Re: Programa de Reaparelhamento da Marinha
Enviado: Dom Jun 05, 2011 10:48 pm
Ele pouco ou nada acrescenta ao Seawolf. A MB quer Aster 15 e Aster 30. O RAM NEM PASSA PELA CABEÇA DELA, como outros mísseis norte-americanos, aliás.Lord Nauta escreveu:Prezado Amigo,
Em relação ao sistema de defesa anti-míssil e antiaérea RAM/SEA RAM acredito que o mesmo acrescentaria novas capacidades a defesa de ponto dos atuais e futuros navios da Esquadra. Adotado por Marinhas de primeira classe, como por exemplo, a US Navy e a Deutsche Marine, seria uma alternativa para a MB para a classes Inhaúma/ Barroso, os NDCC, o A12 e as Type 22/I.Vamos comparar, por exemplo, o RAM com o Sea Wolf em operação na MB. O alcance efetivo do RAM e de 5.6 mn e do Sea Wolf e de 4.0 mn, o lançador do Sea Wolf leva 6 mísseis ( 2x6 = 12) o do RAM 21 unidades (21X2 = 42). O Sea RAM tem o sistema de guiagem independente do navio. Segue para estudo o histórico e algumas informações básicas do sistema.
The RAM program is designed to provide surface ships with an effective, low-cost, lightweight, self-defense system which will provide an improved capability to engage and defeat incoming antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs). RAM is a joint United States and German venture to design an effective, low cost, lightweight quick-reaction, self-defense system which will increase the survivability of otherwise undefended ships. It is a 5 inch missile that utilizes SIDEWINDER technology for the warhead and rocket motor, and the STINGER missile’s seeker. Cueing is provided by the ship’s ESM suite or radar. The MK-31 RAM Guided Missile Weapon System (GMWS) is defined as the MK-49 Guided Missile Launching System (GMLS) and the MK-44 Guided Missile Round Pack (GMRP). The launching system and missiles comprise the weapon system.
RAM is a NATO cooperative program with Germany. Memorandums of Understanding between the United States and Germany have been signed for the development and production of the RAM Block 0 as well as for the development of RAM Block I.
The RAM Block 0 weapon system consists of a 21-round missile launcher, below-deck electronics, and a guided missile round pack. The round pack consists of a 5-inch, supersonic missile and launching canister, which interfaces the missile and the launcher. The RAM Block 0 autonomous homing missile has a five-inch diameter airframe that rolls in flight and dual mode, passive radio frequency/infrared (RF/IR) guidance. Initial homing for RAM Block 0 is on the threat missile's radar signature, using an ASCM's RF seeker emissions. If the ASCM's IR radiation is acquired, RAM transitions to IR guidance.
In May 1993, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition approved RAM Block 0 for production. Subsequently, the missile has had successful intercepts in 127 of 132 production proofing and ship qualification test flights in both the US and German navies.
Since 1993, the RAM Block 0 has been installed on all five LHA ships, eight DD 963 ships, six LHD ships, and eight LSD class ships. Navy installation plans call for RAM Block 0 installations in one DD 963 class ship and on LHD 7 (currently under construction). All other planned RAM installations call for the RAM Block I configuration.
Operational Evaluation (OPEVAL) of RAM Block 0 was conducted from January to April 1990. It was assessed to be potentially operationally effective and potentially operationally suitable, but there were shortfalls in its ability to handle, under all environmental and tactical conditions, the full spectrum of threats. In April 1993, a decision was made to pursue rectification of OPEVAL deficiencies by implementing a block upgrade. RAM Block 1 is the upgraded missile.
The Block I upgrade provides the RAM missile with an increased capability to intercept cruise missiles by means of an infrared only acquisition technique. Effective against a wide spectrum of existing threats, the RAM Block 1 IR upgrade incorporates a new IR "all-the-way-homing" guidance mode to improve AW performance against evolving passive and active ASCMs. The Block 1 missile retains all capabilities of the Block 0 missile while adding two guidance modes, IR only and IR Dual Mode Enable (IRDM). The IR only mode guides on the IR signature of the ASCM. The IRDM will guide on the IR signature of the ASCM while retaining the capability of utilizing RF guidance if the ASCM RF signature becomes adequate to guide on. RAM Block I can be launched in an IR all-the-way mode, as well as the dual mode (passive RF, followed by passive IR) used by Block 0.
RAM weapon systems are integrated with the AN/SWY-2 combat system on certain ships and as part of the Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) on other ships (LSD-41 class ships). The AN/SWY-2 is comprised of the weapon system and the combat direction system. The combat direction system employs the existing Mk 23 target acquisition system (TAS) radar and the AN/SLQ-32(V) electronic warfare support sensor together with threat evaluation and weapons assignment software resident in the Mk 23 TAS to accomplish threat detection, correlation, evaluation, and engagement. With SSDS, RAM is part of the engagement suite. For example, on LSD 41-class ships, a typical SSDS engagement suite includes RAM, the PHALANX Close-In Weapon System Block 1A, and the decoy launch system. SSDS further integrates the AN/SPS-49(V)1 radar with the medium PRF upgrade, the AN/SPS-67 surface search radar, the AN/SLQ-32(V) sensor, and the CIWS search radar. RAM is installed in all five Tarawa (LHA-1)-class amphibious assault ships; LHD 1, 3, 5, and 6; DD-987, and LSD-48. Block 0 missiles and launchers are in production and on schedule, and the missile had successful intercepts in 62 of 64 production-proofing and ship qualification tests. The first fleet firing of the RAM occurred in October 1995 from the USS Peleliu (LHA-5). A successful preliminary design review of the Block 1 IR upgrade was conducted in September 1995. Flight tests of the missile are being conducted during Engineering and Manufacturing Development, prior to authorizing Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP). Milestone III was achieved in FY 1998, to be followed by IOC in FY 1999.
Based on the results of operational testing conducted aboard the U.S.S. Gunston Hall (LSD 44) in January 1999 and the Self-Defense Test Ship between March and August 1999, the Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force, declared the RAM Block I to be operationally effective against a variety of cruise missile threats and recommended fleet introduction. The Block I missile had successful intercepts in 23 of 24 development test firings. A full-rate production decision occurred in January 2000.
As of March 2000, RAM Block I has been installed on two LSD class ships and is pending installation on two LSD 41 class ships, LHD 7, and CVN 76. Navy installation plans call for Block I installations or upgrades on 8 LSD 41/49, 3 DD 963, 12 CV/CVN, 7 LHD, and 12 LPD 17 (new construction) ships between 2001 and 2006. Though not yet funded, the Navy also plans to install RAM Block I upgrades on all five LHA class ships during fiscal year 2007.
In November 1998, the United States and Germany amended the Block I development Memorandum of Understanding to include scope and funding for the development of a helicopter/aircraft/surface craft (HAS) upgrade of the RAM missile. Requiring only software changes to the RAM Block I missile, the HAS upgrade will extend RAM targets to include helicopters, aircraft, and surface ships. Navy plans indicate that all RAM installations on LSDs, LHDs, LPDs, and CV/CVNs will be the HAS configuration by 2009. Also, the Navy is developing an 11-round guided missile launcher in the HAS mode configuration for installation on CG 52 through 73 between 2004 and 2009.
Weight: 5,777 Kg (launcher) / 73.5 Kg (missile)
Length: 2,79 m (missile)
Effective range: 5.6 mn
Warhead: blast fragmentation warhead
Warhead weight: 11.3 Kg
Wingspan: 434 mm
Propellant: solid
Speed: Mach 2
Guidance system: Tree modes – passive radio frequency infrared homing, infrared only, or infrared dual mode enabled (radio frequency and infrared homing
Lord Nauta