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Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 6:38 pm
por Archer
Overall exercises have taken the IAF to a new level, and really increased the confidence and motivation of the crew. Pilots now "know" they are equal to other Air Forces, new tactics have been developed, mistakes have been shown clearly, good learning.
Our first exercise against French Air Force was "eye opener" showing how, technology matters and how it can influence things.
Our Mirage 2000 H went against French Mirage 2000 RDI. They detected first, fired first. First few days of exercise, we were in trouble, finally tactics were changed, more risks taken and by end of exercise, launches were being done at almost same time by both side (Beyond Visual Range launches, pilot call FOX-number to indicate they have launched).
In WVR, there were no troubles, but huge eye opener for IAF in BVR, that the IAF Mirage 2000 H's were now old and needed an upgrade, and that without new technology pilots were very risk averse.
Almost 60% of the IAF did not have proper 3D AI (Air Intercept Radars) as they were old MiG-21s. Now things are changing with upgrades everywhere and the presence of the Sukhoi, which has great performance.
Second exercise versus French AF, we took our Su-30 Ks to France. They brought their Mirage 2000 V's to the fight (Rafale was not fully operational they said, or perhaps they just didnt want to share the secrets!).
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 6:49 pm
por Túlio
Archer escreveu:Túlio escreveu:The five posts above are just some Brasilian folks - very nice guys, i say - tellin' they can NOT to undestand almost anything about we're talkin' 'ere. Study hard, guys, i did it and here i am...

Oops should I translate all posts then using Google? I am lazy...so I forgot to do it.

Do NOT worry about this, the folks should LEARN a lil'...

Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 7:00 pm
por Archer
Thanks, when translating using google (which is better than babelfish) i have to modify text 2-3 times so the software can put the statements out correctly.
But let me know if any of my statements is too "strange", and I will explain further.
About Su-30 K visit to France. This was Exercise Garuda -2. (Meaning of Garuda:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda) after Garuda 1 when French came to India and taught us how their Mirages were better than our Mirages.
We took the Su-30 K to France versus their Mirage 2000 V equipped with RDY (not RDY2) radar and also tried our hand at seeing how AWACS worked (we wanted to learn, in advance for our Phalcon)
French summary (Air & Cosmos Mag, giving statements of French pilots):
- Indian pilots are very professional
- Managed to deploy all the way to France something Chinese AF still cannot do
- Showed good knowledge of NATO terms and procedures
- In Air to Air, Su-30 K is very powerful, "decision", that is victory must be taken by the Mirage 2000 in first few seconds, otherwise, the sheer power of the Su-30 K will overwhelm the Mirage
- Radar of the Su-30 K (N001) is comparable to RDY, both are more or less, equal (my note: This is a big plus for the RDY since it is a much smaller radar than N001 and shows benefit of newer technology)
Indian summary:
- French usage of technology is an "Eye opener"
- Entire airspace is integrated with integration of ground radars, AWACS and fighters
- Traffic, civilian and military is handled very well
- AWACS is huge force multiplier
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 7:14 pm
por Túlio
For we are about to see the Rafales interacting with our indigenous E-99A AEW&C. In a Cruzex Exercise, our poor F-5Ms (something like your MiGs-21s) alone but vectored by E-99 through data-link literaly 'made into pieces' the M2000 offensive - and they (the French) had an AWACS by their side, it didn't 'caught' even the E-99, since it's a small target too...

Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 7:29 pm
por soultrain
Tulio they were M2000N, it's a huge difference.
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 7:35 pm
por soultrain
Thanks for sharing all that with us.
Are you also familiarized with Indian Navy? You can go on Navais and you'll see the Indian navy topic, do you know the LM fuzz? and how are the "new" used US ships performing?
Cheers mate!!!
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qua Set 16, 2009 9:50 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Ué? Mas não era prá falar português????
Será que o povo vai parar com essa bobeira de que os SU-30 não prestam?
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 10:41 am
por Túlio
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Ué? Mas não era prá falar português????
O DB é um Fórum BRASILEIRO, logo, o Português é naturalmente a língua oficial. Agora, procures em Fóruns das Nações vizinhas e realmente verás OBRIGATORIEDADE do Espanhol - uma das razões que me mantêm afastado deles. Este é OUTRO de nossos diferenciais, não obrigamos a usar seja que idioma for, se o Archer disser algo em Inglês e quiseres responder em Português, ninguém te impede de fazê-lo - exceto a Razão, eis que ele NÃO te entenderá. Há páginas inteiras em Inglês e Francês em outros tópicos, não vi ninguém reclamar, será que é porque aqui há interação e infos novas?
Não obstante, há uma experiência em andamento neste tópico: FLOOD ZERO! Na página 220 há um relatório que mantenho atualizado sobre os floods deletados.
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 2:45 pm
por otaolive
Seja bem vindo Archer, bons posts, mas sem querer ser chato, o tópico é sobre a Força Aérea Indiana ou sobre SU-35 News ????
Welcome Archer, very nice posts, but excuse me for my unkindness, this is a SU-35 News topic instead IAF topic. I think this deserve an appropriate topic.

Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 3:33 pm
por Reygar
Putz ! Minha gente, vamos ter a mente aberta e além de tudo educados com um convidado q esta compartilhando informações de sua força aérea ( tb sobre su-35 e etc), e esta em lócuo ( India) fazendo um grande esforço para se comunicar com a gente e ter uma conversa legal . Os povos, as mentes , as informações devem sempre se unir . Depois tenho certeza ser possível a moderação ou q eles peçam a alguem para traduzir tudo q falta para aqueles q quiserem acompoanhar e não sabem Inlgês. É bom sempre q possível fazer novos amigos e ter um debate de alto nivel , fazer a gente pensar , isso q cria pessoas de bom senso, união sempre !
Hi, Archer !
I have been watched your posts e the infos that you share with us , thank you for doing that , it's highly apreciated .
I would like to ask you about a certain amount of infor that i checked in the web, that's regardless of India can e will produce Su-30MKI , India is planning to buy MIG35 and Su-35BM to be like a dorsal line in the IAF and the tip of the sword will be the T-50 (PAK FA) .
My doubts about that are all the money spent in su-30 project and revitalization of migs and mirrages .
Beyond that. you said and i agree
Going forward by 2020-25, IAF plan is to concentrate on 4 types,
Su-30 MKI
What can you tell me ?
Thank you
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 3:57 pm
por Ilya Ehrenburg
Túlio escreveu:Carlos Mathias escreveu:Ué? Mas não era prá falar português????
O DB é um Fórum BRASILEIRO, logo, o Português é naturalmente a língua oficial. Agora, procures em Fóruns das Nações vizinhas e realmente verás OBRIGATORIEDADE do Espanhol - uma das razões que me mantêm afastado deles. Este é OUTRO de nossos diferenciais, não obrigamos a usar seja que idioma for, se o Archer disser algo em Inglês e quiseres responder em Português, ninguém te impede de fazê-lo - exceto a Razão, eis que ele NÃO te entenderá. Há páginas inteiras em Inglês e Francês em outros tópicos, não vi ninguém reclamar, será que é porque aqui há interação e infos novas?
Não obstante, há uma experiência em andamento neste tópico: FLOOD ZERO! Na página 220 há um relatório que mantenho atualizado sobre os floods deletados.
Façamos nós, por gentileza, o uso do mal afamado software de tradução Google.
Daremos nós boas vindas aos amigos de outras nações. Mas, se por deferência, fizerem eles, de forma recíproca, o mesmo uso da famosa ferramenta de tradução já citada, que alegria então haveria em nossos corações!
Gentileza gera gentileza. A mais correta das frases populares.
Até a vitória! Povos unidos pelo ideal socialista, contra as hordas brutais e sanguinárias dos lacaios do capital!
Brasil, avante!
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 7:17 pm
por Jolly Roger
The Su-30 MKI versus EF in UK was a "no show" with both sides keeping their secrets close.
Oh boy... the most interesting part of the game

Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 7:35 pm
por Jacobs
Hey Archer , could you tell us if IAF plans to upgrade Su-30K to the -MKI standard someday?
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 8:24 pm
por Archer
Sorry for all the confusion regarding which thread and language to post. What I can attempt to do is that if you have any questions for me in Portuguese, thats fine, just put my name on top, so i will know its for me, and translate it in google.
I will keep the sentences short so that it should work, and be understandable.
OtaOlive, if there is any "random questions thread", I could reply there, as you are right, this the SU-35 thread after all, and not the IAF one. But I would say the Su-30 MKI info might be relevant as the Su-3xxs are brothers..
Reygar, Soultrain and Jacobs, Amigos, I shall try and answer your queries tomorrow. Its the weekend, and while I will have work, I can squeeze in some forum time as well.
Jolly Roger, there were some "experiences" regarding the EF, but what I meant was that neither side showed ALL its cards or tricks. But both walked away with some "intelligence" on the other side.
Re: Su-35 News
Enviado: Qui Set 17, 2009 8:26 pm
por Archer
Túlio escreveu:For we are about to see the Rafales interacting with our indigenous E-99A AEW&C. In a Cruzex Exercise, our poor F-5Ms (something like your MiGs-21s) alone but vectored by E-99 through data-link literaly 'made into pieces' the M2000 offensive - and they (the French) had an AWACS by their side, it didn't 'caught' even the E-99, since it's a small target too...

Would really like any discussions/ threads/ posts you have on your Mirage 2000 and F-5 exercises!!
What is surprising it could not catch the E-99?? Could you share more details?
Very interesting! Thanks.