Marinha dos EUA

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#541 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Nov 03, 2016 9:45 pm

World’s Most High-tech Ship Enters Service

By Edward Lundquist November 2, 2016

USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) passes under the Gov. William Preston Lane Memorial Bridge, also known as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, as the ship travels to its new home port of San Diego (U.S. Navy photo by Liz Wolter)
Guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt transits the Atlantic Ocean to conduct acceptance trials with the Navy's Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV). (U.S. Navy photo)
Capt. James A. Kirk, commanding officer of the future guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt , speaks to crew and guests in the hangar bay as part of the ship's turnover ceremony. (U.S. Navy photo by Roger S. Duncan)
An MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (HX) 21 flies near the guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) as the ship travels to its new home port of San Diego. (U.S. Navy photo by Liz Wolter)
Adm. Phil Davidson, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, greets Sailors assigned to future guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) at Naval Station Norfolk. (U.S. Navy Photo by Matthew Bash)
USS Zumwalt departing Bath Iron Works. Crewed by 147 Sailors, Zumwalt is the lead ship of a class of next-generation multi-mission destroyers designed to strengthen naval power. (U.S. Navy photo)
The guided-missile destroyer Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Zumwalt (DDG 1000) departs from Naval Station Newport, R.I. following its maiden voyage from Bath Iron Works Shipyard in Bath, Maine. (U.S. Navy photo by Haley Nace)
USS Zumwalt departs the Bath Iron Works shipyard for its second at-sea period to conduct builder's trials, during which many of the ship's key systems and technologies were demonstrated. (U.S. Navy photo)
USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000), representing the newest class of surface combatant, was commissioned on October 15 in ceremonies at Baltimore.

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus was the principal speaker. “This ship is an example of a larger initiative to increase operational stability and give the U.S. a strategic advantage,” he said.

“Our Navy and our Marine Corps, uniquely, provide presence – around the globe, around the clock – ensuring stability, reassuring allies, deterring adversaries and providing the nation's leaders with options in times of crisis,” Mabus said.

The ship is named for former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., the youngest CNO ever, and remembered for instituting many changes to the Navy, often promulgating new polices with his famous “Z-Gram” messages.

As a junior officer, Mabus said he witnessed as Zumwalt transformed the Navy “one Z-gram at a time... removing demeaning and abrasive regulations and moving to eliminate the scourge of racism and sexism from within our Navy.” He added, “Among many initiatives, he opened flight training to women and increased recruiting of under-represented Americans. And, as has always been the case when we open opportunities in our Navy and Marine Corps, we got stronger.”

U.S. Pacific Command Commander Adm. Harry Harris said he was looking forward to having Zumwalt and her unique capability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

“We can’t get enough of this technological marvel to the Pacific fast enough, and it couldn’t come at a more pivotal moment in our nation’s history,” Harris said. “I have big plans for USS Zumwalt and her two sister ships.”

“I’m no Bruce Wayne, but like Batman’s alter-ego, I’ve been accused of having an insatiable appetite for cutting-edge technology to fight the forces of darkness in my neighborhood. If Batman had a ship, it would be the USS Zumwalt,” Harris said.

“We must continue to develop and field combat power like this ship to defend the U.S. homeland and the homelands of our allies,” Harris said.

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Richardson said the event was a celebration of the ship, the crew, and the namesake, Adm. Zumwalt.

Commander Naval Surface Forces Vice Adm. Tom Rowden, accepted ownership of the ship, which he called the “most incredible ship of our time.”

“Today we welcome this revolutionary warship to the fleet—a ship that demonstrates daring design and cutting-edge capability,” Rowden said. “This ship symbolizes our commitment to remain bold, to remain the world’s preeminent naval force.”

Rowden said the ship will also commemorate the legacy of one of the Navy’s great leaders.

“To say the Navy was transformed by Admiral Zumwalt is an understatement. Indeed, every leader on this stage and the great crew standing before us has benefited from Bud Zumwalt's passion to make the Navy even better,” Rowden said.

“Today's ceremony marked the culmination of over three years of dedication and hard work by some of the finest Sailors I have had the pleasure to lead,” said Capt. James A. Kirk, commanding officer of Zumwalt. “The only thing more impressive than the capabilities of the ship are the capabilities of its fine crew.”

Platform speakers also included Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, (D-MD) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

The ship's co-sponsors, Ann Zumwalt and Mouzetta Zumwalt-Weathers, daughters of Adm. Zumwalt, gave the order to “man our ship and bring her to life.”

The ceremony took place on a beautiful autumn day during Baltimore’s “Fleet Week,” and the attendees enjoyed the Blue Angels performance before the late-afternoon commissioning. ... rlds417787

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#542 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Nov 07, 2016 7:53 pm


New Warship’s Big Guns Have No Bullets

By: Christopher P. Cavas, November 6, 2016

Washington – Barely two weeks after the US Navy commissioned its newest and most futuristic warship, armed with two huge guns that can hit targets 80 miles away, the service is moving to cancel the projectiles for the guns, citing excessive costs that run up to $800,000 per round or more.

The Long Range Land-Attack Projectile (LRLAP) is a guided precision munition that is key to the DDG 1000 Zumwalt-class’s mission as a land-attack destroyer, able to hit targets with such accuracy that, in the words of manufacturer Lockheed Martin, can “defeat targets in the urban canyons of coastal cities with minimal collateral damage.”

The LRLAP is the only munition designed to be fired from the DDG 1000’s Advanced Gun System (AGS), a 155mm/62-caliber gun with an automated magazine and handling system. Each of the three Zumwalts will carry two of the guns – the largest weapons to be designed for and fitted on a warship since World War II.

But the LRLAP’s unit price has jumped steadily as the numbers of Zumwalt-class destroyers were cut. From a total of 28 ships, to seven, and finally to three, the class shrank and costs did not.

“We were going to buy thousands of these rounds,” said a Navy official familiar with the program. “But quantities of ships killed the affordable round.”

Ironically, both the LRLAP and the AGS have had good reputations among the ten major technology development areas that make up the DDG 1000.

The Navy official noted there were no significant performance issues with the systems.

“Not that I’ve ever heard. Everything seems to have been performing correctly. I never saw any test results that showed we had problems,” the official said. “We don’t have an issue with the gun, and no issue with that ship carrying the gun. We have an issue on the price point.

“There is no blame on any individual,” the official added. “The round was working, the way forward was logical. It’s just that the cost with a three-ship buy became a very high cost.”

Even at $800,000 a copy, the LRLAP’s price could go higher. “That’s probably low,” the Navy official said. “That’s what the acquisition community wanted to get it down to.” The official added that there was no sense the contractor was “overcharging or anything.”

The decision to accept the LRLAP cancellation is part of the Program Objective Memorandum 2018 (POM18) effort, the Pentagon’s annual budget process. Although the Navy made a presentation to the Office of the Secretary of Defense on Nov. 2, the decision has yet to be signed off on.

For the record, the Navy would not comment directly on the effort to kill LRLAP.

“The Navy continuously monitors the gun and ammunition industry capability and capacities,” Capt. Thurraya Kent, spokesperson for the service’s acquisition directorate, said Nov. 4 in an e-mail. “To address evolving threats and mission requirements, the Navy is evaluating industry projectile solutions (including conventional and hyper-velocity projectiles) that can also meet the DDG 1000 deployment schedule and could potentially be used as an alternative to LRLAP for DDG 1000.”

Officials at Lockheed Martin could not be reached in time to comment for this story.

While LRLAP may be cancelled, the Navy intends to find another munition for the gun system.

“We are looking at multiple different rounds for that gun,” the Navy official said, adding that “three or four different rounds” have been looked at, including the Army’s Excalibur munition from Raytheon, and the Hyper Velocity Projectile (HVP), a project under development by the Office of Naval Research and BAE Systems.

“There are multiple companies that have looked at alternatives to get the cost down and use that delivery system,” the Navy official said.

But the likelihood is that there will be no LRLAP replacement before the Zumwalt enters operational service. While the ship was commissioned Oct. 15 in Baltimore, Maryland, another 18 months of shipyard work lies ahead in San Diego to complete installation of the ship’s combat system. After that, the Navy will run an extensive series of Combat Systems Ship Qualifications Trials (CSSQT) in 2018 to fully prove out the ship’s sensors and weapons.

Current plans call for the guns to be fired during CSSQT and, the Navy official said, “the intention is to shoot the guns.” The 2015 budget provided $113 million to buy 150 LRLAP rounds and associated items, and those rounds will be used for the tests.

No funds for LRLAP acquisition were included in the 2016 or 2017 budgets. The latter included $51 million in 2018 for the program, but it’s not clear whether or not that money will be requested.

While software changes will certainly be needed to incorporate other munitions into the AGS, adapting the handling system for a different round could be complex. The automated magazines, designed to hold 300 LRLAPs, are sized for that particular weapon and it’s unlikely another munition would have exactly the same dimensions.

Other rounds under development for the 127mm guns arming all other US destroyers and cruisers could be adapted to the AGS, but would likely need a sabot arrangement to adapt the smaller shell to the 155mm weapon.

While the Navy is stressing that high costs are directly behind the decision to eliminate LRLAP, it is not clear if there are deeper issues at play. The AGS/LRLAP combination was originally developed to provide Marines with a “persistent, precision fire support” capability, able to strike targets far inland with a high degree of accuracy.

But as the Zumwalt moved from shipyard to sea and to the fleet, the Navy has notably downplayed that attribute, and while the technical achievement of the cutting-edge DDG 1000 has been widely trumpeted this year, its ability to directly support Marines ashore has not.

There was no requirement for the AGS to strike seagoing targets, and the system does not have the programming to do so. But the big guns could be adapted to target ships if necessary, the Navy official said.

“We would have to do the software modifications to make that work.” ... no-bullets

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#543 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Nov 10, 2016 5:44 pm

US presidential election: Trump's defence plans close to Republican party's

Daniel Wasserbly, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
10 November 2016

Trump has called for a 350-ship navy, as did the previous Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. Source: US Navy

Key Points
Trump has called for end to mandated defence budget limits to 'rebuild' the military
He wants more soldiers and marines, more navy vessels and fighter aircraft, and better missile defence assets

Donald Trump's stunning victory in the US presidential election on 8 November caused many commentators to envisage radical departures in US foreign policy. However, while there are significant unknowns about what Trump's policies will actually be, his campaign's stated defence plans appear close to mainstream Republican ideas.

For any presidential candidate, comments made on the campaign trail cannot be considered codified policy, and this is doubly true for a president-elect as unconventional as Trump, but he offered an idea of his overall defence policies during a recent speech that hued closely to traditional Republican Party lines and appeared to be one of his few scripted events, with rare specifics, during the campaign.

"As soon as I take office I will ask Congress to fully eliminate the defence sequester [presumably referring to the 2011 Budget Control Act] and will submit a new budget to rebuild our military; it is so depleted," Trump said on 7 September. "I will ask Congress to fully offset the costs of increased military spending", he added, suggesting this would be done by cutting elsewhere in the government.

Trump, who is to take office on 20 January 2017, said he would seek to build an active-duty army of around 540,000 soldiers, a marine corps based on 36 battalions, a navy of 350 surface ships and submarines, an air force of at least 1,200 fighter aircraft, and a "state of the art" missile defence system.

Specifically, he proposed missile defence plans start navy cruisers as "the foundation of our missile defence capabilities in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East", and said modernising "a significant portion" of those cruisers could cost around USD220 million each. ... an-party-s

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#544 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Nov 22, 2016 5:52 pm


New destroyer ZUMWALT DDG1000 has engineering casualty in Panama Canal late Monday, needs a tow to Rodman


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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#545 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Nov 24, 2016 5:33 pm

Pirateados dados pessoais de quase 135 mil efetivos da Marinha dos EUA

24/11/2016, 13:43

Piratas informáticos acederam aos dados de 134.386 efetivos da Marinha. O acesso foi feito a partir de um computador de um funcionário da empresa Hewlett Packard que trabalhava para a Marinha dos EUA.

Piratas informáticos acederam, no mês passado, aos dados pessoais de 134.386 atuais e antigos efetivos da Marinha dos Estados Unidos, segundo revelou na quarta-feira aquela corporação.

O acesso foi feito através de uma brecha num computador portátil de um funcionário da empresa Hewlett Packard que trabalhava para a Marinha norte-americana.

“A Marinha leva este incidente extremamente a sério. É uma questão de confiança para os nossos marinheiros”, disse o vice-almirante Robert Burke, porta-voz da Marinha, explicando, em comunicado, estar a tentar identificar os afetados, os quais vão ser notificados nas próximas semanas.

De momento, esclareceu, “não há provas que indiciem um uso indevido da informação comprometida”. ... a-dos-eua/

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#546 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Nov 24, 2016 5:40 pm

More engine issues mar Zumwalt's transit to San Diego

Michael Fabey, Washington, DC and Daniel Wasserbly, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
24 November 2016

A series of engine problems has hindered USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) on its maiden transit from the US East Coast to the ship's designated West Coast homeport of San Diego, requiring the ship to be towed through the Panama Canal, US Navy (USN) officials told IHS Jane's.

The ship is now being held in Panama as the USN and contractors try to fix the engineering problems, service officials said on 22 November. As of this writing it was unclear what was wrong with the vessel, which is the lead ship in a class of three next-generation multimission destroyers.

Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, commander of US Third Fleet, has directed Zumwalt "to remain at ex-Naval Station Rodman in Panama to address engineering issues that occurred while transiting the Panama Canal", Commander Clayton Doss, a USN spokesman, told IHS Jane's .

"The timeline for repairs is being determined now, in direct co-ordination with Naval Sea Systems and Naval Surface Forces," Cdr Doss said. "The schedule for the ship will remain flexible to enable testing and evaluation in order to ensure the ship's safe transit to her new homeport in San Diego."

In San Diego, the ship is scheduled to conduct combat system testing and certification before being deployed to the Western Pacific.

Pacific Command (PACOM) officials remain enthusiastic about the ship's entrance to the region, despite the engineering issues. "As with all first-of-class ships, the navy will have some kinks to work out," PACOM commander Admiral Harry Harris told IHS Jane's.

This could prove especially true with Zumwalt, with its heavy reliance on electric power generated by the USN's first integrated power system, anchored by two main turbine generators, two auxiliary turbine generators, and two advanced induction motors. The plant can generate up to 78 MW of electricity.

In the future, the navy plans to tap the extra power to put lasers, railguns, and other technologically advanced firepower on the ship. ... -san-diego

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#547 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Nov 26, 2016 10:35 am

Problema resolvido!!!


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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#548 Mensagem por EDSON » Sáb Nov 26, 2016 11:12 am

P44 escreveu:upssss....

New destroyer ZUMWALT DDG1000 has engineering casualty in Panama Canal late Monday, needs a tow to Rodman

Já quebrou? Imagine se fosse russo estariam chacoteando por toda a net. Mas é americano então esta perdoado pois é santo. :lol:

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#549 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Nov 30, 2016 9:46 am

Reagan's Navy: Battle Group ECHO From 1987 - Battleships, Nuclear Carriers and Strike Cruisers:


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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#550 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Dez 09, 2016 5:39 pm

The Pentagon told the Navy to cut $17B from its budget; the Navy said no

By: David B. Larter, December 7, 2016 (Photo Credit: PO1 Armando Gonzales/Navy)

The Navy is digging in its heels and rejecting billions in cuts from its 2018 budget as infighting has hit a boiling point at the Pentagon.

The Navy has refused to submit a budget that incorporates $17 billion in cuts over the next five years that Defense Secretary Ash Carter ordered. It's a standoff that has been brewing for months since Carter told the Navy to begin cutting major shipbuilding programs and invest in weapons systems and aircraft, according to half a dozen defense officials who spoke to Navy Times.

At issue is Navy Secretary Ray Mabus's insistence that budget cuts not be directed at the shipbuilding program, which he has long fought to shield from cuts as he attempts to rebuild the fleet to his goal of 308 ships.

Military Times
The Pentagon ignored a cost-cutting study that could have saved billions, report says
Mabus argues that cutting ships is the "least reversible" thing to cut from the budget because of the long timeline for shipbuilding programs and the damage to the industrial base. The Navy had been developing budgets with the $17 billion in cuts that preserved shipbuilding, but the savings came overwhelmingly from operations and maintenance money needed to deploy ships and fix them when they get back — Navy leaders deemed those cuts intolerable.

What's unclear is what impact the outgoing administration's fiscal year 2018 budget would have on the incoming Trump administration, which will be expected to roll out a defense budget this spring. Carter's office insists its going to hand over the best budget it can while keeping the Navy and all the other services within the caps mandated by the 2011 Budget Control Act.

"At Secretary Carter's direction, the Department of Defense is hard at work developing a FY18 budget proposal that will help guide the next administration and ensure a seamless transition," said top Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook.

"All of the services were asked to develop specific budget plans that focus on improving readiness and developing capabilities that will allow the United States to defeat high-end adversaries while adhering to current budget limits. The Department is reviewing those plans to ensure they are balanced and maintain America's military edge."

But the Navy, led by Mabus, insists it would be foolish to send over a budget that cuts ships when Trump has said he wants to grow the Navy.

"Whatever budget the Navy submits will have the half-life of a mayfly at noon on January 20th," said a senior defense official supportive of the Navy's plan, referring to the date of Donald Trump's inauguration. "So to some degree Secretary Mabus has tried to make that point over the past several weeks."

The defense official said that Trump is "on the record" saying he wants 350 ships, so he is "unlikely to support a document that cuts ships. ... This is a nonsensical discussion that amounts to people on the third deck [OSD], substituting their judgement for the Navy's on what the Navy needs."

The budget battle is the latest in a string of brawls between Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Mabus which have spilled out into the public. Carter and Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work have pushed the Navy to cut its shipbuilding program in favor of investments in missiles and systems that will boost the current fleet's capabilities.

"The games between Carter's team and Mabus's team have gone on for months," said another defense official familiar with the infighting. "This is just a small example."

Carter's office is also preparing a letter to send to the Navy that will outline his priorities that will be sent to the Navy shortly, three sources confirmed. It would be the second such letter in the past 12 months.

In December 2015, Navy Times sister publication Defense News reported that Carter had directed the Navy to cut the overall buy of the littoral combat ship from 52 to 40 and to pick just one ship variant — the current program produces both a trimaran version manufactured in Alabama and a mono-hull version built in Wisconsin.

Defense News
Pentagon Cuts LCS to 40 Ships, 1 Shipbuilder
The deadline for submitting budgets to OSD is Thursday, the senior defense official said, adding that the Navy's will not incorporate the cuts. Ultimately that means that Carter's budget wonks will have to do the cutting themselves and the Navy may not like what they decide to cut, said Bryan Clark, a retired submarine officer and analyst with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

But the standoff between Mabus and Carter is emblematic of the Defense Departments struggle to come to terms with the budget constraints imposed by the 2011 cuts.

"The SECNAV's decision is emblematic of the challenge the Navy faced since the BCA was enacted in 2011," Clark said. "Operational demands continue to grow while the fleet remains the same size or shrinks. Ships and their crews don't have time to train and maintain their ships, and they are increasingly reliant on supplemental funding which cannot be planned for in advance.

"SECNAV is essentially drawing a line in the sand that the navy will need to reduce its OPTEMPO and put resources toward capacity, instead of just working the fleet harder to support overseas operations." ... rd%20Brief

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#551 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Dez 23, 2016 11:19 am

Lead Ford-class carrier nears completion of system testing

Michael Fabey, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Navy International
22 December 2016

The USN's newest aircraft carrier, the future USS Gerald R Ford, being manoeuvred by tugs in the James River near HII's Newport News shipyard in June 2016. Currently, the carrier is nearing completion of system testing as it prepares for delivery to the navy. Source: USN

Key Points
System testing on USS Gerald R Ford is more than 75% complete, says shipbuilder
Less than 10% of overall test programme remains to be finished

Systems testing aboard the US Navy's (USN's) new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, lead ship the future USS Gerald R Ford , is more than three-quarters complete, according to Michael Petters, CEO of shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII).

"CVN 78 Ford is essentially complete, with less than 10% of the overall test programme remaining to be completed," Petters told a recent briefing on the company's earnings. "We are prosecuting the repairs on the main turbine generators and moving towards sea trials."

Resolving issues relating to the turbine generators has been a challenge as the company has worked towards delivering the ship. The navy had planned to take delivery of the ship in 2016; at this stage, no delivery date has been confirmed, although IHS Jane's understands that the navy may provide an update on progress towards this aim by the end of the year.

Two of the key systems currently undergoing additional testing are the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) and the Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG). These systems are central to the launch and recovery, respectively, of embarked aircraft.

Of the two, EMALS development, installation, and integration have kept mostly to schedule and expectation. The system has undergone nearly all testing planned before delivery, according to Michael Land, a spokesperson for Naval Air Systems Command, in response to questions from IHS Jane's . Once that testing is complete and the carrier is delivered, HII's team will turn the system over to Ford 's crew to test EMALS with aircraft onboard the ship.

AAG testing appears to be back on track following some setbacks, according to the USN. The navy is still testing the system, following a re-design of its water-twister components. ... em-testing

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#552 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Jan 20, 2017 12:15 pm

O futuro da US Navy:

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#553 Mensagem por arcanjo » Ter Fev 07, 2017 2:45 pm

Dois terços dos caças da Marinha dos EUA estão sem condições de voo ... es-de-voo/



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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#554 Mensagem por joao fernando » Ter Fev 07, 2017 3:08 pm

EDSON escreveu:
P44 escreveu:upssss....

New destroyer ZUMWALT DDG1000 has engineering casualty in Panama Canal late Monday, needs a tow to Rodman

Já quebrou? Imagine se fosse russo estariam chacoteando por toda a net. Mas é americano então esta perdoado pois é santo. :lol:
Lembre: ter não é operar

Obrigado Lulinha por melar o Gripen-NG
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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#555 Mensagem por hotm » Qua Fev 08, 2017 4:29 pm

joao fernando escreveu:
EDSON escreveu: Já quebrou? Imagine se fosse russo estariam chacoteando por toda a net. Mas é americano então esta perdoado pois é santo. :lol:
Lembre: ter não é operar
este projeto com todas as inovações q se le e as outras ....... Nunca passa sem ter problemas os primeiros anos.
