Enviado: Sex Dez 28, 2007 12:44 pm
Gracias!!....pues quedo a disposicion, hay pocas cosas que me gustan mas que intercambiar fuego de artilleria naval pesada.....
SUT escreveu:¿¿Y no es eso, precisamente, lo que hoy en dia esta en Boga? miren las Floreal , la fase C3 del programa S2C2, etc, etc....OPVs, "fragatas de proyeccion", etc, etc...
Uruguay tiene una elevada participacion en misiones de paz ONU y un cañonero de bloqueo con una partida de desembarco y buena artilleria puede hacer el truco en ese requerimiento.
Otra cosa es una Fragata de tomo y lomo...pero esos requeriientos son diferentes
155MM Study Looks To Pack More Punch Into The Royal Navy’s Fleet
Written on December 18, 2007 – 5:47 pm | by FIDSNS | A team from across BAE Systems has been awarded the second phase of a UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) study programme to examine the possibility of increasing the firepower of the Royal Navy fleet by integrating a 155mm gun on future warships. The study will also assess the possibility of fitting the more powerful system to existing ships.
Led by CORDA, BAE Systems’ specialist consultancy arm, and the Company’s Land Systems business, the study will be delivered in conjunction with QinetiQ, Surface Fleet Solutions and Integrated System Technologies. BAE Systems is also exploiting the breadth and depth of experience in wider business units such as Armament Systems in the US and Bofors in Sweden to ensure the UK customer benefits from its global corporate experience.
“This research could provide the Royal Navy with access to a more capable and wider range of munitions and allow them to benefit from land sector investments in 155mm calibre,” says Samir Patel, CORDA’s programme manager. “The conversion will also present opportunities for significant through-life support savings as the Army and Royal Navy could potentially use a common stock.”
During the first study phase, valued at £1.5 million, CORDA examined a low risk route to fitting an AS90 self-propelled howitzer ordnance onto the existing 4.5 inch Mk8 Mod 1 gun mounting structure. The second phase, worth around £700 thousand, will build on this research and examine in more detail some of the technology risks of the proposed solution. Should this phase of research prove successful, a further work package will be undertaken in 2008 to perform initial land-based firing trials.
The study is one of eight covered by a three-year Maritime Surface Effects (MSE) research programme, which examines a number of modern naval issues, including offensive and defensive surface warfare, coastal suppression and naval fire support and the role of unmanned surface vehicles.
P44, la gracia de esas Creusot ( tengo que confesar que me gusta la serie completa de esa arma) proveen una pieza que combina buen alcance, granada pesada y buena cadencia....si le metes dos de esas a un buque, hoy por hoy se puede llevar a varios por delante. Comparto el gusto por piezas como la Mk46 Mod 6 o el nueo 5" ligero de Oto que tendra granadas guiadas Vulcano...pero....P44 escreveu:SUT escreveu:¿¿Y no es eso, precisamente, lo que hoy en dia esta en Boga? miren las Floreal , la fase C3 del programa S2C2, etc, etc....OPVs, "fragatas de proyeccion", etc, etc...
Uruguay tiene una elevada participacion en misiones de paz ONU y un cañonero de bloqueo con una partida de desembarco y buena artilleria puede hacer el truco en ese requerimiento.
Otra cosa es una Fragata de tomo y lomo...pero esos requeriientos son diferentes
as peças de 100mm têm 17 kms de alcance , dizem as más-linguas
E os DD(X) também têm essa filosofia de peças de grande calibre
Outro exemplo recente é a nova peça de 155mmm que está a ser estudada pela Royal Navy, não sei se já ouviste falar:155MM Study Looks To Pack More Punch Into The Royal Navy’s Fleet
Written on December 18, 2007 – 5:47 pm | by FIDSNS | A team from across BAE Systems has been awarded the second phase of a UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) study programme to examine the possibility of increasing the firepower of the Royal Navy fleet by integrating a 155mm gun on future warships. The study will also assess the possibility of fitting the more powerful system to existing ships.
Led by CORDA, BAE Systems’ specialist consultancy arm, and the Company’s Land Systems business, the study will be delivered in conjunction with QinetiQ, Surface Fleet Solutions and Integrated System Technologies. BAE Systems is also exploiting the breadth and depth of experience in wider business units such as Armament Systems in the US and Bofors in Sweden to ensure the UK customer benefits from its global corporate experience.
“This research could provide the Royal Navy with access to a more capable and wider range of munitions and allow them to benefit from land sector investments in 155mm calibre,” says Samir Patel, CORDA’s programme manager. “The conversion will also present opportunities for significant through-life support savings as the Army and Royal Navy could potentially use a common stock.”
During the first study phase, valued at £1.5 million, CORDA examined a low risk route to fitting an AS90 self-propelled howitzer ordnance onto the existing 4.5 inch Mk8 Mod 1 gun mounting structure. The second phase, worth around £700 thousand, will build on this research and examine in more detail some of the technology risks of the proposed solution. Should this phase of research prove successful, a further work package will be undertaken in 2008 to perform initial land-based firing trials.
The study is one of eight covered by a three-year Maritime Surface Effects (MSE) research programme, which examines a number of modern naval issues, including offensive and defensive surface warfare, coastal suppression and naval fire support and the role of unmanned surface vehicles.
http://frontierindia.net/155mm-study-lo ... vys-fleet/
SUT escreveu:jajajaja, pensaba que seria algo como "vil rata" ( Mauzinho= MausMouse, etc, etc)
obviamente que lo entendi en un sentido ironico....
esto del idioma; aun recuerdo cuando en otro foro yo aludi a una "chapita" en un debate con marino; yo me referia al Tag de la marca del productor, Marino penso que me referia a las Planchas de un buque....
en fin....aca en Chile tienes difeencias de lenguaje a meros 120Kms de distancia
y en UK a veces es a menos distancia, especialmente en Escocia ( Gasgow versus Edinburgo o Aberdeen)
cosas de la vida.
Pero me reafirmo, las Belo no se ven nada de mal para la ANU, mas alla de que NO son fragatas en el sentido actual del termino
Marino escreveu:SUT escreveu:jajajaja, pensaba que seria algo como "vil rata" ( Mauzinho= MausMouse, etc, etc)
obviamente que lo entendi en un sentido ironico....
esto del idioma; aun recuerdo cuando en otro foro yo aludi a una "chapita" en un debate con marino; yo me referia al Tag de la marca del productor, Marino penso que me referia a las Planchas de un buque....
en fin....aca en Chile tienes difeencias de lenguaje a meros 120Kms de distancia
y en UK a veces es a menos distancia, especialmente en Escocia ( Gasgow versus Edinburgo o Aberdeen)
cosas de la vida.
Pero me reafirmo, las Belo no se ven nada de mal para la ANU, mas alla de que NO son fragatas en el sentido actual del termino
Estimado amigo
No te olvides de que aqui Xuxa es solamente una apresentadora de programas infantiles.
Accueil > Défense > Royal Navy
La marine britannique étudie l'adoption d'un canon de 155mm
BAE Systems travaille déjà sur l'AGS américain
crédits : BAE SYSTEMS
BAE Systems a été chargé d'étudier la possibilité pour la Royal Navy d'embarquer une artillerie de 155 mm, contre un calibre maximum de 127 mm actuellement utilisé. La marine britannique pourrait, notamment, profiter des développements déjà menés sur l'artillerie terrestre de ce calibre, ainsi que sur les canons de 155 mm conçus pour les futurs destroyers américains de la classe Zumwalt, programme dans lequel BAE Systems est impliqué. Sur ces bâtiments, une nouvelle munition, associée à l'Advanced Gun System (AGS), devrait permettre aux destroyers US d'atteindre des objectifs terrestres situés à plus de 180 kilomètres.
Très lourde, la pièce de 155 mm ne pourrait être embarquée que sur de grosses unités, comme les destroyers lance-missiles du type 45.
En Europe, l'Allemagne avait envisagé, un temps, de doter ses nouvelles frégates du type 125 de tels canons. Le projet a, néanmoins, été abandonné, tout comme, visiblement, celui d'installer sur les FREMM françaises une version navalisée du 155 mm de GIAT.