Melhor irmos arrumando um DICIONÁRIO DE NOVILÍNGUA...
It's already here
Enviado: Ter Mar 30, 2021 9:20 am
por P44
Enviado: Sex Abr 02, 2021 11:56 am
por Túlio
Lavrov: US’s political correctness taken to absurdity not to end well
April 2, 2021
Political correctness taken to absurdity, displayed by the US today, won’t end well, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview Thursday.
“Hollywood changes its rules now, too, so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society, which is likewise a form of censorship, which stifles art and imposes various artificial restrictions and demands. I saw black people playing in Shakespeare’s comedies. I don’t know when we will have a white Othello,” he said. “You see, that’s absurdity. Political correctness pushed to such absurdity won’t end well.”
Commenting on the ongoing rethinking of culture in the US, the Minister noted that processes indeed take place there that “deserve to be described this way.”
“Probably, everyone wants to get rid of racism, and we never doubted that. We were the pioneers of the movement for equal rights of people of any skin color. But there is a risk of reaching the other extremity, what we observed during the BLM events and the aggression displayed against white people, white US citizens,” he noted.
Lavrov noted that the US seeks to spread this approach across the entire world.
“They have colossal capabilities for that,” he added.
According to the Russian top diplomat, an international day, dedicated to this issue, took place recently, and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said before the General Assembly that the past year was a year of numerous and severe displays of white “supremacy.”
“I requested a full text of his speech. I would like to understand what exactly he meant,” Lavrov continued.
The top diplomat underscored that, if this is simply a desire to be “trending,” then this is regrettable.
“This is the United Nations Organization, not the Organization Promoting American concepts, or American trends,” the diplomatic chief noted.
Melhor irmos arrumando um DICIONÁRIO DE NOVILÍNGUA...
The Biden administration, in the new president’s first days in office, commendably ended a cruel Trump administration policy of splitting up families that migrate illegally across the border. Nor would Border Patrol agents any longer turn away unaccompanied minors. But it’s hard to see that the Biden administration has a practical alternative strategy of its own.
Uma coisa é colocar crianças que não têm ninguém a acompanhá-las em centros de emigrantes, outra coisa é separar famílias.
Em relação ao Trampas:
Trump slashed funding for refugee services, forcing many shelters and resettlement offices to close.
“The system was gutted, facilities were closed, and they cruelly expelled young children into the hands of traffickers,” U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas said in a statement last week. “We have had to rebuild the entire system, including the policies and procedures required to administer the asylum laws that Congress passed long ago.”
Enviado: Dom Abr 11, 2021 5:32 pm
por Túlio
IRON BIDEN!!!!!!!!!
(U tried ur BREAST foi de matar! )
Enviado: Sex Abr 16, 2021 11:06 am
por Túlio
ADAM TOLEDO, 13. Morto desarmado por um único disparo no coração (quem é treinado para isso sabe que é intenção de MATAR, o certo é o Double Tap "genérico" no tórax e se estiver armadoE RESISTINDO, que é intenção de NEUTRALIZAR; se morrer azar, armado e perigoso, pediu pra levar). Assisti o vídeo ontem e caí duro, pensando "agora os EUA pegam fogo".
How naive...
Acontece que x prefeitx é pretaAFRODESCENDENTE, mulher e lésbica, além de Democrata.
O que vejo hoje é a Lame$tream passando pano direto, o guri tava armado bagaray, mais uns dias e ele aparece disparando um BARRET contra os caras...
Enviado: Ter Abr 20, 2021 4:47 pm
por angelogalvao
Que porra é esta? Quando que uso de armas nucleares é a opção menos ruim? Qual será a realmente ruim então?
Enviado: Ter Abr 20, 2021 6:10 pm
por Túlio
Mais humor negro...
Já viram uma pessoa passando de RIDÍCULA a DEMENTE?