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Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Ter Jan 17, 2012 3:30 pm
por P44
Dixmude, the French Navy’s third Mistral-class amphibious warfare ship, was handed over by DCNS and STX France on January 13, three months early. (DCNS photo)

STX France and DCNS Deliver BPC Dixmude Three Months Ahead of Schedule

(Source: DCNS; issued Jan. 14, 2012)

TOULON, France --- BPC Dixmude, the third Mistral-class force projection and command vessel for the French Navy, has been delivered to the French defence procurement agency (DGA) three months ahead of the initial contract schedule. The DGA took formal delivery of the ship on 3 January 2012. This success is the result of outstanding cooperation between industry partners DCNS and STX France. The design, construction and testing of the vessel was conducted in close partnership with DGA and French Navy teams.

Gérard Longuet, the French Minister for Defence and Veteran Affairs, praised this achievement after touring BPC Dixmude in Toulon on Saturday 14 January 2012.

The DGA ordered BPC Dixmude in April 2009 under the French government's economic stimulus package. It was scheduled for delivery to the DGA at the end of the first quarter of 2012 for entry into active service with the French Navy later in the year. However, the DGA was able to take formal delivery of the vessel on 3 January 2012, three months ahead of the contract deadline.

BPC Dixmude, France's third BPC-type force projection and command vessel, benefited from lessons learned during the construction of the first two Mistral-class ships and efficient cooperation between shipbuilder and outfitter STX France and DCNS, which has responsibility for the combat system and logistic support.

STX France coordinated industrial operations and built the platform and propulsion system as well as installing shipboard equipment. After successful sea trials, BPC Dixmude returned to Toulon in July 2011. DCNS then integrated and tested the combat system, including its communication, navigation and combat management capabilities.

Between April 2009, when the first steel was cut, and July 2011 when the platform was delivered, STX France consistently outpaced the production schedule. DCNS was also able to validate the combat system with just three sea trials, instead of the six scheduled under the contract.

The commitment and availability of the participating DGA and Navy teams and ready naval and air support ensured that the trials went very smoothly indeed.

The fact that BPC Dixmude’s Navy crew was able to work on board and familiarise itself with the new vessel from June 2011 contributed further to the success of the trials.

In 2012, BPC Dixmude will be used as a training ship for the French Navy's Jeanne d'Arc mission. In this capacity, it will host a new cohort of officer cadets for instruction and exercises at sea as well as a detachment of French Army personnel.

The first two Mistral-class vessels, BPC Mistral and BPC Tonnerre, were co-designed by DCNS and STX France and delivered to the French Navy in 2006 and 2007 respectively.

DCNS is a world leader in naval defence and an innovative player in energy. DCNS designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. It also proposes services for naval shipyards and bases. The Group employs 12,000 people and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.4 billion.


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... -ship.html#

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sáb Fev 04, 2012 2:36 pm
por P44
Reportagem a bordo do OPV GOWIND

Reportage : En mer à bord du patrouilleur L'Adroit

:arrow: http://www.meretmarine.com/article.cfm?id=117411

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sáb Fev 04, 2012 6:42 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Extremamente feio esse barco com essa barraca no meio. :x

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sex Mar 09, 2012 11:09 am
por Andre Correa
Orçamento de compras da Marinha Francesa, para 2012, em milhões de €:


O Rafale fica com a maior fatia, seguido do novo SSN e das FREMM...
Expressivo também é o valor relativo ao SCALP e a Evolução do Exocet...
Interessante notar que o NAe 2 aparece no final da lista, mas sem orçamento definido...

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Dom Abr 01, 2012 8:49 am
por binfa
R 91 Porte-Avions Charles de Gaulle

É pequena a distância entre o início da pista até o 1º gancho de parada (± 40 metros).

Pelo desgaste da marcação da pista o 2º gancho parece ser o mais utilizado.

Vida de piloto de caça embarcado não é facil não!

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Dom Abr 01, 2012 9:58 am
por henriquejr
É muito estranho esse desenho do PA CG! Ficou muito feia a posição onde colocaram a ilha.

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Dom Abr 01, 2012 4:02 pm
por binfa
Concordo plenamente, a ilha localizada mais a proa ficou esquisito....

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sex Abr 06, 2012 3:18 pm
por binfa

Marine Nationale na última visita ao Brésil

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sex Abr 06, 2012 7:15 pm
por Carlos Lima
Esses lançadores verticais são show de bola :)


Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sex Abr 06, 2012 7:43 pm
por brisa
Ataque de uma Horizont ao Rio de Janeiro :mrgreen:

Alô Talha [003]

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sáb Nov 22, 2014 3:50 pm
por P44


Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sex Jan 02, 2015 4:45 pm
por P44

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Sáb Jan 03, 2015 2:11 pm
por P44
La Fayette-class frigate Guépratte F714 and La Fayette F710 seen in Toulon on 04.09.2013
http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/pho ... id=2158790

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Ter Fev 10, 2015 7:23 pm
por Bolovo
Belas fotos dos Rafales em exercício.


MAIS: http://www.globalaviationresource.com/v ... de-gaulle/

Re: Marinha Francesa

Enviado: Qui Fev 12, 2015 2:38 pm
por WalterGaudério
Bolovo escreveu:
brasil70 escreveu: A Marinha Alemã se compara a Francesa ou não?
Nossa. A Marinha Alemã está longe. Em tamanho é no mínimo duas vezes menor. Sem contar que os franceses algumas exclusividades, como um porta-aviões, seis submarinos nucleares e quatro submarinos balísticos. No continente quem chega perto é a Grã-Bretanha, mas esses estão ficando para trás. Eu acho que talvez seja a terceira ou quarta maior marinha do mundo. Atrás de EUA, Rússia e talvez China.
Tu esquecestes a marinha japa