PaK Fa News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: PaK Fa News

#256 Mensagem por Bolovo » Qui Jan 08, 2009 4:06 pm

Esqueçam 2011. É a segunda metade de 2009 mesmo. Foi engano.

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Re: PaK Fa News

#257 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Jan 08, 2009 5:22 pm

meant: PAK FA, PAK DA, future land-attack UCAV. No it's not the Skat.
Acho que nunca foi falado aqui, alguem sabe o que é o PAK DA?


The PAK DA (or PAK-DA), is a next generation strategic bomber which is being developed by Russia. It stands for Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Dalney Aviatsyi in Russian) which means Future Air Complex for Strategic Air Forces. The PAK DA is going to be heavily based on Russia's current supersonic bomber Tupolev Tu-160 and is expected to have it's maiden flight by 2015.

Russian Air Force has made tactical and technical requirements for a new generation of strategic bombers, as reported Interfax.

According to Russian Air Force commander Aleksandr Zelin, work on a new bomber has already begun. "The requirements are formulated, and many firms are now implementing plans" - said Zelin.

According to available information, the aircraft being developed under the project PAK DA (prospective aviation complex long-distance aircraft), will be computed on the basis of construction of a supersonic Tu-160 bomber. According to specialists, to create a new aircraft will take from 5 to 8 years, and the first flight of bombers to be expected after 2015.

Currently, the Russian airforce has Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic bombers, as well as long range Tu-22 bombers. They can carry bombs and cruise missiles. The aircraft of these types are currently undergoing modernization.

Reports also say that the new bomber will have stealth characteristics.



"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: PaK Fa News

#258 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Qui Jan 08, 2009 8:02 pm

Esse bombardeiro deverá ser capaz de substituir todos os aviões do tipo atuais como o Tu-95, Tu-160 e versões do Tu-22.

Pela imagem, parece que será uma espécie de "Su-34", só que usando o PAK-FA como base, assim como o anterior é baseado no Su-27.


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Re: PaK Fa News

#259 Mensagem por Zepa » Qui Jan 08, 2009 9:39 pm

soultrain escreveu:Ora aqui vai um resumo da saga:

My final words in this thread

Dear all,
since the beginning of this Saga, I have tried to post only reliable, unbiased and truthful information about the programme of the "5th gen. fighter", PAK FA, T-50, whatever it might be called and is called by the "community" and the gullible media and "experts". Obviously, because of the aforementioned ethical prerequisites, I haven't posted that much.
For the time being, I am relatively proud to say that none of my "supputations", suppositions and information that I have provided has proven untrue. Indeed, it seems that Zelin himself confirms (for example) the all-aspect sensor fusion I have talked about more than a year ago.
I have also written here that the "PAK FA" or whatever will be "more like the YF-23 than the F-22". I have also stated that those who expect some kind of flying sauski or Firefox will be disappointed, as the RuAF requirements for the PAK FA differ from USAF requirements for the Raptor. I have also pointed out that the main breakthrough, and the main challenge, of the PAK FA programme will not be new aerodynamics, amazing stealth or incredible overall characteristics, but simply total sensor fusion and the implementation of brand new weapon systems and a very potent sensor/RWR/ECM suite.

Why do I point that out again?
Because this post is going to be my last post on this thread until the subject matter will publicly fly.
Why that?
I am sick and tired of reading speculations and trying to temperate them.
I am sick and tired of seeing artists renderings, some good, some less, being naively discussed as if the honorable person who devised them on his or her PC between 2am and a bottle of Moskovskaya (or Château Rotschild 1956 for that matter, I don't care) had the Sukhoi blueprints next to the keyboard.
And on top of it, I am very, very tired of all the nationalist, pro-Russian, anti-Russian, pseudo-pro-anti-Russian redneck whatever ramblings that seem to enthuse the hon. members of this board much more than thinking about the next word they will use in order to describe their honorable feelings.

My last input:
Russian mass-media are not autocracy-driven, or democratic, or free, or unfree - they are just (for defense matter) mostly lame and incompetent.
Zelin has talked about 3 "5th gen. programmes".
He meant: PAK FA, PAK DA, future land-attack UCAV. No it's not the Skat.
He did not mention any "august 2009" deadline. The journalists made that up.

The said programme is doing well and progressing fast.
The airframes are all but ready.
Integration will be a big challenge, but I'm confident.
And again, "the first flight will not be the first"

If I wouldn't be so upset about what I read and if I would claim some recognition and respect, I would certainly humbly ask the moderators to close the thread till next summer at least because it's getting nowhere.
But as I'm certainly not - please go on and speculate further and further - the sky's the limit.
Till you see the real thing you all dream about, sometime next year, and then start an infinite number of threads like "PAK FA (it will be Su-.. ... by the time) vs F-22", "PAK FA is a hoax" or "PAK FA is not really stealthy (for flamers)".

All in all, God bless you all, let 2009 be better than the pundits say it will be and clear skies ahead. ... tcount=237
Esta foi a parte que eu mais gostei 8-]
Se os caras esconderam um Submarino, um aviãozinho :roll: :roll: :roll:


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Re: PaK Fa News

#260 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Jan 13, 2009 12:04 am

When Will PAK-FA Happen?
Posted by Bill Sweetman at 1/12/2009 7:00 AM CST ... pAscending

The first prototype of Sukhoi's T-50 fighter, also known as the PAK-FA (future tactical fighter), is supposed to roll out this year. However, a new story by Reuben Johnson in the Weekly Standard supports the school of thought that the first aircraft will basically be a technology demonstrator, a new airframe wrapped around engines and systems also used on the Su-35BM, and that an operational PAK-FA is a long way in the future.

Johnson may not be the world's best known aviation writer, but he brings a unique perspective to the study of Russian aviation. I first met him when he was working for General Dynamics in Fort Worth - a fluent Russian-speaking aeronautical engineer. He was part of a remarkable outreach effort in Gorbachev's perestroika era, which resulted in an exchange of visits in 1989-90 between GD and MiG. So both his reporting and analysis bear attention.

If he's right, Sukhoi director general Mikhail Pogosyan is steering a careful path between pleasing political leaders - who would like to see Russia develop an F-22-like stealth warplane - and ensuring military operators that they will have a competitive aircraft when they need it. By defining the initial versions of the PAK-FA around the engines, avionics and weaponry of the Su-35, Sukhoi can ensure that a very capable (if not stealthy) fighter is ready to go when needed.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla

Re: PaK Fa News

#261 Mensagem por PRick » Ter Jan 13, 2009 7:20 pm

Zepa escreveu:
soultrain escreveu:Ora aqui vai um resumo da saga:

My final words in this thread
Esta foi a parte que eu mais gostei 8-]
Se os caras esconderam um Submarino, um aviãozinho :roll: :roll: :roll:


Ou escoderam tão bem, que nem eles conseguem mais achar! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :shock: :shock:


Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#262 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Jan 13, 2009 7:55 pm

Eu lembro desta mesma cantilena quando anunciaram o BM. Que nunca ia voar, que era de papel, wishfull-thinking, e blá, blá, blá.
Quando o protótipo apareceu na MAKS disseram qu era um mock-up apenas, que levaria anos prá voar. Aí, logo em seguida vou o primeiro e depois o segundo.
Até hoje nunca vi uma palavra desse pessoal reconhecendo que falaram coisas sem saber, prá dizer o mínimo.


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Re: PaK Fa News

#263 Mensagem por Immortal Horgh » Ter Jan 13, 2009 8:06 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Eu lembro desta mesma cantilena quando anunciaram o BM. Que nunca ia voar, que era de papel, wishfull-thinking, e blá, blá, blá.
Quando o protótipo apareceu na MAKS disseram qu era um mock-up apenas, que levaria anos prá voar. Aí, logo em seguida vou o primeiro e depois o segundo.
Até hoje nunca vi uma palavra desse pessoal reconhecendo que falaram coisas sem saber, prá dizer o mínimo.


E querias o quê, CM? Este é um país de memória curta, logo tudo se esquece e se afirma que não foi bem assim o dito 8-] 8-]

[ ]s

Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot,
Znamya sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#264 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Jan 13, 2009 8:14 pm

Num vê o RFP? O RFI foi só de sacanagem mesmo... :wink: 8-]

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Re: PaK Fa News

#265 Mensagem por Immortal Horgh » Ter Jan 13, 2009 8:20 pm

Pois é, e o MU ainda vai e levanta a ponta do tapete e "deixa escapar" uma poeirinha :twisted: :twisted: 8-]

[ ]s

Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot,
Znamya sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#266 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Jan 13, 2009 8:32 pm

8-] 8-] 8-] 8-]

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Re: PaK Fa News

#267 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Jan 22, 2009 10:12 am

tests fifth-generation fighter aircraft should begin in 2009
12:33 21/01/2009

RIA Novosti. Tests of the fifth-generation combat aircraft should begin in 2009, and take it to weapons - in 2015, said Vice-Premier Sergey Ivanov, who supervises the implementation of government weapons programs.

Previously, it was assumed that the first fifth-generation fighter will rise into the air in 2010.

"I stress tests must begin as early as 2009, and in 2015 set the fifth-generation aircraft is to be adopted by the Air Forces of Russia", - said Ivanov, speaking Wednesday at a meeting of the Military Industrialization Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to him, Russia is already close to the creation of the first prototype aircraft lot. "

The new aviation complex will have a number of unique features: day and night, vsepogodnost and the use of secrecy, low visibility and long supersonic flight, said Vice-Premier.The aircraft will receive a new on-board navigation station, and highly automated defense system.

Ivanov noted that, given the novelty of the principle of military aircraft to rewrite the program and methodology of some of the tests, as well as to modernize the bench and a test base.

According to the vice-premier, the military-industrial complex should also think about creating a new site for testing aviation equipment in the marine environment.

------------------------------ X----------------------------------

Ivanov: the fifth generation fighter aircraft to rise into the air before the end of the year

18:09 21/01/2009

Astrakhan, Jan 21 - RIA Novosti. The first flight was the fifth-generation combat aircraft by the end of 2009, said Vice-Premier Sergey Ivanov, who supervises the implementation of government weapons programs.

"We expect that vykatka the plane and climb it in the air held no later than the end of the current, 2009-year" - said Ivanov journalists.

Previously, it was assumed that the first fifth-generation fighter will rise into the air in 2010.

According to the vice-premier, the production union of "dry" in Komsomolsk-on-Amur is already almost completed the construction of the first aircraft would not be flight-tested.

This prototype will test the strength of Leah im.Gromova in Zhukovsky.

But already this year will be built and the first set of the fifth generation aircraft, which podymetsya in the air, said Ivanov.

"Dry" is already coming close to the beginning of full-scale testing of new generation fighter, said in his turn, Director AHK "Sukhoi" Mikhail Pogosyan.

According to him, the creation of this aircraft is done in full accordance with the schedule.

"Today a number of new technology worked on aircraft" Su-35 "- said Pogosian.

Fifth-generation aircraft is expected to have a number of unique features: day and night, vsepogodnost and the use of secrecy, low visibility and long supersonic flight.The aircraft will receive a new on-board navigation station, and highly automated defense system.

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: PaK Fa News

#268 Mensagem por eu sou eu » Sex Jan 23, 2009 5:54 pm

Aeronave russa de combate de 5ª geração
Qui, 22 de Janeiro de 2009 17:15
A agência de notícias da Rússia, Ria Novosti, informou que o avião de combate de 5ª geração, cuja designação seria T-50 ou PAK-FA, deverá realizar seu primeiro vôo no final do corrente ano.

Segundo a agência, a informação partiu do vice-primeiro ministro Serguei Ivanov, encarregado dos programas nacionais de armamento.

A informação veio alterar a previsão inicial de que o primeiro vôo do novo avião de combate seria realizado somente em 2010.

Em outubro de 2007, a Rússia e a Índia assinaram um acordo para o desenvolvimento conjunto da aeronave, partilhando de maneira igualitária as responsabilidades financeiras e de engenharia.


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Re: PaK Fa News

#269 Mensagem por gaitero » Sex Jan 23, 2009 7:03 pm

Data provável para testes de voo do PaK-Fa, 12 de Agosto de 2009. Força Aérea da Rússia já está testando três aviões quinta geração, eles estão neste momento passando por testes estruturais.


Federação Russa Força Aérea, Comandante-Chefe, General-Coronel Aleksandr Zelin.

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: PaK Fa News

#270 Mensagem por soultrain » Sex Jan 23, 2009 8:36 pm

Russia & CIS Observer / Archive / ?1 (20) February 2008 / Defense / Sukhoi Starts Construction of Next-generation T-50 Prototype

Russia's Sukhoi combat aircraft manufacturer is entering a new phase of development with the country's fifth generation fighter, known as T-50 or PAK FA. In late 2007, Sukhoi's manufacturing facility in Komsomolsk-on-Amur started cutting metal for the T-50 prototype airframes. According to Sukhoi's press statement, maiden flight of the initial prototype is now scheduled for 2009, which apparently is a one-year slip compared to the program's earlier planning.
The first T-50 prototypes reportedly will be equipped with NPO Saturn's Article 117 engines, a major upgrade of the existing Al-31FP that now powers Su-27/Su-30 fighters. In 2006, the Russian Defense Ministry announced an engine demonstrator tender to choose the powerplant designer for production PAK FAs, which are expected to appear in 2015. The tender is to be finalized in 2009, with the NPO Saturn and Salyut engine designers identified as major contenders.
A less-advanced variant of the engine, the Article 117S, already powers another Sukhoi product — the Su-35 single-seat multirole fighter, which will serve an interim Su-27 upgrade until the PAK FA eventually enters service. It has a thrust of 14.5 metric tons (about two tons more than basic Al-31F). First flight of the Su-35 scheduled for the beginning of 2008.
At the Moscow MAKS 2007 air show last August, a few elements for the T-50 were displayed. Radar developer NIIP Tikhomirov demonstrated active-array X-band technology destined for this new generation combat aircraft. The Tactical Missile Corporation showed its Kh-38M and the Kh-58UShK air-to-surface missiles designs, both of which have folding fins for internal carriage - an important element for a stealthy fighter.
But Sukhoi's future twin-engine Flanker-class fighter is not the only new-generation combat aircraft project in Russia. According to Alexey Fedorov, head of the United Aircraft Corporation, another aircraft designer -MiG Corp. - is developing a lightweight multi-role frontal aircraft (LMFS), which is said to be similar to the US Joint Strike Fighter. While the PAK FA will replace Russian Air Force's Su-27s, the service's MiG-29 Fulcrum is to be succeeded by the LMFS. Development of the LMFS would follow the PAK FA, with a first prototype flight planned for 2016-17. Fedorov declined to say if the Russian air force is providing financing for the project, saying only that "the Air Force has interest in the light advanced fighter."

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:
