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Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Qui Jun 06, 2013 7:57 pm
por BrasilPotência
Como disse o colega, FX-2 só após dia 17/06.

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Qui Jun 06, 2013 8:20 pm
por BrasilPotência
A propósito, vocês podem confirmar, mas pelo que eu pesquisei, este é o último protesto pelos quais eles podem tentar barrar a compra, já que outros dois já foram causa perdida.

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Qui Jun 06, 2013 11:37 pm
por kirk
BrasilPotência escreveu:A propósito, vocês podem confirmar, mas pelo que eu pesquisei, este é o último protesto pelos quais eles podem tentar barrar a compra, já que outros dois já foram causa perdida.
Que eu saiba é o último recurso, no tribunal federal, perderam !


Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 12:30 pm
por irlan
A Beechcraft(é essa?) entregou os pontos?

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 1:07 pm
por dafranca
PARIS: Embraer Super Tucano to make debut Paris air show appearance

Embraer will display its A-29 Super Tucano at the Paris air show for the first time, a top company official says. The aircraft will not fly, but will be on static display.

"We are going to bring our Super Tucano to Le Bourget," says Luiz Carlos Aguiar, chief executive of Embraer Defense and Security. "This is the first time in history the airplane will be there."

The A-29 that will be on display at Paris is an aircraft destined for Mauritania, Aguiar says. The nation has so far taken deliver of two light-attack aircraft from a three-unit order signed in March 2012.

Aguiar says it is important for Embraer to showcase the Super Tucano after the company's victory over Beechcraft's AT-6 during the US Air Force's Light Air Support (LAS) contest. While the 20 aircraft that are to be delivered for the LAS contract are for Afghanistan rather than for the USAF's own use, the service's selection is an important endorsement of the Super Tucano's capabilities.

"After our win in the US, it seems to me that the interest from other countries is increasing," Aguiar says. "We expect to have more sales of the A-29."

There have already been two new customers for the aircraft since the LAS selection: Guatemala and Senegal, he notes. Moreover, there is growing interest in the Super Tucano in Africa, Asia and Latin America. So far, Embraer has delivered 175 Super Tucanos out of a total order book for 216 aircraft, and the company hopes to add more sales.

Currently, Embraer builds 12 Super Tucanos per year, but Aguiar expects production to ramp up to 20 per annum in the future. The company will have the capacity to build 24 additional aircraft per year at its new US-based facility in Florida, Aguiar says. The first example to be built in the USA will start assembly towards the end of 2013 and will be delivered by June 2014, he adds.

Meanwhile, Embraer is making headway on its other flagship project, the KC-390 tanker/transport. Engineering drawings have been released to component suppliers and parts for the first two prototypes are under construction, says Aguiar, who adds that the company expects to make a big announcement about the programme during the Paris air show.
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... ce-386938/

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 1:38 pm
por Olinda
dafranca escreveu:
PARIS: Embraer Super Tucano to make debut Paris air show appearance

Embraer will display its A-29 Super Tucano at the Paris air show for the first time, a top company official says. The aircraft will not fly, but will be on static display.

"We are going to bring our Super Tucano to Le Bourget," says Luiz Carlos Aguiar, chief executive of Embraer Defense and Security. "This is the first time in history the airplane will be there."

The A-29 that will be on display at Paris is an aircraft destined for Mauritania, Aguiar says. The nation has so far taken deliver of two light-attack aircraft from a three-unit order signed in March 2012.

Aguiar says it is important for Embraer to showcase the Super Tucano after the company's victory over Beechcraft's AT-6 during the US Air Force's Light Air Support (LAS) contest. While the 20 aircraft that are to be delivered for the LAS contract are for Afghanistan rather than for the USAF's own use, the service's selection is an important endorsement of the Super Tucano's capabilities.

"After our win in the US, it seems to me that the interest from other countries is increasing," Aguiar says. "We expect to have more sales of the A-29."

There have already been two new customers for the aircraft since the LAS selection: Guatemala and Senegal, he notes. Moreover, there is growing interest in the Super Tucano in Africa, Asia and Latin America. So far, Embraer has delivered 175 Super Tucanos out of a total order book for 216 aircraft, and the company hopes to add more sales.

Currently, Embraer builds 12 Super Tucanos per year, but Aguiar expects production to ramp up to 20 per annum in the future. The company will have the capacity to build 24 additional aircraft per year at its new US-based facility in Florida, Aguiar says. The first example to be built in the USA will start assembly towards the end of 2013 and will be delivered by June 2014, he adds.

Meanwhile, Embraer is making headway on its other flagship project, the KC-390 tanker/transport. Engineering drawings have been released to component suppliers and parts for the first two prototypes are under construction, says Aguiar, who adds that the company expects to make a big announcement about the programme during the Paris air show.
http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... ce-386938/
A EMBRAER pretende passar a construção dos Super tucano para os EUA? A fábrica terá uma capacidade maior que a do Brasil, e os EUA pretendem adquirir apenas 20 unidades.

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 2:23 pm
por kirk
Olinda escreveu:
A EMBRAER pretende passar a construção dos Super tucano para os EUA? A fábrica terá uma capacidade maior que a do Brasil, e os EUA pretendem adquirir apenas 20 unidades.
Boa Tarde, Olinda !

Não entendi dessa forma, mencionou apenas a capacidade de entrega de 24 unidades/ano.

Achei importante este trecho:

" ... says Aguiar, who adds that the company expects to make a big announcement about the programme during the Paris air show."

Talvez seja o anúncio da 1a venda do KC-390 !


Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 2:27 pm
por Jose Gustavo
irlan escreveu:A Beechcraft(é essa?) entregou os pontos?
Duvido muito. Eles tem apoio de alguns deputados de estados do centro americano. Eles podem perder em todas as instâncias legais mas duvido que não quererão fazer barulho e tentar melar o contrato. O sucesso do projeto vai depender de algum jogo de cintura das autoridades de lá, pois a Beechcraft deve usar (já está usando) a imprensa, políticos, blogs e sabe-se lá o que mais. É a minha opinião.

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 2:38 pm
por kirk
Jose Gustavo escreveu:
irlan escreveu:A Beechcraft(é essa?) entregou os pontos?
Duvido muito. Eles tem apoio de alguns deputados de estados do centro americano. Eles podem perder em todas as instâncias legais mas duvido que não quererão fazer barulho e tentar melar o contrato. O sucesso do projeto vai depender de algum jogo de cintura das autoridades de lá, pois a Beechcraft deve usar (já está usando) a imprensa, políticos, blogs e sabe-se lá o que mais. É a minha opinião.
Boa Tarde !

A data limite para o GAO (Government Accountability Office) se pronunciar é 17/Junho.

http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pa ... Force.aspx


Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 3:08 pm
por dafranca
kirk escreveu:
Olinda escreveu: A EMBRAER pretende passar a construção dos Super tucano para os EUA? A fábrica terá uma capacidade maior que a do Brasil, e os EUA pretendem adquirir apenas 20 unidades.
Boa Tarde, Olinda !

Não entendi dessa forma, mencionou apenas a capacidade de entrega de 24 unidades/ano.

Achei importante este trecho:

" ... says Aguiar, who adds that the company expects to make a big announcement about the programme during the Paris air show."

Talvez seja o anúncio da 1a venda do KC-390 !

Além dos 20 ST encomendados, a USAF já autorizou a compra de pelomenos mais 35 ST. Provendo cadencia de produção de por mais de 2 anos. Outros prováveis anúncios seriam a Filipinas e Líbia.

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Ter Jun 11, 2013 7:44 pm
por dafranca
Super Tucano Set To Debut In Paris
June 11, 2013

Fresh off of a hard-fought win over rival Beechcraft for Pentagon work, Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer is for the first time displaying its Super Tucano light attack aircraft at the Paris air show next week.

The aircraft on display will be one of two delivered to Mauritania, the African nation that has ordered three of the A-29s. Its first was delivered in October.

Since winning the U.S. Air Force’s Light Air Support (LAS) program, worth up to $950 million, Embraer has received renewed requests from nations interested in buying the aircraft, says Luiz Aguiar, president of Embraer’s defense unit. “It is almost automatic we are going to get more orders as long as we are able to deliver on time,” Aguiar says. He says the market, not including the U.S., could be as high as $3.5 billion, though he has ordered a study to review the potential in light of the Pentagon win.

Embraer won the LAS contract, initially worth $427 million, for 20 Super Tucanos for Afghanistan, in February with U.S. partner Sierra Nevada. That was the second LAS competition. In the first in 2011, the Air Force excluded Beechcraft from bidding due to noncompliance with the request for proposals, but a protest by Beechcraft opened the door to another duel.

“We are going to prove to [the Air Force] we are a great supplier. That is the best way to sell” to other nations, Aguiar says.

Meanwhile, work is under way to build a new final assembly facility for the U.S. aircraft in Jacksonville, Fla. The first aircraft should be through the assembly line there by November.

Meanwhile, Embraer is awaiting a request for proposals from the Brazilian ministry of defense for a new tactical unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The company has been working on a prototype called Falcao, which is expected to take to the skies late next year, Aguiar says.

The prototype is being designed and built by Harpia, a joint venture between Embraer (with a majority stake), an affiliate of Israel’s Elbit and — as of February — Avibras, a Brazilian company that specializes in systems engineering.

Once it can experiment with Falcao, Aguiar says the joint venture will better identify gaps in capability that need more development for Brazil’s needs.

Aguiar says the twin-engine KC-390 transport/refueler program under development by Embraer is continuing forward, with the first of two prototypes set to roll out late next year.

With critical design review complete, Embraer has released the drawings to the supply chain, which has, in turn, begun fabricating parts.

Embraer last year signed an agreement with Boeing, manufacturer of the C-17 transport and the KC-46 refueler, to jointly study the market for a KC-390. Aguiar says the technical work has gone “very well.”

Embraer is expected to make an announcement about the way forward for the KC-390 at next week’s air show.
http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.asp ... 587124.xml

Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Qui Jun 13, 2013 7:36 pm
por arcanjo
GAO Supports Super Tucano Pick for Afghanistan Air Force

Jun. 13, 2013 - 05:48PM
WASHINGTON — The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has reaffirmed an Air Force decision to award the Afghan light air support (LAS) contract to contractors Sierra Nevada Corp and Embraer.

The decision, which could mark the end of a long-running legal saga, was announced Thursday afternoon, days before the Monday deadline when the agency would have to rule on competitor Beechcraft’s challenge of the contract.

“Today’s decision is a win for the American warfighters and our allies in Afghanistan who urgently need this light air support capacity to fulfill our mission there,” Taco Gilbert, vice president of Integrated Tactical Solutions for SNC’s Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance business area, said in a statement announcing the GAO decision.

“It is also a victory for the American workers who are producing this aircraft. SNC, Embraer and our partners across the United States hit the ground running February 27th, and we will deliver the most operationally capable aircraft on time and at the greatest value to the American public.”

Following the ruling, Beechcraft released a strong statement condemning the decision.

“It is deeply distressing that the Air Force selected a more expensive, less capable, foreign-manufactured airplane with weapons and systems unfamiliar to, and outside the control of, the United States military,” the company said in a statement.

“We have known that the requirements for this procurement were written to favor the competition’s aircraft. During this protest, we learned that the GAO’s review looks only at whether the Air Force followed its process, but not whether the process itself was actually correct or appropriate.”

“We question whether the Embraer aircraft with its foreign-made weapons can be certified to U.S. military standards in time to provide the mission-capable aircraft per the contract,” the statement continued. “It is now time for Congress to step in and put an end to this flawed acquisition process and limit the purchase of the Brazilian aircraft to only that of the Afghanistan requirement covered by the first delivery order of the LAS contract.”

Beechcraft has long slammed the Super Tucano as a foreign plane due to its design by the Brazilian-owned Embraer. Sierra Nevada Corp, an American company acting as the prime contractor for the Super Tucano team, has countered that claim, pointing out that it plans to build the planes in a new factory in Jacksonville, Fla.

The Kansas-based Beechcraft has already mobilized its local delegation to lobby the Pentagon on its behalf. Sens. Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran, as well as Rep. Mike Pompeo, have all made previous statements in favor of Beechcraft.

In turn, the SNC/Embraer team has relied on members of the Florida delegation to support the Super Tucano, which will be built in a large facility in Jacksonville. A bipartisan delegation from Florida made up of Sens. Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, and Reps. Ander Crenshaw and Corrine Brown, who represent the Jacksonville area, have written letters in support of the A-29 team.

Although the cost of the contract is relatively small by US Defense Department standards — $427,459,708, with a maximum amount of $950 million over the life of the contract — both challengers view the award as vital for their businesses moving forward.

For Beechcraft, which emerged from bankruptcy in February, the award would represent a victorious return to the defense sector that could potentially jump-start international interest in its AT-6 fighter. For Embraer, the award represents a way into the American market and a reputation as a growing global player in the defense industry.

It is also a major concern for Afghanistan’s Air Force, which badly needs the 20 planes to provide air support as the US withdraws from the country. USAF officials have repeatedly said getting the Afghan government these planes is key to security in the region.

But delivery of the planes has been delayed over a legal saga that has dragged on for years.

In early 2012, the US Air Force selected the A-29 Super Tucano, a single-engine turboprop plane designed by Embraer for air-to-ground combat, as the best fit for the program. It beat out the AT-6 fighter, also a single-engine turboprop from the company then known as Hawker Beechcraft.

Hawker challenged the decision with the GAO and in court, claiming that the Air Force had not followed proper contracting law and citing a lack of transparency in the process. The Air Force restarted the competition in April 2012, with officials directed to ignore all testing and information provided in the original competition.

During this period, Hawker Beechcraft exited bankruptcy, re-emerging as a company going just by the Beechcraft name. The results of the competition remained the same, however, with the Air Force selecting the Super Tucano on Feb. 27.

A week later, Beechcraft filed its challenge. During the 100-day waiting period, work on the contract is legally frozen. However, the USAF announced on March 15 that it would override the freeze “in order to honor a critical and time-sensitive U.S. commitment to provide air support capability to the Afghanistan Air Force (AAF).”

Beechcraft quickly responded by challenging in federal court. On April 19, a judge ruled in favor of the USAF and SNC/Embraer, allowing the companies to continue production on the plane.

Both planes will be on display at next week’s Paris Air Show.

http://www.defensenews.com/article/2013 ... -Air-Force



Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Qui Jun 13, 2013 10:49 pm
por kirk
arcanjo escreveu:GAO Supports Super Tucano Pick for Afghanistan Air Force

Jun. 13, 2013 - 05:48PM
WASHINGTON — The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has reaffirmed an Air Force decision to award the Afghan light air support (LAS) contract to contractors Sierra Nevada Corp and Embraer.

The decision, which could mark the end of a long-running legal saga, was announced Thursday afternoon, days before the Monday deadline when the agency would have to rule on competitor Beechcraft’s challenge of the contract.

“Today’s decision is a win for the American warfighters and our allies in Afghanistan who urgently need this light air support capacity to fulfill our mission there,” Taco Gilbert, vice president of Integrated Tactical Solutions for SNC’s Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance business area, said in a statement announcing the GAO decision.

“It is also a victory for the American workers who are producing this aircraft. SNC, Embraer and our partners across the United States hit the ground running February 27th, and we will deliver the most operationally capable aircraft on time and at the greatest value to the American public.”

Following the ruling, Beechcraft released a strong statement condemning the decision.

“It is deeply distressing that the Air Force selected a more expensive, less capable, foreign-manufactured airplane with weapons and systems unfamiliar to, and outside the control of, the United States military,” the company said in a statement.

“We have known that the requirements for this procurement were written to favor the competition’s aircraft. During this protest, we learned that the GAO’s review looks only at whether the Air Force followed its process, but not whether the process itself was actually correct or appropriate.”

“We question whether the Embraer aircraft with its foreign-made weapons can be certified to U.S. military standards in time to provide the mission-capable aircraft per the contract,” the statement continued. “It is now time for Congress to step in and put an end to this flawed acquisition process and limit the purchase of the Brazilian aircraft to only that of the Afghanistan requirement covered by the first delivery order of the LAS contract.”

Beechcraft has long slammed the Super Tucano as a foreign plane due to its design by the Brazilian-owned Embraer. Sierra Nevada Corp, an American company acting as the prime contractor for the Super Tucano team, has countered that claim, pointing out that it plans to build the planes in a new factory in Jacksonville, Fla.

The Kansas-based Beechcraft has already mobilized its local delegation to lobby the Pentagon on its behalf. Sens. Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran, as well as Rep. Mike Pompeo, have all made previous statements in favor of Beechcraft.

In turn, the SNC/Embraer team has relied on members of the Florida delegation to support the Super Tucano, which will be built in a large facility in Jacksonville. A bipartisan delegation from Florida made up of Sens. Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, and Reps. Ander Crenshaw and Corrine Brown, who represent the Jacksonville area, have written letters in support of the A-29 team.

Although the cost of the contract is relatively small by US Defense Department standards — $427,459,708, with a maximum amount of $950 million over the life of the contract — both challengers view the award as vital for their businesses moving forward.

For Beechcraft, which emerged from bankruptcy in February, the award would represent a victorious return to the defense sector that could potentially jump-start international interest in its AT-6 fighter. For Embraer, the award represents a way into the American market and a reputation as a growing global player in the defense industry.

It is also a major concern for Afghanistan’s Air Force, which badly needs the 20 planes to provide air support as the US withdraws from the country. USAF officials have repeatedly said getting the Afghan government these planes is key to security in the region.

But delivery of the planes has been delayed over a legal saga that has dragged on for years.

In early 2012, the US Air Force selected the A-29 Super Tucano, a single-engine turboprop plane designed by Embraer for air-to-ground combat, as the best fit for the program. It beat out the AT-6 fighter, also a single-engine turboprop from the company then known as Hawker Beechcraft.

Hawker challenged the decision with the GAO and in court, claiming that the Air Force had not followed proper contracting law and citing a lack of transparency in the process. The Air Force restarted the competition in April 2012, with officials directed to ignore all testing and information provided in the original competition.

During this period, Hawker Beechcraft exited bankruptcy, re-emerging as a company going just by the Beechcraft name. The results of the competition remained the same, however, with the Air Force selecting the Super Tucano on Feb. 27.

A week later, Beechcraft filed its challenge. During the 100-day waiting period, work on the contract is legally frozen. However, the USAF announced on March 15 that it would override the freeze “in order to honor a critical and time-sensitive U.S. commitment to provide air support capability to the Afghanistan Air Force (AAF).”

Beechcraft quickly responded by challenging in federal court. On April 19, a judge ruled in favor of the USAF and SNC/Embraer, allowing the companies to continue production on the plane.

Both planes will be on display at next week’s Paris Air Show.

http://www.defensenews.com/article/2013 ... -Air-Force


AGORA VAI ! :wink:


Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Dom Jun 16, 2013 9:20 am
por arcanjo
Super Tucano Makes First Paris Appearance

Embraer Defense and Security CEO Luiz Carlos sees a strong market for the company’s Super Tucano.

June 16, 2013, 2:30 AM

Embraer (Chalet B387) is showing a Super Tucano in the static park here for the first time. “This aircraft has a great future; air forces from all over the world have been asking us about it since we won the U.S. Air Force competition,” Embraer Defense and Security CEO Luiz Carlos Aguiar told AIN. Also here at Paris, Aguiar is promising a new announcement about the KC-390, the Brazilian design that could be a serious competitor in the future market for airlifters.

The Super Tucano at the Paris Air Show belongs to the air force of Mauritania, which took delivery last October. It is one of 10 air arms now flying the upgraded turboprop, which can perform a variety of missions, from light attack, to border surveillance to advanced pilot training. More than 160 have now been delivered, including a large number to the Brazilian air force, which drove the design. Embraer boasts that more than 130 weapons configurations are available, including 70mm rocket launchers, air-to-air missiles and laser-guided bombs, totally integrated into the aircraft’s mission system, with a laser designator.

The aircraft was finally confirmed for the much-contested and litigated U.S. light air support (LAS) requirement in March. The initial contract is worth $427.5 million to Embraer and its American partner Sierra Nevada, including 20 aircraft that the U.S. will provide to Afghanistan. But Aguiar noted that the IDIQ-type contract (indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity) is worth up to $950 million in total. He told AIN that he did not know when the Pentagon would offer the aircraft to other countries as part of the Building Partnership Capacity scheme. “I expect they will wait for us to deliver the initial batch first,” he said. To that end, the Embraer factory in Jacksonville, Florida, where the aircraft will be assembled “is already up-and-running,” he added. “We will deliver the first one in June next year.”

http://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/ ... appearance

Show de bola esse Super Tucano da Força Aérea da Mauritânia! :-D


Re: Super Tucano News

Enviado: Dom Jun 16, 2013 8:13 pm
por general-lee
arcanjo escreveu:Super Tucano Makes First Paris Appearance

Embraer Defense and Security CEO Luiz Carlos sees a strong market for the company’s Super Tucano.

June 16, 2013, 2:30 AM

Embraer (Chalet B387) is showing a Super Tucano in the static park here for the first time. “This aircraft has a great future; air forces from all over the world have been asking us about it since we won the U.S. Air Force competition,” Embraer Defense and Security CEO Luiz Carlos Aguiar told AIN. Also here at Paris, Aguiar is promising a new announcement about the KC-390, the Brazilian design that could be a serious competitor in the future market for airlifters.

The Super Tucano at the Paris Air Show belongs to the air force of Mauritania, which took delivery last October. It is one of 10 air arms now flying the upgraded turboprop, which can perform a variety of missions, from light attack, to border surveillance to advanced pilot training. More than 160 have now been delivered, including a large number to the Brazilian air force, which drove the design. Embraer boasts that more than 130 weapons configurations are available, including 70mm rocket launchers, air-to-air missiles and laser-guided bombs, totally integrated into the aircraft’s mission system, with a laser designator.

The aircraft was finally confirmed for the much-contested and litigated U.S. light air support (LAS) requirement in March. The initial contract is worth $427.5 million to Embraer and its American partner Sierra Nevada, including 20 aircraft that the U.S. will provide to Afghanistan. But Aguiar noted that the IDIQ-type contract (indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity) is worth up to $950 million in total. He told AIN that he did not know when the Pentagon would offer the aircraft to other countries as part of the Building Partnership Capacity scheme. “I expect they will wait for us to deliver the initial batch first,” he said. To that end, the Embraer factory in Jacksonville, Florida, where the aircraft will be assembled “is already up-and-running,” he added. “We will deliver the first one in June next year.”

http://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/ ... appearance

Show de bola esse Super Tucano da Força Aérea da Mauritânia! :-D

lindo mesmo esse bicho......concordo.... nosso pequeno notavel..sds