soultrain escreveu:Estás a fazer uma salada;
Average procurement cost é diferente de military procurement cost e por sua vez completamente diferente de Avarage (Military) Procurement Unit Cost, que nem sei se existe, pois cada operador tem necessidades diferentes.
Os valores que postaste não percebo.
Date: 3 April 2006 Transmittal No. 06-22
Australia – C-17 GLOBEMASTER III Aircraft
On 3 April 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of up to four C-17 GLOBEMASTER III aircraft, as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $2 billion.
The Government of Australia requested a possible sale of up to four C-17 GLOBEMASTER III aircraft, up to 18 Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 engines, up to four AN/AAQ-24V(13) Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) Systems, up to 15 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles; Personnel Life Support equipment, spare and repair parts, supply support, training equipment and support, publications and technical data, U.S. Government and contractor technical assistance and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $2 billion.
Australia is one of our most important allies in the Western Pacific. The strategic location of this political and economic power contributes significantly to ensuring peace and economic stability in the region. Australia’s efforts in Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom, peacekeeping, and humanitarian operations have made a significant impact to regional, political, and economic stability and have served U.S. national security interests. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives and facilitates burden sharing with our allies.
Australia does not currently have a heavy airlift capability and must rely on outside sources for these services. This assistance normally takes the form of either U.S. Air Force airlift or contract carriers that use Russian heavy airlift aircraft. The C-17 will greatly improve Australia’s capability to rapidly deploy in support of global coalition operations and will also greatly enhance its ability to lead regional humanitarian/peacekeeping operations.
Australia has the ability to absorb and employ the C-17. It plans on basing the C-17s at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Amberly. RAAF Base Amberly will become the primary base for airlift and tanker aircraft and is currently undergoing the infrastructure upgrades required to support the C-17 and other large aircraft Australia has currently contracted to purchase.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.
This proposed sale will involve the following contractors:
Boeing Company Long Beach, California
Boeing Company Training Systems St. Louis, Missouri
AAI Services Corporation Goose Creek, South Carolina
United Technologies Corporation East Hartford, Connecticut
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation Rolling Meadows, Illinois ... _06-22.pdf
500 Milhões por cada um com spare parts etc, este é military procurement cost.
Esta fonte está errada? Depois disso foram assinados mais contratos, está no link que postei.
The Government of Australia requested a possible sale of up to four C-17 GLOBEMASTER III aircraft, up to 18 Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 engines, up to four AN/AAQ-24V(13) Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) Systems, up to 15 AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles; Personnel Life Support equipment,
spare and repair parts,
supply support,
training equipment and support, publications and technical data,
U.S. Government and contractor technical assistance and other related elements of logistics support.
O que isso inclui e por quanto tempo?
Segundo o documento do congresso ( ... tTRDoc.pdf), o Average Procurement Unit Cost eh de $280mi. Muito menor do que o da RAAF, pois a USAF nao necessita adquirir muita coisa em lotes subsequentes. Tem um ganho de escala.
O que tem ocorrido com frequencia aqui eh a comparacao de flyaway cost de uma aeronave com o military ou average procurement cost de outra. Isso nao da. Alem disso neste ultimo caso eh necessario saber se os objetos dos contratos sao semelhantes. No caso do Canada, por exemplo, esta previsto assistencia e pecas por 20 anos.
Os valores de $195-$220mi sao citados nos links postados.
OBS.: Essa conversa nao vao chegar a lugar nenhum. Aeronaves grandes ocidentais sao caras. Seja Boeing ou Airbus.
A RAAF pagou em 2005 $300mi por cada A-330 MRTT (1 novo e 4 segunda mao). A manutencao por exemplo ficou com a Qantas (outro contrato), alem de uma serie de outros contratos com distintas empresas.