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#286 Mensagem por Suetham » Dom Jan 12, 2025 8:24 am ... and-ready/
412th is Back in the Saddle…and Ready!

The rapid modernization of the People’s Liberation Army under Chairman Xi Jinping served as context for a risk management-themed briefing by Brig. Gen. Doug Wickert, 412th Test Wing commander, during Monday’s Back-in-the-Saddle Day.

During the in-person and virtual brief from the base theater, Wickert said years of persistent Chinese Communist Party cyber espionage, to include malware inside U.S. critical infrastructure such as electrical, water and transportation systems, has left America and its allies vulnerable. “There are now at least a dozen telecom companies that have acknowledged being infected,” he said, leaving the U.S. susceptible to surveillance of senior government officials and associated government networks.

“The CCP now knows who my government phone has talked to for at least the last four years, and they’re still there and we can’t get them out,” he said. “That’s uncertainty. That’s risk. And it makes for a very, very dangerous world right now.”

Wickert said the pace of modernization that the PLA is going through is also “unprecedented and far outpacing” similar efforts by the United States.

On Dec. 26, the PLA revealed two new combat aircraft to commemorate the birthday of Chinese Communist Party founder Mao Zedong. In relation to U.S. assets stationed west of the international dateline, by 2027 the PLA is expected to have numerical superiority of approximately 12 to one in modern fighter aircraft (including five to three in fifth-generation aircraft) and three to one in maritime patrol aircraft. The PLA’s 225 manned bombers are uncontested in the region. On the sea, the PLA enjoys an advantage of three to one in aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships, more than six to one in modern submarines (including two advanced subs) and nine to one in modern multi-warfare combatant vessels.

In mid-December the PLA navy surrounded Taiwan in an unannounced exercise, the world’s largest naval demonstration since the end of World War II. The exercise was three times larger in number of ships than last June’s vaunted Rim of the Pacific exercise involving 40 U.S. and allied surface ships.

“We are the smallest and oldest that we have ever been,” Wickert said. “The PLA is the largest and most modern that it has even been. That is risk. That is uncertainty.”

During December’s exercise the PLA skirted Taiwan’s territorial waters, conducted mock ariel attacks on shipping and formed a two-deep naval blockade to restrict sea and air approaches from the west.

In other preparations for conflict, the PLA has carved into the sands of the Gobi Desert an airfield replicating the runways, taxiways and parking ramps of Taiwan’s Taichung International Airport. 300 miles further west is a flat full-scale profile of a U.S. Navy Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier. It lays among other U.S. ship profiles and near mock U.S. destroyers that weave evasively through the desert on rails.

“Do you think we know what they’re doing, what they’re planning?” Wickert said. “Based on what you know now, can you update your assessment of the risk to the world and how important our mission is?

“And that’s why what we are doing here at Edwards Air Force Base is so very important, because we are developing and modernizing and doing those things that will change Chairman Xi’s calculus …. We cannot afford to have to take a step backward because we have a mishap. Our mission is too important.”

Pointing to a projection of the B-21 Raider, he said, “This is one of the many, many things that you are working on right here that will change Chairman Xi’s calculus about our readiness.” With an initial order of 100 aircraft and more expected after that, the nation’s newest stealth bomber will be the backbone of Global Strike Command’s bomber fleet, and incrementally replace the B-1 Lancer and B-2 Spirit.

Wickert’s messaged mirrored a popular crowd moment from his November 2024 Town Hall in which he stared directly into the broadcast camera and said, “…I hope Chairman Xi … he’s got people that translate, and so I want him to know that the men and women of Edwards Air Force Base are doing their war-time mission right now. They are accelerating Test. They are delivering integrated capability to the warfighter.”

And then gesturing over his shoulder to a similar image of the Raider, he said, “Today is not the day to start World War III, because we have this.” ... at-report/
US should fortify, expand airbases to ward off ‘menace’ of Chinese threat: Report

A new study from the Hudson Institute finds that while the People’s Liberation Army has made strides in recent years to make air bases more resilient against attack, similar investments by the US have been lacking. ... as-shugart
Concrete Sky: Air Base Hardening in the Western Pacific ... Walton.pdf

O megaporto de Chancay, construído com investimento chinês no Peru, reduzirá a dependência da China do Canal do Panamá, controle sobre o qual o presidente eleito dos EUA, Donald Trump, ameaça retomar - Wang Zaibang, pesquisador sênior do Instituto Taihe da China.

"Com a construção do porto de Chancay, no Peru, o comércio da China com os países latino-americanos se tornará mais conveniente, e sua dependência do Canal do Panamá diminuirá", observou o especialista. "Restaurar o controle dos EUA sobre o Canal do Panamá teria [nesse caso] um impacto limitado na China."

Ao mesmo tempo, tais declarações de Trump não podem deixar de causar preocupação na China, destacou o analista. "A China é o segundo maior usuário do Canal do Panamá, depois dos Estados Unidos."

Os Estados Unidos veem a China como seu maior rival estratégico, estão travando uma guerra comercial e tecnológica em larga escala contra a China e estão usando táticas de contenção geopolítica contra Pequim, disse Wang Jiabang. As alegações de Trump sobre o controle da China sobre o Canal do Panamá estão inflando a chamada ameaça chinesa, acredita um analista.

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#287 Mensagem por Suetham » Dom Jan 12, 2025 1:12 pm ... r-pacific/
How Strategic Air Force Bases Anchor American Air Power In The Pacific ... ss-pacific
Bases on the Aleutian Islands Would Project U.S. Power Across the Pacific

Aleutian bases could complicate adversary access to the Arctic and be staging grounds for operations in a Pacific conflict
By Commander Steve Hulse, U.S. Coast Gua ... port-warns
Lack Of Hardened Aircraft Shelters Leaves U.S. Airbases Vulnerable To China New Report Warns

China is already massively outpacing the U.S. military in new hardened aircraft shelter and other airbase construction. ... s-strength
US military’s Pacific strategy shifts to survival mode as China gains strength

In the Philippines, Australia and across the Pacific, US defence strategy is pivoting from supremacy to a ‘scatter and survive’ approach ... se/402046/
New threats pushing Air Force and Army to rethink approach to base defense

A recent report outlines how the U.S. is falling behind China in building resilient air bases. ... 13946.html
China could devastate US airpower in the Pacific far more easily than the other way around, researchers warn ... rotection/
To project power in the Pacific, invest in Guam’s protection

America is the "away team" in a Pacific fight. Guam levels the playing field, but it’s in the cross-hairs, writes Randall Schriver.

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#288 Mensagem por Suetham » Seg Jan 13, 2025 8:13 am

O comandante da 412ª Ala de Testes na Base Aérea de Edwards, USAF, Douglas Wickert :

Até 2027, nas áreas a oeste da Linha Internacional de Data onde as forças dos EUA estão implantadas, o ELP superará os militares dos EUA em 12 para um em aviões de combate modernos, incluindo cinco para um em aeronaves de quinta geração e três para um em aeronaves de patrulha marítima. .

Em termos de bombardeiros, os 225 bombardeiros tripulados da Força Aérea do ELP não têm concorrentes na região.

No mar, o PLA tem vantagem de 3 vezes em porta-aviões e navios de desembarque, 6 vezes em submarinos avançados e 9 vezes em navios de guerra modernos.

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#289 Mensagem por Suetham » Qui Jan 16, 2025 8:50 am ... air-bases/
The United States Can’t Afford to Not Harden its Air Bases

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#290 Mensagem por Suetham » Seg Jan 27, 2025 8:43 am ... fic-island
We Went With Marine F-35Bs As They Fought A Mock War From A Pacific Island

F-35Bs and C-17As fighting their way to, from, and out of the island is the best glimpse yet at what Pacific combat may look like for Marine Joint Strike Fighters. ... e-missile/
U.S. air bases vulnerable to Chinese missile strikes, report says ... 81000.html
O que está por vir para “mudanças” nas forças armadas chinesas?
De acordo com o Ministério da Defesa e as Forças de Autodefesa, esses porta-aviões começarão a ser implantados no Oceano Pacífico e a decolar e pousar repetidamente aeronaves baseadas em porta-aviões em 2021. As águas nesta época eram dois locais ao largo da costa da região de Daitojima, em Okinawa.
Até 2022, o número aumentará rapidamente para 26 locais. A área marítima expandir-se-á em direcção a Guam, onde estão baseados os militares dos EUA.
Em 2023 e 2024, serão realizados em cerca de 25 locais, e o número de partidas e aterragens confirmadas pelas Autodefesas ultrapassará os 1.000 em 2023.
Então, em 2024, ele tomou medidas nunca antes vistas. Eles voaram juntos no espaço aéreo próximo ao estado americano do Alasca, que fica longe do Japão.

Embora os bombardeiros de ambos os lados não tenham entrado no espaço aéreo americano, eles entraram na Zona de Identificação de Defesa Aérea, criada para evitar violações do espaço aéreo.
O local é um campo de aviação militar-civil em Anadyr, no Extremo Oriente da Rússia. Fica perto do estado americano do Alasca e é considerado um importante reduto russo. Lá, foram confirmadas duas aeronaves militares chinesas.
A análise de imagens de satélite mostrou que os aviões pareciam ser aviões-tanque e podem ter apoiado o voo de um bombardeiro em direção ao Alasca.
