 3:23 pm
por cassiosemasas
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qui Abr 04, 2013 8:50 pm
por Andre Correa
Mensagens sobre os encouraçados movidas para o tópico correcto:
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qui Abr 04, 2013 8:51 pm
por Andre Correa
A VX-4 FA-18 Hornet loaded with 10 AMRAAM and 2 sidewinders
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qui Abr 04, 2013 11:37 pm
por faterra
Agusta Westland (EH-101) HM-1 Merlin - Royal Navy - UK, England, Fairford, Gloucestershire - July 18, 2005
HM-1 Merlin with Sting Torpedo at the Royal International Air Tattoo.
The Merlin HM1 has been cleared to operate from the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships, Type 23 frigates and a number of RFA vessels including the Fort Victoria class. The HM1 is to equip the Type 45 destroyers. 30 aircraft are being upgraded to the Merlin HM2 standard under the £850m Merlin Capability Sustainment Programme. Awarded in 2006, the MCSP adds a new mission system, sensor upgrades and a digital cockpit. The HM2 first flew from a ship in September 2012 to test the new inertial navigation system, and will enter service in 2013. It had been planned to upgrade the remaining 8 airframes but this has now been dropped for financial reasons. Alternative roles are being sought for these aircraft.
Photographed by Adrian Pingstone / Public Domain.
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Qui Abr 04, 2013 11:53 pm
por faterra
Agusta Westland (EH-101 Merlin) CH-149 Cormorant - CanadianAF - March 31, 2006
Canadian Air Force CH-149 search and rescue helicopter and a Canadian Coast Guard ship in training. MH-52E
Original uploader was Bmpower at en.wikipedia
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 4:18 pm
por kekosam
Royal Marines com um dos mais belos helis já construidos...
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 4:55 pm
por kekosam
Nunca tinha visto os V-22 estacionados num convoo...
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 5:01 pm
por kekosam
Operações em PA beiram a loucura!!!
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 5:12 pm
por kekosam
Eclipse solar...
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 5:14 pm
por kekosam
During the morning of 14 January 1969, while being escorted by the destroyers Benjamin Stoddert (DDG22) and Rogers (DD876), a MK-32 Zuni rocket loaded on a parked F-4 Phantom exploded due to ordnance cook off after being overheated by an aircraft start unit mounted to a tow tractor.[21] The explosion set off fires and additional explosions across the flight deck. The fires were brought under control relatively quickly (when compared with previous carrier flight deck fires), but 27 lives were lost and an additional 314 men were injured. The fire destroyed 15 aircraft, and the resulting damage forced Enterprise to put in for repairs at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, primarily to repair the flight deck's armored plating.[22] In the 3rd week of April 1969, repairs to the ship were completed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and the ship proceeded on her scheduled 'WestPac' deployment to Vietnam and the Tonkin Gulf. However, these destinations would be delayed by events unfolding in the East Japan Sea.
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 5:16 pm
por kekosam
F-4 Phantom do VF-111 "Sundowners" na catapulta esperando lançamento à bordo do USS Coral Sea (CVA-23), no Golfo de Tonkin, em 1970.
Re: Fotos & Vídeos - Forças Aeronavais
Enviado: Sex Abr 05, 2013 10:32 pm
por faterra
Agusta Westland HM-1 Merlin - Royal Navy - September 23, 2003
Exercise Northern Light 2003, Scotland - 15-26 September 2003 - Landing Craft “Rotterdam” of The Netherlands - Royal Navy “Commando” Helicopter (background) and Royal Navy EH 101 “Merlin” HM Mk 1 Helicopter (foreground).
Photo taken by NATO