Royal Navy

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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#256 Mensagem por PRick » Seg Nov 12, 2007 12:02 pm

Continuo achando este Ct com um Obelisco em cima muito feio, troço estranho, parece o Picolé do Cesar Maia em Ipanema. :twisted: :twisted:

[ ]´s

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#257 Mensagem por Tigershark » Seg Nov 12, 2007 12:29 pm

PRick escreveu:Continuo achando este Ct com um Obelisco em cima muito feio, troço estranho, parece o Picolé do Cesar Maia em Ipanema. :twisted: :twisted:

[ ]´s

Essa é boa,Prick!!!Mas o Obelisco do César Maia é ainda pior! :D :D

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#258 Mensagem por old » Seg Nov 12, 2007 2:28 pm

PRick escreveu:Continuo achando este Ct com um Obelisco em cima muito feio, troço estranho, parece o Picolé do Cesar Maia em Ipanema. :twisted: :twisted:

[ ]´s


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#259 Mensagem por JLRC » Qui Nov 22, 2007 5:38 pm

Uma curiosa descrição da visita do HMS Ark Royal a Lisboa, em que nem sequer falta uma menção aos pasteis de Belém...até os bifes sabem o que é bom :lol: ... bDoc.10913

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#260 Mensagem por SUT » Qui Nov 22, 2007 8:36 pm

Todos los buques de defensa AA de zona estan teniendo esos mastiles para el radar Target Handling ...solo el sistema Signaal en las LCF y las Type 124 se salva en algo...pero convengamos que el estilizado mastil simple de los 20s se esta yendo sin remedio...y las consecuencias esteticas son graves.




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#261 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Dez 05, 2007 10:30 am

dedicado ao Talha, com votos de uma boa cerva aguada...

Cutbacks put Royal Navy in dire straits

The Royal Navy would struggle to fight a war because of years of under funding and cutbacks, according to a leaked
study by Britain's Defence Ministry.

The study was ordered by Defence Secretary Des Browne to counter claims that
the military was under-resourced, London's The Sunday Telegraph reported.
But its findings were not what Mr Browne was looking for. "The current material state of the fleet is not good," the
newspaper quoted the study as saying, "the Royal Navy would be challenged to mount a medium-scale operation in
accordance with current policy against a technologically capable adversary".
A "medium-scale operation" is similar to Britain's naval involvement in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the newspaper said.
The leaked document will heighten concerns about the capabilities of Britain's armed forces due to a perceived lack of
adequate funding for equipment and so-called "overstretch" because of commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Five of the country's former top military commanders last month criticised Prime Minister Gordon Brown for failing to
fund adequately the armed forces during his 10 years as finance minister under Tony Blair. The 14-page document,
prepared by the assistant chief of the naval staff, Rear Admiral Alan Massey, says the fleet is ageing and thinly stretched. Anti-submarine capability is below a "prudent minimum level", the Royal Marines' ability to conduct
amphibious operations is being "eroded" while too many ships are being put to sea with "operational defects", it adds.
The report says that numbers in the fleet had been significantly reduced in the past 20 years. For example, in 1987, 35
ships patrolled British waters, but only 10 do so in 2007. Source : The Australian


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#262 Mensagem por talharim » Qua Dez 05, 2007 5:06 pm

Isso é temporário.Em 10 anos teremos uma Royal Navy maior e mais poderosa.

Ela continuará reinando em todos os mares e oceanos desse mundo impondo ordem e justiça para todos os povos.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
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#263 Mensagem por SUT » Qua Dez 05, 2007 6:57 pm

Osea, el tema es que estan saliendo de una decada de exceso de requerimientos peracionales y deficit de presupuesto; pero..

Tienen dos CVF pedidos para volar F35..

una fuerza de SSNs solo inferor en realidad a la USA en capaidad real.

una fuerza anfibia de lujo con un LPH y SEIS LPD

una fuerza de escoltas en proceso de modernizacion, introduciendo el Type 45 y modernizando las Type 23 mas el desarrollo futuro del s2C2

Una fuerza de guerra de minado lider en el mundo.

Realmente, no se que mas se podria pedir...quizas mas fragatas y destructores, pero, en lo vital hoy por hoy, la RN tiene lo suyo.



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#264 Mensagem por Tigershark » Qui Dez 06, 2007 1:10 pm

HMS Sutherland Major Upgrade Makes Her the Most Powerful In the Fleet

Defence Minister Baroness Taylor today announced a £35 million major upgrade to the Royal Navy frigate HMS Sutherland. New equipment valued at £18 million will be installed as part of a general overhaul of the ship under a £17 million contract with Babock Marine at their Rosyth dockyard in Scotland.

The Type 23 frigate is to get:
• the Navy’s latest and most sophisticated submarine hunting sonar system, capable of identifying submarines at an even greater range.
• an advanced Seawolf air defence missile system, which will counter the advanced threat from missiles and fixed wing aircraft.
• a new improved main gun, capable of firing long-range ammunition.
• a reshaped stern to cut fuel use.

Baroness Taylor, Minister of State for Defence Equipment and Support, said:

“HMS Sutherland is the first of our ships to get this new equipment making her the most powerful frigate in the fleet. With an improved air defence missile system, a new long-range main gun, and our latest and most sophisticated submarine-hunting sonar, she will be a force to be reckoned with, capable of dealing with current and future threats.”

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#265 Mensagem por zawevo » Qui Dez 06, 2007 2:53 pm

Talharim escreveu:

Ela continuará reinando em todos os mares e oceanos desse mundo impondo ordem e justiça para todos os povos.

Eu concluo:

E viveram para sempre felizes e contentes



"Never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and besides the pig likes it".
George Bernard Shaw
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#266 Mensagem por JLRC » Qui Dez 06, 2007 9:14 pm

SUT escreveu:
una fuerza anfibia de lujo con un LPH y SEIS LPD

Correcção : uma força anfíbia com um LPH (mais o Ark Royal) + 2 LPD (Albion e Bulwark) + 4 LSD da classe Bay.

A intenção e criar 2 grupos anfíbios, cada um com um LPH + 1 LPD + 2 LSD.

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#267 Mensagem por Tigershark » Ter Dez 11, 2007 8:21 pm

£200m British Contracts Will Boost Royal Navy Support

Two British companies were named yesterday, Monday 10 December 2007, as preferred bidders for over £200m worth of contracts to provide essential maintenance for the Royal Navy's support ships, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA).

Northwestern Shiprepairers and Shipbuilders of Birkenhead, and the A&P Group were named as the final two contenders. The RFA flotilla, the naval workhorse of the armed forces, comprises seventeen ships and totals 397,093 tonnes of shipping to keep the Royal Navy supplied with fuel, food, and ammunition while at sea on worldwide operations.

Minister for Defence Equipment and Support, Baroness Taylor said:

"The new support programme will increase the availability and effectiveness of these crucially important ships. It will also generate significant savings through closer collaboration with industry, and sustaining industrial expertise.

"I am delighted that, subject to successful negotiations, two British companies will provide this crucial support to the Royal Navy. This is in line with our aims under the Maritime Industrial Strategy.”

Testing improved ways of supporting these vessels has already saved about £10m. The MOD expects to be in a position to place a contract next year, subject to successful negotiations.

The RFA fleet consists of:

6 Fleet and Support Tankers
4 Dry Cargo Fleet Replenishment Ships
4 Landing Ships Dock
1 Landing Ship (Logistic)
1 Aviation Training Ship
1 Forward Repair Ship.

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#268 Mensagem por Tigershark » Qua Dez 12, 2007 1:21 pm

UK RN lines up first Seawolf mid-life update
By Richard Scott
12 December 2007

The UK Royal Navy (RN) Type 23 frigate HMS Sutherland will be the first of up to 17 RN warships to receive the Seawolf Mid-Life Update (SWMLU), a package of tracking, guidance and weapon management upgrades designed to confer the Seawolf point-defence missile system with a significantly enhanced capability to counter an evolving anti-ship cruise missile threat.

Sutherland, designated as Type 23 first of class for the SWMLU upgrade, will be modified as part of a 12-month, GBP35 million (USD71.3 million) refit being undertaken by Babcock Marine at Rosyth. The ship is due to return to the fleet at the end of 2008.

What is now BAE Systems Integrated System Technologies (Insyte) was awarded a GBP300 million development and production contract for the SWMLU programme in November 2000. As well as weapon system design, sensor design, subcontractor management, sensor integration, weapon system integration, performance modelling and system trials up to first-of-class ship level, the award also covers the production and installation of a total of 36 tracking systems extending through to 2014.

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#269 Mensagem por ferrol » Qui Dez 13, 2007 6:42 am

From The Sunday Times
December 9, 2007
Cash shortage to keep navy in port
Michael Smith

MOST of the Royal Navy will be tied up in dock next year, frozen by a £15 billion “black hole” in the Ministry of Defence budget over the next decade, writes Michael Smith.

As the MoD fights proposals for £12 billion of defence cuts over the same period, only ships supporting operations in the Gulf will leave port. The soaring cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and the increasing reluctance of the Treasury to fund them is adding to the pressure.

“The navy is looking at what options they have because the amount of funding is just not there,” one source said. “The overheating of the equipment budget is putting pressure on everyone.” The only major exercise expected to go ahead is Orion 08, in which the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious, the destroyer Edinburgh and the frigate Westminster will head for the Gulf, defence sources said.

The navy is now resigned to losing five frigates, four Type22s and one Type23, taking it down to a record low of just 20 destroyers and frigates – insufficient to mount a major taskforce without coalition help.

All significant projects are threatened, including the navy’s two new aircraft carriers, which could be delayed after a campaign by the RAF to undermine the rationale behind their procurement and that of the Joint Combat Aircraft that will fly off them.

En resume...non hai diñeiro para mante-la flota, excepto en Irak.
Dan de baixa 4 T-22´s e unha T-23, que certo é que a estas alturas xa non están en primeira liña, deixando a frota de escoltas en menos de 20 unidades.

O cal fala do que é a fame na casa do rico. Nós, aquí, pregando por chegar a 12... :wink:

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#270 Mensagem por old » Qui Dez 13, 2007 10:14 am

ferrol escreveu:
From The Sunday Times
December 9, 2007
Cash shortage to keep navy in port
Michael Smith

MOST of the Royal Navy will be tied up in dock next year, frozen by a £15 billion “black hole” in the Ministry of Defence budget over the next decade, writes Michael Smith.

As the MoD fights proposals for £12 billion of defence cuts over the same period, only ships supporting operations in the Gulf will leave port. The soaring cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and the increasing reluctance of the Treasury to fund them is adding to the pressure.

“The navy is looking at what options they have because the amount of funding is just not there,” one source said. “The overheating of the equipment budget is putting pressure on everyone.” The only major exercise expected to go ahead is Orion 08, in which the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious, the destroyer Edinburgh and the frigate Westminster will head for the Gulf, defence sources said.

The navy is now resigned to losing five frigates, four Type22s and one Type23, taking it down to a record low of just 20 destroyers and frigates – insufficient to mount a major taskforce without coalition help.

All significant projects are threatened, including the navy’s two new aircraft carriers, which could be delayed after a campaign by the RAF to undermine the rationale behind their procurement and that of the Joint Combat Aircraft that will fly off them.

En resume...non hai diñeiro para mante-la flota, excepto en Irak.
Dan de baixa 4 T-22´s e unha T-23, que certo é que a estas alturas xa non están en primeira liña, deixando a frota de escoltas en menos de 20 unidades.

O cal fala do que é a fame na casa do rico. Nós, aquí, pregando por chegar a 12... :wink:

Y mas cosas dice el documento:

Toda su flota quedara amarrada a puerto por falta de presupuestos, excepto para viajes a Irak... :shock:

Hablan de retraso en sus portaaviones y de dar de baja el Ark Royal y el Illustrius en 2012 y 2015 por lo que pasaran unos años con 1 portaaviones de la clase Invencible

La verdad es que estan pasando por horas criticas en su flota, aunque sobre el papel en el futuro seguira siendo la mas fuerte de Europa.
