Enviado: Seg Abr 21, 2008 12:50 am
PRick escreveu:Vamos um pouco de realidade, o primeiro exercício envolvendo os Rafales M F-2 e F-16 e F15. Reparem o que o piloto da Marinha da França fala, sobre o ENORME RCS dos F-15 e F-16. E o joguinho de gato e rato, as palavras são econômicas, mas trata-se de uma humilhação total, quando fala que o Rafale é superior em todo o envelope de vôo, de tal forma que nem PC o cara ligava. Olhem ele falando o RBE ceguinho.![]()
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[]´sDuring their stay, each pilot flew several missions every day and, for all Mirage 2000
and F-16 aircrews involved, the exercise was their first
encounter with the Rafale. Needless to say, they were all
impressed by the latest Dassault fighter.
« In a dogfight, using only our guns and short range missiles, it is indeed very difficult for a
Mirage 2000 pilot to win the day against a Rafale, admits
Commandant Jean-Roch Piselli t h e ‘ B o s s ’ o f E C 1 / 5
Detachment. Considering the imposed rules of engagement
during the first phase of the exercise, our only real opportunity was to fire first, just after the crossover. Even though the Mirage 2000 is equipped with notoriously effective fly-bywire controls, it does not offer
the same level of performance in terms of manoeuvrability
a n d e n g i n e t h r u s t a n d response. We have to select full afterburner as soon as the fight begins while the Rafale pilot can throttle back and even remain in full dry, military power: we burn more fuel and our infrared signature is significantly higher whereas he can reaccelerate very rapidly if needed. »
Flottille 12F was declared fully operational in June 2004, and
the Rafale pilots now perfectly know how to handle their aircraft to quickly win the fight:
« we always devise a ‘game plan’ to exploit both the Rafale’s fantastic acceleration and its outstanding agility, explains Lieutenant-Commander Pascal Cassan. Against a F-16, the Rafale is more powerful in the whole flight envelope, and is considerably more manoeuvrable
below 300 knots. Ideally, after the crossover, I will
climb into the sun to force him to slow down. I will constantly threaten him by pointing the Rafale’s nose in his direction. That will force him to tighten his turn even more, and his speed will wash out very rapidly. On the contrary, the F-16 pilots will do what they can to keep
their speed and energy up. »
Numerous ‘beyond visual range’ (BVR) engagements
were simulated during the week, and the Rafale proved
as deadly in the long-range arena as in a dogfight: « I think
that our RBE2 electronic scanning radar is very good, indicates Lieutenant Le Bars. Against a F-15 or a F-16, two
aircraft types that have enormous radar cross-sections
because of their massive airintakes, our detection ranges
are excellent. In a BVR scenario, we always try to engage
at high level and fire our lethal Mica missiles at high altitude
to give them the longest possible range. Ideally, we will
‘loft’ the radar-guided Micas to boost their range before
diving down to low level while simultaneously opening left or
right. In doing so, we deny the opponent any opportunity to
fire back. When in the ‘merge’, we quickly gain the upper hand against a F-16: with our large delta wing and our canard foreplanes, we have considerably more authority in pitch and we can turn more tightly, the Rafale offering better sustained turn rates than the F-16 at low, medium and high levels. Our Snecma M88-2 turbofans are so powerful that we often have to reduce power to avoid
overtaking our prey.» All participants agreed that
this first edition of the Flottille 12F Air Defence Week was a
total success. Flottille 12F specialists are already busy
preparing the 2007 event which should attract a larger
foreign contingent. By July 2007, the first four Standard
F2 omnirole Rafale fighters will be in service with the unit,
and they are likely to participate in the exercise too.
Se o piloto da Aéronavale dissesse que o radar do Rafale é ruim, com certeza seria preso. Prick, acorda, o Rafale é um grande caça, porém tem um lixo de radar.
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