Marinha Francesa

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#496 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qui Fev 12, 2015 8:01 pm

E a indiana.


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#497 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Abr 20, 2015 3:19 pm

Now and Then: French Navy #Frigate escorts Lafayette's ship replica L'HERMIONE on her trip to the #USA

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#498 Mensagem por saullo » Seg Abr 20, 2015 3:47 pm

Só entendi que o navio da foto é o Latouche-Treville, da classe George Leygues.


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#499 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Abr 20, 2015 4:16 pm

saullo escreveu:Só entendi que o navio da foto é o Latouche-Treville, da classe George Leygues.


Escoltando a réplica da L'Hermione a caminho dos EUA :wink:

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#500 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Abr 28, 2015 1:21 pm

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

Portugal está morto e enterrado!!!
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Re: Marinha Francesa

#501 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Abr 28, 2015 1:42 pm

exitante... e tenebroso. [034]


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#502 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Abr 28, 2015 1:45 pm

28 de abril de 2015
França confirma: em 2017 sai o projeto de sua ‘fragata de tamanho intermediário’ – FTI


O Ministério da Defesa francês confirmou oficialmente, na segunda semana de abril, que sua Marinha terá, dentro de dois anos, o projeto final de uma nova classe de embarcação: as chamadas frégates de taille intermediaire (fragatas de tamanho intermediário) – mais conhecidas, hoje, pela sigla FTI... ... iario-fti/

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#503 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Abr 29, 2015 2:50 pm

Le Siroco rentre à Toulon à l’issue de sa dernière mission ... re-mission

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#504 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mai 07, 2015 4:42 pm

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#505 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Mai 22, 2015 2:15 pm

The frigate Dupleix (D641) of #FrenchNavy has been disarmed and soon she will be decommissioned.

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#506 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Mai 26, 2015 3:21 pm

Update to French Military Planning Law Means New Capabilities for Lafayette Class Frigates

The French Ministry of Defense just released an update to its Military Planning Law (Loie de Programmation Militaire) with some impact for the French Navy fleet: Lafayette class frigates will be fitted with sonars and FREMM and FTI Frigates programs will be accelerated.

The French Navy Lafayette frigate (designated light stealth frigate in the French Navy) is seen here launching its salvo of two MM40 Block II anti-ship missiles. Picture: French Navy

Excerpt from the French MoD Document (unofficial translation).

By the 2014-2019 timeframe, in addition to their capacity dedicated to the protection of our Maritime approaches and state action at sea, our naval forces will experience an important transformation in regards to anti-submarine warfare, action on land and sea control. The combined effect of increased level of commitment of our naval forces on 5 deployment areas, the increased requirements against the terrorist threat, the impact of export contracts (including Egypt) induce adjustments to match the original plan.

Carrier Strike Group
The second major technical refit of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will begin in 2017. In addition to reloading nuclear cores this refit will be put to use to perform an operation for the maintenance of key operational capabilities and adaptation to a carrier strike group centered on the Rafale, consecutive to the final withdrawal of Super-Etendard Modernisé in 2016.

At the end of 2018, the first of six new Barracuda type nuclear submarines, replacing Ruby, will be delivered and accepted for active service. The Barracuda will present multi-role capabilities in addition to intelligence capabilities with heavy torpedo, the naval cruise missile (MdCN) and, where necessary, combat swimmers.

The construction and admission to active duty of multi-mission frigates (FREMM) started before 2014 will continue: 6 will be delivered before mid-2019. The next two, delivered in 2021 and 2022, will have enhanced capacity to replace the two Cassard class air defense frigates. Rounding up to a capacity of 15 first-class frigates and comply with the principle of differentiation, a new program of "intermediate size frigates" (FTI) is advanced, with a target of first delivery in 2023.
In this context, a renovation program for the Lafayette class stealth frigates will be launched during the period: Renovations will be carried out over the scheduled technical shutdowns. These frigates renovation will consists (among other things) in the fitting of a sonar system. They will carry out the tasks arising from operational contracts in the transition phase that will accompany the delivery of future midsize frigates (FTI).
The FREMM will be fitted with naval cruise missile (MdCN) from 2015, the anti-ship missile Exocet MM 40 B3 extended range, anti-submarine torpedo MU 90, NFH90 ASW helicopter and ASTER air defense missile.

Logistical fleet
The Flotlog logistics fleet intended to replace existing replenishment oilers and other support vessels will include 3 units, the first of which will be commissioned at the end of the period.

The first modernized maritime patrol aircraft ATL 2 will be dedelivered in 2018 and the second in 2019 (out of the fifteen planned).

ASW Helicopter
The NFH90 (Nato Frigate Helicopter) "combat" variant is fitted on board FREMM and Horizon frigates. The Caiman also plays an active role in sea rescue missions in its "support" variant. To ensure these missions 27 NFH90 are being delivered. The first 24 will be delivered before the end of this military planning law.

In addition, it has to be noted that a fourth B2M vessel will be ordered (as French Defense Minister implied in February) as well as four offshore support vessels (BSAH program). French MoD also decided to speed up the procurement of a ninth FREMM Frigate compared to what was originally planned.

Finally, it is not clear yet what the Lafayette class frigate modernization program will consist in. French MoD only mentions "the fitting of a sonar among other things". Contacted by Navy Recognition, the French Navy, DCNS or French Procurement Agency could not make any comment. The possiblity of the class fitted with new radar and vertical launch surface to air missiles appear slim however. It is not clear yet if the sonar will be hull mounted or towed, however Thales' CAPTAS 2 variable depth sonar is a strong possibility.

With such an equipment (VDS sonar), Navy Recognition understands that Lafayette class Frigates (which are currently all based in Toulon, in the Mediterranean fleet) could be based in Brest in the future (French Navy Atlantic Fleet) for a new mission: securing the underwater maritime zones when French Navy SSBNs (also based near Brest) deploy on their patrols.

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#507 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sáb Mai 30, 2015 2:51 pm

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#508 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Jun 03, 2015 3:12 pm

French Defense Minister: 8 FREMM For The Navy Followed by 5 New Generation FTI Frigates

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian detailed the naval part of the update to the French Military Planning Law today on a naval base in Brittany. The French Navy will receive 8 FREMM Frigates in total (while 11 of them were originally planned) and a new generation of frigates: the FTI (Frégate de Taille Intermédiaire or Midsize Frigate) which will start being delivered in 2023 for a total of 5 hulls.

French Defense Minister explained during his speech today that the delivery of a FREMM Frigate to Egypt (the former Normandie originally intended for the French Navy) will be compensated and six ASW FREMM Frigates will be delivered to the French Navy by the end of 2019 in accordance with the Military Planning Law. As a consequence, the production of these frigates will be accelerated. Subsequently, by 2022, two more ASW FREMM Frigates will be delivered. These two FREMMs will have increased air defense capabilities compared to existing FREMMs. Finally, these will be followed by the delivery of five new FTI Frigates starting in 2023.

Jean-Yves Le Drian declared "In order to take into account the updated FREMM delivery schedule I just mentioned, I decided to accelerate the FTI program by nearly two years. The launch of this program will allow a first delivery from 2023, in line with the FREMM production in Lorient. [...] I would like to stress here the decision taken on FTI frigates. Beyond the major challenge for our Navy, FTI is also all about good industrial policy choices. The analysis led by the DGA (ed.note: French procurement agency) in collaboration with DCNS and its partner Thales, has indeed demonstrated the need for a strengthening of a French offer for export, which is complementary to the FREMM product. The challenge is also to differentiate us on a technological level ten years from today from the global competition concentrated in the segment of mid-size frigates with the launch of similar projects in Spain, Italy and Germany among others. In this double perspective, operational and industrial, the anticipated launch of the FTI midsize frigate program will allow to match the format set by the White Paper on defense, giving DCNS and all subcontractors a significant visibility in their load plans (both in engineering and in production). It will also provide the FREMM a complementary product enabling DCNS to expand its export competitiveness.".

The future French Navy FTI could be an evolution of DCNS' older FM400 project

According to early rumors, the future French Navy FTI will be a 4,000 class multi-role frigate. Navy Recognition believes the FTI could be an evolution of the FM400, a DCNS project for a 3,500 to 4,500 tons modular frigate launched in the early 2000s but shelved since. We also believe that some of the next generation technologies studied in the XWind 4000 concept ship could find their way in the future FTI frigates. Cost however will have to be contained for the FTI to be competitive on the export market.

The FTI program is good news for DCNS because, as stressed by the French Defense Minister, it will add a new product line to DCNS' surface combatant offering (with a vessel that will nicely fill the gap between the Gowind corvette and the FREMM frigate) and it will keep the production line open at the Lorient shipyard well into the 2020ies.

As for the French Navy the current format of 15 "front line" surface combatant will be kept.

Current 15 "front line" surface combatants of the French Navy as of today:
- 1x Aquitaine class Multi-Mission Frigate (FREMM)
- 2x Forbin class Air Defense Destroyers (Horizon)
- 2x Cassard class Anti-Aircraft Frigates (Type F70 AA)
- 5x Georges Leygues class ASW Frigates (Type F70 ASM)
- 5x Lafayette class Stealth Frigates (To be upgraded with sonar among other things)

Future 15 "front line" surface combatants of the French Navy at the end of the next decade:
- 8x Aquitaine class Multi-Mission Frigate (FREMM)
- 2x Forbin class Air Defense Destroyers (Horizon)
- 5x FTI midsize Frigates

Update 30/05/2015: A DCNS press release provides more details on the FTI.
The new frigate, developed and built by DCNS, will be a front line warship. This frigate will have the advantages of a modular, robust, easy to use and has an unrivaled operational capability on the market. Adapted to the needs of the French Navy and the navies of many countries, the new DCNS frigate benefit from the most advanced technology solutions, including planar array radar. ... ew&id=2762

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#509 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Jan 25, 2016 9:59 am

In Pictures: French Navy Carrier Strike Group With Two New Generation FREMM Frigates

The French Navy (Marine Nationale) has released a series of nice pictures showing the Charles de Gaulle Carrier Strike Group (CSG) underway in the Arabian/Persian Gulf. The French CSG is currently is currently deployed in the area in support of coalition operations against Daesh in Iraq and Syria.


:arrow: ... ew&id=3489

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#510 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Fev 23, 2016 8:11 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

Portugal está morto e enterrado!!!