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Enviado: Sex Out 05, 2007 1:11 pm
por P44
Submarine B-871 ("Alrosa")
Project 877V / Kilo class submarine

The Russian Kilo Class submarine first entered service in the early 1980s. It was designed by the Rubin Central Maritime Design Bureau, St Petersburg.

The Kilo Class (Project 877) submarine was designed for anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare in the protection of naval bases, coastal installations and sea lanes, and also for general reconnaissance and patrol missions. The Kilo is considered to be to be one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world.

The submarine consists of six watertight compartments separated by transverse bulkheads in a pressurised double-hull. This design and the submarine's good reserve buoyancy lead to increased survivability if the submarine is holed, even with one compartment and two adjacent ballast tanks flooded. The foreplanes are positioned on the upper hull in front of the fin or sail. The command and control systems and fire control systems are located in the main control room which is sealed off from the other compartments.

The submarine's propulsion system consists of two diesel generators, a main propulsion motor, a fuel-economic motor and a single shaft driving a seven-blade fixed-pitch propeller. There are two additional stand-by motors for running in shallow waters, at mooring and in cases of emergency. Two 120-cell storage batteries are installed in the first and third compartments of the submarine. The main machinery is equipped with an automatic control system.

The submarine has a launcher for eight Strela-3 or Igla surface-to-air missiles. These missiles are manufactured by the Fakel Design Bureau, Kaliningrad. Strela- 3 (NATO Designation SA-N-8 Gremlin) has a cooled infrared seeker and 2kg warhead. Maximum range is 6km. Igla (NATO designation SA-N-10 Gimlet) is also infrared-guided but heavier, with a maximum range of 5km and speed of Mach 1.65.

The submarine is equipped with six 533mm forward torpedo tubes situated in the nose of the submarine and carries 18 torpedoes with six in the torpedo tubes and twelve stored on the racks. Alternatively the torpedo tubes can deploy 24 mines. Two torpedo tubes are designed for firing remote-controlled torpedoes with a very high accuracy. The computer-controlled torpedo system is provided with a quick-loading device. The first salvo is fired within two minutes and the second within five minutes.

Submarine "B-871" was built by "Krasnoe Sormovo", Gorky, commissioned on 1990.

From 1990 submarine has name "B-871", in Jan 2003 was renamed to "Alrosa".

This submarine is equipped with a pump jet propulsion.


Enviado: Sex Out 05, 2007 1:17 pm
por P44
ASW Corvette "Vladimiretc" (photo V.Maysky)

Enviado: Qua Out 10, 2007 7:33 pm
por Gerson Victorio
A-12 docado no AMRJ.
Hélices do A-12 São Paulo

Enviado: Qua Out 10, 2007 11:18 pm
por luis F. Silva
A-12 docado no AMRJ.

Hélices do A-12 São Paulo

Claro que se não fossem dele nunca tinha navegado. Trata-se das de reserva!...

Enviado: Qua Out 10, 2007 11:58 pm
por Gerson Victorio
luis F. Silva escreveu:
A-12 docado no AMRJ.

Hélices do A-12 São Paulo

Claro que se não fossem dele nunca tinha navegado. Trata-se das de reserva!...

Em algum momento eu disse que não eram?

Enviado: Qui Out 11, 2007 12:09 am
por luis F. Silva
Em algum momento eu disse que não eram?

Peço desculpa. Foi erro de interpretação. :oops:

Enviado: Qui Out 11, 2007 9:49 am
por Corsário01
Marino e Walter,

Eu não saberei qualificar ,mas, este leme do SP não é meio curto/pequeno não?
Digo no sentido de pronta resposta ao comando de guinada.
Gostaria de suas opiniões e de outros amigos que entendam do assunto.


Enviado: Qua Out 17, 2007 8:50 am
por P44
USS Effective T-agos 21 - opertated by Military Sealift Command L 235 feet B 93'06" draft 25' disp 3,396 tons


Enviado: Sex Out 19, 2007 3:31 pm
por Malandro
GERSON VICTORIO escreveu:A-12 docado no AMRJ.
Hélices do A-12 São Paulo

Não tá na hora de arrumarem uma doca maior ?

Enviado: Qui Out 25, 2007 8:07 pm
por Corsário01
Olhem este Tico. E depois não me deixam mostrar os hélices :twisted:


Enviado: Dom Out 28, 2007 8:12 pm
por Gerson Victorio
Hélices converta Inhaúma.

Enviado: Sáb Nov 24, 2007 6:33 pm
por Corsário01
Olhem mais uma interessante e inédita!


Enviado: Seg Nov 26, 2007 8:10 pm
por Corsário01
Esta aqui é do TR-1700 San Juan da Armada Argentina.



Enviado: Sex Nov 30, 2007 6:39 pm
por Gerson Victorio
Uma das quatro hélices do USS George Washington (CVN 73), a impressão é que parece pequena!!


Uma das quatro hélices do USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). na segunda foto vejam o tamanho do eixo!!!



Enviado: Sex Nov 30, 2007 6:47 pm
por Gerson Victorio
Hélice submarino classe USS Los Angeles
